카테고리 없음

[ 287 ] Dealing with the Factious (당을 짓는 자들의 처리하심 ) By David Eells

danieell 2015. 5. 26. 17:08

출      처     :        http://www.ubm1.org/?page=christiansnipers#Factious




                                                    Dealing with the Factious

                                                    당을 짓는 자들의 처리하심


David Eells - 6/05/11





I had a very unusual and memorable vision early in the morning. I saw myself as a normal person in a cartoon. I was in a long, log cabin cartoon house. I heard a voice warning, “David, the dragon has sent the ink-lies against you.” I opened the door on one end of the cartoon cabin and looked to my left. I saw a dragon with his head all the way up to his shoulders, stuck into a window in the back of the cabin. Most of what I saw outside was the tail of the dragon. As I saw this, the dragon pulled his head out and faced me. I then saw cartoon black letters, black characters, sneaking through the house from the back.


나는 아주 범상찮은,,, 기억할 만한 환상 하나를 아침 일찍이 보았습니다. 나는 내 자신이 어떤 만화 속의 일반사람으로 있는것을 봤습니다. 내가 어떤 길다란 통나무로 된집 만화같은 집안에 있었습니다. 나는 어떤 음성이 다음과 같이 경고하는 것을 들었습니다, " 데이빗, 그 용이 당신을 대적해서 글로 쓰 보냈어요."   나는 그 만화속 집의 한쪽끝에 있는 출입문을 열고서,, 내 왼쪽을 봤습니다. 나는 용 한마리가 그 머리를 꼿꼿이 세우고서,, 그 집 뒤쪽으로 있는 창문 안쪽으로 상반신을 쑤셔 넣은 채였습니다. 내가 그 바깥쪽에서 본 대부분은 그 용의 꼬리부분이었습니다. 내가 이것을 봤을때,, 그 용이 그의 머리를 창 밖으로 빼 내더니,, 나를 마주 봤습니다. 나는 그때 만화의 검은 문자들,, 검은 글자들이 그 뒤쪽으로부터 그 집안으로 살금살금 드러가는 것을 봤습니다.   (번역하는 다니엘입니다,, 이 데이빗 꿈은 제가 오늘 번역하지만,, 이미 오래전에 웹상에 올랐던 글입니다,, 위에 보면 아실 수 있는 바,, 그런데,, 저 다니엘이,, 예전 꿈에서,, 이와 아주 유사한 꿈을 꿨다는 것을 직감적으로 알수 있었습니다.)

As I came out of it, the Lord gave me the interpretation. The long, log cabin house is UBM in the wilderness. The dragon is the corporate beast inhabited by Satan, as in Revelation 12. The prophet that teacheth lies, he is the tail (Isa.9:15) and the mouth was in the house speaking lies, which were turning into black text, also. He who does not come through the door, which is Jesus, “climbeth up some other way” coming into the back of the house, as Jesus said in John 10:1. He was coming through the window in the back as a thief who comes to steal, as Jesus also said: (10:10) The thief cometh not, but that he may steal, and kill, and destroy: I came that they may have life, and may have [it] abundantly. These thieves, of course, are the ones who are not sent by the Lord, who speak lies to seek to steal a position of leadership and the people's hearts away from those who come through the door of Jesus. How do they sneak in the back way? Matthew 18:15 tells them to first face the person they are accusing but they go first to the saints, which is the third step in verse 17. They are as a thief going to the saints first. "Backstabbers" they are called. We have had a parade of these people the last few years. It is a cartoon because it is not a thing to be feared. I know it is God cleansing the church for the wicked in heart listen to these people and separate from the righteous, for “an evil doer giveth heed to lying lips.” It is also for the purpose of crucifying the true leaders, as was done with Jesus and the apostles, and throughout history.


내가 그 환상에서 나왔을때,, 주님이 내게 그 해석을 주셨습니다.  그 긴, 통나무 집은 광야속의 UBM (unleavened Bread Ministries : 누룩이 섞이지 않은 빵 선교회) 이다. 그 용은 그 짐승 공동체이다,, 사탄은 안쪽으로 거주하는,, 요한계시록 12 장 처럼.  거짓들을 가르치는 선지자(예언자),  그 꼬리이다(이사야 9:15)  그리고 그 입이 그 집안에서 거짓들을 말하고 있었다,, 검은문자로 변하고 있었던. 그 출입문,, 예수를  통해서 들어오지 못하는 그는 어떤 다른 길로 기어 오른다,,그 집 뒤쪽으로부터 들어오는,  예수님이 요한복음 10:1 절에서 말했던 것처럼. 그는 도적으로서,, 훔치기 위해,, 뒤쪽에서 창문으로 들어오고 있었다,, 예수님이 또한 요한 복음 10:10 절에서 말했던 것처럼 :  도적은 훔치고,, 죽이고 파괴하려는 목적외엔 오지 않는다 : 나는 양으로 생명으로 가지고 풍성히 가지도록 하기 위해 온다. 이러한 도적들은, 물론,, 주님으로부터 보냄을 받지 않은 자들이다,, 지도자의 자리를 도적질 하려,, 거짓을 말하는,, 그 백성의 마음을 예수의 문을 통해 들어오는 자들에게서 돌리려.. 어떻게 그들이 뒤쪽편의 문으로 살금 살금 기어드느냐 ?  마태복음 18:15절은 그들에게 말합니다,, 먼저,, 직접 나무랄 자들에게 그 사람에게 직접 마주하라고,, 헌데그들은 먼저 성도들에게 갑니다,, 그 단계에 있어,, 17 절의 세 번째 순서인 그들에게. 그들은 도적으로서,, 먼저 성도들에게 갑니다. " 배신자들 " 이라 불리는  그들입니다. 우리는 지나간 몇년에 걸쳐,, 이러한 사람들의 지나가는 행렬들을 보았더랬습니다. 그것은 그냥 만화속 거리에 지나지 않습니다,, 왜냐하면 그것은 두려워 할 어떤일이 아니기때문입니다. 나는 앎니다,, 하나님은 교회를 정결게 하시는 것을,, 이는 마음이 악한 자들이 이러한 자들의 말에 귀를 기울이고,, 그 의인들에게서 갈라지는 것을,, 이는 " 악을 행하는 자는 거짓말 하는 입술에 귀 기울이는 것을." 그것은 또한 참 지도자들을  못박아 죽일 의도때문으로,, 예수와 그 제자들에게행해졌던 일로서,, 역사 전반 내내 있어왔습니다.


이사야 9:15 그 머리는 곧 장로와 존귀한 자요 그 꼬리는 곧 거짓말을 가르치는 선지자



This week started out with Brad Moyers  sharing a dream where he was in a long classroom with many UBM brethren. He was near the front of the class when he saw a person enter the rear of the room and begin to speak to each person from the back going toward the front. Brad was apprehensive because this person is well-known to us as a lying, factious slanderer who sought a position of authority in UBM and was angry when I stood in his way. Brad tried to call me to warn me but couldn’t get through. Then I came into the room, as an 8-year-old man-child, and rebuked this slanderer. (The 8-year-old Man-child is the pre-anointed Man-child who is 30 years old when anointed. Little David kept his Father's flocks before He was king. He slew the beasts, the lion and bear, who sought to take the sheep by stealth.) I said, “In the name of Jesus, get out of here!” and he left the room. Then I followed him out and I and another man-child began to fight with him. This all sounds very much like my vision. We never suspected this person would come back to fulfill this dream but that there were others with his same spirits who, through factious slander or divisive criticism, would seek to usurp authority in the assembly.


이번주는 Brad Moyer의 얘기로 시작합니다,, 그가 한 꿈을 나눴는데,, 그 속에서 그는 한 긴 교실안에,, 많은 UBM 회원들과 함께 있었습니다. 그는 그 수업의 앞줄 가까이 있었는데,, 그때,, 한 사람이 그 교실 뒤쪽에서 들어와,, 뒤쪽으로부터,, 전면을 향해 가더니 말하기 시작했습니다. Brad 은  명석한 사람이었습니다,, 왜냐하면 이 사람이 우리에게 거짓말하는 이로,, 파당을 짖는 중상자로,,UBM 내에서 높은 자리를구했고,, 내가 그에게 방해가  되었을때,,화를 내는 사람이었기때문이었습니다. Brad 은 나를 불려 경고하려 했지만,, 연락이 되질 않았더랬습니다. 그때 내가 그 교실안으로 들어갔습니다,, 8 살 짜리 사내아이로서, 그리고 이 중상자를 꾸짖었습니다. ( 그 8 살짜리 늙은 사내아이는 기름 부음 받았을 때,, 30 살인 그 앞에 기름부음 받은 그 이전 (예수님) 사내아이입니다.)  어린 다윗 그의 아버지 양들을 치셨습니다 그가 왕이 되기 전에. 그는 그 짐승들을 죽였습니다,,사자와 곰,,, 그 양을 훔쳐가려했던 이들을.) 나는 말했습니다, " 예수의 이름으로 , 여기서 나가라 !" . 그때 나는 그를 쫓아 밖으로 나갔고,, 나와 또 다른 사내아이가 그와 싸우기 시작했습니다. 이것 모두는 내가 본 환상 과 아주 많이 닮아보입니다. 우리는 결코,, 의심치 않았습니다,, 이 사람이 이 꿈을 이루려 돌아오리라고,, 하지만 다른이들이 있었습니다,, 그와 동일한 영을 가진,,, 당을 지어,, 중상하므로, 혹은 분리를 일삼는 비판으로,, ,,그들은 회중속에서 권세를 강탈해 가길 구하곤 했습니다.

Of course, casting these people out is commanded to keep from leavening the whole body. {1Co.5:7} Purge out the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, even as ye are unleavened. For our passover also hath been sacrificed, [even] Christ: {8} wherefore let us keep the feast, not with old leaven, neither with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth ... {11} but as it is, I wrote unto you not to keep company, if any man that is named a brother be ... a reviler (speaking against the brethren) ... with such a one no, not to eat. {12} For what have I to do with judging them that are without? Do not ye judge them that are within? {13} But them that are without God judgeth. Put away the wicked man from among yourselves. {2Th.3:6} Now we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly, and not after the tradition which they received of us ... {14} And if any man obeyeth not our word by this epistle, note that man, that ye have no company with him, to the end that he may be ashamed. In cases where there is rejection and factious criticism involved, you won't have to cast them out; they will leave because of their own unforgiveness and bitterness.


물론,, 이러한 사람들을 내쫓은 것은 명령된 바로서,, 그 전체 몸이 누룩으로 오염되지 않도록 하기 위함입니다. 거절과,, 당짓는 비판이 연관된 경우엔,, 당신들은 그들을 내 쫓을 필요는 없을것입니다 ; 그들이 떠날 것입니다,, 왜냐하면 그들 자신의 용서치 못함과,, 무정함으로 인해.

We also do this “that they may be ashamed” and repent because if they do not they will die like the murmurers and complainers did in the wilderness in Numbers 14. Also, in Numbers 16, the usurpers of authority in the Korah, Dathan and Abiram rebellion died in the wilderness. They forsook assembling together with the saints because of their offense and Moses called the assembly to separate from them or partake of their judgments, just as we should today.


우리는 또한 이렇게 합니다,, " 그들이 부끄러워하고 " 회개하도록 왜냐하면 그들이 그렇게 하지 않음,, 그들은 수군거리는 자들이나,, 불평하는 자들이  민수기 4 장의 광야에서 그랬던 것처럼 죽을 것이기때문입니다.. 또한 민수기 16 장에서 처럼,, 고라, 다단, 아비람 반역에서 권세를 강탈하려는 자들이 광야에서 죽었던 것처럼,, 그들은 성도들과 함께 모이는 것을 버렸습니다,, 그들의 무례때문에,, 그래서 모세는 그 회중을 그들과 갈라서라 ,혹은 그들의 심판에 함께하지 마라 했습니다,, ,, 당연히 오늘날 우리가 그래야 할 것으로.

After Brad’s dream, Gerard Drake received two dreams which he had received a week apart that torturers were sneaking into the body through the back way to torture the UBM brethren. In one of the dreams, we were running a ship to carry brethren to the refuge while this was happening. In the other, the brethren were seeking to hide in a large van and the torturers were sneaking in the back door.


Brad 꿈 후에,, Gerard Drake 가 두개의 꿈을 받았습니다,, 그는 그 일주 앞서서 받았는데,,, 방해꾼(괴롭히는 자들)이 그 뒷길을 통해 몸안으로 살그머니 들어와서는 그 UBM 형제들을 괴롭혔습니다, 이 일이 벌어지고 있는동안,, 우리는 배 하나를 운행하고 있었는데,, 형제들을 피난처로 옮겨놓고 있었습니다. 다른 꿈 속에선,, 그 형제들이 한 크다란 벤( a large van)  속에 숨으려 하고 있었는데,, 그 괴롭히는 자들이 그 뒤문으로 살며시 기어들고 있었습니다. 


All of this warning in just a little over a week lets you know the devil's plan of attack. The Bible tells you to report these sly actions to the elders and mark or make known such persons. Under the guise of concerned persons, they air their murmurings and complaining until the listener's heart is poisoned against others or often the leadership. {Rom.16:17} Now I beseech you, brethren,mark them that are causing the divisions and occasions of stumbling, contrary to the doctrine which ye learned: and turn away from them. {18} For they that are such serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly; and by their smooth and fair speech they beguile the hearts of the innocent. Jesus, speaking to the body, said that worldly members of the body who cause stumbling should be cut off so the whole body isn’t cast into hell. {Mat.18:7} Woe unto the world because of occasions of stumbling! for it must needs be that the occasions come; but woe to that man through whom the occasion cometh! {8} And if thy hand or thy foot causeth thee to stumble, cut it off, and cast it from thee: it is good for thee to enter into life maimed or halt, rather than having two hands or two feet to be cast into the eternal fire. {9} And if thine eye causeth thee to stumble, pluck it out, and cast it from thee: it is good for thee to enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes to be cast into the hell of fire.


모든 이런 경고는  일주간의 약간 이상의 시간속에 주어졌는데,, 당신들로 알게 하려는 것입니다,, 마귀의 공격계획들을. 성서는  당신들에게 말합니다,, 이러한 교활한 행동들,, 을 그 장로들에게 알려주고 표시를 해서,, 그러한 자들이 알려지기 위해. 관심있는 듯한 가면을 하고서, 그들은 그들의 잡담과, 불평을 퍼뜨립니다,, 그 듣는 자들의 마음이 다른 사람들, 혹은 빈번히 지도부의 사람들의 마음이 독으로 해를 입기까지.  예수님이 그 몸된 교회들에게 말하여, 이르시길 걸려넘어지게 하는 몸속의 세상에 속한 지체들은 당연히 잘려나가야 할 것입니다,,, 그래서 그 전체 몸이 지옥으로 떨어지기 않기 위해.

These factious, critical people were reported to the elders and in the scriptures and must be today just as in Lanita Sue Creech’s dream. {1Co.1:11} For it hath been signified unto me concerning you, my brethren, by them [that are of the household] of Chloe, that there are contentions among you. {11:18} For first of all, when ye come together in the church, I hear that divisions exist among you; and I partly believe it. {19} For there must be also factions among you, that they that are approved may be made manifest among you. Notice that the disobedient will be known when this happens because those who are approved will be manifested through obedience. {1Jn.2:19} They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us: but [they went out], that they might be made manifest that they all are not of us.


이러한 분파적인,, 비판적인 사람들은 장로들에게 보고되었습니다,, 성경에서,,  오늘날도 꼭 그렇습니다,, Lanita Sue Creech’s dream.  처럼



번역하는 다니엘입니다,,, 사실인즉,, 이 글을 번역했던 것은 이 뒤번의 글과 이어지기 때문입니다...

그런데,, 위의 글에서 보면,,, 제가 위와 유사한 꿈을 꾸었더랬습니다..

그러니까,, 교회에 들어갈때,, 정문,, 그러니까 본당이란,, 교회의 큰 문을 향해서 볼때,, 앞쪽의 강단은 뒤쪽입니다..

그런데,, 제가 봤을땐,, 그 강단에 오르기 위해,, 그 옆문,,, 작은 문,, 흔히들,, 목회자들이란 분들이 이용하는,,,

그문으로 보이셨습니다,, 제가  그 큰 문으로 나려려고 입구에서,, 내 신발을 찾았는데,,, 신발이 없어져,,, 화가 난채로,, 왼쪽으로 돌아가,, 그 강대상 쪽으로 난,, 그 작은 출입문을 열고,,, " 예수 없는 장로회 통합 물러가라,, 물러가라,,물러가라,, 라고 외쳤더랬습니다.. 이 앞쪽에 어디 있습니다...


번역이 너무 많이 밀려있는 관계로 여기서 줄입니다,,,,,,

 글쎄,, 다음에 시간이 되멸,, 아래것을 마저 번역할수 있을런지...





Since the primary reason is usually faction or division for the sake of lifting self up to usurp authority, you should admonish such a one twice -- the first and second time they do this -- before separating from them, even if they have been a friend because we must do it for the sake of the body. {Tit.3:10} A factious man after a first and second admonition refuse; {11} knowing that such a one is perverted, and sinneth, being self-condemned. Notice we are told in these verses to turn away from them or refuse them. In my experience, when a person disobeys this or receives an accusation against an elder without witnesses or doesn’t turn the railer or reviler around by asking them if they have gone to the person’s face, as Matthew 18:15 commands, the listener then gets the factious demons and is separated from the body. This cleanses the body. It is a trial from God to see who will obey and who should be separated because of their own sin.

Why is God sending this trial now? Because many more souls are coming to take refuge among the saints as a safe place. When they come, the lion and bear shouldn’t be there waiting for innocent souls. The shepherd who permits this leaves the back door of the fold open and is as guilty as the factious and may well get that spirit.

I have seen a consistent pattern over the years, a common scenario that happens when people suddenly rise up against our ministry. It is a common m.o. and trap that the devil has laid for them. It goes something like this: A person with rejection and fear of rejection is oppressed by these spirits for many years and so earnestly desires the opposite -- respect, admiration, being looked up to, feeling important, being a leader, etc. Finally, one day the opportunity comes for them to be in the spotlight and they like the feeling. They get a rush when they are promoted by others or promote themselves to others. So they go after it by seeking the glory from men. Sometimes they see a shepherd whom they think stands in their way and they begin to tear them down behind the scenes. It really doesn’t matter to them that this person has given their all to serve them and deliver them from darkness and that they are holy in the Lord. Soon the people whom they spoke to begin to withdraw from this shepherd because their hearts are poisoned with whispering, nitpicking and slander. When the shepherd searches for the source of all this and faces them with their sin, they feel once again the pain of these lying spirits who turn even kind correction into rejection and fear of rejection.

So, in self-will they retaliate against their old friend, weirdly seeing him as the enemy when all he has done is good toward them and loved them. And he wonders what happened. Why have my good friends done this to me? Why have they deserted me?

Hoping not to bring public and personal rebuke to those who already have rejection, the shepherd seeks to inoculate the people with teaching so the disease doesn’t spread, as shepherds must do. The offended bring up all kinds of things that are not sins against the shepherd because the devil is seeking to destroy him and his reputation through them. And they want to separate disciples unto themselves. They are immature and puffed up and, contrary to the Biblical methods, act as though God has ordained them to be elders and to take authority over the one who has been one for many years. They account this shepherd unworthy of forgiveness which they want for themselves but now have lost. In these cases, Matthew 18:15-17 has to be finally and painfully observed.

They twist the scriptures to prove a point that doesn’t account for anything but it is simply an excuse to seek their own glory. When one with rejection starts factious criticism, it is for the sake of self-glory. They sow a spirit of discord, which God says He hates. They are like Esau, who was a son of Abraham/Isaac, and sold his birthright by following the flesh and persecuting the elect. They become unholy and unreliable before God and don’t have the humility to repent and restore the damage they have done. “He that returneth evil for good, evil will not depart from his house.” Jesus said, {Joh.5:41} I receive not glory from men. {42} But I know you, that ye have not the love of God in yourselves. {43} I am come in my Father's name, and ye receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him ye will receive. {44} How can ye believe, who receive glory one of another, and the glory that [cometh] from the only God ye seek not? ... {8:50} But I seek not mine own glory: there is one that seeketh and judgeth. ... {54} Jesus answered, If I glorify myself, my glory is nothing: it is my Father that glorifieth me; of whom ye say, that he is your God. ... {12:43} for they loved the glory [that is] of men more than the glory [that is] of God.

They fail the test in the wilderness and accuse Moses, who gave his life for them and suffered much to bring them out of Egypt. And like in Korah’s rebellion, God was angry and swallowed them up alive. Most of these people just become swallowed alive by the earth of their flesh, being darkened in their understanding as they wander further from the truth and are tormented by the tormentors. Some of them die by diseases, too. God told me He would curse those who cursed me and He has always been true to that Word but I don’t desire this for my brethren and pray for mercy for them.

These people almost never confess their sins for fear of rejection and so they are never cleansed of unrighteousness (1 John 1:9). They are factious, critical and spread discord, dividing people unto themselves by self-willed opinions, which is the definition of the Greek word for "heresies."

Important reading: