A Man Is As He Thinks
사람은 그가 생각하는 대로이다
During praise and worship, my head was bowed and my eyes were closed when the Lord suddenly gave me this vision; and then later this word. At first I thought that what I was seeing was simply a vision of my own imaginations, but then I realized that I had never, nor would I ever, image any such thing like that I was seeing.
찬양과 경배 시간동 안, 내 머리는 숙여진채,,내 두 눈은 감겨 있었습니다,,그때 주님이 갑자기 내게 이 환상을 주셨습니다 ; 그리고서 더 후에 이 말씀을. 처음 나는 내가 보고 있었던 것이 단순히 내 자신의 상상들의 한 환영(a vision(환상) of my own imaginations)이라고 생각했습니다, 하지만 그때,, 내가 깨달았습니다,,,내가 결코 전에 생각해 보지도, 혹은 결코 그런것 따위,, 내가 보고 있었던 거와 같은,, 는 마음에 그려보지도 않을 것이란 것을 알아 차렸습니다.
Not long after the Lord began to speak his words to me concerning this vision, the Lord spoke to me one morning while I was praying and said this: “Mitt, this is the most important revelation that I need to reveal before the actual revelation of Jesus Christ comes to pass”. I knew from the beginning, when the Lord began speaking this word to me, that it was truly a deep word, but I could not see how this could be the most important revelation before the revelation of Jesus Christ in his elect….that is until the night before last. I was praying just before going to bed when the Lord spoke to me and actually spoke to me that which is written in II Thes.2:1-5
이 환상관 관련 주님이 그분 말씀을 시작하고 얼마 안되어,, 주님이 내게 어느 날 아침 내게 말했습니다,,, 내가 기도하는 동안,, 이르시길 : " 미트, 이것은 예수 그리스도의 실제적 드러냄이 있기전 내가 드러낼 필요가 있는 가장 중요한 계시(드러냄)이다". 나는 처음부터 알았습니다,, 주님이 이 말을 내게 하기 시작했을 때,, 그것이 진실로 깊은 말씀이란 것을,, 하지만 나는 이해할 수가 없었습니다,,, 어떻게 이것이 그분의 택함 받은 사람들 가운데 있는 예수 그리스도의 드러냄 전 가장 중요한 계시(드러냄)가 될 수 있을지,, 를 두고.... 그건 ,,바로 이 전날 밤까지도 그랬습니다. 나는 그냥 잠들기 전 기도하고 있었습니다,,그러자 주님이 내게 말했습니다,, 실재론 내게 데살로니가 후서 2:1-5 절에 기록된 것을 말했습니다.
“Now I beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering together unto him, that you be not soon shaken in mind, or be troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sits in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God”.
" 자 형제들아 내가 너희에게 간청한다,, 우리주 예수 그리스도의 오심과,, 우리의 그분께로 모임에, 너희가 머지않아 정신적으로 흔들리지 않도록,, 혹은 어려움에 빠지지 않도록,, 영으로나,, 말로나, 우리에게서 받았다는 편지로서, 그리스도의 날이 가까웠다는 것으로. 어떤 사람도 너희를 결딴코 속이지 못하게 해라 : 이는 그 날이 정령코 오지 않을 것이기 때문이다,, 먼저 떨어져 나감이 있고, 저 죄의 사람, 멸망의 아들이 드러나지 않고는 ; 그는 반대하여(맞서서) 스스로를 하나님이라 칭하며 모든것 위에 높이고,, 우러럼을 받는 자니 ; 그래서 그가 하나님으로 하나님의 성전에 앉아,, 스스로를 하나님이라 보이므로".
| - 형제들아 우리가 너희에게 구하는 것은 우리 주 예수 그리스도의 강림하심과 우리가 그 앞에 모임에 관하여
- 영으로나 또는 말로나 또는 우리에게서 받았다 하는 편지로나 주의 날이 이르렀다고 해서 쉽게 마음이 흔들리거나 두려워하거나 하지 말아야 한다는 것이라
- 누가 어떻게 하여도 너희가 미혹되지 말라 먼저 배교하는 일이 있고 저 불법의 사람 곧 멸망의 아들이 나타나기 전에는 그 날이 이르지 아니하리니
- 그는 대적하는 자라 신이라고 불리는 모든 것과 숭배함을 받는 것에 대항하여 그 위에 자기를 높이고 하나님의 성전에 앉아 자기를 하나님이라고 내세우느니라 (개혁개정)
Immediately my heart was filled with excitement and joy when the Lord spoke this to me because it is with the word that you are about to read that the Lord exposes fully just what / who the man of sin, the son of destruction is.
즉각 내 마음이 흥분과 기쁨으로 가득해 버렸습니다,, 주님이 이것을 내게 말했을 때,,왜냐함 여러분들이 곧 읽은 참인 그 말씀 때문입니다,,, 주님이 그냥,, 누가/무엇이 그 죄의 사람, 멸망의 아들인지를,, 온전히(fully) 까발려 버리(exposes)는 것이므로.
The Vision
그 환상
I found myself sitting in some type of room that resembled a home library; for all the walls had bookcases full of old and new books. There was a old desk and chair at one end of the room, two very nice looking sitting chairs in the middle of the room, and there was a very comfortable sitting chair at the other end of the room next to a window; and it was this chair that I found myself sitting in. The only light coming into the room was the sunlight coming through the window that was next to me. The curtains on this window were only partially pulled back, and I found myself just sitting there staring at the dust particles that were made visible by the sunlight. They seemed to be just drifting around in the air, neither falling to the floor nor rising to any higher elevation than that which they were. It was not until then that I realized that this was not a vision of my own imagination but a vision from the Lord, because I would never even consider imagining myself doing such a thing.
나는 일반 가정집에 있는 도서실 같아 보이는 일종의 방 안에 내 자신이 앉아 있는것을 발견했습니다 ; 이는 그 모든 사방의 벽들이 책장들로 가득 했는데,, 오래된 것에서,, 신간인 듯 한 책들이 꽃혀 있었습니다.. 그 방의 끝자락엔,, 오래된 책상 하나와,, 의자가 있었습니다,, 그리고 그 방 중앙엔 아주 멋 져 보이는 앉는 의자 두개가 있었고,, 그리고 그 방의 반대편의 창문 곁으론 하나의 아주 안락해 보이는 앉는 의자가 있었습니다 ; 그리고 이 의자였습니다,, 내 자신이 그 속으로 푹 들어가 앉아 있는 것이. 그 방속으로 비춰들어오는 그 유일한 빛이라곤,, 내 옆으로 있는,, 그 창을 통해서 들어오는 그 태양빛 이었습니다. 그 커튼,,이 창문위로 있는,, 은 부분적으로 당겨져 올려져 있었습니다,,그리고 나는 내 자신이 그냥 그기 앉아 있는것을 발견했습니다,, 그 먼지 입자들,, 그 태양빛에 의해 보일 수 밖에 없는 ,, 그 입자들을 응시하면서. 그것들은 그냥 공중에 떠 다니는 듯 보였습니다,, 마루바닥에 내려 앉지도 않으면서, 그것들이 있는 공중에서 전혀 더 높이 오르지도 못 한 채. 내가 이것이 그냥 내 자신이 상상하는 환영이 아니라 주님이 주시는 환상(이상)이란 것을 그때야 깨달았습니다, 왜냐하만 나는 결코 내 자신이 그런 것을 그리는 것을 두고는,,결코 생각조차 해 볼 것이 아니었기 때문이었습니다.
So I then began to examine these dust particles more closely to see if I could discern what it was that the Lord might be trying to show me; and when I did, I saw that there were not only particles just floating and drifting about, but there was also another type of particle that did not drift but appeared to be swimming rather swiftly through air. In fact, these particles seemed to swim in the same fashion that I have seen sperm cells swimming about in science films; always moving quickly about and never being still. As I examined these particles even more closely, I could see that they were not only livelier but they also appeared to be much healthier than those drifting particles; for they appeared to be about 3 to 4 times thicker in size than them. These healthier particles also seemed to move around as though they had a purpose and a direction while the thinner particles seemed not to have either purpose or direction as they just drifted about. It was only then that I began to wonder what I was really witnessing in this vision. I then began to ask the Lord to explain this vision for me so that I might understand his purpose in giving this vision; for without understanding, the vision itself would have no purpose.
그러자 그때 나는 이러한 먼지 입자들을 더 자세히 검토해 보기 시작했습니다,,, 내가 그것이 ,, 주님이 내게 보이시려 하는 어떤 것일까,, 하고 알아 차려 이해하려 하듯 ; 그리고 내가 그랬을 때, 나는 보았습니다,, 단순히 부유하 듯,, 이리저리로 떠다니는 입자들만이 있는것이 아니라, 또한 또 다른 형태의 입자가 있는데,, 떠 다니는 것 뿐만이 아니라,,,, 그 공중속을 상대적으로 쨉사게 헤엄을 치는 듯 보이는 것이 있는 것을. 사실인 즉선 이러한 입자들은 내가 과학영상 가운데서,, 정자 세포들이 쨉사게 헤엄쳐 다니는 것을 보았었던 그 동일한 형태로 헤엄치고 있어 보였습니다 ; 언제나 박차 듯 돌아다니며 결코 가만히 있지 않는. 내가 이러한 입자들을 훨씬더 자세히 검토하는 중에,, 나는 그것들이 단지 더 활발할 뿐만이 아니라,, 또한 이러한 떠 다니는 입자들보다 훨씬 더 건강해 보이는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다; 이는 그것들이 그것들(떠다니는 입자들)보다 크기면에서 약 3~4 배 뚜꺼워 보였기 때문입니다. 이러한 더 건강한 입자들은 또 움직이며 돌아다니는 듯 보였습니다 마치 그것들이 그 더 야윈 입자들이 그냥 떠다닐 동안 목적도 혹은 방향도 없는 듯 보이는 동안, 그것들은 어떤 일정 목적과 어떤 방향을 가지기나 한 듯 보였습니다. 바로 그때야,, 나는 내가 이 환상(이상)속에서 실제 목격하고 있는것이 놀랍기 시작했습니다. 나는 그때 주님께 구하여 묻기 시작했습니다,, 이 환상을 내게 설명해 달라고,, 그래서 내가 그분께서 주시고 계신 이 환상의 목적을 이해할 수 있게 해 달라고; 이는 이해함이 없으면,, 환상 그 자체는 전혀 목적이 상실 될 것이기 때문이었습니다.
Then the Lord spoke to me and said, “All of the particles that you see in this vision, they represent the words/thoughts that dwell in the mind of a man; they are the words that form the thoughts that men think upon. The words/thoughts that you saw that appeared skinny and that seemed to just drift about aimlessly as though they had no purpose, these are those words/thoughts that dwell in the mind of man that have no life or purpose in them because they are thoughts that are not regarded or believed on; but they are still there. The reason that these thoughts are not regarded or believed on is because they are not considered worthy enough to esteem or honor; or they may simply be words/ thoughts that are not pleasing or desirable for one to think upon. It could also be that these thoughts are regarded as foolish or evil thoughts, or thoughts that are impossible for a man to do. These thoughts may also not be regarded because they may seem as though they are not able to bring forth any satisfaction or gain. It could also be that these words/thoughts are not believed on because they may appear as though they are counsels that are not able to bring forth any glory or praise to self. It could be for any of these types of reasons that these words/thoughts appear as those particles of dust that just drift lifelessly through the air without having any purpose.
그때 주님이 내게 말씀하여 이르시길, " 너가 이 환상속에서 보는 이러한 모든 입자들,,, 그것들은 한 인간(사람)속의 정신속에 거주하는 말들/생각들을 표징(상징: represent )한다; 그것들은 인간들이 바탕으로 사고하는 그 생각들을 형성해 내는 그 말(단어:the words)들이다. 너가 보았던 그 말들/생각들은 그냥 홀쭉해 보였고,, 그냥 목적없이 떠 다니는 것 처럼 보였다,,마치 그것들이 전혀 목적이 없는 듯, 이러한 것들은 그 사람의 정신속에 거(주)하며 전혀 생명이나 혹은 목적이 그것들 속에 없는 그러한 말들/생각들이다 왜냐함 그것들은 믿어지거나, 혹은 여겨지지 않는 생각들이기 때문이다 ; 하지만 그것들은 여전히 그기에 있다. 이러한 생각들이 바탕으로 믿어지거나 혹은 여겨지(간주되)지 않는 이유는 그것들이 충분히 그렇게 ,, 높이거나,,혹은 존중할 만치 가치있게 여겨지지 않기에, 혹은 그것들이 단지 사람이 생각해 볼 만큼 기쁜것도, 혹은 바람직한 것들이 아닌 말들/생각들일수도 있기 때문이다. 그것은 또 이러한 생각들이 어리석다고, 혹은 악한 생각들, 혹은 한 인간이 행하기에 불가능한 생각들이라고 여겨지는 것일 수도 있다. 이러한 생각들은 또 그것들이 마치 어떤 만족이나 혹은 이윤을 가져다 줄수 없는 듯 보일 수 있기에,그럴만 하다고 여겨지지 않을수도 있다.. 그것은 또 그럴 수도 있다,, 이러한 말들/생각들이 믿으지지 않을수가 왜냐함,, 그것들이 마치 자아에게 어떤 영광 혹은 찬송을 가져다 줄 수 없는 조언들인 것처럼 보일수 있기에. 이러한 형태의 이유들 중 어느 하나로 인해 이러한 말들/생각들이 그냥 생명 없이 공중을 어떤 목적없이 통과해 떠 다니는 그러한 먼지로 된 입자들로 보인다.
Though these words/thoughts appear not to have any purpose, they still continue to drift around unnoticed in the imaginations of men’s thoughts; but they are just waiting for the occasion or circumstance that will give them the opportunity to present themselves as the right instruction or counsel that should be regarded or believed on in that moment. If then that word/thought is chosen to be “believed” on, then shall those words/thoughts be birthed into life because they have been chosen as counsels for that man to live his life according to. It is in this awakening of “belief” that can suddenly give life to those words/thoughts that had never once been regarded or considered before. It is this awakening that can quickly transform those skinny, lifeless dust particles into those lively healthy particles because they now have a purpose to live for. It is of these lively and healthy counsels that men live their lives according to; words/thoughts that will them give then direction and instruction as to what to do, or how to act, or what to speak in every circumstance and situation that arises in their life.
It was at this point, while the Lord was speaking these words to me, that the Spirit of the Lord brought back into my remembrance another experience I had with Lord which I testified of in the “The Darkness & The Light” (posted April 24, 2006), where I saw that the darkness compassed the entire earth, and the darkness consisted of nothing but words, and the words turned out to be nothing but lying spirits from Satan; each word was a spirit; and each spirit bore the nature of the word that it was. And each spirit dwelled in the hearts and minds of all those who believed on them. I also saw that each man’s nature was determined by nature of the words/spirits that he believed on. Though I saw there were many different kinds of spirits in that vision, I saw that they all had one common characteristic among them, and that was that they all had insatiable desires and affections to think only on the being of “self”. And the Lord then continued….
이러한 말들/생각들이 전혀 여느 목적이 없는 듯 보임에도,, 그것들은 여전히 계속해 눈에 띄지 않고 인간들 생각들 상상속에서 떠 돌아 다닙니다 ; 하지만 그것들은 그냥 기다립니다,, 그들에게 바른 교훈 혹은 조언으로 떠 오르게 하는 그 기회를 주는 상황 혹은 기회를 기다리면서,, 그럼 당연히 그 순간에 간주되어(여겨져) 믿어지게 됩니다. 만약 그때 그 말/생각이 바탕으로 " 믿으지도록" 선택이 되면,, 그럼 그러한 말들/생각들은 생명을 정령 얻게 됩니다 왜냐함 그것들이 사람이 그의 생명이 맞춰 살 조언들로 선택이 되었기 때문입니다. 그때가 이 " 믿음", 돌연 그러한 말들/생각들 결코 전에 한번도 여겨지지도, 혹은 간주되지도 않았었던, 의 깨어남 순간에 있는 시간입니다. 이 깨어남이 순식간에 그러한 홀쭉한, 생명없는 먼지 입자들을 저러한 활발하게 건강한 입자들로 변화시킬 수 있습니다 왜냐함 그것들이 이제 위하여 살 한 목적을 가지기 때문입니다. 이러한 살아있는 건강한 조언들이,, 인간들이 그들 생명을 맞춰서 살,,,, 말들/생각들입니다,, 그것들에 그때 방향과 지시(교훈)를 주는,, 어떻게 행할지, 혹은 어떻게 행동할지, 혹은 그들 생명(삶)속에서 일어나는 모든 상황과 환경속에서 어떻게 말할지에 대해.
이 지점이었습니다,, 주님이 내게 이러한 말들을 하고 있는 동안의,, 주님의 그 영이 내 기억속으로 또 다른 경험,, 내가 전에 그 " 빛과 어둠(The Darkness & The Light)"(2006,4,24 올라간) 이라는 간증속에서 주님과 가졌던,, 그 경험의 것을 되가져 온 것이, 그 속에서 나는 보았더랬습니다 그 어둠이 그 온 지구(땅)을 둘러싼 것을, 그리고 그 어둠은 말들 외에 아무것도 아니었던 것을,, 그리고 그 말들은 사탄으로부터 나온 거짓말 하는 영들 외의 아무것도 아닌 것으로 밝혀져 버린 ; 각 말은 하나의 영이었고 ; 각 영은 그 말의 성품을 낳았는데,, 그대로였습니다. 그리고 각 영은 그것들을 바탕으로 믿는 모든 자들 마음들과 정신들 속에 거하는 것을.. 나는 또 보았습니다 각 인간의 성품은 그가 바탕으로 믿는 그 말들/영들의 성품(본성,본질)으로 결정된 것을. 내가 많은 다른 종류의 영들이 그 환상 가운데 있는 것을 보았을지라도, 나는 보았습니다,,그것들 전부가 하나의 공통된 특질을 그들 가운데 가지고 있는것을,, 그것은 그들 모두가 "자아" 라는 존재를 바탕으로만 생각하는 만족할 줄 모르는 욕구들과 애정들을 가졌다는 것입니다. 그리고 그때 주님이 계속해 말했습니다----.
Do you see and understand how these healthy, lively particles got their status? Do you see that they only get their status when they become the words/thoughts that men choose to believe on and trust in? Can you comprehend that it is when these words/ thoughts are believed on, that they then become the counsels that each man establishes his righteousness on; and that righteousness then becomes the law that each man then lives his life according to? How to raise your children; how to conduct your business; how to treat other men; what type of clothes to wear; what foods to eat; what type of job to have; how to stay healthy; how to make decisions; and how to worship and serve God are just a few examples that reveal what words/thoughts that a man has chosen to believe for himself; words/thoughts that he believes and trust to be right enough for him to live his life by. Do you understand and comprehend it is by the deeds that men do and the words that they speak that the righteousness of a man is revealed?
너가 보아 이해하니,, 어떻게 이러한 건강하고, 활발한 입자들이 그들의 상태(지위)를 얻었는지를 ? 너가 보니,, 그것들이 오직 인간들이 그것들을 바탕으로 믿고 신뢰하기로 선택하는 그 말들/생각들이 될 때,, 에야 오직 그들 상태(지위,신분)을 얻는 것을 ? 너가 파악할 수 있니,, 그것이 이러한 말들/생각들이 (바탕으로)믿어지는 때인것을, 그때 그것들은 각 인간(사람)이 바탕으로 그의 의(로움)를 세울 그 조언들이 된다 ; 그리고 그 의는 그때, 각 인간이 그때 그의 삶(생명)을 맞춰서 살아야 할, 그 법이 된다는 것을 ? 어떻게 너의 아이들을 키워야 할지 ; 어떻게 너의 사업을 운영해야 할지 ; 어떻게 다른 이들을 다뤄야 할지 ; 어떤류의 의복을 입으야 할지 ; 어떤류의 음식을 먹으야 할지 ; 어떤류의 직업을 가져야 할지 ; 어떻게 건강을 유지할지 ; 어떻게 결정을 내려야 할지 ; 그리고 어떻게 예배를 드리고 하나님을 섬길지 등등은 그냥 단지 몇개의 실 예들이다,, ; 그가 그의 생명(삶)으로 따라 살기에 신뢰하고 믿을 만한 말들/생각들로 한 인간이 그 자신을 위해 믿기로 선택한 말들/생각들의 성격(성질)을 드러내 보여주는. 너가 이해하여 파악하니,, 인간들이 행하는 그 행위들로서, 그들이 하는 그 말들로서 한 인간의 그 의가 드러나 보인다는 것을 ?
Now consider this; how many words/thoughts pass through the thinking of a man in the course of one day; whether they are drifting or swimming through? How many words/thoughts pass through his mind about his dreams, or his plans, or his job, or about his family, or about his own desires and pleasures, or about his future, or about his finances, or about his religion, or about the cares and worries of his life? And also, the many other words/thoughts that pass through his thinking that he hears spoken by others? Multitudes and multitudes of words/thoughts passing though; and so many to choose from as he decides which ones are the right counsels for him to believe on. How many words/thoughts pass through his mind that he would love to believe on, but by reason of his fears of what others will think of him, or by fear of consequences, he is hindered or prevented from making many of these words/thoughts the counsels to believe on; though he desires in his heart to do so. Even with so many, many words/thoughts to choose believe on, is it possible for him to choose any that are able to bring forth life when all of the words/thoughts that he is able to think on come forth from death? Is it possible for him to do good when all of the imaginations of his thoughts are only able to think evil?
이제 이것을 신중히 생각해 봐라 ; 얼마나 많은 말들/생각들이 한 인간이 하루를 사는동안 그 사고세계를 거쳐 지나치는지를 ; 그것들이 그냥 떠다니거나, 혹은 뚫고서 헤엄을 치고 나가는지를 ? 얼마나 많은 말들/생각들이 그의 정신을 거쳐 지나는지,, 그의 꿈들, 혹은 그의 계획들, 혹은 그의 직업들, 혹은 그의 가족 구성원, 혹은 그 자신의 욕구들과 쾌락들, 혹은 그의 미래, 혹은 그의 재정상황, 혹은 그의 종교, 혹은 그의 삶(생명)의 염려들과 걱정들과 관련하여 ? 그리고 또 그 많은 다른 말들/생각들,, 그가 다른 사람들이 말하는 것을 듣는 중,, 그의 사고세계를 거쳐 지나쳐 가는지를 ? 많고 많은 수많은 말들/생각들이 거쳐 지나치는 것을 ; 그리고 결과로 그가 어떤것들이 그가 믿기에 바른 조언들이라 결정하므로서 선택하는 아주 많은 것들(말들과 생각들)인 것을. 얼마나 많은 말들/생각들이 그의 정신 세계를 거쳐 지나치는지를,, 그기 믿기에 좋을 것으로, 그렇지만,, 다른이들이 그를 두고 어떻게 생각할 까 하는 두려움 때문에, 혹은 결과물에 대한 두려움 때문에, 그는,, 많은 이러한 말들/생각들의 많은 것들을 믿을만한 조언들로 결정하는데 방해를 받거나 제지를 받는다 ; 그가 그의 마음속에선 그렇게 하길 심히 원할찌라도. 심지어 아주 아주 많은 말들/생각들을 믿기로 선택할찌라도, 그가 여느,,생명을 가져다 줄수 있는 어떤것을 선택하는 것이,, 그가 생각할 수 있는 그 말들/생각들 전부가 사망(죽음)으로부터 나올때,,가능하냐 ? 그가, 그의 생각들의 상상함들 전부가 오직 악한 것을 생각할 수만 있을때,,에 그가 선을 행하는 것이 가능하냐 ?
Now I ask you to consider the counsel of my word which speaks this truth, “Your thoughts are not my thoughts; for as high as the heavens are above the earth so are my thoughts above your thoughts”? If your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts, then whose words/thoughts have you been thinking and meditating on? Do you really believe my words which testify that none of your thoughts are right or good? What about all those words/thoughts that pass through the thinking of your mind in the course of one day, are you not confident in many of them that they are right and true? Does not my word also speak on this wise saying, “Righteousness belongs only to God”? If your thoughts are not my thoughts, then surely it is not possible for your righteousness to be as my righteousness; and if your righteousness is not my righteousness, then whose righteousness are you living your life after? Surely you are not living your life in the manner that I created for you to live your life. Again I ask for you to consider, if your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts, then whose words/thoughts are you believing on and trusting in? Did I not tell you that you were not your own?
이제 내가 네게 ,, 이 진리(진실)을 선포하여 말하는 내 말의 조언구(말)을 깊이 생각해 보길 요구한다, " 너희 생각들은 내 생각들이 아니다 ; 이는 하늘이 땅 위로 높이 있는 것 처럼, 그렇게 내 생각들은 너희 생각들 너므(위)로 있다 " ? 만약 너의 말들/생각들이 내 말들/생각들이 아니라면, 그럼 너(희)는 누구의 말들/생각들을 생각하면서,, 골돌이 몰입해 왔었느냐 ? 너가 실제로 너희 생각들 아무것도 옳거나, 혹은 선하지 않다 증거하는 내 말을 믿느냐 ? 너의 하룻 동안의 일과 중 너희 정신 사고 세계를 거쳐 지나치는 그러한 모든 말들/생각들은 어떻냐, 너가 그것들 중 많은 것을 그것들이 옳고 진실하다 확신치 않니 ? 또 내 말이 이렇게 선포하여 말하지 않니, " 의는 오직 하나님께만 속했다 " 라고 ? 만약 너의 생각들이 내 생각들이 아니라면, 그럼 틀림없이 너의 의(로움)은 내 의로 있는것이 가능치가 않다 ; 그리고 만약 너희 의가 내 의가 아니라면, 그럼 누구의 의를 너(희)는 너희 생명이 쫓아 살 기준으로 살고 있느냐 ? 다시, 내가 요구한다,, 깊이 생각해 보길,, 만약 너의 말들/생각들이 내 말들/생각들이 아니라면, 그럼 너는 너의 말들/생각들을 믿고 신뢰하고 있니 ? 내가 너에게 말하지 않았니,, 너희는 너희 자신의 것(소유)가 아니라고 ?
If your words/thoughts are not my words/thoughts”, says the Lord, “then how is it possible for there to be any agreement between man and God? What communion can there even be between two who have differing thoughts, and each one believes and trusts that his thoughts are right and true? Do you really believe me when I tell you that not even your most righteous word/thought has any agreement with the least of any of my thoughts? If then my words/thoughts are right and true, and they have no agreement with your words/thoughts, then who has been instructing you to believe that your words/thoughts are right and true? Who counsels you to argue, or to reject, or to strive against, or to make light of, or to fight, or to resist, or to hate all words/thoughts that you hear that do not agree with that which you believe and trust? From where come the seducing desires within that burn within you to believe that your words/thoughts are right and true; deceiving you into believing that there cannot be any other words/thoughts that are more righteous than your own?
만약 너의 말들/생각들이 내 말들/생각들이 아니라면", " 그럼 어떻게 그기 사람(인간)과 하나님 사이에 어떤 일치가 가능할 것이냐 ? " 주의 말이다. 어떤 교통이 있는것이 가능하기라도 할 것이냐,, 다른 생각들을 가진 둘 사이에,, 각자가 그의 생각들을 옳고 진실하다고 믿고 신뢰하는데 ? 내가 네게 너의 가장 의로운 말/생각 조차도 최소한의 내 생각들 어느것과도 전혀 일치점이 없다 말할 때,, 너가 실제로 내 말을 믿니 ? 만약 그때 내 말들/생각들이 옳고 진실한데,,, 그런데 그것들이 너의 말들/생각들과 전혀 일치함이 없으면, 그럼 누가 너로 하여금 너의 말들/생각들이 옳고 진실하다고 믿도록 가르쳐 오고 있은거니 ? 누가 너에게 논쟁하거나, 혹은 거절하고, 혹은 반대하여 거스리도록 하고,혹은 가벼이 여기도록 하고, 혹은 싸우도록, 혹은 저항하도록, 혹은 너가 듣는 모든 말들/생각들을 미워하여 너가 믿고 신뢰하는 그것과 일치하지 않도록 조언하니 ? 어디로부터 그 꼬드기는(유혹하는) 내부의)욕구들이 오니 ,, 너 안쪽에서, 너의 말들/생각들이 옳고 진실하다 불일 듯 심히 믿기 원하도록 만드는 욕구들 ; 너희를 기만하여 너희 자신의 것 보다 더 의로운 어떤 다른 말들/생각들이 있을수 없다 믿도록 만드는 욕구들이 ?
Who/what is dwelling in the tabernacle of your mind? How is it possible that all of your words/thoughts, which seem to be so right and true in your own eyes, have no agreement with any of my words/thought? Is not every man captive to the words/thoughts that he believes on, to serve and to do them because he believes that they are right and true counsels? What man is there who has any thought that there truly may be other men, or other spirits, or another God who can be more righteous in his thinking than they? Who can even believe God when his word testifies that he sees all of man’s imaginations to be evil, and that all of the thoughts of man are nothing but vanity?
누가/무엇이 그 너희 정신 성소 안 쪽에 거하고 있는 거니 ? 어떻게 가능하니,, 너희 말들/생각들 전부, 그렇게나 너희 자신 눈 보기에 옳고 진실하게 보이도를 하는,,가 전혀 내 말들/생각들 어느것과도 전혀 일치점이 없다는 것이 가능하냐 ? 모든 사람 하나 하나가 그가 믿고,, 섬기는 그래서,, 그것들을 행하는 그 말들/생각들에 포로 되어 있지 않느냐 ,, 왜냐함 그가 그것들이 옳고 진실한 조언 들이라 믿기때문에 ? 어떤 사람이 있느냐,, 그가 이런 생각을 가지고,, 진정코,, 그의 생각 가운데의 다른 사람들, 혹은 다른 영들, 혹은 또다른 신,, 그런것들보다 더 의로울 수 있는 ,, 이들이 진정코 있을 수 있다고 ? 누가 하나님을 믿을 수 있기나 하느냐,, 그분 말이 그가 사람의 상상들 전부가 사악한 것을 본다, 그리고 사람의 그 생각들 전부가 헛된 것 외의 아무것도 아닌것임을 증거할 때 ?
I have seen the thoughts of man, and I have seen death; and I see that they are one and the same. From where comes all of the vain, miserable, and evil words/thoughts that men continually think upon except from the death that rules over all of the imaginations of those who are carnally minded? I have seen the death that brings into the thinking of all those who are carnally minded such carnal thoughts as these: bitterness, envy, confusion, worry, cruelty, contention, pride, anxiety, loneliness, covetousness, hatred, greed, doubt, murder, arguments, self-glory, unbelief, malice, spitefulness, hypocrisy, impatience, strife, depression, arrogance, boredom, corruption, hopelessness, meanness, revenge, dread, stress, disappointment, self-condemnation, as well the various kinds of fears that torment the mind. Do you believe that I created man to live his life in bondage to these types of words/thoughts? Again I say to you that my thoughts are not as your thoughts, for I would never bow my heart to entertain for the slightest of moments to ever think upon any such vain and miserable words/thoughts as these; lest the same death that has overtaken man should overtake me; and I would myself would become like death. How deceived is the man who establishes his righteousness for living on the counsels of any of these words/thoughts?
나는 사람의 그 생각들을 보았었다, 그리고 나는 사망을 보았었다 ; 그리고 나는 본다,, 그것들이 하나로서 동일한 것임을. 어디로부터 그 헛되고,, 비참한,, 악한 말들/생각들 전부가 오느냐,, 인간들이 계속적으로 그것들을 바탕으로 생각하는데,, 모든 육의 정신의 자들 상상함들 전부를 지배하는 그 사망으로 부터가 아니고서 ? 나는 그 사망을 보았었다 육의 정신의 모든 자들 사고속으로 이런 그러한 육의 정신들 : 가혹함, 부러움, 혼란, 걱정, 잔인함, 다툼, 자긍심, 긴장, 외로움, 탐심, 미움, 탐욕, 의심, 살인, 지겨움, 부패, 절망, 비열함, 복수, 공포, 긴장, 실망, 자기정죄, 더불어 그 다양한 두려움의 종류들,, 정신을 고문하는. 너가 믿니 내가 인간을 그의 생명을 이러한 종류의 말들/생각들에 종살이 되어 살도록 창조했다고 ? 다시, 내가 너에게 말한다,, 내 생각들은 너의 생각들 같지 않다, 이는 내가 결코 내 마음을 그런 어떤 헛 되고 불행한 말들/생각들,, 이러한 류의,, 것들 바탕으로 생각게 하는,, 가장 작은 시간의 순간들 조차 소일하는데 굽히도록 하지 않았다 ; 그 동일한 사망,, 인간들을 덮쳐버린,, 그것이 나를 덮치지 않도록 ; 그리고 나 자신을 사망같이 되게 하지 않을 것이다. 어떻게 그 인간이, 이러한 말들/생각들의 어느것으로 된 조언들을 바탕으로 살 목적으로 그의 의를 구축하(여 세우도록), 그렇게 기만을 당한거니?
Do you believe that I am as you are, that the same words/thoughts that you think upon are the same words/thoughts that I think upon? Do you still think that I said in vain that your thoughts are not my thoughts? Do you think that a man who is led by the counsels of any of these words/thoughts is a man of a sound mind? Do you really think that I would allow for any of these words/thoughts to lead me in the decisions that I would make? Do you really believe that I would ever allow myself to be transformed into the images of darkness? Did you not know that Death is the very image of darkness; and that the darkness shows itself in the image of the words/thoughts that appear in the carnal mind? Do you believe that the abundant life of God has any agreement or communion with the death that rules over the imaginations that control the thinking of the carnally minded. Do you really think that the life that I have promised to you consists of any of these wicked and miserable counsels?
너는 믿느냐,, 내가 너가 있는 상태처럼 존재한다고,,그 동일한 말들/생각들,, 너가 바탕으로 생각하는,, 그 동일한 말들/생각들을 바탕으로 내가 생각 한다고 생각 하느냐 ? 너는 여전히 내가 헛되이(의미없이) 말했다 생각하느냐,, 너희 생각들은 내 생각들이 아니다(같지않다) 라고 한 말을 ? 너는 이러한 말들/생각들 어떤것의 조언함에 이끌림을 받는 사람이 견고한(굳은,정상적인) 정신의 사람이라고 생각하느냐 ? 너는 정말로 생각하느냐 ,, 내가 이러한 말들/생각들 어느것이 내가 내릴 어떤 결정에서 어떤 원인이 되도록 허락하리라고,,? 너가 정말 믿느냐 내가 정말 내 자신을 그런 어둠의 이미지로 변화 되도록 허락하리라고 ? 너가 몰랐었니 ,, 사망(Death)이 바로 그 어둠의 이미지(형상)인 것을 ? ; 그리고 그 어둠은 스스로를, 육의 정신속에서 나타나는 그 말들/생각들 이미지(형상)속에서 나타내 보이는 것을 ? 너가 믿느냐 하나님의 그 풍성한 생명이. 그 육의 정신의 사람들 사고(정신)을 통제하는 그 상상함들을 다스리는 그 사망과 어떤 일치점 혹은 교통이 있다고.. 너가 정말 생각하느냐 내가 너에게 약속했던 그 생명이 이러한 사악하고 비참한 조언들 어느 것으로 이루어져 있다고 ?
I say again to you that my thoughts are not as your thoughts. I see the words/thoughts that men believe in their hearts when they blame others, when they curse others, when they find fault with others, when they have evil suspicions one of another, when they accuse others, when they threaten one another, when they revile one another, when they judge others, when they slander others, when they speak falsely one of another, when they spread rumors about one another, when they condemn others, when they do not forgive one another, when they speak evil of others, when they backbite, when they intimidate one another, as well as the revenge they seek one against another when one has been offended or sinned against. Where do such evil and wicked words/thoughts come from that instruct the thoughts of men to do such things?
내가 네게 다시 말한다,, 내 생각들은 너의 생각들과 같지 않다. 나는 그 말들/생각들을 본다,, 인간들이 그들 마음속에서 믿는,, 그들이 다른이들을 탓할때, 그들이 다른이들을 저주할때, 그들이 다른이들을 흠 잡을때, 그들이 서로간에 악한 의심을 할때에, 그들이 다른이들을 비난 할때에, 그들이 서로를 위협 할때에, 그들이 서로를 중상 할때에, 그들이 다른이들을 판단할 때에, 그들이 다른이들을 중상할 때를, 그들이 서로를 거짓으로 말할때를, 그들이 서로를 두고 험담들을 말할때를, 그들이 다른이들을 정죄할 때를, 그들이 서로를 용서하지 않을 때를, 그들이 다른이를 악하게 말할 때를, 그들이 뒤에서 흠잡을 때를, 그들이 서로를 위협 할때를, 더불어 그들을 서로를 두고 복수를 구할 때를,, 한 사람이 감정이 상처받아,, 혹은 죄 지어졌을때. 어디서 이러한 악하고 사악한 말들/생각들을 지시(알려주며)하며,, 그런것들을 행하도록하는,, 그런것들이 오느냐 ?
And again I ask you to consider this, do you think that any man who is led by any such counsels as these is a man of sound mind? How can any man think to himself that he is a man of a sound mind when he judges and accuses others without mercy seeing that it is in the same manner that he has judged others that he is going to be judged on that last day? Should not a man take heed to the counsel of this word seeing that the day is fast approaching when his own judgments are going to judge him? Do you not know that all who judge in such an evil and unmerciless manner are only storing up wrath against themselves in the Day of Judgment? Do you think that I created man in the image of these words/thoughts; words/ thoughts that would then lead my creations to do those things that would bring about his own destruction and condemnation? Who is doing the thinking for all those who would do such a foolish and insane thing?
그리고 다시 내가 너에게 이것을 깊이 생각하길 요구한다, 너는 생각에,, 이와 같은 어떤 조언함들로 인도함을 받는 어떤 사람이 견고한(정상적인)사람이라고 생각하느냐 ? 어떻게 사람이 스스로에게 그가 정상적인 정신의 사람이라 생각할 수 있느냐 ,, 그가 다른이들을 자비없이 판단하고 비난(고소)할 때를,, 그 동일한 방식으로 그가 다른이들을 판단 했는데,,,그 마지막 날에 판단을 동일하게 받게 될 것인데 ? 한 사람이 그 이 말의 조언에 유의하지 않을 것이냐 ,, 그 날이 급속도로 빠르게 다가 오는데,, 그 자신의 심판이 그를 심판하게 될 그 날이 ? 너가 모르느냐 그런 악하고 자비없는 방식으로 심판하는 모두가 오직 진노를 그들 스스로에게 그 심판하는 날를 두고 쌓고 있을 뿐이라는 것을 ? 너는 내가 인간을 이러한 말들/생각들 이미지(형상으)로 창조했다고 생각하느냐 ; 그때 내 창조물들을 그러한 일들을 행하도록 이끌어갈 말들/생각들로,, 그 자신의 파괴와 정죄함을 유발시키는 ? 누가 그런 사고세계를 진행하고 있느냐,, 그런 어리석고 정신 나간 짓을 할려는 모든 자들을 향해 ?
Have I not given unto each one of you the good instruction that says that you are to cease from walking after the vain words/thoughts that the rest of the Gentiles walk after? Have not I asked you to put off the old man which is corrupted by the words/thoughts of death and that you are to put on the new man which walks after the words/thoughts of my Holy Spirit; words/thoughts that are full of life? Is it not as it is written, that the knowledge of the life of God can only be found in the consciousness of those who are spiritually minded; those who follow after my Spirit in that strait and narrow path that leads to life? Do you desire for death to do your thinking, or do you desire for life to do your thinking? Which thinking is right and true unto you?
I came into this world to set my creation free from their bondage to death. I came into this world to destroy the death that entered in at the fall. I have come into this world as the spirit of life. I am spirit and I am life; my words are spirit and life; my thinking is spirit and it is life. I am the words/thoughts that inhabit the spiritual mind. I am the Spirit of the spiritual mind. I am the life and peace that dwells in the spiritual mind. I have come to give life, and to give it abundantly. But who will give to me their thinking in exchange for that thinking that I desire to give? Who will let me redeem the death in minds with the Spirit of my life? Who will give to me the words/thoughts that inhabit the place that I desire to make my dwelling place; for I am the words/thoughts of life? A man is, as he thinks.
내가 너희 각자에게 그 선한 지시(교훈,가르침),, 너희는 그 무익한(헛 된) 말들/생각들,, 나머지 이방인들이 쫓아 행하는,, 것 쫓아가기를 그칠 것이라,, 교훈하지 않았었느냐 ? 내가 너희에게 그 옛 사람,, 사망의 그 말들/생각들로 부패해진,, 그 옛 사람을 벗어 버리고 너희는 내 거룩한 영의 생명으로 가득한 그 말들/생각들,, 그것들을 쫓아 행할 새 사람을 입으라 요구하지 않았었니 ? 기록된 대로,, 하나님의 그 생명의 지식만이 영적인 정신의 자들 의식속에서 발견될 수 있을 것이 아니냐 ? ; 내 영을 쫓아서 그 협잡하고 좁은 길,, 생명으로 연결되는,, 길을 가는 자들 (속에서) ? 너가 정말 사망이 너의 사고 세계를 지배하길 원하느냐, 혹은 정말 너가 생명이 너의 사고 세계를 지배하길 원하느냐 ? 어느 사고세계가 너에게 진실하고 옳으냐 ? 나는 이 세상속으로 들어왔다,, 내 창조물을 그들 사망의 종살이(매임)에 자유게 하기 위해. 나는 이 세상속으로 들어왔다,, 그 사망,, 그 타락시,, 인간속으로 들어온,, 그 사망을 파괴하려고. 내가 이 세상속으로 들어왔다,, 그 생명의 영으로서. 내가 영이고 내가 생명이다 ; 내 말들이 영이고 생명이다 ; 내 사고세계(정신)은 영이고 그것은 생명이다. 내가 ,, 그 영의 정신속에 거주하는,,그 말들/정신들이다. 내가 그 영의 정신의 그 영이다. 내가 그 생명과 평강이다,, 영의 정신속에 거주하는. 내가 생명을 주려 왔다, 그리고 그것을 풍성하게 주기 위해. 하지만 누가 내게 내가 심히 주기 원하는 그 사고세계(정신)을 교환 받기 위해 그들 사고세계(정신)을 줄 것이냐 ? 누가 나로 정신들속의 그 사망을 내 생명의 그 영으로 변제(태환,상환)하게 할 것이냐 ? 누가 내게 내가 거주하는 곳으로 심히도 만들기 원하는 곳에 거주하고 있는, 그 말들/생각들을 줄 것이냐 ; 이는 내가 생명으로 된,,그 말들/생각들, 그것들이기 때문이다 ? 한 사람은 그가 생각하는 대로 존재한다( 사람은 그가 생각하는 대로이다.)
I see all of the lively and the lifeless words/thoughts that inhabit the thinking of the carnal mind, and they are all death. I see all of the vain and foolish words/thoughts that dwell in the thoughts of all the carnally minded, and they trouble me. I see all of the evil and wicked words/thoughts of the carnal mind, and they are all abominable. I see all of the fearful anxious, and dreadful words/thoughts that torment the thinking of the carnally minded, and they are all miserable. I see all of the deceitful words/thoughts that hide in the darkness of the carnal mind, and they are all lies. I see the words/ thoughts that men choose to believe on as well as the words/thoughts that are rejected and scorned. I have seen all of the thoughts of the mind, those with purpose and those without purpose, and they are still all vanity. I have seen the best and the most righteous words/thoughts that the carnally minded can think on, and they are all illusions. Is it possible for anything that is vain to bring forth anything that is profitable? Is it possible for anything that is evil to bring forth anything that is good? Is it possible for anything that is dead to bring forth any life of itself? Is it possible for any amount of wrongs to make anything right? I have all seen all of the words/thoughts that inhabit the thoughts of the carnal mind, and there is no life in any of them. I came into this world to give life to the dead. I am willing to give life, but where are the dead who are willing to give themselves to me in exchange?
내가 그 활발한 것들 전부와, 그 육의 정신 사고(세계)속에 거주하는 그 생명없는 말들/생각들,, 그것들을 본다, 그리고 그것들은 모두 사망이다. 내가 그 헛되고 어리석은 말들/생각들, 온통 그 육의 정신들로 된 그 생각들속에 거하는,, 그것들 전부를 본다,그리고 그것들이 나를 괴롭힌다. 내가 그 악하고 사악한 말들/생각들, 육의 정신의, 전부를 본다, 그리고 그것들 전부는 혐오스럽다. 나는 그 두려움에 젖은채, 긴장하고 공포에 질린 말들/생각들, 그 육의 정신이 사고세계를 고문하는 그것들 전부를 본다, 그리고 그것들은 모두 비참하다. 나는 그 기만하는 말들/생각들, 그 육의 어둠속에 숨은 채인 그것들 전부를 본다, 그리고 그것들은 모두가 거짓말들이다. 나는 인간들이 믿기로 선택하는 그 말들/정신들을 본다. 더불어 거부를 당하고 경멸을 당하는 그 말들/생각들도. 나는 그 정신의 생각들 전부를 보았다,, 목적을 가진 그러한 것들과, 목적이 없는 그러한 것들, 그것들은 여전히 헛된 것이다. 내가 그 최고를 보았었다,,그 가장 옳은 ,, 그 육의 정신의 것들이 생각할 수 있는,,말들/생각들,, 그런데 그것들은 모두 망상(환영)들이다. 유익한 어떤것을 낳는데 무익한 어떤것이 가능하냐 ? 선한 어떤것을 낳는데 악한 어떤것이 가능하냐 ? 스스로 생명을 낳는데 죽어있는 어떤것이 가능하냐 ? 어떤것을 바르게 하는데 얼마만큼의 잘못된 것들이 가능하냐 ? 내가 그 육의 정신 생각들속에 거주하는 그 말들/생각들 모두, 전부를 보았다. 그것들 어느 것 속에도 전혀 생명이 없다. 내가 이 세상 속으로 그 죽은것들에 생명을 주려 들어왔다. 내가 기꺼이 생명을 준다, 하지만 그 죽은 것들,, 기꺼이 그들 스스로를 내게 교환으로 주려하는,, 자들이 어디에 있느냐 ?
It is written, “In the beginning was the Word; and the Word was with God; and the Word was God”. I am the Word; I am the Word of life. I am the truth. I am the Word of truth and life. I am the Word made flesh, full of grace and truth. I am the Word of life that appears in the flesh of all those who give to me their thinking. Now hear and understand: In the beginning, I created Adam after my own image; that is, after the image of my words/thoughts; words/thoughts of life and truth. I did not create Adam after the image of any of these carnal words/thoughts. These words/thoughts had no dwelling place in the minds of Adam or Eve….that is, until the fall; until the day that Adam and Eve freely chose to forsake the counsel of my words/thoughts in order that they may believe the lying words/thoughts of Satan’s counsel instead. on that day, through the deceitful and enticing words of Satan, joined with the desires of their heart, they freely chose for death to be the ruler over their thinking. For it is as it is written, “No man can have 2 masters”; either choose death or choose life. on the day that they forsook my counsel, then the image of my words/thoughts, the words of life and truth, departed from their thinking to make way for their new master: the death that rules over all of the words/thoughts of those who are carnally minded.
기록되어 있다, " 시작에(태초에) 말(씀 : the Word) 이 있었다 ; 그 말(씀)이 하나님과 함께 있었다(존재했다) ; 그 말(씀)이 하나님이었다". 내가 그 말(씀)이다 ; 내가 생명의 그 말이다. 내가 그 참(진리,진실)이다. 내가 그 참(진리)과 생명의 그 말이다. 내가 육이 된 그 말(씀)이다,, 은혜와 참(진리,진실)이 가득한. 내가 그 생명의 말이다,, 나에게 그들의 사고세계(정신)를 주는 모든 자들의 그 육속에 나타나는 그 생명의 말(씀)이다. 이제 들어 이해해라 : 시작에(태초에), 내가 아담을 내 자신의 형상(이미지)를 쫓아 창조했었다 ; 즉, 내 말들/생각들의 형상(이미지)을 쫓아서 ; 생명과 참(진리, 진실)과 생명의 말들/생각들로. 나는 아담을 여느(어떤) 이러한 육의 말들/정신들 형상(이미지)를 쫓아 창조하지 않았었다. 이러한 말들/생각들은 아담과 혹은 하와 정신들 속에 전혀 거주지가 없었다..... 즉, 그 타락(떨어짐) 시 까지는 ; 아담과 하와가 자유의지로서 나의 말들/생각들로 된 조언들을 버리기로 선택한 그 날까지는,, 대신에 그들이 그 속이는(거짓의) 사탄의 말들/생각들의 조언함을 믿기 위해 (선택한 그 날까지는). 그 날에, 그 속이고(기만하는) 그리고 유혹하는 사탄의 말들을 통해서, 그들 마음이 욕구들과 합해져(하나되어), 그들이 자유의지로 사망이 그들 사고세계(정신)을 다스리(지배하)는 지배자(정복자)가 되도록 선택했다. 이는 기록된 대로, " 누구도 두 주인(정복자,지배자)을 가질 수 없다 " 기록되어 있기 때문이다 ; 사망을 선택하든지 혹은 생명을 선택하든지. 그들이 내 조언(함)을 버렸던 날, 그 때에 내 말들/생각들의 그 형상, 생명과 참(진리,진실)의 그 말들이 그들 사고 세계(정신)에서 떠났다,, 그들 새 주인(정복자,이긴자) : 그 사망, 육의 정신으로 된 자들의 그 모든 말들/생각들을 다스리도록, 그 사망에게 길을 내 주면서.
On the day of the fall, the life of God that was in the thinking of their minds, that which was created after the image of God, departed from their thoughts; and all of the words/ thoughts of the righteousness of God that had given unto them abundant life, were then transformed into the likeness of these lifeless dust particles that drift about because they have no purpose. Until that day, Adam and Eve had daily eaten of the tree of life, and the words/thoughts in their minds were continually renewed in the image of the words of life. It was also on that day the desires and the affections of a man’s heart were given over to submission to the lies of Satan; the lies whose complete focus is only on the vain image of the being of “self”. It was on that day that all fellowship and communion between God and man ceased; and the purpose that God created man upon the earth was corrupted. on that day, the darkness of corruption and mortality took it’s place to rule over the world with death; the world that God himself had created. A man is as he thinks; he who is carnally minded thinks and speaks death; he who is spiritually minded thinks and speaks life.
그 타락(떨어짐)의 날에, 하나님의 그 생명, 그들 정신들 사고 세계속에 있었던(존재했던), 하나님의 형상을 쫓아서 창조 되었던 그것(생명)이 그들 생각들로부터 떠났다 ; 그리고 그들에게 풍성한 생명을 주었었던, 모든 그 하나님의 의(로움)의 그 말들/생각들, 그 전부가 그때 이러한 생명없는 먼지 입자들과 같은 그 닮은 것, 공중을 떠 다니는(표류하는)것들로 바뀌어져(변화되어) 버렸다 왜냐하면 그것들이 목적이 전혀 없기에. 그 날까지, 아담과 하와는 매일 생명나무로 부터 먹었었다, 그리고 그들 정신들 속의 그 말들/생각들은 계속적으로 그 생명의 말들로 된 형상안에서 새롭게 되었다. 그것은 또 그 날에 한 사람 마음의 그 욕구들과 그 애정들이 그 사탄의 거짓말들에 굴복(복종)하는 상태로 넘겨져 버렸다 ; 그들의 전체 촛점이 오직 그 헛된 "자기(자아)" 존재의 형상에 맞춰진 채의 그 거짓말에. 그 날이었다 하나님과 인간(사람)사이의 모든 사귐과 교통(영교)이 중단되어 버린 날이 ; 하나님이 땅 위에 인간(사람)을 창조했던 그 목적이 부패(부정)하게 되어 버린 날. 그 날에, 그 부패(부정)와 죽을 수 밖에 없는 그 어둠이 그 자리를 잡았고, 사망으로 그 세상을 지배했다(다스렸다) ; 하나님 그 자신이 창조했었던 그 세계(세상)을. 인간은 그가 생각하는 대로 존재한다 ; 육의 정신인 그는 사망을 생각하고 말한다 ; 영의 정신인 그는 생명을 생각하고 말한다.
I Am the Lord of life. I Am the God of the living and not the dead. I Am life. I Am the Words of Life. Those who depart from me depart from life. Those who do not desire to obey me are those who choose for death to be the lord of their thinking. Those who choose death to be their lord are those whose very image is death, and they have death for their thinking. Death has no power to rule over life because I Am life; I Am the source of all life; I Am that which life consists of, and I will never bow the knee of my heart to serve even one of the lying words/thoughts of death. When Adam and Eve chose to follow the counsels of Satan’s words, then I, as the image of, and the very affection for my Father’s words/thoughts, then departed from their hearts and minds; and thus was the saying brought to pass that is written: “Your thoughts are not my thoughts”. on the day that death took it’s rule, not only did the lies of Satan enter in, but so also did the love and affection to believe his lies, also take it’s throne to rule over the hearts and thoughts of all who are carnally minded.
In the kingdom of darkness, not only is there a desire to love Satan’s lies, but so also is there a burning desire to hate the truth of God. I am the image of the truth of God, and I am the wisdom of God that loves the truth; and I, as the light of life from which all things were created, and from which all creation communed and fellowshipped with God by, was taken out of the world. Death came; Death came as the darkness that completely alienates and separates all creation from the life intended by it’s Creator. only death is able to dwell in the darkness that inhabits the words/thoughts of the carnal mind; a darkness where there is no presence of the God of life. on that day, God became man’s alien.
내가 그 생명의 주인이다. 내가 그 살아있는 것들의 하나님이고, 그 죽은자(것)들의 하나님이 아니다. 내가 그 생명의 말들이다. 나에게서 떠나는 자들은 생명에서 떠난다. 나에게 순종하길 원치 않는 자들은, 사망을 그들 사고세계(정신)의 주인으로 선택하는 자들이다. 사망을 그들 주인으로 선택하는 자들은 바로 그들의 형상이 사망이도록 하는 자들이다, 그리고 그들은 그들 사고세계(정신)을 위해 사망을 가졌다. 사망은 전혀 생명을 다스릴 힘이 없다 왜냐함 내가 생명이기 때문이다 ; 내가 모든 생명의 그 출처(근원)이다 ; 내가 생명으로 이루어진 그것이다, 그리고 내가 결코 내 마음으로 그 거짓말(기만)하는 사망의 말들/생각들 하나라도 섬기도록 무릎꿇게 하지 않는다. 아담과 하와가 사탄의 말들의 조언하는 것을 따르기로 선택했을 때, 그때 나, 내 아버지의 말들/생각들로 향해 있는 그 형상과, 바로 그 애정으로서의 내가, 그때 그들 마음들과 정신들에서 떠났다 ; 그리하여 그 말(격언) : " 너희 생각들은 내 생각들과 같지 않다(내 생각들이 아니다) " 라고 기록된 그 일이 실제 일어나게 되었다. 그 날에 사망이 그것의 지배를 획득했다, 단순히 사탄의 그 거짓말이 들어왔을 뿐 만이 아니라, 그렇게 또 그의 거짓말을 믿고파 하는 그 사랑과 애정이 들어왔고, 역시 그것의 보좌를 얻는다,, 육의 정신인 모든 자들의 그 마음들과 생각들을 다스리는(지배하는). 어둠의 왕국에선, 사탄의 거짓말들을 사랑하는 한 욕구(a desire to love)체가 있을 뿐 만이 아니라, 그렇게 또 하나님의 그 참(진리, 진실)을 미워하는 한 불타는 욕구(체)가 있다. 내가 하나님의 그 참(진리)의 형상이다, 그리고 내가 그 참(진리, 진실)을 사랑하는 하나님의 그 지혜이다; 그리고 나, 생명의 빛으로서,, 모든 것들이 그 빛으로 창조되었다, 그리고 그 빛으로부터 모든 창조물이, 빛에 의해 하나님과 교통했고, 사귐이 있었던 그 세계(세상) 바깥으로 내 밀려져 버렸다. 사망이 왔었다 ; 완전히 모든 창조물을 그것의 창조주가 의도했던 그 생명으로부터 완전히 멀어지게 하여 갈라놓는 그 어둠으로서 사망이 왔었다. 오직 사망은 그 어둠, 그 육의 정신의 그 말들/생각들 속에 거주하며 살 수 있을 뿐이다 ; 전혀 생명의 그 하나님의 존재(임재)가 없는 곳인 그 어둠(체).. 그 날에, 하나님이 인간에게 외계인이 되었다.
I am the Lord of light that the darkness has blinded all men to see. I am the Lord of life that the darkness has alienated my creation from. It is the darkness that blinds the eyes of man so that there is none who are able to see the life or that can correctly interpret life. There is no man able to see as I see”, says the Lord. “For fallen man judges all things according to appearances; for the carnal mind only has the ability to interpret the appearances and the images of what he sees. For all men judge and measure other men after the height and the weight of their bodies; after the intelligence of their words; after the color of their skin; after the measure of their wealth, and riches, and fame; after the countenance in their faces; after the gender of their body; and after the appearance of their works and deeds. But in this world of darkness, all appearances are only illusions; illusions where vain things appear to be ‘right and true’ things that a man should live his life according to; and illusions to judge others after the lives they appear to live. There is no man who is able to discern the truth about the intents and the motives of his own heart, much less the intents and motives of the hearts of others. Understand this, I said that your thoughts are not my thoughts because it never enters into my mind to judge any man according to his appearance; for appearances are only illusions; and illusions deceive; and all who judge according to appearances only deceive themselves. These deceive themselves because when they condemn others, they are only condemning themselves. From where came the saying that says, “Nothing is as it appears”?
내가 그 생명의 주인이다,, 그 어둠이 모든 사람들로 보지 못하게 막아버린. 내가 그 생명의 주인이다,, 그 어둠이 내 창조물들을 떼어 멀어저 가게 했던. 인간의 눈을 보지 못하게 하는 것은 그 어둠이다,, 그래서 아무도,, 그 생명을 볼 수 있는 이가 없고, 혹은 생명을 바르게 해석할 수 있는 이가 없다. 아무 인간도 내가 보는대로 볼 수가 없다 " , 주(여호와)의 말이다. " 이는 타락한(떨어진)인간은 모든것들을 겉으로 보이는 외모에 따라서 판단한다 ; 이는 그 육의 정신 만이 그가 보는 것의 겉 모습들과 그 형상들을 해석할 수 있는 능력을 가졌을 뿐이기 때문이다. 이는 모든 인간들이 다른이들을 그들 몸의 키와 몸 무게를 쫓아 판단하고 헤아리기 때문이다 ; 그들 말들 지성을 쫓아 ; 그들 피부색을 쫓아 ; 그들 부함과 재물, 명예의 척도를 쫓아 ; 그들 얼굴의 생김을 쫓아 ; 그들 몸의 성별을 쫓아 ; 그들 하는 일과 행위들을 쫓아서. 하지만 이 어둠의 세상에서의, 모든 보이는 겉 모습들은 오직 환영(망상)들에 지나지 않는다 ; 헛 된 것들이 ' 옳고 진실한 ' 것으로 보이는 환영,, 한 인간이 그의 삶(생명)을 맞춰서 당연히 살아야 할 것으로 간주되는 ; 다른이들을 그들이 살아있는 것처럼 보이도록 하는 삶(생명)들을 쫓아서 판단토록 하는 환영(망상). 그 자신의 마음 동기들과 내용들에 대한 진실을 식별해 낼 수 있는 사람이 아무도 없다,, 다른이들의 마음들 동기들과 내용들을 더 더욱 알수 없는. 이것을 이해해라, 내가 말했다,, 너희 생각들은 내 생각들과 같지 않다고,, 왜냐함 내 정신속으론 어떤 사람을 그의 외모(겉모습)에 따라 판단하는 것이 결코 들어오지 않기 때문이다 ; 이는 겉 모습들은 단순 환영(망상)들이기 때문이다 ; 그리고 환영들은 속인다 ; 겉 모습들에 따라 판단하는 모두는 오직 스스로를 속일 뿐이다. 그것에서 다음의 격언(말)이 나오는데, " 아무것도 그 겉모습이 보이는대로 있지(존재치) 않다 " ?
Thus says the Lord, “I judge no man after appearances, but I judge all men after the words that are thought upon in his heart; for where the desires of the heart are, there shall you find the riches and the treasures of his heart; the riches and treasures of the life that he finds pleasurable and that he would love to have. I see the words/thoughts that are desired. I see the words/thoughts that are esteemed. I see the words/thoughts that are believed on. I see the words/thoughts that are exalted to be right. I see the words/thoughts that are honored. I see the words/thoughts that are trusted in. I see the words/thoughts that are delighted in. I see the words/thoughts that are desired to be truth. I see the words/thoughts that men hate and despise. I see whose words/thoughts, whether death or life, that appear as lifeless dust particles as well as those which appear as lively particles with purpose. I see that the measure of man is not according to his appearance, but it is according to the words/thoughts that he believes on and agrees with.
주께서 이와 같이 말한다, " 나는 아무 인간도 겉 모습을 쫓아 판단치 않는다, 대신 나는 모든 사람들을 그들 마음속에서 생각하는 그 말들을 쫓아 판단한다 ; 이는 그 마음의 욕구들이 있는 곳, 그기서 정령코 너희는 그의 마음의 재물들과 보물들을 발견할 것이기 때문이다 ; 그 생명의 재물들과 보물들을, 그가 정말 가지고파 할 , 그가 만족함을 얻는. 내가 ,, 정말 원하고 바라는,,그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 높이 우러러는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 바탕으로 믿는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 옳은것으로 높이 사는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 존귀히 여김을 받는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 믿는 신뢰할 만한 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 기쁨이 되는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 참(진실)으로 여겨지기 원하는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 내가 정말 사람들이 미워하고 경멸하는 그 말들/생각들을 본다. 나는 정말 누구의 말들/생각들이, 생명인지 혹은 사망,, 생명없는 먼지 입자로서 보이는 말들/생각들인지를 본다 더불어 목적을 가진 활발한 입자로 보이는 것들인지를. 내가 정말 본다 사람의 그 헤아림(척도)이 그의 겉모습(외모)에 따라서가 아니라, 대신 그것이 그가 바탕으로 믿고 일치(동의)하는 그 말들/생각들에 맞춰진 것임을.
Thus says the Lord, “I came into the world to reconcile the world unto God; but who is he who can understand what the world needs to be reconciled of? I came into the world, the world which I created, and the world did not know me. I came as the righteousness of God into a world where each man believes that righteousness comes forth how he sees and interprets all things. Who is willing to allow for me to reconcile his world? Who is willing to allow for me to make life first in his thinking rather than death? I forewarned Adam and Eve in the beginning that if they disobeyed my words/thoughts, and chose to eat of the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, then death would surely enter into the world; and death would be the first desire in their thinking. Have you ever considered just what it was that overcame Adam and Eve, that which enticed them and led them to disobey the counsel of God? Was it Satan’s lies that overcame them or was it their own desires that overcame them; desires that arose in their hearts whereby they wished to believe that Satan’s words were the truth rather than the words that had been given to them from God? Do you see how it was by reason of these desires that a power arose within them that led to fall of man upon the earth; a powerful desire to believe lies. What power could any lying words/thoughts have if there was no desire to believe them? So then, I ask you once again, what does this world need to be reconciled of?
주께서 이와같이 말한다, " 내가 그 세상속으로 들어왔다,, 그 세상을 하나님에게로 화해시키러(일치,조화 시키러) ; 하지만 누가 그 세상이 화해될 필요가 있는것을 이해할 수 있는 그 이냐 ? 내가 그 세상속으로 들어왔었다, 내가 창조했었던 그 세상, 그런데 그 세상이 나를 몰랐었다. 내가 하나님의 그 의로서 왔었다, 각자 사람이 의라는 것은 그가 모든 것들을 보고 해석하는 방식에서 나오는 것이라 믿는 한 세상속으로. 누가 기꺼이 나로 허락할 것이냐,, 그의 세상을 화해(일치)시키도록 ? 누가 기꺼이 허락할 것이냐,, 나로 먼저 그의 사고 세계(정신)속에서 사망보다 먼저 생명을 만들도록 ? 나는 시작에(태초에) 아담과 하와에게 미리 경고했다 만약 그들이 내 말들/생각들에 불순종하여, 그 선과 악의 지식의 나무로부터 나는 그 열매로 먹기로 선택할 것이면, 그럼 사망이 틀림없이 그 세상속으로 들어오리란 것을 ; 그리고 사망이 그들 사고 세계속에서 첫 번째 욕구가 될 것이었다. 너가 생각해 본 적이 있느냐,, 아담과 하와를 정복해(이게) 버린것,,그들을 유혹하여, 그들로 하나님의 그 조언에 불순종하게 했던,, 그것이 도대체 뭘까 하고 ? 그들을 정복해버린 것이 사탄의 거짓말들일까, 아님 그들을 정복(이긴)해 버린 것이 그들 자신의 욕구들이었을까 ; 그들 마음속에서 일어(생겨)난, 그것으로 인해 그들이 사탄의 말들이 그들에게 전에 주어진 바 된 하나님의 그 말들보다 진실(참)이라고 믿기를 소원하는 욕구들 이었을까 ? 너가 보니,, 어떻게 이러한 욕구들,, 한 힘이 그들 내부에서 일어나 그들을 그 땅위 사람(인간)의 타락(떨어짐,쓰러짐)으로 이어진,, 이러한 욕구들 때문이었던지를 ; 한 강력한 욕구,, 거짓말들을 믿고픈. 어떤 힘을, 어떤 거짓말하는 말들/생각들이 가질 수 있을까,, 만약 그것들을 믿고픈 욕구가 전혀 없다면 ? 그렇다면 그럼, 내가 다시한번 네게 묻는다,, 이 세상이 무엇과 화해 될 필요가 있니 ?
What man is even able to comprehend just how great his captivity is to the death that rules over the thinking of the carnal mind? Do you still scoff at me when I tell you that your thoughts are not my thoughts? Do you still make light of my instruction that says that all of your thoughts are vanity and your imaginations are continually evil? I created man to be partakers of life, not to be captives to death. I created man for communion and fellowship, not alienation and separation. But how can darkness fellowship with light, and with what communion does death have with life? If you desire to commune and fellowship with God, should you not first understand that which must first be reconciled unto God? How can that which is an enemy become a friend except that which makes it an enemy, is first removed?
어떤 인간이 파악이라도 할 수 있니,, 그가 그 사망,, 그 육의 정신 사고세계를 지배(다스리고)하고 있는,, 그 사망에 그가 포로되어 있다는 것이 단순히 얼마나 거대한 힘인지 ? 너가 여전히 내게 콧 웃음 치겠니,, 내가 네게 너의 생각들은 나의 생각들과 같지 않다 말할때에 ? 너가 여전히 내 가르침,, 너의 생각들 전부는 헛된 것이고, 너의 상상함들은 계속적으로 악할 뿐임을 말하는,, 그 가르침을 가벼히 여기니 ? 내가 인간을 생명의 참여자들로 창조했다,, 사망에 포로된 자들이 아니라. 내가 사람을 영교와 사귐을 위해 창조했다,, 멀어져,, 갈라지도록 한 것이 아니라. 하지만 어떻게 어둠이 빛과 사귐을 가질 수 있느냐 ? 무슨 영적 교통을 사망이 생명과 가지겠니 ? 만약 너가 하나님과 교통하고 사귀길 정말 원한다면, 당연히 먼저 너는 이해해야 하지 않느나 먼저 하나님에게로 화해(일치)되어야 하지 않음 안 되는 그것을 ? 어떻게 원수(체)인 그것이 한 친구가 될 수 있느냐 그것을 원수(체)로 만드는 그것이 먼저 제거(이동)되지 않고서 ?
If you believe that my words are true, then what agreement could the definition of the carnal mind’s interpretation of life have with my spiritual definition of life; seeing that your thoughts are not my thoughts? What agreement does the carnal mind’s definition of love have with my love, or the likeness between the carnal mind’s understanding of the truth and the truth of God? How can a proud mind possibly interpret my humility and meekness? How can the carnal mind comprehend true forgiveness where sins and transgressions are forgiven, and they never return to the thoughts of the mind? How can the minds of those who delight in judging others, in finding fault with others, and in accusing others find any communion with God who then delights in showing mercy to the same? Where is the communion between anxiety and peace of mind? Where are the carnally minded who are clothed with everlasting joy?
만약 너가 내 말이 참(진실)이라고 믿는다면, 그럼 어떤 일치점을 그 육의 정신이 내리는 생명을 두고 하는 해석과 내 영의 생명을 두고 내리는 정의가 가질수 있느냐 ; 너의 생각은 나의 생각들과 같지 않는데 ? 어떤 일치(동의)가 그 육의 정신이 사랑을 두고 하는 정의와 내 영이 사랑을 두고 내리는 정의에 있느냐 아님 그 육의 정신의 참(진실,진리)에 대한 이해와 하나님의 그 참(진리,진실)에 대한 것 사이에 닮은 것이 있느냐 ? 어떻게 자만심의 한 정신이 나의 낮아짐과 온유함을 해석함이 가능할 수 있겠느냐 ? 어떻게 그 육의 정신이 진정한 용서,, 죄와 허물(파계)들이 용서되어, 그것들이 결코 그 정신의 생각들에로 돌아오지 않는(생각나지 않는) 곳의, 그 진정한 용서를 파악할 수 있느냐 ? 어떻게 다른 이들을 판단하고, 다른이들의 잘못을 흠 잡고, 다른이들을 비난함에서 기뻐하는 정신의 자들이 하나님과의 어떤 교통을 발견할 수 있느냐 오직 그 동일한 자들에게 자비함을 보이는 것을 기쁨으로 삼는 하나님과 ? 긴장함과 평화의 정신 둘 사이에 교통함이 있느냐 ? 영존하는 기쁨으로 옷 입혀진 육의 정신의 자들이 어디 있느냐 ?
How can any man comprehend the truth of my love, my truth, my patience, my power, my gentleness, my meekness, my care, my joy, my mercy, my belief, my forgiveness, my humility, and my goodness when he uses the thinking of the carnal mind to interpret my heart and my nature? Do you not understand that they who think that I am in the likeness of their carnal interpretations are changing me to be an image like unto the death of the carnal mind; a likeness that is only an illusion of lies that seem right? only a fool would think that my heart and my nature can be interpreted with the understanding of the carnal mind that is corrupted with darkness; and all who use their carnal mind to interpret me, they blind themselves to ever see any need for me in their lives because they have me to be like an image of themselves. All those who think that my heart and my nature can be compared to the heart and the nature of man, they are blind to see that, by their own thoughts, they have made themselves to be like unto God. I am not a man. My nature is not like unto a man. My character is not like unto a man.
I am not like a man. My thoughts are not as your thoughts. My ways are not your ways. I do not see as man sees. I tell you again, I and my Father are as aliens unto men. Though there be none who are righteous in their thinking or good in their hearts, the hypocrite will still think to walk in the image that is according to his own interpretations of my nature and my heart; and these are so confident that I am pleased with their efforts and works? I tell you that all false witnesses are an abomination in my sight. Who will seek to know the truth about my heart and my nature, rather than to twist my image into the likeness of their own carnal thoughts and heart’s desires? Who is able to understand that I have no communion with the interpretations of the words/thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind? Who is able to comprehend that it is only the Devil who communes and fellowships with those who are carnally minded, because it is he who has fathered all of the words/thoughts that are conceived in the carnal mind. He knows well the name of all his children, such as fear, hatred, bitterness, confusion, doubt, anxiety, depression, slander, worry, unbelief, fornication, and pride; and the Devil knows that all of his children desire to serve him only. Just as the Devil desired to be like unto God, so also do the children of darkness desire to be like unto God, but after their own interpretations and imaginations which twist the image of the heavenly God into the likeness of their own goodness, their own pleasure, and their own righteousness. These are the children who love to satisfy their own desires, through their own deceivings. Do you see how the darkness works in a man to satisfy the desires of death that rule over the carnal mind? Do you understand yet that which man needs to be reconciled of?
어떻게 어느 사람이 내 사랑, 내 진리, 내 인내, 내 능력, 내 신사다움, 내 온유함. 내 돌봄, 내 기쁨, 내 자비, 내 믿음, 내 용서함, 내 낮아짐, 내 선함의 진실을 파악할 수 있겠니 그가 그 육의 정신 사고세계로 내 마음, 내 성품을 해석하고자 사용할 때에 ? 너가 이해하지 못하니, 내가 그들 육의 닮은 것으로 해석함들 가운데 있다 생각하는 자들이 나를 그 육의 정신의 그 사망에 닮은 이미지(형상)체로 바꿔놓고 있다는 것을 ; 오직 옳게 보이는 거짓말로 된 망상(체)에 지나지 않는 닮은 것으로 ? 오직 바보만이 내 마음과 내 성품이 그 육의 정신, 어둠으로 부패 된, 그 육의 정신의 이해함으로 해석될 수 있다 생각 할 ; 그리고 그들 육의 정신을 나를 해석하는데 사용하는 모두, 그들은 그들 스스로를 보지 못하(눈멀)게 하여 결코 내가 그들 생명속에 필요함을 보지 못한다 왜냐함 그들이 나를 그들 자신의 형상(체,이미지)과 같은 것으로 가지(여기)고 있기 때문이다. 내 마음과 내 성품이 사람(인간)의 그 마음과 그 성품에 비견될 수 있다 생각하는 자들 모두는, 그들이 그것을 보지 못하도록 눈 멀어 있다,, 그들 자신(소유)의 생각들로서,, 그들은 그들 자신들을 하나님과 같은 것으로 만들었다. 나는 사람이 아니다. 내 성품은 여느 사람과 같지 않다. 내 성격(성질)은 사람과 같지 않다.
나는 사람과 같지 않다. 내 생각들은 너의 생각들과 같지 않다. 내 길(들)은 너희의 길(들)이 아니다. 내가 사람이 보는 것 처럼 보지 않는다. 다시 내가 네게 말한다, 나와 내 아버지는 사람들(인간들)에게 외계인들로 있다. 그들 사고세계(정신)속에서 의롭거나, 혹은 그들 마음들 속에서 선한 자들은 아무도 없다, 그 위선자는 여전히 생각한다,, 내 성품, 내 마음을 그 자신이 하는 해석들에 맞춰진 그 형상(이미지)으로 생각한다 ; 이러한 자들은 아주 확신한다,, 내가 그들의 노력들과 일함(수고)들을 기뻐(마음에 들어)한다고 ? 내가 네게 말한다 모든 거짓 증거들은 내 눈에 가증스런 것임을. 누가 진정코 내 마음과 내 성품에 대한 진실을 알려 할 것이냐,, 내 형상(이미지)를 그들 자신의 육의 생각들과 마음의 욕구들과 닮은것으로 뛰틀어 외곡하기 보다 ?
누가 이해할 수 있느냐,, 나는 그 육의 정신속에 거하는 그 말들/생각들의 그 해석과는 전혀 교통(일치)함이 없다는 것을 ? 누가 파악할 수 있느냐,, 오직 마귀만 육의 정신인 자들과 교통(교제)하고 사귄다는 것을, 왜냐함 그가 그 육의 정신속에 잉태된 그 말들/생각들 전부의 아버지 역활을 해 온 그 이기 때문이다. 그는 잘 안다 모든 그의 자식들 이름을, 예컨데 두려움, 미움, 가혹함, 혼란, 의심, 긴장, 우울, 중상, 걱정, 불신, 간음, 자긍심; 그리고 그 마귀는 안다,, 그의 자식들 전부는 오직 그 만을 섬기고 싶어 하는것을. 바로 그 마귀가 심히도 하나님과 같이 되고 팠던 것처럼, 또 그렇게 그 어둠의 자식들도 심히도 하나님 같이 되고파(있고파) 한다, 하지만 그 하늘 하나님의 그 형상을,, 그들 자신의 선함, 그들 자신의 기쁨, 그들 자신의 의(로움)과 닮은 것으로 뒤틀어 외곡하는 그들 자신의 해석함들과 상상함들을 쫓아서. 이러한 자들이 그들 자신의 욕구들을 만족시키길 사랑하는 그 자식들이다 그들 자신의 속이는 것들을 통해서. 너가 보니,, 어떻게 그 어둠이 한 인간속에서 (작용하여)일하며 사망의 그 욕구들, 그 육의 정신을 지배하고 있는,, 그 욕구들을 만족시키기 원하는지를 ? 너가 이제 그것, 인간이 화해(일치)될 필요가 있다는 (그)것을, 이해하니 ?
I came into this world to give to all men a choice between death and life. Have I not set before you all a choice between life and death? Have I not given to you the ability to choose between life and death? I am giving unto each one of you a choice that will allow for each one of you to choose whose words/thoughts your desire to believe; a choice between the words/thoughts of the carnal mind or the words/thoughts that inhabit the spiritual mind? If you had life dwelling in your thoughts, would it be necessary for me to even give to you such a choice as this? Life is not that which comes naturally, for death is ‘thoughts’ that the carnally minded know naturally. I am not the words/thoughts that natural man desires to be true, but I am the words/thoughts of truth that sets men free from their miserable captivity to the thinking of the carnal mind. I am the word made flesh, the word that is full of grace and truth.
Now again, I want to remind of that which I once taught you, that the words/thoughts of God and the words/thoughts of Satan do not sit equally balanced in the hearing of man; for man being created from the dust of earth, by reason of the natural elements loves the “self” being that all lies focus on; for is it not as it is written, that no man ever hated himself? But man was created from the very dust of the earth that Satan himself inhabited; seeing that when he was cast out of heaven, he was cast “into the earth”. It is of these earthy elements from which Adam was created that also brought forth the desire in Adam and Eve to believe Satan’s lies. Though I created Adam after the image of my words/ thoughts, he was compassed about by an earthy vessel that was/is subject to worldly desires.
It is by reason of these earthy elements that a desire arouse in their hearts to believe Satan’s lies; and when the serpent sowed the seed of his words in Eve, he then departed, knowing that it was only a matter of time before his words would arouse these earthy elements from their sleep; and then would come forth those worldly desires that tempt all to believe that Satan’s words are right and true. For it is only worldly desires that make it pleasurable for a man to believe lies. Until that day, neither Adam nor Eve had ever heard any lying words, thus keeping asleep the worldly desires and pleasures that inhabited their earthy vessel. But now that these worldly elements were aroused, they began to join themselves to the seed of Satan’s words with belief; and once the belief came forth, then that which had been forbidden began to appear pleasing in their sight. And when they sinned against God, death came swiftly upon them; the death whose very nature is in complete rebellion against God, and all things that are of God.
이제 다시, 내가 이전에 네게 가르쳤던 것을 상기시키기 원한다, 하나님의 그 말들/생각들과 사탄의 그 말들/생각들이 동등하게 사람이 듣는 것 가운데 균형을 이룬채 자리하지 못함을 ; 이는 인간이 땅의 그 먼지로 창조되므로, 그 자연적 요소 때문에,,모든 거짓말들이 촞점을 맞추고 있는 그 " 자아(자기)존재를 사랑하기 때문이다 ; 이는 그것이 기록된 대로가 아니냐, 어떤 인간도 결코 스스로을 미워하지 않았다고 ? 하지만 인간은 바로 그 땅의 먼지로부터 창조되었다,,사탄 그 자신이 거주했던 ; 그가 하늘 바깥으로 내던져 졌을 때,, 그는 " 그 땅으로 " 던짐을 당했기에. 그것은 이러한 흙의 요소들,,로 되었다,, 그기로부터 내가 아담을 창조했다,,내 말들/생각들의 형상을 쫓아서. 그는 온통 한 흙의 용기,, 세상의 욕구들 수하에 종속된 (과거도, 현재도),, 그릇(용기)에 둘러싸였다.
이러한 흙의 요소들 때문에, 한 욕구(체)가 그들 마음속에서 사탄의 거짓말들을 믿고 프도록 일어났다 ; 그리고 그 뱀이 하와속에 그의 말들의 씨를 심었을때,, 그때 그가 떠났다, 그의 말들이 이러한 흙의 요소들을 그들 수면(잠자는) 상태로부터 깨어나는 것은 단지 시간의 문제에 지나지 않는다는 것을 안채로 ; 그리고서 그러한 세상의 욕구들,, 모든 이들로 사탄의 그 말들이 옳고 진실 하다고 믿도록 유혹하는,, 욕구들이 나올 것이었다. 이는 오직 세상의 욕구들, 사람이 거짓말들 믿는것을 즐거움으로 삼는것이, 그 세상욕구이기 때문이다. 그 날까지, 아담도 하와도 결코 어떤 거짓말하는 말들을 들어보지 못했다, 이와같이 그 세상욕구들과 기쁨들이 그들 땅의 용기안에 거주한채,, 잠들은 채로. 하지만 이제 이러한 세상의 요소들이 깨어 나졌다, 그들은 스스로를 사탄의 그 말들 씨에 믿음을 주므로 합세 시키기 시작했다 ; 그리고 일딴 그 믿음이 나오자,, 그때 전에 금지 되었던 그것이 그들 눈 보기에 즐거워 보이기 시작했다. 그리고 그들이 하나님을 상대로 죄를 범했을때,, 사망이 신속하게 그들위에 임했다 ; 그 사망,,그것의 본성 그 자체가 완전히 하나님을 대적하는 반역의 상태인, 그리고 하나님으로 된 모든 것들에 대해서,, 반역의 상태인 그 사망이.
다음에서 계속.....
And so it is today, that just as these desires burned like as a fiery passion in the hearts and the minds of Adam and Eve to rebel against the counsel of God, so also does that same fire continually burn in the thoughts of all who are carnally minded. Can the spiritually minded be tempted by carnal desires and pleasures? I think not, seeing that the Spirit has no desire for worldly things. Yet, are not my people still being tempted today in the same manner as Adam and Eve; having the same desires that prefer to believe that lying words/thoughts of Satan are truth rather than the counsel of my words”, says the Lord. “False doctrines, traditions, laws, denominations, and the commandments of men so easily take away the heart of my people today with their enticing words appearances of being true and right. Can you not see how powerless all these words/thoughts are in that they are not able to deliver any from the death that rules over the words/thoughts of the carnal mind?
But from where come these wicked desires that so easily tempt my people to bow their hearts before these false words/thoughts? Where come these desires to believe these lying words which bring with them nothing but unrest and misery? But who is able to see the evil in the words/thoughts that he is accustomed to living his life after? Who desires to repent of that which he thinks is right? Who is able to comprehend that every man’s life is lived according to the words/thoughts that he thinks to be right? Who is he who is able to see that his own words/thoughts are only enemies to the life that I desire for all men to be partakers of? I have come to reconcile man unto me, but how shall I reconcile death with life when my own people love death? How shall my people love me with all of their hearts and minds when their hearts and minds are filled with the elements of this world; the elements that only have a desire and affection for the things of “self”?
But again I ask you, from where come these evil desires that tempt the hearts of men to submit themselves to believe the miserable counsels that come so naturally into the thinking of the carnal mind? From where come the desires that tempt my people to believe the lies that bring with their counsels nothing but fear, and anxiety, and worry? From where comes the desire that makes the lies of depression, of hopelessness, of loneliness, and of frustration to be friends with them. From where come these evil desires that entice my people to doubt my love, or to make light of my instructions, or to not believe my words? From where come the evil desires that entices men to trust in vain words/thoughts that never bring with them any change? From where come the wicked desires that entice my people to judge one another, or to find fault with one another, or to exalt themselves above another? From where come this perverted desire that deceives my people into believing that they can change the world when they are powerless to change their own thoughts and desires? From where come the wicked desires that make it so pleasurable for my people to rebel or to contend with the heavenly Father who loves them so much? From where comes the desires that entice my people to find great pleasure in boasting of their own works, as well as in the speaking of the vain opinions that they form of themselves? From where comes the desire whereby my people love to hear the words of flattery and praise, and then close their ears to reject instruction and refuse correction? From where comes the desire that makes it such a delight for men to whine and complain? From where come the desires that entice my people to envy one another? Do you think that the scripture says in vain, “The spirit that dwells in us desires to envy”?
Where could all of these foolish desires, wicked desires, and evil desires come from that so passionately burn in the hearts and minds of men until they are satisfied? Who he is who is able to comprehend that the strength and power to do foolish things, or evil things, or wicked things is found only in the desires to do them? Without the desire, from where could come the temptation? You know that Satan is the father of all lying words/thoughts, but was it his words that tempted Adam and Eve or was it the desire that burned in their hearts that tempted them; the desire to believe that Satan’s words were true? What power can be found in any of Satan’s words if there is no desire to believe any of them? Is it possible for that which is of this world to desire anything other than those things which are of this world? Who is a citizen of this world except those who are born subject to the desires of this world? Now do you understand that which I said, “My kingdom is not of this world”? Is it possible for God to rule in a kingdom where the desire in every man’s heart is enmity against God? I rule my kingdom with life and peace, not with death, or oppression, or bondage, or unrest.
From where come these desires that only have a love and consciousness for the being of “self”? From where come these strong desires that passionately burn in the hearts of men to be in control over their own lives? From where comes these desires that burn within the hearts of men to always be right in the thoughts you think and the words that you speak? From where comes the burning that dwells in all men to do their own will? From where come these desires whereby men desire to make a name for their own selves? From where come the desires whereby men delight in being their own god? Who can possibly save himself from the power and strength of these natural desires and lusts that burn so passionately in the hearts of all who are carnally minded?
Consider the congregation of the dead; how they praise me with their lips and they will honor me with their mouths, but their hearts and minds are still subject to these worldly desires; and their love for me grows cold and colder as they yield themselves more and more to their desires to worship and serve the creature of “self”. These delight in leaning to their own understanding and expressing their own opinions of my words. See how they are wise in their own eyes as they love to justify their own works and deeds with the lying words that satisfy their own desires and affections. See how these also find pleasure in twisting my image into an image that agrees with their own opinions of me. They think nothing of making light of my words thoughts because they think that the counsels of their own words/thoughts are more important and more righteousness than mine are. In the congregation of the dead, I am nothing more than these lifeless dust particles that drift aimlessly about without any purpose. These are still captive to believe Satan’s words/thoughts because they are still in bondage to the worldly desires that continue to dwell in their hearts and minds. Would man of a sound mind would worship and serve vain dead idols? Yet, does not the congregation of the dead continue to bow before and serve the vain thoughts of their mind as though they are right and true? In vain they worship me, believing and obeying the vain thoughts that they believe. What is vain except the thoughts of man and what is dead except the word/thoughts of the carnal mind?
Do you see how the idol worshipers delight in walking after their own imaginations of my words? Do you see how they delight in the work of their own hands, to walk in a show of hypocrisy? Do see how they seek to prove their own faith through an outward show of works; and outward show that has no agreement with the faith that stands in the power of God? From where come their desires to exalt themselves in their own righteousness; the righteousness that also brings division and strife among my people? From where come the desires that tempt my people to hide themselves from themselves; choosing rather to hide the truth from their own eyes as they quickly work to justify their own weaknesses, their own faults, their own sins, and their own iniquities rather than to submit them unto me for change? Why do these refuse to believe on the blood that I shed for them? Why do my people delight in boasting of their own goodness when there is none there? From where come these wicked desires that blind the eyes of my people, allowing for them to pervert my words and corrupt and pollute the temple of God; which temple you are? By whose desires have my people filled my temple with the idols of “self”?
Can I show you my heart? Will you really believe me if I tell you of the grief that is in my heart? My heart grieves for all who remain captive to the dead thoughts of the carnal mind. My heart grieves for all those who remain in bondage to the worldly desires that yield themselves to the death of the carnal mind. I am grieved because I came into this world to give life, and to give it abundantly. I am grieved because my people have refused me, having no desire to be changed into my likeness, for my nature is life, not death. I am grieved because my people refuse to seek to know my nature. I am grieved because my people have not chosen my heart to be their religion, but they have chosen rather to make the pleasures and the desires of their own hearts to be their religion. I am so grieved that my people have continued to choose for death to rule over the thoughts of their minds instead of the life of my love, my faith, my joy, my peace, my care, and the life of my nature, which is in my Spirit. My heart is grieved for the congregation of the dead who do not believe that I am the resurrection and the life; that do not believe that I am able to destroy all the death which defiles my temple, and then raise them up in the life in my Spirit.
My heart grieves for those who think that they are going to obtain entrance into my kingdom because they have preached and prophesied in my name, but they have refused my heart. My heart grieves for those who think that they are going to find entrance into my kingdom because they have tithed or because of the wonderful works that they have done, but they have refused my heart. My heart grieves for those who think that they are going to find entrance into my kingdom because they fasted or cast out demons, but they have refused my heart. My heart grieves for those who travel land and sea to win souls to me, but they have refused my heart. My heart is grieved for all those who have made their own head, with its carnal words/thoughts to be the head of my body instead of allowing for me to be the head of my body; for you are not your own. My heart grieves for those who choose to esteem and exalt themselves rather than to be converted into my likeness, to be as humble as a little child. My heart grieves for those who ask for me to forgive them of their sins, but through unbelief and ignorance of my power and love, refuse to ask for me to change to the desires of their heart and the carnal thoughts that led them to sin. only my heart is able to make a man free from the deceitful and wicked heart of man. only my words/thoughts are able to set at liberty the man who is captive to death. I am grieved because I declared so plainly and clearly that if any man wanted to follow after me, then it was going to be required of him to take up his cross and follow me; but I am grieved because so many have not made my words to be a lamp unto their feet nor a guide unto their paths.
One last time I ask you; from where come these desires that so easily deceive my people into choosing death for themselves instead of life? From where come these desires that deceive my people into worshipping and serving dead idols and false doctrines, which are powerless to heal, to change the heart, or to deliver from dead thoughts? From where come these evil and wicked desires that entice my people to pervert my ways and to make light of my words? From where come the desires that tempt my people to refuse my instruction and to hate my correction? From where come the desires that steal away my love out of the hearts of my people? Now hearken unto me, and I will show you the source of all these desires as well as the source of every foolish, every evil, and every wicked desire; for these desires are the strength and power of the kingdom of darkness; the strength and the power that arouses passionate desires in the inhabitants of this world to believe only the lies of Satan. When I breathed life into Adam, he became a living being; a being that lived, that moved, and that had all of his being in fellowship and communion with God. I breathed my words/thoughts into him, they came as the words which were spirit and life; and the spirit that I breathed into him was my wisdom. My wisdom is the breath of my power for life; but there is another wisdom, the wisdom that is of this world, and there is no breath in this wisdom for it only has a desire for death.
My wisdom is the matrix from which all life is birthed. My wisdom is matrix from which the love for my truth is birthed. only by my wisdom are my people able to delight themselves in my words and keep them out of love. My wisdom is the matrix that brings forth spirit and life; and by my wisdom was Adam formed after my image; the image of the Words of God. My wisdom has desires for those things which only come from above; and it has no agreement or pleasure with the vanity and foolishness of this world. My wisdom loves me and delights in communion and fellowship with me. For fellowship I created Adam by my wisdom, and by my wisdom I breathed my words/thoughts into him; and after the very image of my words/thoughts was he created; that is, by the words/thoughts that came forth by my Spirit. By my wisdom I brought forth a man who was like-minded with me. By my wisdom, Adam and I walked daily in communion and fellowship with one another; and you know that nothing that is of this world walks with me because it has no agreement with me.
In the beginning, I brought forth my wisdom as the light that is in the darkness; and that darkness was the wisdom of this world. Then Satan came lusting to sow the seed of his lying words/thoughts into Eve’s mind; for Satan knew that his words would awaken a giant desire that had been lying asleep in both Adam and Eve since Adam was formed; a giant that could only be awakened by his lying words. Adam was formed from the elements of the earth, not from the Spirit of the Lord; and it was these worldly elements that the seed of his lies would arouse from their sleep: the elements of the wisdom of this world, natural understanding, and the carnal knowledge. For these three elements are of the darkness, and they can only agree with and desire to believe the lies of the ruler of darkness. Satan knew that their earthy vessels would be well nurtured and fertile ground that would make his lies desirable to believe and pleasurable to make right. The lies that once believed would then allow for sin and the death to take their rule over Adam and Eve’s minds and hearts. He knew that it would only be but a matter of time before the passions of this world’s wisdom would awaken and overcome them with her burning and passionate desires.
For it was Satan’s words/thoughts that awakened the wisdom of this world that had been lying asleep in them. For the wisdom of this world only has a desire to believe the lies of Satan; and all of his lies only focus on the being of “self”. For out of the wisdom of this world comes forth all of the desires of the flesh, the desires of the eyes, and the pride of life; and all who are given to her will live, and move, and have their being serving the ungodly desires of creature rather than the desires and pleasures of the Creator. What greater lie could Satan have spoken than those lying words/thoughts that would arouse in them same desires and passions that had already overcome Lucifer to believe that he could become as God? For Satan well knew how he himself was so easily overcome by these same desires when he was corrupted by this same wisdom; for the wisdom of this world only delights in doing those things that satisfy “self” desires; that is, for one to do his own will, to walk in the way that is right in his own eyes, and to make a name for himself. For the wisdom of this world loves the being of “self”, and she lives and moves and has all her purpose in the desires that delight in serving this ungodly creature which has no passion or desire for God. For the wisdom of this world is the matrix from which comes every unclean, wicked, profane, evil, and abominable desire and passion; and they all come forth to join themselves to the lies of Satan. When Satan’s words awoke the wisdom of this world in Eve, he awoke all of the desires of this world. She is the natural desires, pleasures, and passions that burn in the hearts of all who are carnally minded.
The wisdom of this world is the entity from which all ungodly desires, pleasures, lusts, and affections come from; and her desires, pleasures, lusts, and affections are the strength of her power. The wisdom of this world is the sinful nature of the flesh. All those who commune, agree, and fellowship with her are in the darkness because light has no fellowship or communion with the darkness. She is the darkness that dwells in Satan as well as the darkness that dwells in the children of ignorance. She is the uncleanness in the unclean; she is the wickedness in the wicked; she is the evil that is in the evil; and she is the profaneness in the profane. She is the deceitfulness that makes the lies of Satan desirable to believe. She is the passion and desire to believe Satan’s lies; and Satan is the liar that satisfies her passions and desires. Satan is the father of all lies and she is the mother who nurtures his lies with desire until they become that which is pleasurable for one to believe; and her children are all of the lies that come forth when his words and her desires are regarded and believed on. She passionately loves all of her children, which are the words/thoughts that give birth to all that is unclean, wicked, deceitful, profane, evil, and abominable. Her desires and pleasure are that which all men know by nature; for all who commune and agree with her desires and pleasures are like unto her. The wisdom of this world is the illusion of lies that are used by men to justify her children. She is also the illusion of lies that men use to build their own self-images upon.
The wisdom of this world is the darkness. She is the spirit that led Lucifer and the angels by her desires to fall in heaven. She is the spirit that led by her desires the fall of man upon the earth. She is the spirit that burned with desire in both Lucifer, the angels, and Adam and Eve, to believe the lie; the lie that says that there can be more than one God. She is also the spirit that by her desires leads many hearts to fall from the grace that has been given to them through the blood of Christ. She is the spirit that seduced Esau to give up his inheritance for a small piece of meat. She is the spirit that tempted Lot’s wife to look back at the life she was leaving behind. She is the spirit that deceived Saul to bow his knee to honor the words of the people rather than to honor the words of God. She is the spirit that caused all of Israel, except David, to cower in fear before Goliath; and she was also the spirit in Goliath that defied God. She is the spirit that puffed up Sennacherib when he attempted to threaten and intimidate Hezekiah. She is the spirit that confused Judas. She is the spirit that deceived Peter into believing that he had the faith that would allow for him to go to prison for Christ’ sake and that deceived him into believing that he would even die for the testimony of his name. She is the wicked counselor who overcame Ananias and Sapphira. She is the entity that Jesus wrestled with and overcame in the garden, as well as the same entity that then led others to then crucify him. All those who have her are always wise in their own eyes, and they are always convinced that the way that they see things, is the right way those things should be seen; yet the way that seems right is only right in the sight of those who are blind. The deceitfulness and the strength of her power is found in that she is able to make the ways that lead to death and destruction, to seem like the right things to do.
The wisdom of this world sits as a queen over her world of darkness; and chaos is her delight and rule. From her throne proceed all of her desires and pleasures that tempt my people to believe only the lying words/thoughts of Satan; the words/thoughts that inhabit the imaginations of the carnal mind. None of the thoughts that she desires to believe have any likeness with the thoughts of God. She is a world without order that is ruled by her wild and untamed imaginations; a world of disorder and lawlessness where every man does that which seems right in his own eyes. She is a world of imaginations where there is never any thought to acknowledge the sovereignty of God or to ask for any guidance or help. None of her desires will ever be accompanied with any counsel that instructs one to bow his heart before God. Every man’s imaginations are the idols of his heart; and it is by her desires and pleasures that they are formed, and then it is by her pleasure that they are then exalted to be more righteous than God. By her reasonings and excuses she makes her counsels to appear to be much more important than the counsel of God. She is the chaos and confusion in the world where each man believes he is right in his thinking; yet, there are no two who agree. She is a world of disorder; a world where men continually get angry and frustrated when things do not go according to the way that they were imagined to go. She is the imagined sovereignty that keeps each man in bondage to the delusional state of thinking that he is “I am”, and that he can take control over the circumstances and situations in his life. She is the counsel of words/thoughts in the minds of men’s imaginations that never acknowledge the preeminence of God. She it is who keeps the children of God from drawing closer to their heavenly Father who loves them all.
It is only by the wisdom of this world that men are made to be friends with this world; for the wisdom of this world is the “only” entity from which all worldly desires come from. She is the darkness, and the darkness consists of her ignorance of her alienation from God, her separation from God, and her hatred for all things of God. She is the entity of darkness that does not know God, that does not respect God, that does not trust God, that does not honor God, that does not believe God, that does not obey God, and that does not love God. All those who delight in her exist in a world that is alienated and separated from the abundant life of God. Her habitation is the darkness that dwells in all those words/thoughts that abide in the carnal mind. She is the words/thoughts of death. She is the nature of rebellion, and by her the children of God refuse to hearken to the voice of their God. She is the enmity of the carnal mind that will never subject itself in obedience and humility before God, and she can never subject herself to any of the truths or life of God’s words. Even Satan and his demons believe that there is only one God, and they are also subject to Son of God, as well as to the limitations that God uses to restrain them. It is not so with the wisdom of this world, for she cannot even believe that there is one God other than the being of “self”.
The wisdom of this world is that which makes all men to be as beasts in the sight of God; for all who are subject to her lust and desires are like unto her. She is the enmity against God; and by her she fills the thoughts of the mind with all manner of rebellion, unbelief, hatred, rejection, bitterness, hesitation, refusal, fearfulness, blame, scorn, as well as the making light of all of the words/thoughts that proceed forth from God/Jesus Christ. She is all that doubts God. She is the unbelief that mocks God. She is the murmuring and complaining against God when he will not bow to her desires. She it is that overcame the children of Israel in the wilderness with her murmuring and complaining against God that led to the destruction of many who agreed with her. Just as she did then so also does she do now in all those who remain carnally minded. Her desires are seen in the works of all those who do not believe that all things are possible for God/Jesus Christ. She closes the ears of those who refuse to hear my voice. She is the stiffness in the neck of those who refuse to turn to me. She is the spirit that hates Jesus and that persecutes those who take up their cross and follow after me.
As Satan is the adversary of man, so is the wisdom of this world the adversary of God, for she is never able to agree with anything of God/Jesus. She is the spirit of antichrist, the spirit that can never believe or obey any of the words/thoughts of God. By me were all things created, and there is nothing that is, that was not created by me. Yet, when death entered into the world by her, all creation was taken captive to her. She is mortality and death; the mortality and death that is ignorant of immortality and life. I came into this world, and the world which was created by me did not know me. I came to my own children, and neither did they receive me. For by reason of the wisdom of this world, the creation has despised and rejected me, even though all of creation moans and groans to be free from mortality and death. When I came into this world, those who were wise in their own eyes saw no outward beauty in my appearance to be desired; and neither did they see any outward show of righteousness to meet the approval of their eyes; for all were blinded by the sight of the wisdom of this world. My Father even spoke from heaven saying, “This is my Son in whom I am well pleased”; yet, by reason of the wisdom of this world, the children of this world and the children of Israel could find nothing about me that was pleasing to them; for those who are wise in their own eyes cannot interpret God, not the things of God.
The wisdom of this world is the nature of the darkness of ignorance of God. By nature, the wisdom of this world mocks me. By nature, the wisdom of this world makes light of my words. By nature, the wisdom of this world despises humility and meekness. By nature, the wisdom of this world spit on me and cursed me. By nature, the wisdom of this world hates me because I am the truth, not the lies that she desires to hear. By nature, the wisdom of this world bears false witness against me. By nature, the wisdom of this world is ashamed of my name. By nature, the wisdom of this world ripped the skin from my body by her stripes. By nature, the wisdom of this world always betrays me. By nature, the wisdom of this world persecutes my children. By nature, the wisdom of this world believes that it is always right and refuses to acknowledge weakness or faults. By nature, the wisdom of this world crucified me. And by nature, the wisdom of this world has deceived many into believing that they are accepted by God, even though they worship and serve in him in the manner that is pleasing and acceptable in their own eyes. She is the spirit of antichrist that works in all of the children of disobedience. By her, the scriptures are perverted and corrupted with men’s interpretations and opinions; thus rendering the words of God to be nothing but useless words because they are not joined to God through his wisdom. By her, the scriptures are perverted to place grievous works and heavy burdens upon the shoulders of men, and not the freedom that allows for God to perform his great and mighty works. By her, the scriptures are used to arouse the ungodly lusts that judges, finds fault with, and accuses others. All they who have this ungodly wisdom for their mother will be nurtured and strengthened to continue to walk after the desires, the affections, the lusts, and the pleasures of the Devil; for she it is who mothers the same desires in him.
The wisdom of this world is not one, but rather she is many because she is the mother of all lies; lies that have no agreement or fellowship amongst themselves. Consider how the Pharisees and scribes, aroused by her lusts for malice in their hearts, sought to find two witnesses who would testify against me, yet they could not find any whose testimonies completely agreed with each other; and when they thought they had, it was only because by reason of this worldly wisdom that they could not properly interpret the words that I spoke before them. Even to this day, look how the wisdom of this world has kept so much division in my church by reason of the strife and contention that is only birthed by her. What could bring about so much division except that each man believes that the way he sees and interprets the scriptures is surely the truth? There is only one truth, and there are no divisions or schisms in the truth; and there is only one wisdom that believes the truth; the wisdom that comes from above and that is freely given to those who desire to know the truth. Whose wisdom is then present when there are contentions, strivings, arguments, envyings, schisms, divisions, jealousies, and fights; is it the wisdom of the God, or is it the wisdom of antichrist? Whose wisdom speaks on this wise, “Let us agree to disagree”? How can two walk together except they agree?
The wisdom of this world can never agree with any of the truth of God because she only has desires to believe lies. For when the lies of Satan that are joined with the wisdom of this world, it brings forth interpretations and opinions of men’s words/thoughts that only seem right in the eyes of those who are carnally minded; and men’s interpretations and opinions only sow strife, division, discord, contention, and schisms among the members of my own body. Do you see and understand now that denominations are only birthed out of the lies that Satan uses to keep division among my people? Why would Satan even bother to do such a thing? Satan and the wisdom of this world know that they are only able to keep their thrones in those who remain carnally minded; that they will lose all of their authority and power among the members of my body, when the church comes together in unity; for when the members of my body come together in the unity of my Spirit, then shall all of the powers of Satan and wisdom of antichrist, shall be broken, and their thrones and reign shall be broken. No man can have 2 masters; for either he will walk after the wisdom of antichrist, or he will walk after the wisdom of God.
So choose you this day whose words/thoughts you desire to serve, whether it be Christ, the wisdom of God, or antichrist, the wisdom of this world. Can you hear what I am saying to my church? I am not asking you to try to do the work that will bring about unity in my body; I am only asking you to choose whose wisdom it is that you desire to have directing your words/thoughts. I freely and liberally give my wisdom to those who choose to have her. If you love divisions, denominations, contentions, traditions, strife and arguments, then choose antichrist so that you may continue to walk as a beast before me, because the laws, the counsels, and the doctrines that you have honored and believed until this day have been powerless to free you from her desires and pleasures. But if you desire to be a member of my body, and my body is only one, then choose Christ, whom I have made to be the wisdom of God for you this day, the gift of my life.
The wisdom of this world is the darkness that has no communion or agreement with the light of God. She is the mother of all disagreements, all fights, all contention, all wars, all arguments, all fornication, all bitterness, all divorce, all strife, and all disobedience against God and against all things that are of God. She is the spirit that works in all false prophets and false teachers to apply their natural understanding to the words of God. She is the spirit from which all false witnesses against God get their counsel from. She is the wisdom that speaks on this wise, “God has forsaken you”; “God does not love you”; “This is impossible, even for God”; “God desires to destroy you”; “God will do this for others but he will not do it for you”; “God does not like you”; “God is going to do evil to you”; “God is dead”; “God will not hear you”; “God is too busy for you”; “You have failed God”; “God is going to condemn you”; God will not help you”; “God has abandoned you”; “Surely you do not think that God will show you mercy or forgive you”. She is the spirit that discourages, disappoints, and that saddens with her counsels. She it is who loves to kick those who are down and weak. She is the being of hopelessness. It is by reason of her lying counsels that the children of God do not cast their cares upon the heavenly Father; upon the heavenly Father who unconditionally loves all and desires to help them in all that they do. She relentlessly seeks to overthrow the faith and the belief of the children of God with her words. She is the spirit that delights in her attempts to seduce and entice my people to steal away any and all affection that they may have for God. She is always there armed with many types of devices to distract the attention of the children from the love of God, to turn them from the strait and narrow path that leads to life. She labors fervently in her devices to keep the children of God from drawing closer to him.
The wisdom of this world is the darkness that was in the beginning; the darkness that the voice of God spoke light into; the light that brought life into this world. The wisdom of this world is the entity of death; the entity from which all the imaginations the carnal mind come forth from. None of her thoughts have any friendship or communion with God. She is the death that returned after the fall to sit upon her throne in the words/thoughts of all who are carnally minded. She is the last enemy that is to be destroyed. She is the unseen mortality and darkness that rules over the atoms of the creation; and all creation moans and groans to be freed her. She is the mortality that brings the change that all men hate and dread to see as they see the days of their youth pass into the infirmity of the aged. She is the sickness in the sick, the infirmity in the old, and the weakness in the flesh. She is the corruption in all that is mortal. She is the winds that blow, tossing her subjects to and fro with counsels of confusion, and uncertainty, and chance; as she continues to rule her world with chaos. She loves to send floods of her counsels into the carnal mind to swamp it with thoughts that confuse, that frustrate, that provoke, and that intimidate. She is the relentless waves of anxieties, and worries, and stress, as well the many different kinds of fears that overcome the carnally minded. She is loneliness. She is death, and she leads in the way that seems right because it leads to her. She is the yesterdays that never were, the tomorrows that never are, and she is the now which none are ever satisfied with. She is the illusion that makes important the cares of this life. All those who are subjected to her are like unto her.
All of the counsels that come forth from the wisdom of this world are nothing but lying vanities that make men worthless; yet, she, by reason of deceitful desires and Satan’s lies, deceives men into believing that they are something great and important in their own eyes. She is the 1st love of the children of darkness; a children in whom there is no light to reveal the evil in the imaginations of her counsels. She hides herself in the works of iniquity; the works whereby she justifies all works and deeds by her reasons and lies. By her works, many will exalt themselves in their outward show of righteous works, so that they may be exalted and glorified in the sight of men. She is the darkness that appears as the light in each man’s thinking; the darkness that deceives each man with the illusion that he alone is right in his thinking. She says she is never wrong, but she is never right; and she thinks evil with all who disagree with her. She is the illusion that deceives men into believing that they must try to perfect vanity by the works of their own hands. O the illusions of vanity, the idols of ones own self-image; how greatly are men deceived by her desires to make themselves to be something that they are not. It is only by the wisdom of this world that men are deceived into believing that they are able to make themselves something righteous and great in the sight of God. Their desire for vanity is their idol worship; and their works are done to satisfy their desires. The idols of man are the works of the wisdom of this world, who works to deceive all men into believing and exalting the images of “self”. Vanities of vanities; for all of the works of this worlds wisdom is man’s iniquity and appearances of vanity.
The wisdom of this world is the power that deceives because she gives the lust to believe lies; and her lust is the power that makes the lies of Satan desirable and pleasurable to believe. It is only by reason of her seductions, enchantments, and enticements that all lying words/thoughts are allowed entrance and welcomed into the thinking of the carnal mind; the same mind that allows in uncertainty, misery, failure, unrest, sadness, fear, corruption, and trouble into its thinking. Even so, she is still the desire for control and vain glory, and she is still able to deceive men who have the same unsoundness of mind that allows for them to be friends with death, that they can make the creature to be equal to or greater than the Creator. The wisdom of this world is pure foolishness in the sight of God. She is the way that leads into foolishness; and from foolishness she leads into insanity; and from insanity she leads to destruction by madness.
The spirit of antichrist leads many of my sheep to refuse to take heed to the counsels and instructions of my voice. For she is that spirit that is expertly skilled in the lies that teach the art of self-justification; the justification that deceives my people into believing that I will be pleased with their good deeds or the works of the law that they have done; yet, these are the very deeds and works that are an abomination in my sight”, says the Lord. “She is the lies that lead many in their fall from grace as they seek to justify themselves through the work of their own hands. For the lies of self-justification are her highest form of deception, seeing that self-justification only blinds men from seeing the truth about their own faults, sins, and weaknesses; the very deeds and works that my blood justifies. She is the wisdom that creates and forms excuses, or reasonings, or the words that bring forth misplaced blame; words that deceive one into believing that her counsels are the way to escape any guilt or blame for any faults, sins or weaknesses. Those who are self-justified are those who trust “self” with all their heart.
The wisdom of this world always works to justify all of her children. She is the mother of Legion; and all of her children are named for the nature of the work that they do: envy, bitterness, loneliness, guilt, arguments, covetousness, worry, fears, sorrow, panic, cruelty, contention, complaints, confusion, greed, hatred, spitefulness, pride, hopelessness, strife, murder, anxiety, self-glory, impatience, unbelief, adultery, malice, hypocrisy, depression, doubt, disappointment, arrogance, sadness, frustration, boredom, meanness, fornication, stress, evil suspicions, thefts, failure, dread, or self-condemnation. She it is who nurtures her children, the seed of Satan’s lying words/thoughts, until they are believed on; until they are birthed into the thinking of a man as those lively, healthy particles that honored and esteemed in those who are carnally minded. She nurtures his seed out of her own desires and affections to believe his lies; lies that only receive power and come to life after they are believed on.
The wisdom of this world never ceases in her work to justify her children; laboring in her attempts to make the counsels of her words/thoughts to appear as the right things to do or the right words to speak in the daily situations and circumstances that arise in life. Her justifications are the righteousness of the children of darkness, always supplying for them various excuses, and imaginations, and witty words/thoughts, as well as all manner of reasonings whereby she is able to justify all of the evil that men do. She says, “Peace, peace” with her counsels in her attempts to quiet the mind that is troubled by the guilt of her evil deeds. She is even the illusion of thoughts that deceive men into believing that they are able to justify and balance out their evil deeds with the good works that they do. The way that seems right is the way of self-justification; and this is the way that all men walk in who do not seek to know the Lord. The deceitfulness and the power of the wisdom of this world is found in those who do not seek God out of faith, because they are blind to see any need to seek for God. She is able to make the ways that lead to death and destruction to appear as though they are the right words to speak and the right works to do, having no need for God. There are no changes in the desires of the heart of those who justify themselves.
The wisdom of this world is well-armed with many different types of devices in her war against God as she keeps waging war in the imaginations of the carnal mind of those who resist her words/thoughts. She is relentless as she battles to diminish and overthrow the counsels of God’s words/thoughts. She is prepared to fight to the death, lest she lose her habitation and her throne. She, being the spirit of antichrist, that entity that opposes God, brings forth the desires that hate to receive any of his correction; for the Lord’s correction dethrones her of her power. She is the passion of rebellion that burns in the hearts of the children of disobedience to hinder them from receiving any of their heavenly Father’s gifts, or blessings, or works. She is the fiery flames of desire that burn with hatred, and scorn, and rejection towards all who oppose her own will; for those who do not oppose her will never accept the will of God which comes from heaven. She is the desires and the passions that continually tempt the creatures of God to sin.
The wisdom of this world is also the spirit of harlotry; for she is mother of all desires for the things of this world; the desires that the citizens of this world know by nature. She it is that is always tempting my people to go a whoring from me after the desires and the pleasures of the being of “self”. She is the mother of all fornication and whoredoms, and by reason of her desires, my people are tempted to yield to the lies of Satan. For when desire is conceived and then joined with Satan’s lies, it brings forth sin; and sin when it is finished, brings forth the children of death; the thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind. She is the harlot who dresses herself with outward appearances of beauty and righteousness to entice the children of God to the blood unto her deeds. Remember how she bewitched the Galatians? Remember how she seduced the children of Israel into believing the lies that say that righteousness comes forth by the works of the law, when in truth, all that was brought forth were the iniquities of self-righteousness? She loves to deceive all men with the lies that say that God is pleased with the best efforts that a man can do of himself. Who is the adulterer and the adulteress except those who love Satan’s lies and her desires; for the two being joined together bring forth the sins of this world; the sins that entitle many to be the citizens of this world.
The wisdom of this world is the harlot who tempts my people with her desires to believe the enticing and seducing lies that are pleasing for the ears to hear. She delights in deceiving the children of God to go a whoring from the truth of God after false doctrines, the commandments of men, and the traditions of the past. She loves only the lying words that exalt and love “self”, rather than God. It is by reason of her whorish words/thoughts that she continually tempts my people to forget the counsels of God’s words/thoughts, just as she did with Adam and Eve. She hates, and is envious of, any and all other works or words that are done, that appear to be more righteous than her own. She is the spirit that was in Cain that lusted to kill Able. She is the spirit that burns in the hearts of the children of this world to hate and to persecute the children of God. She is the queen of this fallen world, and her desires and pleasures are the harlotry of this world; for she is the harlotry that seduces all with her evil desires, her profane desires, her wicked desires, her deceitful desires, her unclean desires, and all of her abominable desires. All those who love to satisfy her desires and affections are those who make themselves to be the enemies of God. The wisdom of this world is the Babylon that has kept many of my people captive under the illusions of her spell; the blindness whereby they worship and serve the creature rather than the Creator. She is the city that is full of desires and vain glory; a city full of the idols of “self”.
She is the wisdom that blinds the eyes of people so that they are not able to see that the things which they naturally esteem and honor, they are in the sight of abominations. She is the mother of all abominations, and all they who have her in their thoughts and her power in their hearts, are abominations in the sight of God. She is the consciousness and love of “self” that has no love for God. It is her abominations that are found in the hearts of the hypocrites who profess to know God but then deny his power. Her abominations are the mountains upon which her throne sits, exalted in the high places of self-image; and her mountains are those seven abominations which those who are carnally minded esteem and honor. There is no desire in her to be as the faithful wife who patiently waits for her Lord to finish his work, but on the contrary, she is the spirit that seduces my people to walk today in the ways that seem right.
Again, the wisdom of this world is not one because she loves all of the lies of Satan; the lies that are always changing and forming themselves into those words/thoughts that entice and seduce men with desires to believe that his words are right and true. She is the mother of all strife and contention because there is no agreement in the lies that she mothers and nurtures. She is the mother of all hypocrisy; the skill whereby one is able to act as though “he is” as the image that he appears to be in the sight of men, rather than be the image of what he is actually thinking. Just like the wisdom of this world, the hypocrite also constantly changes into the images that are pleasing in the sight of those who are seeing him; in the sight of those who only believe that he is as the man that he appears to be. The hypocrite is truly an illusion; a wind that blows this way, and then that way, and then is no more; an illusion of images that changes to please the desires of men. The hypocrite is like the wisdom of this world in that they only exist in the lying thoughts of the darkness of men’s imaginations. The hypocrite is one who desires for the darkness to be the light. The darkness is passing away with all of its lies, and desires, and vanity, and affections, but the word of truth, which never changes, will abide forever and ever; as well as all those who have the truth in the words/thoughts that they think upon. The hypocrite is not, nor was he ever, and neither shall he be forever. The hypocrite shall be as a bad memory; a memory that no one ever desires to be reminded of. That which is born of this world’s wisdom is flesh; and that which is born of my wisdom is Spirit and life.
When the troubles and cares of this life arise, you will always find the wisdom of this world there first as though she is the caring mother, the faithful friend who is there for you with her helpful counsels; but she is only there because of her love to seduce men with her desires and Satan’s lies to deceive men into taking control over their situations or circumstances, lest they turn to God. All her counsels have an appearance of help, but that is only come in that manner to keep one from asking for help from above. She comes as the help that separates the children of God from love of their heavenly Father, who yearns to help us in all things. She sits as a queen of worldly advice, seemingly helpful with her counsels, but they are used only to keep the door open to the lies that accompany these troubles with such miseries as stress, fear, disappointment, failure, pride, worry, emotions, confusion, sadness, anxiety, and the uncertainty that accompanies all of counsels. She is the lies of uncertainty and confusion that trouble men in their troubles. Though she appears first as caring mother and faithful friend, she is the hidden enemy who betrays, always hiding behind the illusion of friendship, care, righteousness, and helpfulness. Watch and pray that you do not enter into the snares of her temptations; for she always seeks to lead the children of God astray with her desires. Who goes astray in the time of trouble but those who yield to her desires?
That which is natural to the wisdom of this world is that which is natural to those who are inhabited by her; and her nature is darkness; and darkness is the nature of all flesh. It is only by reason of the wisdom of this world that the inhabitants of this world are have become the children of darkness because the darkness is the nature of this world. The nature of a man is as the nature of the words/thoughts that he thinks upon; for a man is as his thoughts. Seeing then that wisdom of this world is she who mothers the children of darkness, she continually nurtures them to keep the consciousness of their thoughts filled with such counsels as bitterness, loneliness, cruelty, arguments, covetousness, worry, envy, contention, spitefulness, complaints, fears, greed, hatred, love of self, confusion, anxiety, emotions, self-glory, unbelief, disappointment, malice, hypocrisy, corruption, impatience, strife, hopelessness, doubt, murder, frustration, stress, depression, arrogance, boredom, meanness, evil suspicions, self-condemnation, lies, thefts, dread, and pride. These are the thoughts of darkness and all who are mindful of the darkness are unto the darkness. The wisdom of this world is the darkness itself; and the children of darkness commune and fellowship with her because they are like unto her. It is impossible for any man to have a nature that is not like unto the thoughts that he thinks upon”.
In this fallen world of darkness it is not possible to find any man who is able to walk free from his captivity to the natural senses of this world; that is, it is not possible to find a man who by nature loves the Lord God with all of his heart, all of his soul, and all of his mind or that keeps the commandments of God out of love. For by nature, men love to make themselves to be their own gods because that is the nature of the wisdom of this world who is in them. By nature, men would rather try and keep the commandments by their own ability, rather than ask for my Spirit which always delights in doing my will. By her nature, men delight in only in doing their own will. By her nature, men delight in doing those things which are right in their own eyes. By her nature, men love to receive glory and to be praised. By her nature, men trust in their own understanding and senses. By her nature, men delight in making a name for themselves. By her nature men find fault with, judge, and accuse one another. By her nature men make excuses and find reasons that always allow for them to justify all of their desires, words, pleasures, and deeds. By her nature, men will esteem those things which are an abomination in the sight of God. By her nature, men believe what they see. Again, the wisdom of this world is the nature of this fallen world; and it is only by her nature that man has become the citizens of this world. By her nature, the apostles said, “Lord, who can be saved?”; not understanding the love, the mercy, and the power of God.
The children of this world love the darkness because they love living a life that is free of God, though they are blind to see that they have no freedom from the miserable thinking of the carnal mind. Oh many worship me with their lips and honor me with their mouths, but they would never allow themselves to receive any of my instructions or counsels. Many love their false doctrines because it allows for them to continue living a life that is independent from God, thus allowing for them to continue being god and lord over their own lives. The children of this world love this independence because the wisdom of this world continually deceives them with the illusion of self-sufficiency; the illusion that all men are able to provide for his own needs and supply for himself that which he lacks. This is idolatry; the idolatry of the blind children who see no need for God to be anywhere in their thoughts. These are those deceived children who see nothing but the goodness and righteousness that is of the being of “self”; for in their ignorance they are not able to comprehend or understand how there can be any goodness or righteousness that can go beyond that which they see and know naturally.
The wisdom of this world is so delighted when her children choose to put God in second place behind their own intents, their own cares, their own righteousness, their own families, and their own desires and pleasures; for then are her desires satisfied. But there are no second place trophies or runner up ribbons on God’s shelf. That which is written is truth; “There is only one God; and you shall have no other gods before him; and you shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, all of your mind, all of your strength, and all of your soul”. The wisdom of this world is always ready to supply reasons and excuses in her attempts to supplant that which is of God with that which is natural; she is always ready to exalt the natural with her reasonings to be more important than the things of God. She is the desire for all laziness and slothfulness that seeks to hinder my people from seeking after my heart. In all these things, the children of the darkness do not understand the power of the spirit of their God, that power of the law of the Spirit of life that is well able to overthrow all of the laws of sin and death that rule over the desires of the heart and the thoughts of the carnal mind. Though they think that they have become independent from God, they are blind to see how their hearts and minds are completely submitted to the words/thoughts of the queen of darkness, the wisdom of this world.
Do you now understand, that as the wisdom is that dwells in the mind of man, so also is the consciousness of the words/thoughts that he thinks upon? Though there are many lifeless thoughts just drifting around in the mind of man, the only ones that are meditated on, considered, or believed are those thoughts which are found to be pleasurable and desirable to the wisdom that is in him. So then, when I declared, “My thoughts are not your thoughts”, was I not also saying in truth that your wisdom is not as the wisdom that is given from above? Do you now see and understand that my thoughts are no where to be found in the consciousness of the natural mind because the desires and pleasures of the natural and the spiritual are contrary to one another? In truth, if your thoughts are not as my thoughts and your wisdom has no likeness to the wisdom of God, then who is your Lord? Who is the god of your world except the one who administers to you the words/thoughts that you think upon? Who is your Lord except the one whose counsel you live your life according to? Who is a citizen of this world except those whose consciousness is captive to only be only mindful to the dead words/thoughts that come forth from the god of this world? They that are of this world speak only of the things that are dictated unto them by the king and the queen of this world; otherwise they would not be the lords and rulers of this world.
I came as the righteousness of God into a world captive to self-righteousness. I came as the light of God into a world captive to the darkness that appears as the light. I came as the truth of God into a world captive to the lies that seem like the truth. I came as the life of God into a world whose only friendship is with death. I came as the reality of God into a world captive to the illusions of vanity. I came as the wisdom of God into a world captive to the wisdom of this world. I came from the Creator into a world where the creature is worshipped, and served, and loved. For the darkness has kept all the citizens of this world captive under this illusion: the illusion whereby each man sees that his own decisions, his own deeds, his own judgments, his own religion, and his own opinions as being that which is right and true; and it is this illusion that is the religion of this world; the religion whereby all who worship and serve the idol of “self” because it is the natural desire of the thinking of the carnal mind. The fruits of this illusion are clearly seen in the strife, in the differences, in the hatred, in the warfare, in the worries, in the disagreements, in the unbelief, in the malice, in the anxiety, in the arguments, in the fears, and many other such like things of this world, because they are the nature of the thinking that comes natural to the carnal mind. Yet still, by reason of the wisdom of this world, every man remains confident that how he sees and interprets all things is the right way for them to be seen and interpreted. Yet God in heaven has declared through his prophets saying, “There are none righteous; no, not one”.
Go; run to and fro through your streets, and see if you can find a man that does not believe that the thoughts that he thinks upon are not righteous. Go and see if you find any man who knows that the wisdom of his thoughts is nothing but vanity. Go and find out for yourself just how great the wisdom of this world is that has birthed all of these illusion into the hearts and the minds of all the citizens of this world. The wisdom of this world is nothing but an illusion whereby men believe that vain things are great things; vain things that they desire and esteem. Go and see if you find can a man who does not believe that his own thoughts are not the standard of righteousness that all life should be lived according to. Go and find a man who does not believe that his religion is the right way that God should be worshiped and served? The wisdom of this world is the righteousness of man, which is the mystery of iniquity; the mystery which works in the children of disobedience who do not seek to know my righteousness. Who can see the error and the fault in that which he trusts to be right? Who will repent of any thought or deed that is thought to be right? Who worships me in a way that he does not believe is the true way?
It is as it is written, that when I came into this world the citizens of this world did not know me because the wisdom of this world blinds the eyes of all men to see God as well as all things that pertain to God. I came into this world as the Christ of God’s wisdom to deliver all who would believe on me from the antichrist of this world’s wisdom. My own people despised and rejected me because they measured and judged me according to the righteousness and the beauty of this world’s wisdom; and neither my appearance of righteousness, nor my outward beauty measured up to that which was acceptable and pleasing in the sight of the blind hypocrites. Then, to satisfy the pleasure of the wisdom that ruled over them, they proceeded to reject me, to make light of my words, to hate me, to mock me, to spit on me, to persecute me, and then they crucified me; and all this was done to appease the wisdom of their desires and affections. So also did they believe in their hearts and in their minds that what they had done was right in the sight of God. Do you think that the wisdom of God had anything to do with such a conspiracy as this? Do you think that the wisdom of God would ever be involved in such conspiracy against any man; even antichrist himself? Whose wisdom then aroused such a fire in the hearts of my people to do such wicked works and evil deeds to the Son of God? Do you now see how the wisdom of this world, as the spirit of antichrist, always works in the hearts and the minds of all those who are deceived by her? The wisdom of this world has no agreement, or fellowship, or submission, or affection, or communion with any of the things of God. Satan himself is submitted to God, but the wisdom of the carnal mind is never subjected to any of the laws of God; for it is not possible for those who are under the law of sin and death to have the joy and peace that rules over the thinking of those who are spiritually minded.
When Adam and Eve rejected my words/thoughts, my Spirit departed from them; and when my Spirit departed from them, my words/thoughts departed from out of their consciousness, and the darkness of ignorance moved in. Can light have “any” fellowship with darkness? Is it possible for life to have any communion with death? Not only was all fellowship and communion with Adam and Eve severed from me, but out of the darkness of their ignorance, that which took rule over their hearts and minds, they became afraid and fearful of him who they once loved and had intimate friendship with. Now is the time that I have called many into restoration; a restoration of friendship; a restoration of agreement; a restoration of fellowship and communion; a restoration of love; and a restoration of abundant life. I have come into this world as the Spirit of life which is well able to restore that which Satan has stolen. I come into this world as the gift of the wisdom of God to all those who will receive me in their thinking. For just as the wisdom of this world is the source of all that which is evil, unclean, abominable, deceitful, wicked, and profane, so also am I the wisdom of God that is all that which is necessary for complete restoration. I have come to give my Father’s words/thoughts into the thinking of those who will receive him. For it is as it is written, “The dwelling place of God is with man”.