출 처 : http://www.insightsofgod.com/html_testimonies/jeffords_book.htm#Darkness
The Darkness and the Light
어둠 과 빛
Mitt Jeffords
길어서,,, 끊어 다시 이어 시작 2... 다니엘
I told you that Satan was the most beguiling creature ever created; and when you see division and strife at work among the members of body, then you shall know that Satan is at work. Though you cannot see Satan, you can see the effect of his lies in the strife, schisms, and divisions that exist today among the members of my body. What man, trusting in his own senses, is not convinced and confident that he is more righteous in believing his own interpretations of the scriptures rather than the instructions that come forth from my words?” says the Lord. “Where there is division and strife, you will only find there a union between Satan’s lies and the corruption of man’s senses; for all those who continue to walk in that corrupt wisdom that seems right in their own eyes, they will always strive and contend with those who do not see eye to eye with them, even with God in heaven. Those who love division will separate themselves even from God in defense of the lies of “self” that they hold on to.
내게 너에게 말했다 사탄은 창조 되었던 생물 중 가장 속이(현혹,기만하)는 자였다고 ; 너가 내 몸의 지체들 가운데 나뉨과 갈등이 작용하는것을 볼때면, 그땐 너는 정령코 알 것이다,, 사탄이 작용하고 있는 것을. 너가 사탄을 볼 수는 없을찌라도, 너는 그 효과(영향)을 볼 수 있다, 그의 거짓말들을,, 오늘 날의 내 몸의 지체된 이들 가운데의 분파들과, 나뉨들에서. 그 자신의 감각들을 신뢰하는 이 어떤 사람이 ,, 그 자신의 성경구절 해석이 내 말(씀)에서 나오는 그 교훈함들보다 믿는것에 있어 그가 더 옳다(바르다)고 확신하고 자신해 하지 않느냐 ? " 주의 말이다. " 나뉨과 갈등이 있는 곳에서, 너는 오직 그기서 하나의 조합(연합)을 발견할 뿐이다,, 사탄의 거짓말들과 인간 감각들의 그 부패함 간의 ; 이는 그 부패한 지혜,, 그들 자신의 눈에 바르게 보이는,, 그 지혜로 계속해서 걷는(행하는) 자들 모두,, 그들은 언제나 그들과 서로 일치하여 보지 않는 자들과 겨루어 논쟁한다, 심지어,, 하늘의 하나님과도. 나뉨을 사랑하는 자들은 그들 스스로를 심지어 하나님과도 갈라놓는다,, 그들이 고수하는 " 자아 " 의 그 거짓말들을 방어할려고.
James 3:14 “But if you have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, do not glory nor lie against this truth. For this wisdom does not descend from above but is earthy, sensual, and devilish (of the Devil)”.
야고보서 3:14 " 하지만 만약 너희 마음가운데 독한 질투와 갈등이 있다면,, 이 진리를 거스러 자랑하여 거짓말하지 마라. 이는 이 지혜는 위로부터 내려오지 않은 땅의 것으로, 감각적으로 마귀적이다(마귀로 된 것).
Did you not know that the letter of the word is the ministry of all false prophets and teachers; those grievous wolves that minister those lies that keep division and schism among my people? These are those ministers who love to do those things as well as to minister those things which being glory to image of “self”, as well praise, and honor, and respect, and esteem, and to the image of the creature rather than to God. Who is he who will exalt himself or separate himself from the truth except he who desires to continue to walk after the desires and the affections for “self”? Though these seem to prosper in the sight of men, it is only that appearance, that illusion of righteousness that is presented in the sight of other men for their own exaltation; for such things as these are the treasures and the riches of the wicked heart. Take the praise and the glory of men away from these men and you take away their religion; the worship of the lies of “self”. Try the Spirits”, says the Lord. “Do you ever think within yourself that you are not dealing with men, but with the words that come out of their mouths? What makes a prophet or a teacher to be false except that they only speak lies; lies that are seeking a place to dwell. Do you think that you would ever hear a false prophet or false teacher teaching repentance from Satan’s lies, seeing that they themselves have not repented for walking after these very same lies?
너가 알지 못했었느냐, 그 말의 문자는 모든 거짓 선지자들과 선생들의 성직사역(직무) 인 것을; 그러한 극악무도한(grievous:지독한,통탄할)늑대들,, 그러한 거짓말들을 집행하는(minister) 늑대들,, 나뉘과가 분파(분열)을 내 백성가운데 있게 하는 자들인 것을 ? 이러한 자들이 그러한 성직자들이다,, 그러한 것들을 행하기 심히 사랑하는,, 더불어 " 자아 "의 이미지(형상)에 영광이 되게 하는 그러한 것들을 집행하는, 마찬가지로 칭송, 존귀, 존경, 높임, 경의(regard:애정)을 하나님에게보다 오히려 그 짐승 형상(이미지)에 돌리는. 누가 그이냐,, 그 자신을 높이어 혹은 그 자신을 그 진리(참,진실)에서 갈라놓는 그가,, 계속해서 " 자아 " 를 향한 그 욕구들과 그 애정들을 쫓아 걷길 심히 원하는 그 외에 ? 이러한 자들은 사람들 보기에(판단에) 잘되는 것 처럼 보인다, 그것은 오직 의롭게 됨의 그 겉모습, 그 망상(착각)으로 그들 자신의 칭찬을 바라고 다른 이들 눈앞에 제시된다 ; 이는 이런 그런 것들이 그 사악한 마음의 그 보물들이고 그 재물들이기 때문이다. 인간의 그 칭송과 그 영광을 이러한 사람들에게서 걷어가라, 너는 그들의 종교를 걷어 치워라 ; 그 " 자아 " 의 거짓말들의 숭배(높임)을.
영들을 시험해라, 주의 말이다. " 너가 속으로 혹 생각하느냐,, 당신(주)께선 사람을 말하는 것이 아니라,, 그들 입에서 나오는 그 말을 얘기하고 있는 것이라고 ? 무엇이 어떤 선자, 혹은 교사를 거짓되게 하느냐,, 그들이 거짓말들을 말하는 것 뿐인것 외에 ; 거할(머무를) 한 장소를 찾아구하고 있는 거짓말들. 너가 생각하느냐,,주께서 어떤 거짓 선지자, 혹은 선생이 사탄 거짓말에서 회개를 가르치는 것을 들어리라고,,그들 자신들이 이런 동일한 바로 거짓말들을 쫓아 걷는 것을 회개하지도 않았는데 ?
Matthew 23:5 “But “all” their works (works of “self”) that they do, they do to be seen of men”.
마태복음 23:5 " 하지만 그들이 행하는 " 모든" 그들의 일함들("자아"의 일들)을 그들은 사람들이 보도록 행한다".
I have called each one of you to repentance, to put off the lies of the carnal mind, and to put on the truth of the spiritual mind. I am that truth”, says the Lord. “It is my will for all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of my truth. I am the truth of what you need to believe; but to all those who come after me, it is necessary that they first take up their cross, deny and dispossess the lies of “self”. How shall any man be able be able to repent who out of desire seeks to save his life: the lies of “self”? I have called all of you to come out from the darkness and into the light, how shall any be able to do this except that he first repents of the darkness that is within him? You know that it is written that you are not your own (self), but you are mine; so why would you not repent for walking after these desires and affections that are of your father the Devil? Did you not know that no man is his own? I am not asking you to repent of being that which I created in you, but I am asking you to repent of the lies of Satan that have corrupted you; thus making you his own. Do you not know that it is only through repentance that you allow for me to make you my sons and daughters, changing the desires and the affections that your heart has to believe Satan’s lies? The man who seeks to save his life, is he not seeking to justify the “self” desires that are within him so that he might continue to walk in darkness, worshipping and serving the creature of “self”?
내가 너희 각자를 회개토록 불렀다,, 그 육의 정신의 거짓말들을 벗어버리고, 그 영의 정신의 진실(진리,참)로 입도록. 내가 그 진실이다 ", 주(인)의 말이다. " 내 뜻(의지)은 모든 인간들이 구원받아,, 내 진리를 아는 지식에로 오는 것이다. 내가 너(희)가 믿을 필요가 있는 것으로 된 그 진리이다 ; 하지만 나를 따라 오는 자들 모두에게 있어, 그들이 먼저 그들 십자가를 지고 " 자아 " 의 그 거짓말들을 부인하고 내 쫓아내는 것이 필요하다 ? 어떻게 어느 인간(사람),, 이 한 인간을 욕구, 그의 생명 : 그 " 자아 " 의 거짓말들에서 그것들 바깥으로 구하고자 하는 자를 회개시킬(나오게 할수) 있을 것이냐 ? 내가 너희 모두를 그 어둠에서 나와 빛 속으로 들어오라 불렀다, 어떻게 어떤이가 이렇게 할수가 있을 것이냐 그가 먼저 그 안쪽에 있는 그 어둠을 두고 회개하(돌이키)는 것 외에 ? 너가 안다,, 너가 너 자신의 것(자아)이 아님을, 대신 너는 내 것이다 ; 그러면 왜 너가 이러한 욕구들과 애정들,, 너의 아비, 마귀로 된,, 그것들을 쫓아 행하는(걷는,사는)것을 두고 회개치(돌이키지) 않을 것이냐 ? 너가 알지 못했었느냐,, 어떤 인간도 그 자신의 것이 아닌 것을 ? 내가 너희속에 창조했던 그것으로 있는것을 회개하라 요구하고 있는 것이 아니고, 대신 내가,, 너희를 부패시켰던 그 사탄의 거짓말들을 회개하라고(바꾸라고) 요구하고 있다 ; 그와같이 너희를 그분의 소유된 것으로 만들므로. 너가 알지 못하니, 그 일은 오직 회개함(전환, 바뀜)을 통한 것임을,, 너희가 나로 너희를 내 아들들과 딸들로 만들도록 허락하는 것, 너희 마음으로 사탄의 거짓말들 믿어야 하도록 하는 그 욕구들과 그 애정들을 바꿔 놓음으로서 ? 그의 생명을 구하고자 하는 그 사람, 그가 그의 안쪽으로 있는 그 " 자아 " 의 욕구들을 정당화(옳게)하려 하고 있지 않느냐 그래서 그가 계속해서 어둠속에서 걷도록, 그 " 자아 " 생물(짐승)를 높이고(우러러고) 섬기면서 ?
I Timothy 2:4 “God will have all men to be saved and “come” to the knowledge of the truth”.
딤전 2:4 " 하나님은 모든 인간들이 구원받아, 그 진실(진리,참)의 지식으로 " 오게 한다 ".
Matthew 16:24 The Jesus said, “If any man will “come” after me, let him take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake (the truth) shall find it”.
마태복음 16:24 그때 예수께서 말했다, " 만약 어떤 사람이 나를 쫓아 올 것이면,, 그로 그의 십자가를 지고 나를 따르게 하라. 이는 누구든 그의 생명을 구하려 하는 자는 그것을 잃을(상실할) 것이다 ; 누구든 그의 생명을 나(진리,진실)를 위해, 그의 생명을 잃을(상실할) 것이면,, 정령코 그것을 얻을 것이다".
II Timothy 2:24 “A servant of the Lord must not strive…and in meekness instructing those who oppose them”selves”; if therefore God will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; and that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the Devil, who are taken captive by him to do his will (his desires)”.
딤후 2:24 " 주의 종은 다투지 말고.... 온유함으로 그들 "자아들" 에 반대하는 자들을 가르치어야 한다 ; 만약 그러므로 하나님의 그들에게 진리의 인정하는 회개함(전환)을 줄 것이면 ; 그리고 그들이 그들 자신을 회복하여 마귀의 그 올무에서 나오도록, 그의 의지(그의 욕구들)을 행하도록 마귀에게 포로잡혀 있는 이들이".
Galatians 5:24 Those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh of its affections and desires.
갈라디아서 5:24 그리스도의 것 된 자들은 그 육에서 그 애정들과 욕구들을 못 박았다.
(다니엘입니다,, 오늘에야 이 구절의 정확한 의미를 알았습니다.)
James 4:5 “Do you think that the scripture says in vain, “The spirit that dwells in us lusts to envy?”
야고보서 4:5 " 성경구절 " 우리속에 거하는 그 영이 심히 질투하기까지 갈망한다 " 는 말이 헛되이 말한다 생각하느냐, ?
Can that which is carnal repent of that which is carnal? Can that which is natural have any affection for that which is spiritual? Are not all men well acquainted and familiar with the carnal, the being of “self”; the “self”-image that has been built upon Satan’s lies? How shall any man repent of this thing unless he first allows for my light to enter in to show him the truth about the darkness that rules over his heart; to show to him that these lies have been the cause for the trouble and the unrest that appears in his thoughts? O, if my people understood the gift of God that has been given unto them in Jesus Christ; the Spirit of truth that is well able to set a man free from his captivity to these lying spirits of Satan. The man who understands and knows the gift of God is man who no longer finds any pleasure in living his life according to the desires and the affections for “self”. The man who comes to the knowledge of the truth is man who runs as quickly as he can to take up his cross when he sees the lies of Satan seeking an entrance into the thoughts of his mind; for he knows that the it is through the cross that he shall find his escape from Satan’s lying temptations. I am the life that awaits you on the other side of the cross; I am the abundant life”, says the Lord. “Your escape is in the Spirit of life that sets you free from the carnal desires and affections of “self”. Your escape is in the gift of God. But who will open the many gifts that I have for them?
육으로 된 그것이 육으로 된 그것을 회개(전환,돌이킬)할수 있느냐 ? 자연적인 그것이 영적인 그것에 어떤 애정을 느끼느냐 ? 모든 인간들이, " 그 "자아" 의 존재 ; 그 "자기-이미지(형상), 사탄의 거짓말들 바탕위에 건축 되었던(지어진)것, 육의 것들에 익숙한 채 지식이 있는것이(잘 아는 것이) 아니냐 ? 어떻게 어느 인간이 이것을 회개(돌이킬, 바꿀)것이냐,, 그가 먼저 내 빛으로 그 속으로 들어가,, 그의 마음을 지배하고 있는 그 어둠,, 그것에 대한 진실을 그에게 보이도록 허락하지 않고서 ? 그에게 그의 생각들속에 나타나는 이러한 거짓말들,, 그 불안함, 그 골치거리의 원인이 돠어 왔었던 것을 보이지 않고서 ? 오, 만약 내 백성이 예수 그리스도 안에서 그들에게 주어진 바 된 하나님의 그 선물(은사) : 그 진리의 영,, 한 인간을 이러한 거짓말 하는 사탄의 영들에 그가 포로된 것에서 충분히 자유게 할 수 있는,, 그 영을 이해한다면. 그 하나님의 선물을 이해하여 아는 그 사람은 더 이상 그의 생명을 "자아"가 원하는 그 욕구들과 애정들에 맟춰 사는 것에서 어떤 기쁨도 얻지 못하는 사람이다. 그 진리의 지식에로 나아오는 그 사람이 그가 할 수 있는 한 가장 빠르게 그가 사탄의 그 거짓말들이 그의 정신의 생각들속으로 들어올려는 것을 볼때, 그의 십자기를 지기위해 달려오는(경주하는) 사람이다 ; 이는 그가 알기 때문이다,, 그 십자가를 통해 그가 정령코 사탄이 하는 그 유혹들로부터 벗어나는 탈출구를, 정령코 발견할 것이란 것을. 내가 그 생명이다, 너희를 그 십자가 저쪽편에서 기다리는 ; 내가 그 풍성한 생명이다", 주(인)의 말이다 . " 너희의 탈출구(벗어남)는 그 생명의 영안에 있다,, 너희를 그 "자아"의 육의 욕구들과 애정들로부터 자유게(벗어나게)하는. 너희의 벗어남은 하나님의 그 선물안에 있다. 하지만 누가 그 많은 선물들을,,내가 그들을 위해 가진,, 그것들을 열것이냐 ?
I Corinthians 10:13 “There has no temptation come upon you that is not common (self) to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that which you are able; but with the temptation also make a way to escape so that you may be able to bear it”.
고전 10:13 " 어떤유혹(시험)도 너희에게 오지 않았다,, 사람에게 공통적이지 않은(자아); 하지만 하나님은 신실하셔서 너희로 너하가 감당할 수 있는 이상으로 유혹받게 힘들게 하지 않는다; 대신 그 시험(유혹)에 대해 벗어날 길을 내시고, 그래서 너희가 그것을 감당할 수 있도록 한다".
My Spirit is the incorruptible Spirit of God. I have showed to you that this darkness that you see is nothing but the spirit of Satan; and that this spirit of darkness consists of many different kinds of lying spirits. So also does my Spirit, the spirit of truth, also consists of several different kinds of spirits: the spirit of wisdom, the spirit of knowledge, the spirit of understanding, the spirit of power, the spirit of counsel, and the spirit of the fear of the Lord. How then shall a man find repentance from that which he has been corrupted by, the spirit of this world, except that there come another kind of spirit, one that is greater and mightier than that which he has been held captive by? and that which cannot be corrupted by the affections and desires of “self” to enter in and cast out that spirit of darkness? My Spirit is the gift of repentance; the repentance whereby the desires of your heart are changed and the intents of the thoughts of your minds are transformed. I am your repentance. I am the truth that has no desire or affection for any of Satan’s lies. I am that Spirit that renders powerless all of rulers of the darkness. It is as it is written, just as I said, “Without me, you can do nothing”. How then shall any man overcome the spirit of this without the gift of God? I am the light of life; I am the light that destroys darkness; I am the truth that destroys lies. Do you not know that the gift of God, my Spirit, it is your only way of escape from everlasting destruction and damnation?
내 영은 하나님의 그 부패할 수 없는 영이다. 내가 너에게 너가 보는 이 어둠이 사탄의 그 영일뿐 아무것도 아니란 것을 보였다 ; 어둠의 이 영은 많은 다른종류의 거짓말 하는 영들로 이루어져 있다. 그래서 역시 내 영도 그렇다, 그 진리의 영, 또한 여러개의 다른 영의 종류드르로 이루어져 있다 : 그 지혜의 영, 그 지식의 영, 그 이해(총명함)의 영, 그 능력의 영, 그 조언의 영, 그 여호와를 두려워 하는 영 등으로. 그러면 어떻게 한 인간이 정령코 그의 부패된 그것, 이 세상의 그 영으로부터의 회개함(돌이킴)를 얻을(발견 할)것이냐,, 또 다른 종류의 영, 그가 포로 되어져 왔던 그 영보다 더 크고 힘있는 영이 오는 것 외에 ? 그리고 그 " 자아 " 의 욕구들과 애정들에 의해 부패 될 수 없는 그것이 안으로 들어가 그 어둠의 영을 쫓아내는 것 외에 ? 내 영은 회개함(바꿈,되돌림, 돌이킴)의 그 선물이다 ; 그 회개함(되돌림), 그로서 너희 마음의 그 욕구들이 바뀌고 너희 정신의 그 내용(의도)들이 바뀌어 형성된다. 내가 너희의 회개함(돌이킴)이다. 내가 사탄의 그 거짓말들 어느것에도 애정이나 욕구들을 가지지 않는 그 진실(진리,참)이다. 내가 그 영이다,, 그 어둠의 모든 지배자들을 힘 없게 만드는. 그것은 기록된 대로이다, 바로 내가 말했던 대로," 나 없이는 너희가 아무것도 할 수 없다". 그러면 어떻게 어떤 간이 하나님의 그 선물 없이 이것의 그 영을 이길(정복할) 것이냐 ? 내가 어둠을 파괴하는 그 빛이다 ; 내가 거짓말들을 파괴하는 그 진리(참)이다. 너가 모르느냐 하나님의 그 선물, 내 영, 그것이 너희의 영원한 파괴와 정죄함의 유일한 탈출구(벗어남)의 그 길(방법)이라는는 것을 ?
Hebrews 2:3 “How shall we escape if we neglect so great of a salvation…?”
히브리서 2:3 " 어떻게 우리가 벗어날 것이냐,, 만약 우리가 아주 큰 구원함을 소홀히 한다면... ? "
Luke 11:21 “When a strong man, fully armed, guards his palace his goods are in peace. But when a stronger than he comes upon him and overcomes him, he takes from him all of his armor in which he trusted in, and divides his spoil. He who is not with me is against me and he who does not gather with me scatters. When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places seeking rest, and finding none he says, “I will go back to the house from which I came”.
누가복음 11:21 " 강한 사람, 완전히 무장한이가 그의 궁전을 지킬 때,, 그의 재물들이 평안이 있다. 하지만, 그 보다 더 강한 자가 그에게 와서 그를 이기면, 그는 그로부터 모든 그의 무기들,,그기 의지하는,, 그것들을 빼앗아,, 그의 뺏은것들은 나눈다. 나와함께 하지 않는 그는 나를 반대한다 그리고 나와 함께 합하지 않는 그는 흩어진다. 한 더러운 영이 한 사람에게서 나갔을 때,,그가 마른곳들을 통과해 다닌다 안식을 구하면서,, 그런데 아무것도 얻지 못하니, 이르길, " 내가 나왔던 그집으로 돌아갈 것이다".
I Corinthians 2:11 “We have received not the spirit of this world, but the spirit which is of God so that we might know the things which are freely given to us of God”.
고전 2:11 " 우리는 이 세상의 영을 받지 않았다, 대신 하나님으로 된 영을 받았다, 그래서 우리가 하나님이 우리에게 무상으로 주신 것들을 알도록".
John 15:5 “I am the vine and you are the branches. He that abides in me, and I in him, the same brings forth much fruit; for without me, you can do nothing”.
요한복음 15:5 " 내가 포도나무요 너희는 그 가지다. 내 안에 거하지 않는 그, 그 안에 거하는 나, 그 동일한 사람은 많은 열매를 맺는다 ; 이는 나 없이는, 너희가 아무것도 할수 없기 때문이다".
My Spirit is the Spirit of truth; the same truth that sets you free from your captivity to these lying spirits of Satan. My truth is your repentance from Satan’s lies; and I am that truth. I am the truth that brings change; the change from the death that has ruled over your carnal minds to the Spirit that rules over the spiritual mind with life and peace. only through my Spirit will you be able to be a partaker of the fruits of abundant life; the life that the lies of Satan have alienated and separated you from. only through my Spirit will you be able to become aliens to a fallen world that you were once friends with. only through the gift of my Spirit shall a man be able to find freedom from his bondage to sin and death. It is in your repentance that you will find the freedom that I have promised to those who would follow after me; and your repentance is a gift from above? I am the Spirit of truth, and in the presence of Spirit you shall find a new air to breathe; an air that is filled with freedom, with peace of mind, and with abundant life.
내 영은 진리(참)의 영이다 ; 그 동일한 진리(참)가 너희를 이러한 사탄의 거짓말 하는 영들에 너희를 포로로 잡는것에서 자유게 한다(해방시킨다). 내 진리(진실,참)은 너희의 사탄 거짓말들로부터의 회개함(돌이킴, 바뀜)이다 ; 내가 그 진리(참)이다. 내가 변화(바뀜)을 유발시키는 그 진리(참)이다 ; 그 바뀜(the change:변화), 너희 육의 정신들을 지배해 왔던 그 사망으로부터의,, 생명과 평안으로 그 영의 정신을 지배하는 그 영으로의 (바뀜). 오직 내 영을 통해 너(희)는 그 풍성한 생명의 열매들에 참여자가 될 수 있다 ; 그 생명,, 사탄의 거짓말들이 멀어지게 해서,, 너희를 (내개로부터) 갈라 놓았던 (생명) ; 오직 내 영을 통해 너(희)는 너희가 전에 친구였던 한 타락한(질이 떨어진) 세상에 외계인(이방인)들이 될 수 있다. 오직 내 영의 그 선물을 통해, 한 인간이 그의 죄와 사망의 종살이에서 자유를 얻을 수 있다. 너희의 회개함(돌이키, 바뀜)속에서 너희는 내가 나를 따르고자 하는 자들에게 약속했었던 그 자유를 얻는다 ; 그리고 너희의 회개함(돌이킴, 바뀜,변화)는 위로부터 오는(주어지는)선물이다 ? 내가 진리(참)의 그 영이다, 그 영의 임재가운데 정령코 너희는 한 새로운 공기를 호흡하는 것을 발견할 것이다 ; 자유함으로, 정신의 평안으로, 풍성한 생명으로 가득한 한 공기(an air )체.
John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life; no man comes to the Father except by me”.
요한복음 14:6 " 내가 그 길이요, 그 진리요, 그 생명이다 ; 어떤 사람도 나를 통하지 않고는 아버지께로 오지 못한다".
Romans 8:2 “For the law of the Spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death…6 The carnal mind is death but the spiritual mind is life and peace”.
로마서 8:2 " 이는 생명의 영의 그 법이 나를 죄와 사망의 법에서 자유게 했다(해방시켰다)...6 육의 정신은 사망이요 영의 정신은 생명과 평안이다".
In this fallen world of darkness, it is impossible for my truth to be discerned by anything that is natural to this world, neither can my truth be discovered through the use of the senses of man that have been corrupted by the spirit of this world. In this fallen world, the wisdom which is of this world is that wisdom which loves “self” and finds the love that thinks not of “self” to be strange and foolishness. The wisdom which man knows naturally is the wisdom that does not know God and neither will it at any time bow the knee of it’s heart to worship anything other than “self”. The wisdom of this world will always lead a man to do those things which seem like the right thing to do. It is this wisdom that blinds a man so he sees no need for God in his life. It is also this same wisdom that blinds the eyes of fallen man so that there is no man who is able to love God. This is the same wisdom that corrupted Lucifer and the angels that followed him, birthing within them the unholy desires and affections that these angels and fallen man have in common, the desire to be their own gods.
이 타락한 어둠의 세상속에선, 내 진리(참,진실)가, 이 세상에 자연스런 어떤것에 의해서도 식별이 되지않고, 내 진리는 사람의 그 감각,, 이 세상 영에 의해 부패되어 버린,그것을 사용해서는 발견 될 수가 없다. 타락한 이 세상속에서의 지혜는, 이 세상으로 되어진,, " 자아"를 사랑하여 그 사랑을 받는 그 지혜이다,, " 자아 " 를 이방인(생소한 이)과 어리석은 것으로 생각지 않는. 인간이 자연적으로 아는 그 지혜는 하나님을 알지도, 어느때고 그것에 그 마음을 굽혀,, 높이지도 않는 그 지혜이다,, " 자아 "외엔 어느것도 높이지 않는. 이 세상 지혜는 언제나 한 사람을 그런것들,, 을 행하기에 바르게 보이는 것으로 이끈다. 그것이 이 지혜이다,, 한 사람을 눈멀게 하는, 그래서 그의 생명속에선 하나님에 대한 필요를 보지 못한다. 그것은 또 이 동일한 지혜로서 타락한 인간(사람)의 눈을 멀게하여,, 결과로 어떤 인간도 하나님을 사랑할 수가 없다. 이것이 그 동일한 지혜이다,, 루시퍼를 부패시켰던,, 그리고 그를 따랐던 그 천사들을, 그들 속에 그 거룩하지 않은 욕구들과 애정들,, 이러한 천사들과 타락한 사람 양쪽이 공통으로 가진바 된 그것들, 그들 자신들이 신이고픈 그 욕구를 낳으므로서 .
I Corinthians 2:14 “The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God; for they are foolishness unto him; neither can he know them because they are spiritually discerned”.
고전 2:14 " 자연스런 사람(인간)은 하나님의 영의 것들을 받아들이지 않는다 ;이는 그것들이 그에게 어리석기 때문으로; 그가 그것들을 알 수도 없다 왜냐함 그것들은 영적으로야 식별되기 때문이다".
John 1:10 “He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own did not receive him”.
요한복음 1:10 " 그가 그 세상에 있었다, 그리고 그 세상은 그에 의해 만들어졌다, 그 세상이 그를 알지 못했다. 그가 그 자신의 것에 왔었는데, 그 자신의 것들이 그를 받아들이지 않았다".
I Corinthians 1:21 “For since, in the wisdom of God, the world through wisdom (of this world) did not know God, it pleased God through the foolishness of the message that was preached to save those who believe”.
고전 1:21 " 이는 왜야함, 하나님의 지혜가, 그 세상이 이 세상의 지혜를 통해 하나님을 알지 못했기에, 그것이 하나님을 기뻐게 했다,, 전해지는 그 메시지의 어리석은 것을 통해,, 믿는 자들을 구원하는 것을".
Proverbs 3:7 “Be not wise in your own eyes”
잠언 3:7 " 너 자신의 눈 보기에 지혜롭지 마라 "
Proverbs 21:2 “Every way of man is right in his own eyes…”
잠언 21:2 " 인간의 모든 길이 그 자신의 눈 보기엔 바르다(옳다)...."
Out of this worldly wisdom comes forth three insatiable desires that are common to all men in this fallen world of darkness: the desire for an exalted state (self-righteousness), the desire for divinity (self-will), and the desire that each man has for his own greatness (to make a name for “self”). It is was these desires that Satan’s lies aroused in Adam and Eve’s heart when he brought his enticing words into my garden; and once their hearts heard Satan’s lie, their hearts began to burn with desire for these words to be truth. It was this wisdom of this world that was burning with desire in their hearts, hoping that Satan’s lies were truth. Do you think that Adam and Eve ate the fruit of that forbidden tree for any other reason than to satisfy these three desires that were burning within them, hoping that they might become gods? This is truth: there is only one God, and he alone is great. There is only one God, and all righteousness belongs only to him. There is only one God, and in his kingdom, his will reigns over all of his creatures with abundant life. Now hear and understand; if it were not for the wisdom of this world, then none of Satan’s lies would have had any power to entice Adam or Eve with counsels to disobey God. It is only when Satan’s lies are joined together with the wisdom of this world that man desires to believe that the lies of Satan are truth. This is the fall of man; and it is still today as it was then because the same darkness compasses the earth and fallen man is born with that wisdom which finds the darkness to be that which comes naturally.
이 세상 지혜에서 이 타락한 어둠의 세상 모든 인간들에게 공통적인 3개의 만족할 줄 모르는 욕구들이 나온다 : 한 높여진 상태(자기-의로움)를 바라는 욕구, 우수(divinity [신]지고,신성[자기-의지])함을 바라는 욕구, 각 사람이 그 자신을 위대하게("자기"를 위해 이름을 남기고픈) 하고픈 욕구. 사탄이 그의 유혹하는 말들을 내 동산 안으로 가져 왔을 때 그가 아담과 하와 마음속에 일으켰던(aroused:깨웠던,유발시켰던, 자극했던) 것이 이러한 욕구들이었다 ; 그리고 일딴 그들의 마음이 사탄의 거짓말을 들었을때(지각했을 때), 그들의 마음이 이러한 말이 진실이었으면 하는 욕구로 불타기 시작했다. 그것이 이 세상 지혜였다,, 그들 마음속에서 그러고픈 욕구들로 불타고 있었던,, 사탄의 거짓말들이 진실(진리,참)이길 희망하면서. 너는 생각에 아담과 하와가 그 금지된 나무의 열매를 이런 3 개의 욕구들,, 그들 안쪽에서 불타며,, 그들이 신들이 되기를 희망하는,, 그 욕구들을 만족시키는 것 외의 어떤 다른 이유에서 먹었다고 생각하느냐 ? 이것은 진실이다 : 오직 한 분 하나님(신)이 있다, 그리고 그는 홀로 위대하다. 오직 한 분 하나님이 있다, 모든 의(롭게 됨,올바름)은 오직 그분께만 속했다. 오직 한 분 하나님이 있다, 그분의 왕국에선, 그의 뜻(의지)가 그분의 생물들 모두를 풍성한 생명으로 지배한(다스린)다. 이제 들어 이해해라 ; 만약 이 세상 그 지혜가 없다면, 그럼 사탄의 거짓말들 아무것도 아담과 하와를 하나님의 말에 불순종하는 조언으로 홀릴(미혹할) 어떤 힘(능력)도 없었을 것이단 것을. 오직 사탄의 거짓말들이 이 세상 그 지혜와 결합 될 때에,, 인간은 사탄의 그 거짓말들이 진실이길 믿기 원한다. 이것이 인간의 타락(질이 떨어짐)이다. ; 그리고 그것이 오늘날도 여전한다,, 그때 그랬던 것처럼,, 왜냐함 그 동일한 어둠이 그 땅을 둘러싸고 있어, 타락한 인간(사람)이 그 지혜, 그 어둠이 자연스럽게 오는 것으로 발견하는 것이기 때문이다.
II Timothy 3:3 “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, and having itching ears, and after their own lust (for “self”), they shall heap to themselves teachers, and they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and be turned to fables”.
딤후 3:3 " 이는 그 때(시간)가 올 것이다, 그러면 사람들이 딱딱한 교리를 참아내지 못할 것이다, 그래서 가려운 귀를 가지고, 그들 자신의 욕망("자아") 을 쫓을 것이다, 그들이 그들 자신들에게 선생(교사)들을 많이 쌓아서, 그들이 그들 귀를 진리에서 돌려 멀리하여, 우화같은 얘기들에 가져 갈 것이다".
Jeremiah 5:30 “An astonishing and horrible thing is committed in the land: the prophets prophesy falsely and the priests bear rule by their own power; and my people love to have it so. But what will they do in the end?”
예레미야 5:30 " 한 놀랍고 끔찍한 일이 지면에서 범해진다 : 선지자들이 거짓으로 예언하고(가르치고), 제사장들이 그들 자신의 힘으로 규례를 만들어낸다 ; 그래서 내 백성이 그것을 가지길 사랑한다. 하지만 그들이 마지막엔 어떻 할 것이냐 ?"
What greater blessing could I offer unto man other than the gift of my Spirit that is able to bind up and cast out the spirit of man? Who is willing to take up his cross to die to his own wisdom and his own understanding so the spirit of my wisdom and understanding might fill the treasury of his heart with the spiritual things of God? Who is willing to allow for me to redeem his natural and corrupt senses with blessings of my senses? Corrupt man has ears, but his is are not able to hear and understand the words of God. Corrupt man has heart, but he has no desire for God nor does he have any love for the truth. Corrupt man has eyes, but he is not able to see anything in the same light as God sees it. Again, it is the powers of darkness that has corrupted man so that there is no man by the use of natural senses who is able to come to know the things of God. Corrupt man is not even able to discern the darkness that rules over him, even though he continually does things and says things that he had no desire to do. The darkness that compasses the earth, it is only a habitation of death, sin, and corruption.
어떤 더 큰 축복을 내가 인간(사람)에게 제공할 수 있을 것이냐 ,, 인간의 그 영을 묶어서 쫓아낼 수 있는 것 외의 ? 누가 기꺼이 그의 십자가를 지고 그 자신의 지혜, 그 자신의 이해함에 죽을 것이냐,,그래서 내 지혜와 이해함의 그 영이 그의 마음의 보고(금고)를 그 하나님의 영의 것들로 채우도록 ? 누가 기꺼이 나로 그의 자연스런 부패한 감각(감관)을 내 감각의 축복들로 상환(변제)하게 허락 할 것이냐 ? 부패한 인간은 귀를 가졌다, 하지만 그의 귀는 하나님의 그 말을 들을수도 이해할 수도 없다. 부패한 인간은 마음을 가졌다, 하지만 그는 하나님을 향한 욕구도, 그 진실(진리, 참)을 향한 어떤 사랑도 가지지 않았다. 부패한 인간은 눈을 가졌다, 하지만 그는 하나님이 그 빛을 보는 거와 같은 종류의 빛으로 된 어떤것도 볼 수가 없다. 다시, 그것이 그 어둠의 힘(능력)들이다,, 인간을 부패시켜 버린,, 그래서 자연적인 감각을 사용하여선 어떤 인간도 하나님의 것들을 알게 될 수가 없다. 부패한 인간은 심지어 그 어둠,, 그를 지배하고 있는,, 그것을 알아차릴 수도 없다. 비록 그가 계속해서 그는 전혀 행할 욕구가 없는 일들을 행하고, 말할찌라도. 그 어둠, 땅을 둘러싸고 있는, 그것이 오직 사망, 죄, 부패함의 거처일 뿐이다.
Ezekiel 28:17 “Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty; you have corrupted your wisdom by reason of your brightness”.
에스겔 28:17 " 너의 마음이 너의 아름다운 것 때문에 높아졌고 ; 너가 너의 지혜를 너의 명석함 때문에 부패시켰다".
Isaiah 47:10 “For you have trusted in your wickedness; you have said, “None sees me”. Your wisdom and your knowledge have perverted you, and you have said in your heart, “I Am, and there is none else besides me”.
이사야 47:10 " 이는 너가 너의 사악함을 신뢰하였으므로 ; 너가 말했다, " 아무도 나를 보지 못한다 ", 라고. 너의 지혜와 너의 지식이 너를 변형(전환)시켰다, 너가 너 마음속에서 말했다, " 내가 있다, 나 외에는 다른 아무도 없다 ", 라고.
Isaiah 29:14 “Forasmuch as this people draw near to me with their mouth, and do honor me with their lips, but they have removed their heart far from me, and their fear towards me is taught by the precept of man. Therefore, behold, I will do a marvelous work among this people, a marvelous work and a wonder: for the wisdom of their wise men shall perish and the understanding of their prudent men shall be hid”.
이사야 29:14 " 이 백성이 그들 입술로는 나에게 다가와서, 나를 그들 입술로는 높인다, 하지만 그들이 그들 마음은 내게서 멀리 이동시켰다, 나를 향한 그들의 두려워함을 인간의 교훈으로 가르침 받는다. 그러므로, 보라, 내가 한 놀라운 일을 이 백성(사람들) 가운데서 행할 것이다, 한 놀라운 일과 한 놀라운 것 : 이는 그들 지혜로운 자들의 그 지혜가 정령코 소멸할 것이며(파괴될 것이며) 그들 신중한 자들의 이해함이 숨겨질 것이다".
I Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross is foolishness to them who perish; but unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent”.
고전 1:18 " 이는 십자가의 가르침이 소멸하는 자들에겐 어리석은 것이고; 대신 구원받고 있는 우리에겐, 그것이 하나님의 그 힘(능력)이다. 이는 기록된 바, " 내가 지혜로운 자들의 그 지혜를 파괴할 것이고, 신중한 자들의 그이해함을 아무것도 아닌 것으로 만들어 버릴 것이다".
All corruption is rooted in the love of “self”, and it is seen when men seek to satisfy any of these worldly desires that are aroused by Satan’s lies of “self”: boasting, hatred, strife, anxiety, slander, murder, adultery, worry, arrogance, all manner of fears, intimidations, arguments, fault-finding, pride, bitterness, lying, depression, envy, unbelief, stress, dread, complacency, loneliness, arguments, evil suspicions, doubts, jealousy, disappointments, slander, self-righteousness, lack of restraint in conversation, failures, judging and accusing one another, the uncertainties of day to day life, hypocrisy, lusts, and contention. These are the fruits of, or rather, the natures of the many different lying spirits that you saw going in and out the minds and the hearts of those who were standing by you. These are the corrupt fruits of death that are manifested in the lives of all those who are carnally minded; whose counselor is the wisdom of this world. Just as the wisdom that comes from above is full of good fruits, so also is the wisdom that is of this world full of evil fruits. The wisdom that is of this world will entertain all lying spirits and it will choose to believe that lie that appears in the thoughts of his mind which seems the most right, or that appears good, or that will be able to bring gain and/or pleasure to “self”. The carnal mind is the habitation of darkness; and evil man is so corrupted by this darkness that he identifies these evil fruits as that which life consists of; seeing that it is the only form of life that he is acquainted and familiar with. The lies of “self” are the crown that Satan wears as he sits on his throne in the hearts of all those who are carnally minded, and he reigns over them with trouble and misery.
모든 부패함은 " 자아 " 의 사랑에 뿌리가 박혀 있다, 그리고 그것은 인간들이 이러한 세상욕구들,, " 자아 " 로 된 사탄의 거짓말들에 의해 깨어나지(일어켜지)는 이러한 세상 욕구들 어느 것을 만족시키려 할때,, 그것들이 보여진다 : 자랑하는 것, 미움, 갈등, 근심, 중상, 살인, 간음, 걱정, 거만, 온 갖 종류의 두려움들, 위협들, 논쟁들, 흠 잡기, 가혹함, 거짓말하기, 우울, 질투, 믿지못함, 스트레스, 공포, 자기만족, 외로움, 악한 혐의, 의심, 질투, 실망, 중상, 자기-의로움, 대화속에서의 자제력 부족, 실패함들, 서로 판단하며 비난하기, 그 하루하루의 삶의 불안함들,위선, 정욕들, 다툼(경쟁,투쟁). 이러한 것들이 그 열매들이다, 더 정확히, 그 많은 다른 류의 거짓말 하는 영들,, 너가 보았던,, 너 옆으로 서 있었던 자들의 그 정신과 마음속을 드나 들었던 것을 보았던 ,, 그 성품(성질)들. 이러한 것들이 그 부패한 사망의 열매들이다,, 육의 정신인 자들 모두의 삶(생명)들 속에서 나타나 보여진 ; 그것의 의논상대(상담자)는 이 세상 지혜이다. 바로 위로 부터 오는 그 지혜가 선한 열매들이 가득한 것 처럼,, 그렇게 또 이 세상으로 된 그 지혜는 악한 열매들이 가득하다. 이 세상으로 된 그 지혜는 온 갖 거짓말하는 영들을 즐겁게 한다 그것은 그의 정신속에서 가장 옳게 보이는, 혹은 겉으로 선하게 보이는 혹은 " 자아(자기)에 이득을, 혹은 기쁨을 가져다 줄 수 있을 것 처럼 보이는 그 거짓말을 믿기로 선택한다. 그 육의 정신이 어둠의 그 거처이다 ; 악한 사람은 너무 이 어둠,, 그가 이러한 악한 열매들로 생명이 구성되어 있는 것으로 자신을 확인해 보일 만큼 이 어둠에 의해 아주 부패 되어졌다 ; 그것이 그가 알고 있는, 익숙할 유일한 생명의 형태이다. 그 "자아"의 거짓말들이 사탄이 그가 그의 보좌, 육의 정신인 모든 자들의 마음 한 가운데 있는 그 보좌에 앉을때 쓰는 그 왕관(면류관)이다 그리고 그는 그들을 통치하여 다스린다,, 온갖류의 어려움들과 비참함으로.
Matthew 12:33 “Either make the tree good and his fruit good; or else make the tree corrupt and its fruit corrupt; for a tree is known by its fruit. O generation of vipers, how can you, being evil, speak good things? For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks”.
마태복음 12:33 " 그 나무를 선하게 하므로 그의 열매를 좋게 하든지 ; 아님 그 나무를 부패하게 하므로 그것의 열매를 부패하게 하든지 하라 ; 이는 나무는 그것의 열매로 알려지기 때문이다. 오 독사의 세대여, 너희가 악한데, 선한 것들을 말할 수 있느냐 ? 이는 그 마음의 넘치는 것에서 그 입이 말함이기 때문이다".
Jude 10 “These speak evil of those things which they do not know; and what they know naturally, as brute beasts, in those things they corrupt themselves”.
유다서 10 " 이러한이들이 그들이 알지 못하는 것들을 악하게 말한다 ; 그들이 자연스럽게 하는 것을, 야수의 짐승들로서, 그러한 것들속에서 그들이 스스로를 부패시킨다".
Jeremiah 4:22 “For my people are foolish; they have not known me. They are sottish children and they have no understanding. They are wise to do evil and to do good they have no knowledge”.
예레미야 4:22 " 이는 내 백성이 어리석기 때문이다; 그들이 나를 알지 못했다. 그들이 머리가 텅빈 자녀들이다, 그들은 전혀 이해함이 없다. 그들이 악을 행하는대는 지혜롭고, 선을 행하는 것에는 지식이 전혀 없다".
Jeremiah 13:23”Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots? Then how can you who are accustomed to doing evil do good?”
예레미야 13:23 " 그 이디오피아인이 그의 가죽을 바꿀 수 있느냐, 아님 표범이 그의 점들을 바꿀수 있느냐 ? 그럼 악을 행하는데 익숙한 너희가 어떻게 선을 행할 수 있느냐 ? "
James 3:17 “The wisdom that comes from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle… full of mercy and good fruits…”
예레미야 3:17 " 위로부터 오는 그 지혜는 먼저 순수하고, 그리고 평화하고, 점잖다... 자비와 선한 열매들이 가득한 채...."
Thus says the Lord, “I am the gift of God, and my heavenly Father made me to be his wisdom for all those who desire to escape out of their bondage to the corruption of this world. The power that keeps a man in bondage to the corruption of this world is found in the natural desires to believe the lies of “self”; and these desires are all birthed out of the corrupt wisdom that is of this world. The man who daily takes up his cross is the man who seeks daily to dispossess the corrupted nature of his earthy father the Devil. The man who seeks to dispossess this wisdom is also the man who cries out daily for the gift of wisdom that comes from above; the gift that my Father freely and liberally gives to all those who seek and ask for; I am that gift. I am the wisdom that sets you at liberty from all of your corrupt desires. I am the wisdom of God; and when I am in you, and you are in me, then you find your freedom from the natural desire to believe Satan’s lies. The wisdom that comes from above is a loving spirit; the spirit that loves the truth which sets you free. Those who take up their cross signify to me their desire to bear the fruits of life; the fruits that bear the very nature of your Father in heaven. Those who take up their crosses daily are those who seek to decrease in their love and delight for “self” and who hunger and thirst to increase in their love and affection for their heavenly Father. I am willing to give you all that I am, but are you willing to give to me all that you are?
주(여호와)께서 이와같이 말한다," 내가 하나님의 그 선물이다, 나의 하늘(천국) 아버지(my heavenly Father)가 나를 그분의 지혜로 만들었다,, 이 세상 부패함의 종살이에서 심히도 벗어나고픈 모든 자들을 위해. 이 세상 부패함에,, 종살이 하고 있는 한 사람을 붙드는 그 힘(능력)은 그 자연적(자연스런) 욕구들에서 발견된다,, " 자아 "의 그 거짓말들을 믿고픈 ; 이러한 욕구들은 모두 이 세상으로 된 그 부패된 지혜에서 낳아진다. 매일 그의 십자가를 지는 그 사람이 매일 그 부패된 이 세상 지혜를 추방하는(내쫓는) 그 사람이다. 이 지혜를 내쫓으려 찾아 구하는 그 사람이 또한 매일 위로부터 오는 그 지혜의 선물을 위해 구하여 외치는 그 사람이다 ; 그 선물(을 위해),, 내 아버지가 아낌없이 후하게 구하여 찾는 자들 모두에게 주는 ; 내가 그 선물이다. 내가 그 지혜이다,, 너희를 모든 너희 부패한 욕구들로부터 자유게 하는 지혜. 내가 하나님의 그 지혜이다 ; 내가 너(희)속에 있을 때, 그리고 너(희)가 나 속에 있을 때, 그때 너희는 너희 자유를 얻는다,, 사탄의 거짓말들을 믿고픈 그 모든 자연스런 욕구로부터. 위로부터 오는 그 지혜는 사랑의 영이다 ; 너희를 자유게 해주는 그 진리(진실, 참)을 사랑하는 영. 그들 십자가를 지는 자들은 내게 그들의 욕구,,생명의 열매들을 낳고(맺고)싶다는 그 욕구를 표명한다(나타낸다) ; 그 (생명의)열매들,, 너희 하늘에 계신 아버지가 낳게(맺게) 하는 바로 그 성품(의 열매들). 매일 그들의 십자가를 지는 자들은 " 자아 "를 위한 그들의 사랑과 기쁨을 감소시키길 구하는 자들로서,, 그들 하늘 아버지를 향한 그들 사랑과 애정가운데서 성장하기를 배고파 하며 목 말라 하는 자들이다. 내가 기꺼이 너희 모두에게 내가 존재하는 상태를 준다, 하지만 너희가 기꺼이 내게 너희의 전부를 내게 주겠니 ?
I Corinthians 1:30 “But of him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us wisdom from God”.
고전 1:30 " 하지만 그로 된 너희는 그리스도 예수 안에 있고, 그리스도 예수는 우리를 위해 하나님으로부터 온 지혜가 되었다".
Psalm 51:6 “Behold, you desire truth in the inward parts and in the hidden part you shall make me to know wisdom”.
시편 51:6 " 보소서, 당신이 심히 진실(참)을 내 그 안쪽 부분들에서 원하니 그 숨겨진 부분속에서 당신은 정령 나로 지혜를 알도록 할 것입니다"[직접번역]. 보소서 주께서는 중심이 진실함을 원하시오니 내게 지혜를 은밀히 가르치시리이다[개역개정].주는 중심에 진실을 원하십니다. 내 마음 깊은 곳에 지혜를 가르치소서[현대인의 성경].
Now hear and understand. My kingdom is not of this world, and neither can any of these ungodly fruits be found anywhere in my kingdom”, says the Lord. “The reason that none of these fruits can be found in my kingdom is because there are no lies in my kingdom, only truth; and darkness cannot find any habitation where the light of my truth dwells. There is neither any corrupt thing in my kingdom that has any desire to believe any lies. Do you believe my word that says, “Your thoughts are not my thoughts”? Do you not believe me when I say unto you that it is impossible for me to lie? Just as it is impossible for me to lie, so also is it impossible for Satan to speak the truth. Just as it is impossible for Satan to speak the truth, so also is it impossible for those who have been corrupted to bear good fruits; just as it is impossible for those who walk in my Spirit to bear anything other than the good fruits of life. You shall know those who walk after the lies of “self” according to the fruit that they bear; and you shall know those who walk after the spirit of truth by the fruit that they bear. As a man thinks, so he is; as a man is, so shall be the fruit that he bears.
이제 들어 이해해라. 내 왕국은 이 세상으로 되어 있지 않다, 이러한 비신적인 열매들이 내 왕국 어디에서도 발견 될 수가 없다", 주의 말이다. " 이러한 열매들 아무것도 내 왕국에서 발견될 수 없는 이유는 내 왕국엔 전혀 거짓말들이 없고, 오직 진실만이 있기 때문이고 ; 어둠은 내 진실(참)의 빛이 거주하는 곳 어디에서고 어떤 거처도 발견할 수 없기 때문이다. 어떤 거짓말이든 전혀 믿고픈 욕구를 가지는 부패함이 없다. 너가 내 말, " 너희 생각들은 내 생각들이 아니다 " 라는 말을 믿느냐 ? 너가 내가 너에게 나는 거짓말 하는 것이 가능치가 않다 라고 말할때 내 말을 믿느냐 ? 내가 거짓말 하는 것이 가능치 않은 것처럼, 그렇게 또 사탄도 진실(참)을 말하는 것이 가능치 않다. 사탄이 진실(진리)을 말하는 것이 가능치 않은 것처럼, 그렇게 또 부패 되어진 자들이 선한(좋은) 열매들을 맺는것이 가능치 않다 ; 바로 내 영으로 걷는(행하는) 자들이 생명의 선한(좋은) 열매들 맺는 것 외에 어떤 것도 맺는 것이 가능치 않은 것 처럼. 정령 너는 그 자들을 알 것이다, " 자아 "의 거짓말들을 쫓아 걷는(행하는) 자들은 그들이 맺는 열매로 (알 것이다) ; 너는 정령 알 것이다 진리(진실)의 영을 쫓아 걷는 자들을 그들애 맺는 그 열매로 (알 것이다). 한 사람은 그가 생각하는 대로 그렇게 존재한다 ; 한 사람이 존재하는 (상태)대로 그렇게 정령 그가 맺는 열매가 있을 것이다.
Luke 17:20 “And when the Pharisees demanded to know when the kingdom of God should come, Jesus answered and said, “The kingdom of God does not come with an outward show; neither shall they say, “Lo here!” or, “Lo, there! For the kingdom of God is within you”.
눅 : 17:20 " 그 바리새인들이 하나님의 왕국이 언제 임하는지를 알려 물었다. 예수께서 대답하여,, 이르시길, " 하나님의 왕국은 눈에 보이게 오지 않는다 ; 사람들은 말하지 말 것이다," 오 여기! " 혹은, " 오, 저기! 이는 하나님의 왕국은 너희 안쪽에 있기 때문이다".
Proverbs 23:7 “For as he thinks, so he is…”
잠언 23:7 " 이는 그가 생각하는 대로, 그는 그렇게 존재한다...(사람은 그가 생각하는대로이다. 의역 다니엘 주)
If my kingdom were of this world, then none of these works of darkness could be found on the earth, or in the earth, or in the hearts of any of the inhabitants of this earth; for if my kingdom was of this world, then the earth would be filled with the glory of the light of my life; and death and sin would have no reign. I am the Christ; I am your Savior. I am the truth that sets you free from Satan’s lies and I am the wisdom that gives you liberty from the desires of these lying spirits. Lies only inhabit this fallen world of darkness where sin and death rule; and the habitation for this darkness is in the hidden and secret places of the carnal mind; for where there is no darkness, there is no place for any of these lying spirits to dwell. Again, you see the effect that Satan’s lies have upon the lives of men through the fruit that they bear.
만약 내 왕국이 이 세상으로 되어 있다면, 그럼 이러한 어둠의 일들 아무것도 땅 위에서,혹은 땅 속에서, 혹은 이 땅의 거주민들,,어떤 이의 마음들속에서 발견될 수 없을 것이다 ; 이는 만약 내 왕국이 이 세상으로 되면, 그때 그 땅은 내 생명의 빛의 영광으로 가득할 것이다 ; 그래서 사망과 죄가 전혀 지배(통치)하지 않을 것이다. 내가 그 그리스도이다; 내가 너희의 구원자(구세주)이다. 내가 그 진리(진실,참)이다,, 너희를 사탄의 거짓말들로부터 자유게 하는 그리고 내가 너희에게 이러한 거짓말 하는 영들의 그 욕구들로부터 자유(해방, 석방)을 주는 그 지혜이다. 거짓말들은 오직 이 타락된(질이 떨어진)어둠의 세상에 거주한다 그리서 죄와 사망이 지배한다 ; 이 어둠을 위한 그 거처가 그 육의 정신의 숨겨진 비밀의 장소들속에 있다 ; 이는 어둠이 없는 곳에는, 이러한 거짓말 하는 영들 어느것이 거주할 곳이 전혀 없기 때문이다. 다시, 너희는 그 효과,, 사탄의 거짓말들이 그것들이 낳는 그 열매를 통해 인간들의 생명(삶)들위로 끼치는 영향을 본다.
John 8:44 “You are of your father the Devil and the desires of your father you will do. He was a murderer from the beginning and he abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks of his own; for he is a liar and the father of it”.
요한복음 8:44 " 너희는 너희 아비, 마귀로 되어 있어, 너희 아비의 그 욕구들을 너희도 행한다. 그는 시작부터(태초부터) 살인자 였다 그리고 그는 그 진리(참,진실)속에 거주하지 않았다 왜냐함 그 속에 전혀 진실(참,진리)가 없기 때문이다. 그가 어떤 거짓말을 할 때,, 그는 그 자신의 것으로 말한다 ; 이는 그가 거짓말 장이이고, 그것의 아비(아버지)이기 때문이다".
I John 3:15 “Whosoever hates (thinks evil) of his brother is a murderer…”
요한 1서 3:15 " 누구든 그의 형제를 미워하는(악하게 생각하는)자는 살인자이다... "
There are only a few among my people, a small remnant who have sought/seek to know my truth; who yearn to know me. These are the redeemed who crucify unto themselves the lies of “self” so that they may enter into oneness with God through his truth; and I am that truth. My word is the truth; and my word is not powerless. My word is powerful and it always performs that which I send it to perform. To those who seek my truth, my word will be sent unto them; the truth that sanctifies them from all the lies of “self”. My truth never focuses on the being of “self”, and neither does my word ever bring any heavy burden or grievous work upon my people, lest my truth be found to be a lie that does put its focus on “self”. Is it not written that there is no work of man that shall receive any glory, or praise, or acceptance from God? Why? Because all such works and efforts are performed in obedience to Satan’s lies, as “self” is worshipped. Do you see how Satan has deceived my people into believing that the righteousness that I require is able to come through the works, the intentions, and the deeds of “self”? This is the idolatry of fallen man; idols that have eyes but do not see; that have ears, but do not hear and understand; that have a heart, but is not able to comprehend. only my truth is able to bring forth freedom and deliverance from idolatry.
내 백성 가운데 단지 몇 명이 있다,, 작은 남은자,, 내 진리(진실, 참)을 찾아 구했고/지금도 찾는 몇 이 있다 ; 그들은 간절히 나를 알기 원한다. 이러한 자들이 스스로에게 "자아"의 그 거짓말들을 십자가에 못 박는, 회복되는(변제,상환되는,되돌이켜지는) 그 자들이다 그래서 그들이 그의 진리(참)을 통해 하나님과 하나됨 속으로 들어가도록 하는 ; 내가 그 진리(참)이다. 내 말이 그 진리(참)이다 ; 그리고 내 말은 힘(능력)이 없지 않다. 내 말은 힘(능력)이 있어, 그것은 언제나 내가 수행하라 보내는 그것을 수행한다. 내 진리(참)을 찾는 자들에게, 내 말이 그들에게 보내어진다 ; 그 진리(참),, 그들을 " 자아 " 의 모든 그 거짓말들에서부터 씻어내는(구별하는, 성별하는) 진리(참). 내 진리는 결코 그 " 자아 " 의 존재에 촞점을 맞추지 않는다, 그리고 내 말은 결코 어떤 무거운 짐도, 혹은 내 백성 위로 슬픈 일함도 가져오지(유발시키지) 않는다, 내 진리가 그것의 촞점을 " 자아 "에 두는 거짓말로 발견되지 않도록. 그것이 기록되어 있지 않느냐,, 하나님으로부터 어떤 영광, 혹은 칭찬, 혹은 인정을 받게 할 인간의 일이 전혀 없노라고 ? 왜 ? 왜냐함 모든 그러한 일함들과 노력들은 사탄의 거짓말들에 순종함속에서 수행되기 때문이다, " 자아 " 가 예배(우러럼)을 받을때에. 너가 보느냐,, 사탄이 어떻게 내 백성을 속여서,, 내가 요구하는,, 그 의롭게 됨이 " 자아 " 의 그 일함들, 그 의도들, 그 행위들을 통해서 올수 있다 믿게 만드는지를 ? 이것이 타락한 인간의 그 우상숭배(맹목적 숭배, 심취)이다 ; 우상들은 눈을 가졌지만,, 보지를 못 한다 ; 귀는 가졌지만, 듣고 이해를 못 한다 ; 마음은 가졌으나, 파악해 알수가 없다. 오직 내 진리만이 우상숭배(맹목적 숭배,심취)로부터 독립의 자유와 해방을 낳는다.
John 17:17 “Sanctify them through your truth; your word is truth…20 “I pray not for these alone but also for them who shall believe on me through their word, that they may all be one, as you Father are in me and I am in you, that they also may be one in us; that the world may believe that you have sent me. And the glory which you gave me I have given them, that they may be one, even as we are one”.
요한복음 17:17 "그들을 당신의 진리(참)을 통해 깨끗히 하십시오(정화[거룩히] 하십시오,구별하십시오) ; 당신의 말은 진리(참)입니다....20 " 내가 이러한 자들만을 위해 기도하는 것이 아니고 또한 그들의 말을 통해 나를 믿을 자들을 위해서도 기도합니다, 그들이 모두 하나가 되도록, 아버지 당신께서 내 안에 있고, 내가 당신안에 있는 것처럼, 그들도 또한 우리 안에서 하나이도록; 그 세상이 당신께서 나를 보내신 것을 믿도록. 그리고 당신이 내게 주셨던 그 영광을 내가 그들에게 주었습니다, 그들이 하나이도록,, 바로 우리가 하나인 것 처럼".
I John 5:20 “And we know that the Son of God has come and has given understanding to us, that we may know him who is true, and we are in him who is true, even in his son Jesus Christ. This is the true God and eternal life. Little children, keep yourselves from idols”.
요한 1서 5:20 " 우리는 안다,, 하나님의 그 아들이 오셔서,, 우리에게 이해함을 주신 것을, 우리가 진리(진실)된 그분을 알도록, 그래서 우리가 참 된 진리(참) 그분 안에 있고, 심지어 그의 아들 예수 그리스도 안에 있습니다. 이분은 그 참 하나님이요 영원한 생명입니다. 어린 자녀들아, 너희 자신을 우상들로부터 지켜라".
Matthew 22:14 “For many are called but only a few are chosen”.
마태복음 22:14 " 이는 많은자들이 부름을 받아 있으나, 오직 소수만 선택 받았음이라"
II Peter 2:1 “But there were also false prophets among the people even as there shall be false teachers among you, bringing in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord who bought them, and they bring upon themselves swift destruction. And “many” shall follow after their lascivious ways, by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of”.
벧후 2:1 " 하지만 또한 거짓 선지자들이 그 백성 가운데 있었다 심지어 너희 중에도 거짓된 선생들이 있을 것이다, 저주받을 이론(이단)들을 가져 들어와, 심지어 그들을 사신 주를 부인하고서, 그들은 그들 스스로에게 신속한 파괴를 가져온다. " 많은 자들" 이 그들의 음탕한(도발적인) 길을 쫓아갈 것이다, 그들로 인해 진리의 길(도)이 악하게 말해 질 것이다".
Do you still doubt the power that the darkness continues to exercise over the many who are deceived in my church today? Consider my church in Laodicea, how by reason of the darkness, they were blinded to see the truth, that they were poor, wretched, miserable, blind, and naked. They were also so blinded by their ignorance that they could see no need for the Lord, looking only to “self” for all their sufficiency. Consider the church at Corinth, how they were all carnally minded, yet they argued and contended among themselves as to who was right. Do you now see and believe me when I tell you that the darkness rules the hearts and the minds of many whom I have called? I am ready to spew out of my mouth all those who have lost their first love, having become passionate lovers for “self”. Where are they who continue to have a passion for my truth? Where are they who have ceased from being wise in their own eyes? Where are they who have taken up their crosses to die to the desires of their father the Devil? Where are they who have ceased from seeking to find life through satisfying their “self” pleasures? There is no “self’ that is pleasing in the sight of God.
너가 여전히 그 능력(힘)을 의심하느냐,, 그 어둠이 계속해서 오늘 날 내 교회속의 속임을 당한 그 많은 자들 위로 영향을 행사하고 있는 그 힘(능력)을 ? 라오디게아의 내 교회를 생각해 봐라, 어떻게 그 어둠으로 인해, 그들이 눈이 멀어 진리(참,진실)을 보지 못했던지를, 그들은 가난하여, 비참했고, 불행했고, 눈이 멀어, 벗고 있었다. 그들은 또한 그들 무지(알지못함)으로 아주 눈이 멀어 그들은 여호와(주님)을 향한 필요성을 전혀 볼 수 없었다, 모든 그들 충족을 위해 오직 " 자아 " 만을 바라보면서. 고린도의 교회를 생각해봐라, 어떻게 그들이 모두 육적인 정신이었는지, 그렇지만 그들은 그들 중에서 주장하며 논쟁했다,, 누가 옳은지에 대해. 너가 이제 보아 나를 믿니,, 내가 네게 그 어둠이 내가 불렀던 많은 자들의 그 마음들과 그 정신들을 지배하고 있다 말할 때 ? 내가 내 입 밖으로 내 뱃어 버릴 준비가 되어 있다,, 그들 첫 번째 사랑을 잃어버린 모든 자들을, " 자아 " 에 정열적인 연인(정부)들이 되므로서. 계속해서 내 진리를 향한 열정을 가진 자들이 어디에 있느냐 ? 그들 자신의 눈 보기에 지혜롭기를 그친 그들이 어디에 있느냐 ? 그들의 십자가들을 지고서 그들의 아비 그 마귀에 죽는 그들이 어디에 있느냐 ? 그들 " 자아 "의 기쁨들을 만족시키는 것을 통해 생명을 발견하(얻으)려는 것을 그친 자들이 어디에 있느냐 ? 하나님 눈에 기쁨이 되는 " 자아" 란 전혀 없다.
Revelation 3:16 “…I will spew you out of my mouth because you say that you say, “I am rich, increased with goods, and I have no need for anything”; yet, you do not know that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked”.
요한계시록 3:16 ".... 내가 너희를 내 입에서 내 뱃어 버릴 것이다 왜냐함 너희 말에,, " 나는 부자다, 재물들이 많아지고, 나는 어떤것도 부족하지 않다 " ; 그렇지만, 너는 모른다,, 너가 비참하고, 불행하고, 가난하고, 눈멀고, 벌거 벗은 것을".
II Corinthians 3:4 “And we have trust in God, not to think that we are sufficient of ourselves, for our sufficiency is from God”.
고후 3:4 " 우리는 하나님을 신뢰했다, 우리가 우리 스스로로 충분하다 생각지 않도록, 이는 우리의 충분함은 하나님으로부터 있기 때문이다."
I Corinthians 3:1 “And I brethren could not speak to you as unto spiritual, but as unto carnal, as unto babes in Christ…3 You are still carnal because there is among you envying, division, and strife, for you walk as men”.
고전 3:1 " 내 형제들아, 내가 너희에게 영적으로 말할수가 없었다,, 대신 육적으로,, 그리스도 안에서 어린 아이들에게 말하듯.. 너희가 여전히 육적이다, 왜냐함 너희 가운데 부러움과, 나뉨, 갈등이 있기 때문이다, 이는 너희가 (세상)사람들처럼 행함 때문이다".
When Israel perverted the law of Moses, they did so by joining their natural wisdom and understanding with Satan’s lies of “self”. It was out of this ungodly union that such desires for self-righteousness, self-exaltation, self-glory, and self-sufficiency were conceived. It was then that they fashioned themselves after the false images of these lies that they believed to be truth. It was these false images of “self” that became their idolatry. Those who walk in darkness, they walk by sight and not by faith, after that false images of hypocrisy that seem right and appear good in the sight of the blind. Hypocrisy is the doctrine of idolatry conceived by lies of the Devil; it is the corruption that comes forth from the wisdom and the understanding and that is of this world. Hypocrisy is nothing but an illusion; an image that appears righteous in the sight of men because it is an image that is according to those things which appear acceptable and pleasing in the sight of men. Hypocrisy is the fruit that is produced when the natural senses of man is joined with Satan’s lies. Hypocrisy is the idolatry of “self”; and those who worship “self” are those who make themselves to be gods over their own Christianity: this is the spirit of antichrist. This is the spirit that sits in the temple of God showing “self” to be god through his own works, his own opinions, his own efforts, and his own sufficiency. Seeing no need for the Lord, he continually worships “self”, the image that opposes and exalts itself to be above God. Hypocrisy is nothing but a doctrine of pure lies; and as it is written, “Satan is the father of all lies”.
이스라엘이 모세의 율법을 외곡했을 때, 그들은 그들의 자연적 지혜와 이해함을 사탄의 " 자아 " 로 된 거짓말들과 결합시키므로 그랬다. 그것은 이 비 신적인(무신론의) 결합(맺어짐)에서 나왔다,, 그러한 욕구들, 자기-의로움, 자기-높임, 자기-영광, 자기-충족을 바라는 욕구에서 비롯 된. 그때였다,, 그들이 그들 스스로를 그들이 진리(참)이라 믿었던,,이러한 거짓말들로 된 거짓 이미지(형상),, 그 형상을 쫓아 만들어 냈다. 그것이 이러한 " 자아 " 로 된 그들의 맹목적 숭배(우상숭배)가 되었던바, 거짓 이미지(형상)들 이었다. 어둠속에서 걷는(행하는)자들, 그들은 보는 것으로 걷는다, 믿는것으로가 아닌, 그 옳게 보이는, 눈먼자들의 보기에 선해(좋아) 보이는, 그 거짓된 위선의 이미지들을 쫓아. 위선은 마귀의 거짓말들에 의해 만들어진 우상숭배(맹목적 숭배,심취)이다 ; 그것이 그 지혜, 그 이해함에서 나오는 그 부패이다, 그리고 그것은 이 세상으로 되어 있다. 위선은 환영(망상)물에 지나지 않는다; 인간들 보기에 옳아 보이는 이미지(형상) 왜냐함 그것은 인간들 보기에 인정이 되고,, 기쁨이 되어 보이는 것들에 따른 이미지(형상)이기 때문이다. 위선은 그 자연적 인간의 감각이 사탄의 거짓말들과 결합 될 때 산출(맺어지는)되는 그 열매이다. 위선은 " 자아 " 로 된 맹목적 숭배(우상숭배, 심취)이다 ; 그리고 " 자아 "를 높이는(우러러는)자들은 그들 자신들을 그들 자신의 기독교로 다스리는 신들로 만드는 자들이다 ; 이것이 적 그리스도의 영이다. 이것이 하나님의 성전에 앉은 그 영이다 ,, " 자아 " 를 그 자신의 일함들, 그 자신의 의견들, 그 자신의 노력들, 그 자신의 충족함(충분)을 통하여 신으로 내 보이는. 주(여호와)를 향해 전혀 필요성을 보지 못하는, 그는 계속적으로 " 자아 ", 그 이미지를 높인다(예배한다), 그 자신을 하나님을 반대해 그 위로 높이는 (이미지:형상). 위선은 순전히 거짓말들로 된 하나의 교리에 지나지 않는다 ; 그리고 기록되었다, " 사탄은 모든 거짓말들의 아비 라고 ".
I Timothy 1:6 “Some have turned aside unto vain talk, desiring to be teachers of the law, neither understanding what they say or what they affirm. But we know that the law is good, if a man use it lawfully”.
딤전 1:6 " 어떤 이들이 헛된 대화로 돌아서 멀어졌다, 그 법에 선생들이 되고픔으로, 사람들이 말하는 것이나, 혹은 그들이 인정하는 것을 이해치 못하고서. 하지만 우리는 안다, 법은 선한 것이다, 만약 인간이 그것을 적법하게 이용하면".
I Timothy 4:1 “Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy…”
딤전 4:1 " 이제 그 영이 분명히 말한다, 후일에 어떤이들이 믿음에서 떠날 것이다, 꼬드기는 영들과 귀신의 교리들에 주목하면서, 위선가운데 거짓말들을 하면서..."
1 John 2:18-19 “Little children, it is the last time: and as you have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time.
요한 1 서 2:18-19 " 어린 자녀들아, 마지막 때이다 : 그리고 너희가 적 그리스도가 올 것이라 들었었던 대로, 지금도 많은 적 그리스도들이 있다; 그리고 우리는 안다,, 마지막 때인 것을.
They went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would no doubt have continued with us: but they went out, that they might be made manifest that they were not all of us”.
그들이 우리로부터 나갔다, 하지만 그들은 우리로 있지 않았다 ; 이는 만약 그들이 우리로 있었다면, 그들은 틀림없이 우리와 계속했을 것이다 : 하지만 그들이 나갔다, 그들은 그들이 우리 모두에게 속한바 되지 않았다는 것을 명확히 하기 위해".
Again, my people Israel perverted the law of Moses with Satan’s lies, and through the fruits of their hypocrisy, they trusted in themselves that they were righteous rather than the sinners that the truth of my law would have revealed unto them. By reason of this hypocrisy, my people choose to trust in appearances and not in my love and mercies”, says the Lord. “By reason of the lies that they have believed, they have transgressed the very law in which they trusted in; for it is written in that law, “You shall not make unto yourself any formed image or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that which is in the earth beneath.” Hypocrisy is the transgression of this word, for hypocrisy is that image that appears in the likeness of those things which seem beautiful and righteous in the sight of men. Do you now see how hypocrisy is nothing but a work of darkness that appears as the light; an illusion of righteousness? I have not required for any man to make himself righteous according to the works of his own hands, yet the hypocrites have rebelled against my voice and rejected my grace. Hypocrisy is that image that is praised, honored, esteemed, and glorified among those who love lies rather than the truth. Hypocrisy is that image that is highly esteemed in the sight of man of fallen man, but in the sight of God it is only an abomination. In this fallen world, corruption is seen as a beautiful thing; a beautiful illusion of hypocrisy that in the light of the truth is vanity; the fruit of lies.
다시, 내 백성이 그 모세의 율법을 사탄의 거짓말들을 가지고 악용했다, 그리고 그들 위선의 그 열매들을 통해, 그들은 내 법의 그 진리(참,진실)가 그들에게 드러내 보였을 (그들) 그 죄인들보다 (the truth of my law would have revealed unto them)더 그들이 옳은 것으로 그들 스스로를 신뢰했다. 이 위선으로 인해, 내 백성은 겉 모습을 신뢰하기로 선택한다,, 내 사랑과 자비함들이 아닌 ", 주의 말이다. " 그들이 믿은 이 거짓말들로 인해,, 그들은 바로 그 (율)법,, 그들이 신뢰했던,, 그것을 범(파괴)했다 ; 이는 그 법속에 그것이 기록되었기 때문이다, " 너희가 너희자신에게 어떤 형태의 이미지(형상), 혹은 어떤 유사한(닮은) 것도 만들지 말 것이다, 위로 하늘에 있는 것이든, 아래로 땅 속에 있는 그것이든." 위선은 이 말씀의 파괴이다, 이는 위선이 그 이미지이기 때문이다,, 인간들 눈에 아름답게, 옳게(의롭게) 보이는 그런 것들의 닮은(유사한) 것. 너가 이제 보니,, 어떻게 위선이 그 빛으로 보이는 어둠의 작품 이외의 아무것도 아닌 것을 ; 한 의로움의 망상(착각)물 ? 내가 어느 사람에도 요구하지 않았었다,, 그 자신으로 옳게(바르게) 하도록,, 그 자신 손의 일함들에 맞춰, 그렇지만 그 위선자들이 내 음성에 반역을 했고,, 내 은혜를 거절했다. 위선이 그 이미지(형상)이다,, 칭송을 받고, 존귀함을 받아, 높임과 영광을 받는,, 그 진실(참)보다 오히려 거짓말들을 사랑하는 자들 가운에서. 위선이 그 이미지이다,, 타락한 인간성의 인간 보기에 높이 존중을 받는, 하지만 하나님 보시기에, 그것은 혐오스런 것일 뿐이다. 이 타락한 세상에선, 부패한 것이 아름다운 것으로 보인다 ; 한 아름다운 위선의 환영물,, 진리의 빛속에선 헛된 것 ; 거짓말들의 그 열매(결과물)
Isaiah 2:8 “The land is full of idols; they worship the work of their own hands, that which their own fingers have made”.
이사야 2:8 " 지면이 우상들로 가득하다 ; 그들이 그들자신 손의 그 작품을 예배한다, 그들 자신의 손가락이 만들은 것을".
Romans 1:25 “They changed the truth of God into a lie and they worshipped and served the creature (self) rather than the Creator”.
로마서 1:25 " 그들이 하나님의 그 진실(참)을 한 거짓말로 바꿨다 그들이 그 생물(자아)를 우러러고, 섬긴다,, 창조주 보다".
Philippians 3:18 “For many walk of whom I have told you often, and now tell you even weeping that they are the enemies of the cross of Christ (the cross that Christ asked his followers to take up), whose end is destruction, whose God is their belly (heart; self), whose glory is in their shame, and who mind earthy things”.
빌립보서 3:18 " 이는 많은 자들이 내가 너희에게 자주 말했던 자로 걷는다(행한다), 이제 내가 너희에게 말한다,, 눈물을 흘리며, 그들은 그리스도 십자가의 원수들이다 (그 십자가,, 그리스도께서 그를 따르는 자들에게 지라고 했던), 그들의 끝은 파괴(파멸)이다, 그들의 하나님은 그들의 배(가슴;자아)이다, 그들의 영광은 그들의 부끄러움에 있고, 땅에 것들에 신경쓰는 자들이다".
Luke 18:9-14 “Jesus spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others: "Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself,' God, I thank You that I am not like other men -- extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this tax collector. I fast twice a week; I give tithes of all that I possess.' And the tax collector, standing afar off, would not so much as raise his eyes to heaven, but beat his breast, saying, 'God, be merciful to me a sinner!' I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other; for everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
눅 18:9 " 예수께서 이 비유를 그 자신을 신뢰하는 어떤이들 그들이 의롭다(옳다)며, 다른자들을 경멸 하는자들에게 말했다 : 두 사람이 기도하러 성전에 올라갔다, 한 사람은 바리새인이고 다른이는 세금징수인이었다. 그 바리새인은 서서 이와같이 그 자신을 가지고 기도했다, ' 하나님 나는 당신께 감사합니다. 나는 다른 사람들- 토색자들, 불의한 자들, 간통자들, 아님 이 세금징수인 같지도 않은 것에. 나는 일 주에 두번 금식하고 ; 나는 내가 소유한 모든 것의 십일조를 드립니다. 그리고 그 세금장이는, 멀리 떨어져 서서 , 그의 눈을 하늘로 세우려고도 하지 않고, 대신 그의 가슴을 치며,,이르길," 하나님, 나 죄인에게 자비를 베푸소서!" 내가 네게 말하건데, 이 사람은 그의 집으로 정당화 되어,, 내려갔다,, 그 다른이 보다 ; 이는 그 자신을 높이는 이는 누그든 낮아질 것이다, 그리고 그 자신을 낮추는 자는 높아질 것이다."
Luke 16:15 “And Jesus said to them, “You are they who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your heart. That which is highly esteemed in the sight of man is abomination in the sight of God”.
눅 16:15 " 예수께서 그들에게 말했다, " 너희는 너희 자신들을 사람들 앞에서 정당화(옳다) 한다, 하지만 하나님은 너희의 마음을 아신다. 사람들 보기에 높이 존중을 받는 그것은 하나님 보시기에 가증스러운 것이다".
Again I say unto you that the strength of the prince of the power of the air is found in that Satan has the ability to make his lies to appear pleasing and desirable in the sight of men; an image that is so acceptable in the sight of men that they will covet to have it for themselves. I came into this world in the likeness of sinful flesh; do you believe that I play-acted to be anything other than that which I was? Of course I did not play-act, for there is was no lie in my heart to hide anything, and neither was there any desire in me to change myself into any image of hypocrisy to please men”, says the Lord. “Do you not understand that which is written, that I was despised and rejected by men because there was no outward beauty of righteousness in me for men to see? I was just like you are, and I did not pretend to be anything other than that which I was. Do you think that I had to play-act the role of being the Son of man or that of the Son of God? Do you not know that hypocrisy is nothing other than the play-acting of that which is not natural to you? Who then is a liar but he who play-acts? Do you now see and understand how hypocrisy is the religion of the spirit of antichrist; the religion of those who have been deceived by the brilliance of their own wisdom joined with the seducing lies of Satan?
다시 내게 네게 말한다 그 공기의 힘(권세)을 가진 장군(왕자)의 힘은 내부(안쪽)에서 발견된다,, 사탄이 그의 거짓말들을 사람들 보기에 바람직하고 좋아보이도록 만드는 그 능력을 가지는 곳 ; 사람들 보기에 그들이 그것을 그들 자신을 위해 심하게 가지고파 하는 아주 만족스런 한 이미지(형상). 내가 이 세상속으로 죄의 육(살)의 닮은 것(유사한 것) 안에서 왔었다 ; 너가 믿느냐 내가 실제 존재했던 것 외의 어떤 것으로 연기했다고 ? 물론 나는 연극(연기)하지 않았다, 이는 내 마음속엔 전혀 어떤 것이든 숨기는 거짓말이 없었고,,그리고 내 자신을 어떤 여느 위선의 이미지로 내 자신을 바꿔,, 사람들을 기뻐게 할 어떤 욕구도 없었기 때문이다 ", 주의 말이다. " 너가 기록된 그것, 내가 경멸을 받고 사람들에게 거절을 당했다고 한 것을 이해지 못하니 ? 왜냐함 내 속엔 인간들이 보기에 의로운(옳은), 밖으로 나타나 보이는 아름다운 것이 전혀 없었기 때문이다 ? 내가 너(희)가 지금 꼭 하고 있는 것과 같은 모습이었다, 내가 실재 있는(존재했던) 그것 외의 어떤 것으로 가장하지 않았다. 너는 내가 인자(사람의 아들)로서 역활(배역)을, 혹은 하나님의 아들로서의 역을 연기(연극)해야 했다고 생각하니 ? 너가 알지 못하니,, 위선이란 너에게 자연스레 있는것이 아닌 것을 연기 하는것 외엔 아무것도 아니란 것을 ? 그러면 누가 거짓말 장이 이냐,, 그 연기하는 자 외에 ? 너가 이제 보아 이해하니 ? 어떻게 위선이 그 적 그리스도 영의 종교인지를 ; 그 종교,, 그들 자신의 지혜를,, 사탄의 그 유혹(매혹)하는 거짓말들의 눈부쉼에 속임(기만)을 당한 자들의 ?
Fallen man is so limited in his ability that the only power that he has within himself is the ability to change the perception of how he sees himself as well as how he is able to present himself in the sight of other men; and hypocrisy is that instrument of lies that uses to accomplish his purpose. The lies which are seen outwardly, they are always contrary to the motives and the intents of the heart. Seeing then that man is not able to see as God sees, into the motives and the intents of the heart, then how shall any man be able to discern the light from that image of darkness that appears as the light? Those who are able to rightly judge are those who have taken the beam off their eyes, crucifying unto themselves the corrupted senses of this world, putting on the new man who is filled with spiritual wisdom, spiritual understanding, and spiritual knowledge. These are my elect who walk in my Spirit, who love the truth and hate the lying vanities of hypocrisy. By reason of my Spirit, it is impossible for them to be deceived by any of the lies of “self”.
타락한(질이 떨어진) 인간(성)은 그의 능력에 있어 아주 제한되어져, 그가 그 자신 안에서 가지는 그 유일한 능력(힘)은 그 지각(시각, 인식,이해,인지능력)을 바꾸는 능력이었다, 그가 그 자신을 보는 방식과 , 더불어 그가 그 자신을 다른 사람들 앞에 내 보일수(제시할수) 있는 방식을 ; 그리고 위선이 그의 목적을 달성하기 위해 이용하는 거짓(말)들의 그 도구이다. 바깥으로 보이는 ,, 그 거짓(말)들, 그것들은 언제나 그 마음의 동기들과 의도들에 반대된다. 그때 그 사람이 하나님이 보는 것처럼, 그 마음의 동기들과, 그 의도들을 들여다 볼수 없으므로서, 그때 정령코 어떻게 어느 사람이 그 빛으로 보이는 어둠의 그 이미지에서 나오는 그 빛을 알아 차릴 수 있을 것이냐 ? 옳게 판단할수 있는 자들은 그들 눈에서 그들 들보를 빼어낸 자들이다, 그들 자신에게 그 부패된 이 세상 감각(감관)들을 못 박으므로서,, 영의 지혜, 영의 이해함, 영의 지식으로 채워진바 된 그 새 사람을 옷입고 있는. 이러한 자들이 내 영안에서 걷는 내 뽑힌자(선택함을 입은자)들이다, 그들은 진리를 사랑하고, 그 거짓말 하는 위선의 헛 된 것들을 미워한다. 내 영으로 인해, 그들은 " 자아 " 로 된 그 거짓(말)들 어느 것에도 속임을 당하는 것이 불가능하다.
I Samuel 16:7 And the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature because I have refused him. For the Lord does not see as man sees; for man looks on the outward appearance but the Lord looks on the heart”.
사무엘상 16:7 여호와께서 사무엘에게 말했다," 그의 외모를 보지말고, 그의 신장의 높이도 보지마라 왜냐함 나는 그를 거부했다. 이는 여호와는 사람이 보는대로 보지 않는다 ; 이는 사람은 그 외모를 본다, 하지만 여호와는 그 마음을 본다".
Jeremiah 10:14 “Every man is brutish in his (natural) knowledge. Every founder is confounded (confused) by the graven image; for his molten image is falsehood and there is no breath in them. They are vanity, the work of errors, and in the time of their visitation they shall perish”.
예레미야 10:14 " 모든 인간은 그의 (자연스런) 지식속에서 야수와 같다. 모든 개발(창시)자는 그 새겨진 이미지에 당황스럽다(혼란된) ; 이는 그의 녹여부은 이미지(형상)은 거짓으로 그것들 속에 호흡(숨쉼)이 없다. 그들은 헛 된것이니, 실수투성의 작품이다, 그들 심판의 날에 그들이 정령 소멸할 것이다".
Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of (spiritual) knowledge…”
잠언 1:7 " 여호와를 두려워 함이 (영적) 지식의 시작이다..."
Malachi 3:16 “Then those who feared the Lord…18 returned, and they were able to discern the righteous and the wicked, between those who serve God (the Creator), and him who serves (the creature) not God”.
말라기 3:16 " 그때 여호와를 두려워 했던 자들이,,, 돌아왔고, 그들은 그 의로운 자들과 그 사악한 자들을 식별할 수 있었다,, 하나님(여호와)를 섬기는 자들과, 하나님 아닌 (생물을) 섬기는 그 사이의".
I Corinthians 2:15 “He that is spiritual rightly judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no man”
고전 2:15 "영으로 올바르게 모든 것들을 심판하는 그는, 그렇지만 그 스스로가 어떤 사람에겐 바르게 판단받지 못한다"
I gave the law to Moses so that my people might be able to judge themselves of the sin that was in their hearts and their minds. But their sins they hid behind their garments of hypocrisy; and their hypocrisy perverted all their works and efforts. I gave the law so that might people might be able to judge the evil in their hearts, but when my people filled my words with their own interpretations, my people then began to judge each other. My words are filled with truth and mercy, while the corrupted interpretations of man bring forth lies and fault-finding. The Devil loves to accuse, to find fault with, to slander, to condemn, to judge others, and to kill with his words; and all those who love his lies will desire to do the same. Seeing then that lying words are always accompanied with these evil deeds, how shall the deceived and blind hypocrites escape condemnation when they are judged with the same judgment that they have used to judge the sins and the weaknesses of others with? Even their judgment of others is nothing but lies.
내가 모세에게 법을 주었다 그래서 내 백성이 그들 스스로를 그들 마음들속에, 그들 정신들 속에 있는 그 죄를 판단(심판)할 수 있도록. 하지만 그들이 그들의 죄들을 그들 위선의 의복 뒤쪽으로 숨겼다 ; 그들의 위선이 모든 그들의 일함들과 노력들을 악용했다. 내가 그 법(율법)을 주었다,, 그래서 백성들이 그들 마음의 그 악을 심판할 수 있도록, 하지만 내 백성이 내 말들(십계명)을 그들 자신의 해석(이해)함들로 채웠을때,, 그 때 내 백성이 서로를 심판(판단)하기 시작했다. 내 말들은 진실과 관용(자비,인정,긍휼)으로 채워져 있다(My words are filled with truth and mercy), 반면에 그 부패된 인간의 해석들은 거짓(말)들과 흠(꼬투리)잡기를 낳는다. 마귀는 비난하고, 흡잡고, 중상하고, 정죄하고, 다른사람들을 심판하여, 그들의 말로 죽이길 사랑한다 ; 그의 거짓말들을 사랑하는 모든 자들은 그 동일한 것 하기를 심히 원한다. 그때 거짓말 하는 말들이 언제고 이러한 악한 행위들이 수반되므로, 그 기만(속임)을 당한 눈먼 위선자들이 그들이 그 동일한 심판, (그들이) 가지고서 그들의 다른이들의 그 죄들과, 그 연약함들을 심판(판단)하기 위해 이용했다, 그 심판으로 (자신이) 심판 받을 때에 정령코 어떻게 유죄선고(심한 비난)를 피 할 것이냐 ? 바로 그들의 다른이들의 심판함 조차도 거짓말에 지나지 않는 것을.
Matthew 7:1 “Judge not that you be not judged; for with what judgment you use, that judgment shall you be judged with”.
마태복음 7:1 " 너희가 심판받지 않도록 심판하지 마라 ; 이는 너희 사용하는 무슨 심판함이든, 그 심판함이 너가 정령 가지고 받을 심판이다.
Romans 2:1 “You are inexcusable, O man, whoever you are who judge; for wherein you have judged another, you condemn yourself; for you that judge do the same thing (sin)”.
로마서 2:1 " 너는 핑계할수 없다, 오 사람아, 판단(심판)하는 너가 누구든 ; 이는 너가 다른 이른 판단한 그 점에서, 너는 너 자신을 정죄(유죄선고,심한비난)한다 ;이는 심판하는 너가 그 동일한 것(죄)를 행하기 때문이다".
The woman who was caught in the act of adultery, who satisfied their desires when they accused and condemned her with their lies, the children of the Devil or the Son of God? Did you not know that the fruits of Satan’s lies are clearly seen in those who accuse, or that judge, or that find fault with, or that condemn, or that murder in any manner with the sword of their tongues? For these are the wicked works of the law that are written in the hearts of those who are subject to the lies of Satan. I came into this world as the truth that is able to save men from these wicked works of the law; because every man is going to be judged with the judgment that he has used and rewarded according to the works that he has done. I came to make void this law which arouses such wicked desires in the hearts of fallen man; for all who are under this law judge without mercy, and those who judge without mercy will not receive any mercy when they are judged. What man has mercy on those who disagree or transgress any of those things which he believes are right in his own eyes? Even the Gentiles, who do not have the law, show these wicked works when they judge, accuse, and find fault with others. Do you now see how the Devil has also perverted the law to bring forth man’s judgments, man’s accusations, man’s slander, man condemning man, and man finding fault with man? Yet, do you not also see the works of light in this same story, how the law, being filled with truth and grace, brought forth the works of mercy, love, forgiveness, and compassion for this sinner? You shall know them by their fruits.
John 8:1-12 Story of the woman caught in the act of adultery; the fruits of light and darkness
요한복음 8:1-12 간음현장에서 잡힌 그 여인 이야기 ; 빛과 어둠의 열매들
John 1:14 “And the word was made flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth”.
요한복음 1:14 " 그 말이 육이 되었고, 우리 가운데 살았다, 은혜가 진리가 가득한 채".
Does not my word declare that all have sinned? Seeing then that you live in world where all have sinned, then do you not see how easy it is for the children of the Devil to satisfy their desires to judge, accuse, and find fault with others on a daily basis? By reason of their ignorance, they who do such things are only storing up wrath and condemnation against themselves in the Day of Judgment. There is no place that corruption can be more seen in its purity that when one man judges another man according to the standards of his own self-righteousness. But what man is able to see the filth and the abomination in such perversions? Are not all such standards established only on the lies of Satan, seeing that he is the father of all lies that pertain to “self”? What man who judges another is not also seeking to exalt himself through the same perversion, forgetting that it is written that there is not one who is righteous? Do you see how the darkness works to exalt a man in those times that measures himself against others who have sinned, boasting of himself as though he himself was not a sinner? No man having a sound mind would even think to do any of these works of darkness.
내 말이 선포하지 않니,, 모든이들이 죄를 범했다고 ? 그러면 너가 모든이가 죄를 범한 세상에 사니까, 그럼 너가 보지 않니,, 마귀의 자식들이 매일 심판하고, 비난하고, 다른이들을 흠잡는 그들의 욕구들을 충족시키는 일이 얼마나 쉬운지를 ? 그들의 무지로 인해, 이런일들을 행하는 그들은 그 심판의 날에 오직 그들 자신들을 대적해 진노와 유죄선고를 쌓고 있을 뿐이다. 부패는, 한 사람이 다른 이를 그 자신의 자기-의(로움)의 기준(잣대)에 맞춰 판단(심판) 할때에, 그것의 순수(깨끗)성이 보다 더 잘 보일 수 있는 상태가 없다. 하지만 어떤 사람이 그 더러움과 그 혐오스러움을 볼 수 있느냐,, 그러한 악용(도착, 곡해)들 상태에서 ? 모든 그런 기준들이 오직 사탄의 그 거짓말들 바탕위에 세워져 있지 않느냐 , 그가 "자아" 에 부속된 모든 거짓말의 그 아비(아버지) 이기에 ? 다른이를 심판 어떤 사람이 그 동일한 악용(도착,곡해)을 통해 그 자신 높이길 구하고 있지 않니,, 그것,, 의로운이는 한 사람도 없다 기록된 것을 잊으므로서 ? 너가 보니 어떻게 그 어둠이 한 사람이,,그러한 때들에 그를 높이기 위해 그 자신을 죄 범한 다른이들과는 반대되게 헤아리며,, 그 자신을 자랑하는것을(떠벌리면서) 마치 그 자신은 죄인이 아닌 듯이 작용 하는것을 ? 올바른 정신을 가진 어떤 이가 이러한 어둠의 일들 어느것이든 행하는 것을 생각이나 할 것이냐 ?
II Corinthians 10:12 “For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with those who compare themselves; for they measuring themselves (self) by themselves (self), and comparing themselves (self) among themselves, are not wise”.
고후 10:12 " 이는 우리가 감히 우리 자신을 그 수에 든 것으로, 혹은 우리 자신들을 그들 자신들과 비교하는 자들과 비교하려 하지 않음이니 ; 이는 그들이 그들 자신들(자아)을 그들 자신(자아)로 헤아리고, 그들 자신들을(자아)로 그들 자신들 가운데서 비교하니,, 지혜롭지 않기 때문이다".
Do you now see how Satan uses his lies when he tempts my people to pervert the law; to turn the truth of my love into the lies of “self”? Do you now understand the effect that these lies will then bring into the hearts and the minds of my people, as well as all men, after they have been believed? What spirit is at work in the lives of those who have been polluted with hypocrisy? What are the effects of the doctrines they follow? Is there unrest or peace? Is their strife and suspicions or unity? Where is their joy? What affections and desires to they have in their heart? Where are my disciples who walk in the truth, laying down their lives for one another out of love?
너가 이제 보니, 어떻게 사탄이 그가 내 백성을 그 법을 악용하도록 유혹할 때 그의 거짓말들을 사용하는지를 ; 내 사랑에서 나오는 사랑의 그 진리(진실,참)을 " 자아 " 의 거짓말들로 바꾸기 위해 ? 너가 이제 그 효과(결과,영향)을 이해하니,, 이러한 거짓말들, 그것들이 믿어진 후, 그때,, 내 백성과, 더불어 모든 인간들 그 마음들과 그 정신들속으로 가져오는것(떠올리는것)을 ? 어떤 영이 위선들로 오염(더러워진)된 자들 생명들속에 작용(역사)하고 있느냐 ? 그들이 따르는 그 교리들의 결과물이 무엇이냐 ? 불안 혹은 평안이 있느냐 ? 갈등과 의심, 혹은 연합(일치,하나됨)이 있느냐 ? 그들 기쁨이 어디 있느냐 ? 그들 마음속에 어떤 욕구, 어떤 애정이 있느냐 ? 어디 그 진리속을 걷는(행하는) 내 제자들이 있느냐,, 그들의 생명들을 사랑으로 인해 서로를 위해 내려놓는 ?
Hear now and I will show you another way that Satan uses his lies to trouble the hearts of men through the use of corrupted laws. The laws of man, are they not honored when men use their own abilities, their own strengths, and their own will-power to obey them? Is it nothing but a burden for man to try and honor that which his nature has no desire to honor? Do you not see that man’s laws are nothing but spirits of lies that bring heaviness upon the lives of man? Is it not heaviness for any man to try and observe a law that is contrary to the desires and affections of his own nature? If man had a nature that desired to observe and honor these laws, then would it have been necessary to even have any such laws? The laws and the doctrines of man, they only place restraints, and suppression, and heaviness, and constraints, and burdens, and restrictions on the natural desires of the heart. Do you not believe me when I tell you that I came to free you from all such laws and doctrines? No law written in stone or in ink has any power to deliver any man from lying spirits that have ruled over him. Written laws and doctrines, are they not also accompanied with the threats of punishments, banishments, imprisonments, and penalties to those who dishonor such laws and doctrines? My law never restrains, or tames, or suppresses, or restricts”, says the Lord, “For my law is able to set a man free from all desires and affections that are contrary to law; for there is no law that has any power against the Spirit of life. All of the laws and doctrines of man are only the lies and Satan; and my Spirit frees a man from all of his desires to believe and honor Satan’s lies.
Psalm 40:8 “I delight in doing your will, O God; for your law is in my heart”.
Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, goodness, faith, meekness and temperance; against such there is no law”.
The laws of the government, the laws of Moses, as well as any other written doctrine or law, what power or influence would they have if there was no fear to accompany that law? What man will honor a law that he does not have any fear of? Do not all men bow the knee of their heart to worship that which they fear? Fear only God; for all other fears are nothing but those lying spirits that use these very laws to bring in false burdens, guilt, hypocritical works, self-condemnation, and hopelessness to trouble hearts and the minds of the people. These fears do nothing but torment, and through deceitful lies that come in by stealth, they allow for Satan to secretly keep his kingdom established over the hearts and minds of the ignorant. Did you not know that the fear of man (what you thing other men think of you; what you think that other men will do to you; how you think that you are going to be judged by other men; what harm you think that other men may do to you; what damage you think that other men will do to injure your self-image; how you are accepted and esteemed by other men) has much greater influence and power over fallen man than any written law or doctrine?
Proverbs 29:25 “The fear of man brings a snare but whoever puts his trust in the Lord shall be safe”.
Matthew 28:10 “Fear not them which kill the body but are not able to kill the soul; but rather fear him who has power to destroy both soul and spirit in hell”.
Psalm 34:4 “This man sought the Lord, and the Lord heard him and delivered him from all of his fears”.
I John 4:18 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out all fear because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love”.
As much power as these doctrines and laws of men have, have you not observed how much more power the unwritten laws of political correctness, industry standards, traditions, peer pressure, and outward appearances have as they influence the all of the decisions that one makes so that they may be pleasing and acceptable in the sight of other men? These are nothing but lies that Satan uses to torment and trouble all those who fear men. Do you now see how Satan uses these fears to dictate to man that he must duplicate himself after the false image of other fallen men? The clothes you wear, the food you eat, the job you have, your health, the discipline of your children, your relationship with your spouse, your righteous works, your retirement, your finances, the flattery that you speak, the way you wear your hair, as well as many other parts of your life; how much do you do that is not influenced by the fear of rejection or the fear of scorn? Do you now see how by reason of these fears, multitudes daily bow their hearts to be submitted to those things which are acceptable and pleasing in the sight of others? What do you do that you have not copied from that which you have seen and esteemed in another person’s life? Do you now see and understand that all such copying is nothing but precepts of these unwritten laws which dictate to man that he should make himself to be an image after someone else’s “self”?
I Corinthians 9:19 “And though I be free from all men, yet I have made myself a servant unto all that I might gain the more”.
Do you not understand that which is written, “Owe no man anything?” Can you now perceive how much of your life has been nothing but a copy of the lies that you have heard and seen from others? When someone gives you their opinion, are they not giving you counsel after the manner of their “self”? Do you not see that they who do this, they do so with a desire for you to become a copy of their “self”? Did you not know that you are indebted to those lawmakers around you are always willing to instruct you on how you ought to live your life, according to the manner that is pleasing and acceptable in the sight of their eyes? Surely you know by now that all opinions are nothing but lying vanities that come forth from the darkness that they breathe? Where is the liberty and the freedom in the lives of those who live in captivity to such lies? Again, this is the air that fallen man breathe, air that consist of nothing but lies that rule and influence all of the decisions and judgments that men make. Just as Satan desires to rule over man with his lies, so also does fallen man share that same desire as his father the Devil. Do you see just how great the darkness is in that there is no man who is even aware of the great bondage that he is in as he daily submits to the counsels of these lying spirits.
Romans 13:8 “Owe no man anything except to love one another; for he that loves another has fulfilled the law”.
Do you now see that you live in a world where man is only familiar with a life that is so bound up with laws, and doctrines, and counsels, and ordinances, and traditions, and rules that come from no where other than from the throne of the god of this world? Again, the darkness is great that no man is able to comprehend a life free from these lies that rule over the lives of man. Now I ask you to consider that even your own dreams and imaginations are nothing but an illusion of lies that place limitations and boundaries on the good that I desire to do for you”, says the Lord. “In your most wonderful of dreams and in your wildest imaginations, “self” is always still at the center of your desires; and all thoughts about “self” are only those seducing and enticing spirits of lies. Do you believe me when I say that “self” only limits me from giving to you the blessings and the gifts that I desire to give to you because I love you so greatly? For is it not written that my word boldly declares that I am able to perform things for you which go exceedingly beyond and abundantly above those things which you are able to image, or dream of, or anything which you are able to ask for? Do you see how by reason of these lies, you greatly limit me in the work that I desire to do for you?
James 4:3 “You ask, and do not receive because you ask in error (wrong motive) so that it may satisfy your own desires (pleasures)”.
Ephesians 3:20 “Now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power which works in us”.
Do you see how “self” limits my love from working in your life; for my love joins us together, and when two are made one, there is no “self”. My love is the truth, and my love never thinks of “self”. My love has no boundaries, for there is no length, nor width, nor height, nor depth to my love. When sin abounds, grace abounds even more. My mercies are far as the east is from the west. My love is unconditional, not limited by the condition of your heart or your mind, neither by the circumstances and situations that arise in your life. You are the object of all of my affection and I am always with you. Those who seek to satisfy the desires of “self” have no desires to be made partakers of my love. It is by reason of these lies of “self” that your heart has been blinded to the truth about the love that I have for each one of you. Through the darkness of your ignorance you have put boundaries on the love that I have for you; and through the lies of unbelief and doubt you have put limits on the blessings and the gifts I desire to overflow you with. It is only the lies of Satan that alienate and separate you from the abundant life that I yearn to make you a partaker of.
You dream and imagine how much you greatly desire to have abundant life, but you are always looking for this promise to be fulfilled tomorrow. Tomorrow is a lie, for I am the God of today and now, and the truth is that I desire to give abundant life to you today. You so desire to see your “self” dreams come true that you deceive yourself out of asking for the abundant life that I desire to give to you now. When your tomorrows become today, and you have not received that which you hoped for, is not your heart then filled with disappointment? Those who walk in darkness, they are always disappointed that they did not receive that which they hoped for in today. This disappointment is nothing but a fruit that comes forth for believing Satan’s lies; for Satan has no power to fulfill his lies lest they become truth. Even those who receive those things which “self” desired, they quickly become disappointed when they do not find there is any life in that which they desired to have. Again, those who walk in darkness, they always hope in the lie that says tomorrow will be a better day than today; but when tomorrow comes, it is the same as today. And when they find no change, they then hope again in the lie that tomorrow will be better than today. The truth is I love you today, now, right at this very moment; and I desire to pour out unto you the treasures of heaven and the gifts of my love today. If you will seek for me today, I will not disappoint you; for I am faithful to all those who believe my words.
Matthew 7:33 “Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore, take no thought for tomorrow…”
Romans 14:17 “For the kingdom of God is not in meat and drink, but in righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit”.
Proverbs 21:21 “He that follows after righteousness and mercy finds life…”
That which I have spoken to you is truth: I am the God of today and now, not the God of tomorrow. Tomorrow is only a lying illusion in your mind where Satan desires to take you so that he can trouble the imaginations of your thoughts with those “worst case scenarios” lies; lies that only image how situations and circumstances are going to occur when tomorrow becomes today. Do you not see how Satan loves to torment the thoughts of fallen man with these “worst case scenarios” lies; lies that bring with them: fear, distress, anxiety, worry, terror, dread, and stress? My truth never troubles nor torments those who desire life today”, says the Lord. “My truth never takes thought of tomorrow, for it knows that I am with you now, desiring to bless you and to do you good today. Just as Adam and Eve were disappointed to find that Satan had lied to them about the fruit that they ate, so also are all those who seek life out of fulfilling the desires of “self” disappointed and frustrated when they cannot find any life in those lies that they also hoped to be truth. Satan loves to fill the thoughts of your mind with imaginations and dreams with the lies about tomorrow so that he can disappoint and frustrate you when tomorrow becomes today. Again, it is only sport for Satan to entice and seduce you with all such lies. Trust in me and remember that I am well able to give to you my promise of abundant life today; a life that is far greater than anything that you can dream of or imagine for tomorrow. I yearn and desire to do this for you because I so greatly love you right now. Believe only on me, for I am well able to take you far beyond the life that comes forth in your dreams and imaginations; that is, if you desire it enough to seek and ask for it.”
Matthew 7:13 “Enter ye at the strait gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many go in thereat. For strait is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to “life”, and few there be that find it”.
Laws, constraints, rules, boundaries, doctrines, restrictions, traditions, limitations, and tomorrows are nothing but the lies that have polluted the air that you breathe with corruption. It is these lies that have polluted the life that I created man to be partakers of; but I am the truth that is able to cleanse you from the pollution that you have breathed”, says the Lord. “You have heard and received so many lies that you have believed to be truth. There is a truth in the natural realm, and there is truth in the spiritual realm. You have heard that it has been said, “What goes up must come down”; and surely this seems like truth in the natural realm. But did not I ascend above, without it being necessary for me to ever descend again? In this natural realm, you believe in the law of gravity is truth; yet, when I was in this world, did I not defy this law when I walked across water? Did I not perform many other such miracles defied the laws and ordinances of this natural realm? I am not subject to lies”, says the Lord. “Did I not open the eyes of the blind? Did I not feed 5000 people with 5 loaves of bread? Did I not raise the dead? With my voice, was I not able to calm the fiercest of storms and quiet raging seas? Did I not bring forth water gushing out of a rock? Did I not cause impenetrable walls to crumble into small pieces? Did I not heal the sick with my word? In my presence, was I not able to protect Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego from the fires of that raging hot furnace, so much so that they did not even have the smell of smoke on them? Did I not joyously forgive the most wretched of sinners? Did I not overcome all of the gods, the laws, the principalities, the spirits, and the powers of this fallen world? Do you see how the laws and rules of this fallen world are only lies; lies that are powerless to limit the true God in doing anything that he desires?
Ezekiel 39:7 “I will make my name known in the midst of my people, Israel; and I will not let them pollute my holy name any more, and the heathen shall know that I am the Lord, the Holy one in Israel”.
Colossians 2:15 “And he blotted out the handwriting of ordinances which was against us, and took it out of the way, nailing it on the cross; and having spoiled principalities and powers, he made an open show as he triumphed over them”.
I am sovereign in power over the heavens and the earth, over all nations and kingdoms, over all kings and rulers, over all powers and principalities, over all flesh, over all spirits, over all diseases and sicknesses, as well as over all of the circumstances and situations that arise in your life. There are no limitations or boundaries that can be placed on my power, nor on the love that I have for man. I will be your Lord and your God if you will let me. I will show you that I can be sovereign even in the “worst case scenarios” that Satan brings into the imaginations of your thoughts. I alone am sovereign, and all power is of me. It is easy for me to do those things which are impossible for any man to perform of himself, but I am only able to do these things for those who desire for me to be their God. I am able to love those who hate me; I bless those who curse me; and I forgive and forget all who ask of me. I reveal the secret counsels of the heart and the hidden things of darkness. I think, and it comes to pass; I command and it stands fast forever. I send my word and it always performs that which I purposed for it to perform. I can tame your tongue; I can establish your thoughts; I can transform your mind; I change your heart; and I am well able to make clear the understanding of all mysteries. I alone am the truth, and I alone am able to save you from all of the lies that you have believed that pertain to “self”. I am able to change your world”, says the Lord. “Your world that is full of fleshy desires and deceitful words. But what do you believe and desire for me to do for you?
Matthew 19:26 “But Jesus looked at them and said, “With men this is impossible, but all things are possible with God”.
Isaiah 55: 10-11 “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it”.
Mark 9:23 Jesus said, “All things are possible for him who believes”.
II Corinthians 10:4 “For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God, to the pulling down of strongholds, and the casting down of imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bring every thought into the obedience of Christ”.
“Even though I have boundless authority and unlimited power to do all of these things for you, I am still hindered from doing these things for you because of the limitations and boundaries that you have allowed to rule over the thoughts of your mind. Will you let me be your Lord and your God? Will you let me free you from these limitations and boundaries that compass your mind like the darkness that compasses the earth? Do you believe that I am able to do this for you? Prove me! Prove my love for you! I yearn to do all of these things because I love you all; but only those who are willing to ask for me to prove my love for them will be made to be partakers of my blessings and gifts. Prove me and see if I will not open the windows of heaven just for you! only those who prove me, asking for me to show them those great and mighty things that they do not know shall see me perform those great and mighty things. Trust me; trust all of my words; for they were written just for you. If you do not ask for me to show you these things, it is because of your unbelief; the unbelief that says that there are no great and mighty things beyond that which you are able to think in your own vain imaginations. Do you see how you limit me because even your own imaginations place many limitations on me, as though there was nothing else beyond that which you can imagine? only I can free you such lies; the lies that your limitations consist of. I am come to set you free from all the laws and the boundaries that the darkness has bound you up with. It is not possible for me to lie to you and neither is it possible for me to think evil of you by not performing my words for you. My love is not capable of thinking unfaithful things or to do you any evil.
Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me and I will answer you; and I will show you great and might things, hidden things which you do not know”.
Mark 4:22 Jesus said, “There is nothing hid that shall not be manifested, and neither is there anything in secret that shall not be made known”.
Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith”, says the Lord of hosts, “if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it”.
It is impossible for those who are naturally minded to correctly interpret the desire and the love that I have for man. Not until a man is willing to believe my words, and then allow for me to prove my love for him, shall he be able to begin to comprehend the truth about the love that I have for him; until then, he shall remain captive in this world of darkness, continually breathing in these lies of Satan that keep life corrupted; lies that lead him to foolishly seek for life out of satisfying the desires of “self”. Unless a man allows for me to strip him of this garment of corruption, and then clothe him with my incorrupt Spirit, then his corrupted senses will always lead him down those paths that seem right but end in destruction and death. It is impossible for the natural senses to receive my incorruptible truth; for it is as it is written, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, neither at anytime has it entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love him. But God is revealing them unto us by his Spirit. For no man knows the things that are of God, but they are freely given unto all those who seek to know him and who ask for his Spirit”. No man of himself can comprehend my love or my power. Will you let me open your blind eyes, your deaf ears, and your hard hearts so that you may come to know the truth about the love that I have for you? Do you desire to have my wisdom?” says the Lord. “Will you ask me for my Spirit that reveals my heart to you?
I Corinthians 2:7-15
Luke 11:13 Jesus then said, “If you, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, then how much more shall heavenly Father (who is good and faithful), give the Holy Spirit to them who ask for it?”
It is impossible for any man who walks in darkness to discern or comprehend the things that go beyond the boundaries of “self”. It is also impossible for any man to be made a partaker of my love who does not desire to receive the light of my truth; for what is truth in spiritual realm is not the truth in the realm of the darkness.”, says the Lord. “For my ways are not your ways, nor are my thoughts your thoughts, and neither do you see or hear as I do. But who has believed the testimony of my word? Who calls out for the light of my truth? Who is willing to take up his cross and die to the lies of “self”? Who is willing to decrease in the natural so that he might increase in the spiritual? Who is willing to deny his own righteousness so that the righteousness of my life might bear fruit in his life? Those whom I love, I correct; and those who allow for me to correct them of the lies of “self” are those who will walk in the peaceable fruits of righteousness.
Jeremiah 5:1 “Run to and fro through the streets of Jerusalem, and see now, and know, and seek in the broad places thereof, if you can find a man that executes judgment or that seeks for truth, and I will pardon it”.
I have seen the fruits that natural man bears, and these fruits are the effects that come forth from the nature of these lying spirits”, says the Lord. “I see that by reason of the darkness, men fruitlessly seek to find life from those things which have no life in them. Everyday I witness man living in bondage, trying to satisfy the same desires and the same pleasures that he tried to satisfy yesterday, that he will try to satisfy today, and that he will surely try to satisfy tomorrow, next week, next month, and next year. Again I tell you that it is impossible for life to come forth out of dead things. Yet, I continue to see the miserable effects that these lifeless lies produce. I have given my life for all who desire life; but who is willing to offer unto me his life; a life whereby he is always mindful of same old things, day after day. There is nothing new under the sun for those who do not seek for the abundant life that comes from above.
Ecclesiates 1:9 “The thing that has been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done; and there is no new thing under the sun”.
I see the effects that the darkness has on fallen man in his desires to be seen, to be heard, and to be recognized. I see the effects that these lies have on the children of darkness, who daily wait for the opportunities to glorify and to exalt “self”. I see the effects that the darkness has on fallen man, on those who wait daily to deceive others with their own opinions and judgments. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who lust to be right in all the words that he speaks as well as in all of the deeds that he performs of self. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who are offended and hurt when their “self-image” is injured by the words of others. I see the effects that the darkness has on the fallen man who is disappointed, frustrated, confused, and angered when he does not get his own will or when things do not go the way that he had planned. I see the effects that the darkness has on the fallen man who hates all those who contend with or that disagree with any of those things that he has made of “self”, or those things which do not measure up to his own “self” standards.
I see the effects that the darkness has upon fallen man in all of his arguments, his fights, his contention, and in his wars. I see the effects of the darkness in man’s pride as well as in all of his perversion and corruption. I see the effects that the darkness has on man when he slanders, finds fault with, and judges others. I see the effects of the darkness in the evil suspicions that men imagine about others. I even see the effects of the darkness among my own people, in all of their divisions and the strife. I see the effects of the darkness in broken marriages, in broken friendships, in broken treaties, in broken partnerships, in broken covenants, in broken promises, in broken relationships, in broken families, and in broken words. I see the effects of the darkness in those who do not know me intimately, doubting my words; not allowing their hearts to trust in me; and in disregarding my commandments because they have lost their love for me. I see the effects of the darkness on those who do not believe that I am able to supply their lack or to provide for their needs. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who tempt me with scorn because they take pleasure in holding on to the lies of “self”. I see the effects that the darkness has on those who refuse to draw near to me because of their fear of intimacy. I see the effects that the darkness has on all those who make light of my instructions as well as all of my counsels because they have no desire to have any fellowship with me”, says the Lord.
My heart is so grieved for all of my creation, the inhabitants of this fallen world. I love all men so greatly but I am only able to show favor to those who will believe on me. I came into this world as the truth of God; the truth that is able to set men free from all of their oppression and bondage to Satan’s lies. Remember the word that is written, “Satan, and all his angels were cast out of heaven and they came to deceive the whole world.”; but I came down from heaven as the truth that saves men from these lies that relentlessly seek to keep man in captivity to the sins of “self”. I came down from heaven as the truth that is able to make “self” void so that two may become one. Though man is not able to see the darkness, he is surely able to see the effects of Satan’s rule over the lives of men in their miseries, their troubles, their hypocrisies, their fears, their laws, rules, and doctrines, as well as in their corruptions and perversions.
I Peter 5:7 “Cast all your cares upon him because he cares for you”.
Psalm 34:17 “The righteous cry, and the Lord hears and delivers them out of all of their troubles”.
Just as you can see the effect that the darkness has over the lives of fallen man, so also can you see the effects of the light of my life in the lives of my remnant who no longer live unto the miseries and the torments of the carnal mind. My remnant are those few who have chosen to take up their crosses and crucify unto themselves the lies of “self”. For the effect of my Spirit is seen in their peace and quietness, in their humility and gentleness, in their joy and belief, in their liberty and power, in their love and fellowship, in their hope and patience, in their goodness and prosperity, in their contentment and kindness, in their strong faith in me, as well as in all of the other riches that are found in the light of my life. I am so grieved because I died for any, and for all who will come to believe on me. I yearn to bless all my creation with the gift of my Spirit; the gift that restores all that which Satan has taken from man; the gift of life that sets men free from their bondage to death and sin. So few understand and comprehend my love for them, that I stand daily ready and waiting to give unto any man the gift of life to those who desire to have it. I am so willing to send the light of my truth into this fallen world of darkness to rescue all who have been taken captive by Satan to do the will of “self”.
Romans 5:17 “For if by one man’s offense death reigned through the one, then how much more shall those who receive the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one, Jesus Christ? Therefore, as through one man’s offense death and sin (the death of the carnal mind) came upon all men, resulting in condemnation, even so through one man’s righteousness shall the free gift of life come unto all men, resulting in justification of life. For as by one man’s disobedience many were made sinners, so also by one man’s obedience many will be made righteous”.
Proverbs 12:28 In the way of righteousness is life, and in its pathway there is no death.
Romans 8:2 The law of the Spirit of life has made me free from the law of sin and death.
Many have heard of me, but only a few comprehend that “I am the being of life”; I am the nature of life, and apart from me there is no life. only a few have stayed the course of that strait and narrow path that leads to life. only he who walks this path will be he who finds me; and he who find me finds the nature of life. I am the Lord of life and I am the Lord of freedom. I am the Lord who loves you. I am the Lord who makes my mercies new everyday because of the great love that I have for you. I am not the lord who lies, or accuses, or condemns, and neither am I the lord who oppresses or that troubles; for these are the works of the prince of the air, the lord over the air that you breathe; the works of the one who hates you with every particle of his being. It is Satan who seeks to entice you, to deceive you, to flatter you, and to seduce you constantly with his lies so that he might continue to satisfy the lusts that he has to make your lives as miserable as he is able. Satan only lusts to have you 24/7/365 so that he can satisfy his hateful desires that he has against all men, but especially against my church.
John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.
John 10:10 “The thief comes not except to steal, to kill, and to destroy; I am come so that you may have life, and have it more abundantly”.
There is no man who is able to understand or to comprehend how I am able to rule over my kingdom without tyranny or intimidation; without laws or rules; without threats or force; or without the lies of “self” that corrupt all things. I do not rule, nor do I have any desire to rule over man in any such fashion. It is not so in my kingdom, for my love and my truth are the laws in my kingdom. Where my truth is, there is freedom and liberty; and where my love is, there cannot be found any evil thoughts or any evil words. Love and truth do not oppress, do not threaten, do not bring burdens, do not intimidate, do not force, do not work any manner of evil, nor do they bring in any manner of division or strife. Love and truth are my laws for abundant life, the life that I desire to write in the hearts and in the minds of those who will prove my love for them. Again, it is only the darkness that brings misery, that blinds, that divides, that oppresses, that troubles, that corrupts, and that alienates and separated men from the beautiful life of liberty that I desire for all to be partakers of.
Colossians 3:15 “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to that which you were called in one body; and be ye thankful”.
Though the darkness covers the earth with these spirits of lies, and though they have completely deceived all of the inhabitants of the earth, they still remain powerless to stop the move of my Spirit, the light of my life when I send it to those who call out upon my name, asking for my divine nature. The darkness is powerless to stop the word that goes forth out of my mouth, the word that always helps those who call on me in their time of need. The darkness has no power to hinder my grace from working in those who walk by faith, for even when the works of sin abound in them, my grace will abound in them even more. My word always accomplishes that which I send it to perform. I always come quickly to those who have need of my help. Is it not written that I am near unto you, as near as the words are that come out of your mouth? You are the object of my affection. I yearn to send my words unto you. I yearn to fill your heart with my Spirit. I yearn to bless you and to give you gifts. I yearn for you to give me the opportunity to show you my power, to reveal my truth to you, and to allow for my love to come to you. No matter what the circumstances, or the conditions, or the situations are that are in your life, I will always come to those who seek for me, as well as unto all those who call out on my name. I will come quickly, and I will show all of you a life that you have not known to this day; a life that is far greater than anything that your own imaginations are able to think of. I am that abundant, inexpressible, and everlasting life, and I will give myself unto any who are willing to give to me their life that has consisted of the lies of “self”.
II Peter 1:4 “Whereby are given to us exceedingly great and precious promises, that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust”.
Romans 10:8 “..The word is near unto you, even in your heart, that is, the word of faith which we preach”.
I will give, and give, and give, and give; for my words are like a flowing river of the clear crystal water of life that never stops flowing, always accomplishing that which them to perform. only my truth is able to set you free from the bondage of corruption. only my word is able to set you free from your captivity to the vain thoughts that inhabit your mind. only my word is able to save you from the dead works of “self”. only my truth is able to sanctify you, separating your soul from the spirit of this world. only my word is able to free your minds from the rules and the laws that Satan uses to oppress the inhabitants of fallen world with. only my word is able to set you free from the wicked spirits, the powers, the principalities, and the rulers of the darkness that desire to take control over the intents, the desires, the purposes, and the pleasures of your heart.
John 7:38 “Jesus said, “He that believes on me, as the scripture has said, “Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water”. But he spoke of the Spirit which they who believe on him should receive. For the Holy Spirit had not yet been given because Jesus had not yet been glorified”.
James 1:21 “receive with meekness the engrafted word which is able to save your souls”.
Be of good cheer, and believe on me, for I am your Savior. I am great and mighty in power; for I am sovereign over all spirits, over all flesh, over all powers and principalities, over all things seen and unseen, over all of the heavens and the earth, as well as over all things that inhabit the darkness. I am able even to subdue the most horrible and terrible imaginations that bring forth those “worst case scenarios” that continually seek to trouble you. I am willing to set you free and to make you partakers of the great love that I have for all of you. I am willing to give unto you my kingdom as well as all things that are of myself; but are you willing to first give to me those lies of “self” that have ruled over you? Offer yourselves unto me as a living sacrifice and I will breathe a new air into you; a new air that will continually be refresh and renew you through my Spirit of life; a life that goes beyond the limitations and the boundaries that you have constructed in your own dreams. Ask of me and watch me, for I yearn for you to give to me the opportunity to prove my love for you, and to show you the life that I desire for you to have”, says the Lord.
The light of life consists only of the truth about my love for all men; and the truth is that I love all men unconditionally. Even so, I am only able to show the truth about my love to those will believe my words and prove me. My will is the great desire that I have to make all men to be partakers of my love. My truth is the light of life for you, in you, being you. My truth is that powerful word that is able to separate your soul from the spirit of man; to alienate you from the spirit that keeps you in you in bondage to the lies of ”self”. My Spirit will never believe any of the lies that pertain to “self”. Do you have any desire to ask for me to send my words unto you? The natural understanding, knowledge, and wisdom that comes forth from the spirit of man, it is only corrupt, powerless, and it is never able to discern spiritual things. It delights in yielding and joining itself only to the lies of “self”. But in Christ Jesus, you will find hidden the heavenly treasures of my wisdom, of my understanding, and of my knowledge; gifts from your heavenly Father’s heart. It is impossible for these incorruptible gifts to join themselves to any of these lying spirits which inhabit the darkness. If any man is willing to take up his cross and reject all that which is natural in this realm of darkness; and if he will seek and ask for these gifts that I yearn so greatly to give from the treasury of my heart, then shall I bring him into the fellowship of my love; and all that he does shall be blessed. Then shall he find that abundant life that he was alienated and separated from; that life that only comes forth from my presence”, says the Lord.
Hebrews 4:12 “For the word of God is quick and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the dividing of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts”.
Colossians 2:3 “In Christ are hid all of the treasures of wisdom and knowledge”.
Colossians 1:9 “For this cause we also, since the day that we heard it, do not cease to pray for you, and to desire that you might be filled with the knowledge of his will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding, that you may walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God…”
Matthew 16:24 Then Jesus said, “If any man will come after me, let him deny himself (“self”), and take up his cross and follow me. For whosoever will save his life will lose it; and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it”.
I Corinthians 1:18 “For the preaching of the cross (Not the cross on Calvary, but the daily cross) is foolishness to those who are perishing, but unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, “I will destroy the wisdom of the wise and the understanding of the prudent”.
Isaiah 11:2 “And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him: the spirit of wisdom and understanding; the spirit of counsel and might; the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord”.
I know that many times you have desired that which Job also desired when he said, “O, that my adversary would have written a book”. I know that you have thought that if Satan had written a book, then it would have been easy for you to clearly identify his deceitful works. I did not call you to reveal the works of Satan unto you, but rather to reveal unto you the works that I desire to do in your heart and in your mind; and neither did I call you so that you might know the Devil, but I called you so that I might reveal your heavenly Father unto you. Nevertheless, I say to you that Satan’s works are right before your eyes, plain and clear for all to see; for they are the natural desires and pleasures in the hearts and the minds of all those who have been corrupted by the darkness. I tell you that Satan has written a book, and its chapters are clearly seen in the lives of fallen man.
Job 31:35 “Oh, that one would hear me! My desire is that the almighty would answer me and that my adversary would have written a book”.
Every time you see a man sin or commit iniquity, then you are reading the words of Satan’s book written in the hearts and in the minds of that man. Every time you see worry, or doubt, or anxiety, or fear in the countenance of men’s faces, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man who does not know me, or believe on me, or trust in me, or that does not see any need for me in his life, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man in a state of depression or in a state of loneliness, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man justify his errors or make excuses before other men, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see men commit adultery, or murder, or rape, or steal, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man taking upon himself the burden of trying to do good and to be righteous of himself, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man thinking that he is able to understand the things of God by reason of the use of his natural senses, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man pretending to be something that he is not, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see bitterness or unforgiveness in the heart’s of men, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book.
I John 3:8 “He that commits sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sinned from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested that he might destroy the works of the Devil. Whosoever is born of God does not commit sin; for his seed remains in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God”.
Every time you see a man boast of his own works or words, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see corruption and perversion, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man stressed out because he has no control over the circumstances or the people around him, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see a man distressed about the events of tomorrow, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man accuse, or slander, or judge, or find fault with another, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man announce his righteous deeds for all to see and hear, then are you reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you hear a man express his own opinions about God, as well as the things that pertain to God, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you witness arguments, or fights, or strife, or wars, or contention, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’s book. Every time you see a man who is bored, then you are reading a chapter out of Satan’s book. Every time you see a man seeking to satisfy any of these desires of “self”, then you are reading a chapter from Satan’ book. Satan’s book consists of nothing but the fiction of lies, but in this fallen world of darkness, the lies of “self” are accounted as non-fiction, seeing that they are the counsels and the instructions that the children of darkness live their lives according to. It is these very counsels and instructions, the words written in Satan’s book, that are played out every day in the lives of those who love the darkness.
Matthew 6:1 “Take heed that you do not do your righteous works before men to be seen of them; otherwise you have no reward of your Father who is in heaven. Therefore, when you do your righteous works, do not sound a trumpet before you as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have the glory of men. Truly, that is their reward”.
Proverbs 20:6 “Most everyone will proclaim his own goodness, but who can find a faithful man?”
Job 42:7 “…and the Lord said unto Eliphaz, “My wrath is kindled against you and against your two friends because you have not spoken of me the things that are right as my servant Job has”.
Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man that walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scorners”.
When you see a man diligently seeking for me as though he was seeking for an hidden treasure, then you are reading a chapter from my book”, says the Lord. “When you see a man who takes up his cross to crucify unto himself the lies of “self”, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man who delights in doing my will as much as if he was doing his own will, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man whose faith is accompanied with my works and my power, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man forgive those who sin against him, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man whose belief is accompanied with joy, and hope, and peace of mind, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man who loves his wife as Christ loves the church, or a wife who is submitted unto her husband as though she was submitted to the Lord, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man going about to heal all those who are oppressed by the Devil, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man forbear with the sins of sinners and the weaknesses of his brethren, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see those disciples who love one another, willing to lay down their lives for one another, then you are reading a chapter from my book. When you see a man who is being evil spoken of because he speaks my truth in love, then you are reading a chapter from my book. This is the non-fiction that is truth in the spiritual realm.
II Corinthians 3:2 “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men; clearly you are an epistle of Christ, ministered by us, written not with ink but by the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of flesh, that is, of the heart.
It is just as I have spoken unto you, that all words are spirits, and they are all seeking a place to dwell. You shall know all men by their fruits, and their fruits are the nature of him whose words they have chosen to believe to be right. My book is the book that is read and understood through the blessings of my Spirit; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, and the spirit of the revelation knowledge that reveals the truth to those who seek to know my truth. Those who read my book are those who desire to know me and who desire to be changed into my likeness. Those who read my book are those who are always asking for me to reveal unto them great and mighty things which they do not know; for I hear them and I answer their prayers. In my book, I always perform that which is written because my book contains only the words of truth. Unto those who read my book, it is I who write my laws, the laws of truth and love, upon their hearts and their minds to be read of all men. To those who read my book, I daily renew their faith and refresh their spirit with that portion of living bread that I give unto them as they seek me; the bread of life that I have promised to give to those who would labor to gather it.
Matthew 13:23 “He that received seed in the good ground is he that hears the word and understands it; who then bears fruit and brings forth some a hundred-fold, some sixty, and some thirty”.
Galatians 5:22 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, faith, goodness, meekness, and temperance; against such there is no law”.
Matthew 6:11 “Give us this day our daily bread”.
Those who read my book are those who walk in my truth, and these are they who shall not willingly subject themselves to any of the lies of “self”, lest they depart from my Spirit which made them free from such lies. Those who walk in my truth are those who walk in my Spirit, and those who walk in my Spirit shall not fulfill any of the desires of “self”. My Spirit delights in doing my will, and my will for all men is that you live, move, and have your being in the abundant life that is in my Spirit; for this is my gift unto you, as well as unto all men. My Spirit is able to make my people holy; and the holiness that I require for my people to walk in is the likeness of my nature, and my nature is everlasting life. I am life; I am the life wherein there is no darkness nor shadows of death. I am what I am; and I do not change. I was life yesterday, I am life today, I will be life tomorrow, and I will be life for all of eternity. I am everlasting life. I am the tree of life, and he that eats of my tree shall be made life, and he shall bear the fruits of life. I am holy, and I desire for you to be holy; for my holiness is the law of life that I desire to write upon the hearts and the minds of all of my people. The desire for holiness is seen in those who desire to become my sons and my daughters, to be changed into my image. My book contains my words; and my words are life and they are spirit. My words are truth, non-fiction to all those who believe them. Though you are drawing closer and closer, you still do not yet know my truth; for if you did, you would be presently walking in my name; that is, in my nature, in my character, and in all of my authority and power.
I Peter 1:16 “Be you holy because I am holy”.
John 14:6 “I am the way, the truth, and the life”.
I cannot yet come into this present world that you inhabit, for in the glory of my presence all darkness, all evil, and all lies would be destroyed. I cannot yet come into this world because my people are not prepared to see me in all of my glory; for the temples of their heart have not yet been fully cleansed and sanctified of these lies of “self”. The love of “self” belongs to those who love lies. Those who are prepared are forthcoming, they are those who have overcome the darkness, hating the lies of “self”. These are they who will love my appearing knowing that at my appearing they shall be transformed into the children of light; children freed from all darkness. The word of my truth is so powerful that in its presence all evil is destroyed, and none of those lying spirits shall be able to dwell in the presence of my truth. You have not yet seen all of my truth, but I desire to send all of my truth unto you. All that which I have prophesied unto you, it has been centered upon my truth. How then can a man say that he is free if he is still in bondage to the lies of “self”?
Revelation 12:11 “And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, by the word of their testimony, and they loved not their lives unto the death”.
Proverbs 8:12 “The fear of the Lord is to hate evil: pride, arrogancy, the evil way, and the forward mouth do I hate”.
The words contained in Satan’s book are powerless until they are believed; but even then they only power that these words have is that which is supplied by the man. These are words that when they are believed have no power but to bring burdens and grievous works upon those who believe them. Satan’s lies always require for those who believe his words to perform those words because Satan has no power of himself to perform them. “Self” is a beast of burden. Can fallen man bring forth life out that which is dead? Yet Satan always seeks to deceive my people to worship those things which have eyes, but cannot see, and which have ears, but cannot hear; the lifeless idol of “self”. The holiness that Satan’s book instructs for men to walk in, it is just like their own righteousness in that it requires for men to put forth their efforts, the best works, and their own power”, says the Lord. “There is no love for me nor is there any trust in me among those who walk after this illusion of holiness”, says the Lord. “Those who walk after this illusion are they who are only holy unto “self”; and unto this world which loves the being of “self”, as well as the lies that have no life in them.
Psalm 115:4-9 “Their idols are silver and gold, the work of men's hands. They have mouths, but they speak not: eyes have they, but they see not: they have ears, but they hear not: noses have they, but they smell not: they have hands, but they handle not: feet have they, but they walk not: neither speak they through their throat. They that make them are like unto them; so is every one that trusts in them. O Israel, trust thou in the LORD: he is their help and their shield”.
Jeremiah 5:21 “Hear now, O foolish people without understanding, who have eyes but do not see, and ears and do not hear”.
Isaiah 44:9-10 “Those who make an image, all of them are useless, and their precious things shall not profit. They are their own witnesses; they neither see nor know, that they may be ashamed. Who would form a god or mold an image that profits him nothing?”
Those who walk in my Spirit are they who have overcome the desires of this evil world. Those who walk in my Spirit are those who love me, who think on me, and who keep my commandments, holding fast to my words. Through my Spirit, I am able to join the two who were once contrary so that they may become as one. I am the spirit of love, and it is my love that joins the two so that they may be one. Those who walk in love, they walk in unity, in fellowship, and in oneness with me/God. Do you now see why it is impossible for those who treasure, who honor, and who esteem the lies of “self” to enter into this relationship without me? I am truth; I am Spirit; I am love; I am life. He who is joined to me becomes all that I am; I in him and him in me. Who is prepared for my coming but those who have come to hate the lies of “self” through the truth of my love. Is it not written that when I come, I am going to change all those who have overcome Satan’s lies through the power of my Spirit, and then shall you become as I am now?
I John 3:2 “Brethren, it does not yet appear what we are going to be like, but we know that when he appears, we shall be like him. And everyone that has this hope purifies himself”.
Thus says the Lord, “I am high and mighty, but I am also humble and meek. I am health and I am everlasting life. I am good and I am holy. I am Spirit and I am powerful. I am truth and I am freedom. Those who worship me must worship me in Spirit and in truth. In vain, many have deceived themselves in their attempts to worship me according to their own desires, as though the Creator should worship the creature of “self”. I hate lying words”, says the Lord. “Especially those lies that are spoken in the manner of worship that is centered upon “self”. I love for my people to worship me in truth, for they seek to worship me in that manner that brings communion and fellowship between a Father and his child; the child whom the Father loves and greatly cares for. I know what you have need of. I am love, and it is my heart’s desire to supply for you all that which you lack, as well as to provide for you all those things which are necessary for you to find entrance into my kingdom. In my kingdom there is nothing that intimidates or torments; there is no oppression; there are no threats; there is no darkness; there are no standards or rules; there are no diseases, or sorrow, or death; and neither is there any kind of fear. The strength of my kingdom is the light of my love, and I am the everlasting regeneration of that light.
Remember, when my love is within you, you will delight in doing my will as though you doing your own will; and my will for you is the light of life. My will is not that which comes through the power or the might of man but that which comes only when my Spirit enters into your heart; for when my Spirit, which is my power, comes from above, then my will for you shall be fulfilled. I am that Spirit, and I am coming from above. But do you believe that I willing to give to you all of me, me without any limitations, without any measures, or without any boundaries? I am not only willing”, says the Lord, “but I am yearning and waiting on you to ask me for the many gifts of Me that I desire to give to you so that you might share in and be a partaker of my love. Do you desire me? If you believe and ask of me, then all the life that I desire for you to have shall come upon you. Receive my love and receive my power. Yes, my kingdom is filled with angels and saints that continually give me praise and glory, not because they have to, but because of the wonderful things that I continually provide for them as well as the many things that I continually perform for them. I am the Lord of life, and I am the God of the living, and not the dead. My love is an everlasting, but do you desire to be a partaker of my everlasting love. I am praised and I am glorified because of my love. Will you let me glorify you, so that you may then glorify me? I love you. Ask of me and see if you will not see much light come forth unto you from this band of light that circles the earth. I am that light of life, but so few desire to have me.
When the Lord finished speaking these things, I returned from his presence into my body.
II Corinthians 5:8 “We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord”.