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[ 506 ] Vision Of The Dry Bones (전문)

danieell 2018. 9. 22. 14:05

출       처      :      http://www.insightsofgod.com/html_testimonies/jeffords_book.htm#dryBones

Vision Of The Dry Bones

Mitt Jeffords

Vision of the Dry Bones; a vision of those who are prepared for the coming of the Lord as well as those who are not prepared for his coming.

A vision where immortality is going to swallow up mortality; and everlasting life is going to be restored in all of God’s creation.

I was meditating on the Lord one morning when he gave me this vision. Almost immediately I recognized it as being almost identical to that which Ezekiel saw in Ezekiel 37:1-14. In the vision I found myself in the middle of this very large desert valley that appeared to be as desolate of life as any place that I have ever seen. I then realized that the only objects that I could see on this desert floor was nothing but multitudes and multitudes of dry bones scattered throughout the entire valley floor, for as far as my eyes could see. While I was observing this sight, I realized that this scene reminded of something that I had imagined when I was a kid, in the late 50's, watching Tarzan movies on Saturday morning on TV. There was one particular episode where this safari was in search of this mythical valley that was supposed to be this secret burial ground where all elephants would supposedly go to when they were ready to die. Of course, if such a place did exist, that valley would not only be filled with bones, but also with the great treasures of ivory. It was this treasure that these men in the safari were hoping to find in that particular episode. Nevertheless, what I had imagined as a kid seemed so very familiar to what I was seeing in this vision. For a moment I even looked to see if there was any treasure among these bones that could possibly be of any treasure like ivory; but all that I saw was just multitudes of human bones scattered all around me.

It was then that Ezekiel's vision came into my mind, and I began to consider within me his vision as compared to that which I was seeing in my vision. For many years, I had been told that the bones in Ezekiel's vision represented the Jews coming back to Israel in 1948; and seeing that it was now 2005, and supposedly that prophesy had already been fulfilled, I then asked, "Lord, what do these bones in my vision represent?" The Lord then said to me, "The bones that you see, these are the bones of my church, those members of my body, the elect, who have paid the price. Though I have called many, only an elect few have believed the instruction of my word; the word that directs all who choose to follow after me to take up their crosses, deny themselves, and follow me. only a precious few have crucified unto themselves the desires of this fallen world of darkness (Gal.5:24). Though the world sees no value in these bones, I see nothing but great treasures among them”, says the Lord. “For I see the bones of those who loved, and trusted, and believed my words enough that they actually followed the instruction that has been given to all. These are they who have crucified the desires of this world unto themselves, and the world has crucified them in Christ Jesus. My elect are those few who have chosen to follow after me, to take up their crosses and crucify unto themselves all of the lies of that proceed forth from the ruler of this fallen world.

It was then that the Lord brought back into remembrance that which the Lord had showed me one Sunday morning when he took me in the Spirit (II Cor.5:8). It was the first time the Lord had ever done that, and it is truly an amazing experience. It was a Sunday morning, just minutes before our fellowship was to begin, and suddenly the Lord like took my consciousness out of my body and took with him, leaving my body behind. I was sure that when the Lord returned my consciousness to my body that at least a couple of hours had gone by because of the things that the Lord had shown to as well as those things which he had spoken to me. Yet, when I returned, I do not believe one minute had passed since the Lord first took me. Truly, the Lord rules over time and space. This is now an account of some of things that I saw and of those things which I was told.

I suddenly found myself standing on the outer edge of space, looking towards the earth. While I was taking in this breathtaking view, I suddenly noticed out of the corner of my eye, a huge cloud of darkness coming from my left heading towards the earth. It was unexplainable, but this cloud was so dark that it even stood out clearly against the darkness of space. I then watched as this cloud of darkness descended upon the whole earth, completely compassing it like a black, thick fog. It not only covered the entire earth but it also reached about three miles above the earth. This cloud was not like the cloud of a thunderstorm, for a thundercloud, though it appears very ominous and dark, appears as though it has some manner of life of its own. A thundercloud has constant changing movement being driven by the winds; and out of it comes forth rain, lightning, and thunder. But it was not so with this cloud of darkness that I saw, for it had absolutely no appearance of life in it at all. The only movement that I saw in this cloud of darkness was down, and it seemed to move downward because of its great heaviness. As this cloud ascended upon the earth, it seemed to displace the air just like oil displaces water when it is poured into it.

Then, in just an instant, I found myself back on the earth, standing in the midst of a large city. I immediately looked up, and when I did, I saw this heavy cloud of darkness descending all around me. I then watched as the darkness, again by its sheer weight, began to displace the very air that was around me. I then clearly observed as the darkness got closer to me that this darkness consisted of words; lifeless words, thousands of lifeless words, millions of lifeless words, billions of lifeless words. So many, many words, and they were all moving around like swarms of bees move around their beehive just after it has been disturbed. I then saw that as this darkness displaced the air, that men began to breathe in this darkness like it was the air that is necessary for life; yet, it was the words that men were breathing in. I observed as this darkness not only entered into men by their noses, but also by their mouths, their eyes, and their ears. I then observed that as this darkness entered in, it was able to corrupt all of the senses of man; and the affects of this corruption was easily seen in the countenances of all men. For the darkness brought much torment, evil, trouble, deceit, and misery upon the lives of all men. I then realized that there was no man around me that could see this darkness, and it was as though they all knew that something was wrong with their lives, but no man knew that it was this darkness that was the cause of it.

Then in just another instant, I found myself standing again on the edge of space. I immediately looked towards the earth and I saw that I could not see any part of the earth because this cloud of darkness had so completely compassed it. But then I observed that there was a ring of brilliant light around the earth; a ring very similar to those rings which are around Saturn, except that this ring appeared to be the source of pure light. While I was observing the brilliance of this ring of light, I observed that on an occasion, a piece of light would come forth out of this ring, and it would race towards the earth. I would watch as this piece of light just pierced right through this cloud of heavy darkness without any difficulty.

While I was considering that which I was seeing, the Lord spoke to me and asked, "Mitt, what do you see?" I then answered, "I perceive that this heavy cloud of darkness, it represents Satan. And Lord, if your words are life and spirit, and the truth that makes free. Then this cloud of darkness must be the Satan's lies, and they are those lying spirits that bring men into bondage to death and sin (Rom.8:2). For I saw that as this darkness displaced the air, that Satan's lies became the air that men breathed, which represents his rule over the earth, seeing that your word reveals that Satan is now called the prince of the power of the air (Eph.2:2). I saw that as this could descended upon the earth, somehow Satan was able to force himself into the hearts and the minds of all men through the very air that they breathed. I also observed that those who breathe in this darkness, they then think that this darkness is the very substance that is necessary for life. I do not understand how, but I know that this darkness is death itself, because I saw that the darkness only consists of lifeless words; yet again, this darkness, or these words, they are mistaken to be that which men perceive to be a source of life. I also perceived that by reason of this darkness, there was no man who was even able to think or to understand that there was any other form of life other than the life that exists in this darkness. For I saw that in this darkness, that even when men obtain that life which they dreamed of or that which they imagined to have, that after their initial joy and pleasure that they experience, they still know in their hearts that something is missing in their lives; and it is this darkness that blinds them to that which is missing. It is for this reason that I perceive that this darkness is only an illusion of life; life that has been corrupted and perverted.

Then Lord, I saw that ring of light, and I knew that this light was you; and that this light was also the dwelling place for true life (John 8:12). Lord, I perceive that it is only in that which you are allowing for me to see now that I can clearly see that your light is totally contrary to this lifeless cloud of darkness; that there is never any agreement between the two. But Lord, it I perceive that on earth, it is your light that is considered to be darkness by those who have been blinded by the darkness. I also perceive that the light is your power for abundant life, and that you send forth your power to all those who believe on you; to those who desire to be delivered from the rule that the darkness has had over their lives. I also perceive that as much power as the darkness has over the lives of men, it is completely powerless to stop your light once you sent it forth. But Lord, I found that it greatly saddened me to see how few men desired to have the light of your life seeing that so little light was sent to earth. Surely this darkness has greatly deceived man into believing that the darkness itself is that which life consists of, but in truth, it is only an illusion of life. Yet, Lord, I perceive that by reason of your great love and faithfulness, that the moment you do hear someone call upon your name, asking for the Spirit of life, you will immediately send forth your word, that light of life, to redeem that man from the darkness that has ruled over him. I perceive Lord, that those who call out on you, they were those who desire to have a better life than that illusion of life that exists in the darkness.

Lord, I perceived that those few who received the light of life, these are they who you revealed yourself to; and you breathed a different air into them, the Spirit of your truth which is able to set your people free from their captivity to the powers of darkness. Lord, I perceive that this corruption that the darkness brought upon the earth, it is that which has deceived all men into believing that his own thoughts are truth and his own ways are right (Prov.21:2). I perceive that this corruption of man's senses is brought forth by these lying spirits that somehow rule over the senses of men; how their eyes see and believe, how their ears hear and understand, and men believe; and in turn, this is that which enables Satan to rule over the lives of men. only a few understand that the light of life is your life, and that you are the only source of life. Finally Lord, I perceive that because of that which is written in your word, that which testifies that your thoughts and your ways are far above the thoughts and the ways of man (Isa.55:8,9), that this is true because of the darkness that has corrupted the thoughts and the ways of man; and there is no man that can possibly imagine or dream just how majestic and wonderful your life really is.

After I finished answering the Lord, I then waited anxiously for a few moments for the Lord to speak to either confirm or to correct the manner in which I had interpreted that which I had seen. When no answer came, I just continued to wait quietly hoping that the Lord would answer me. Though the Lord had spoken nothing more to me, I could still discern that his presence was all around me, as well as in me. After a few more minutes passed, I then asked, "Lord, what did you see?" And the Lord immediately answered me saying, "The cloud of darkness that you saw, it is only the spirit of Satan; but his spirit consists of multitudes and multitudes of lying spirits. There is no truth in Satan, and neither can you find any truth where the darkness dwells. Therefore, in this fallen world of darkness, the nature of men has become to receive the counsels of these lying spirits that speaks to their thoughts; and men do this just as easily as they receive the air that they breathe. In this fallen world, it is the truth that is alien to men, seeing that no man knows the truth, and it is the lies of Satan that men are familiar and well acquainted with. It is as it is written, "And the great dragon was cast out of heaven, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, who deceives the whole world. He was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him" (Rev.12:9). Through deceit, the entire world has been brought under the power of this darkness; and it is this darkness of death that found its entrance into the hearts and the minds of men the moment that Adam and Eve disobeyed my voice, allowing themselves to be deceived.

Satan's angels are those lying spirits that rule over the thoughts of all who are carnally minded with death (Rom.8:6). What man is able to resist the spirits of fear when they speak their words of torment into the thoughts of men? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak their counsels into the thoughts of man that that men should hate or think evil of those who sin against them? What man is able to resist these lying spirits who speak discontentment into the thoughts of a man, even after he has obtained that which he had previously desired to have? What man is able to resist the lying spirits when they speak confusion into the thoughts of those who know not that which is right? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak anxiety and worry into your thoughts? When man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak strife and contention as instruction against those who disagree with him? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak depression into the thoughts of those who fail at what they are doing? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they minister frustration into the thoughts of a man when he is not able to control the circumstances and situations around him? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak counsels of bitterness into the thoughts of a man when he does not get his own will? Who is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak hopelessness into the thoughts of those who know no solution to their problems? What man is able to resist these lying spirits when they speak dissatisfaction into the heart of a man even after he has gotten his own will? What man is not well familiar with these lies seeing that they are continually spoken into the thoughts of all who are carnally minded? You know that it is written that the carnal mind is death (Rom.8:6); for the carnal mind is the dwelling place for all of these lying spirits that the darkness consists of. The hope of those who walk in darkness is that tomorrow is going to be a better day than today; a day free of worries, and fears, and anxieties, and disappointments, but tomorrow comes, and it is just as today; but even this hope is only an illusion.

Thus says the Lord, "It is not I who speaks these lies into the thoughts of men, but it is only Satan; for he who is the father of all lies (John 8:44). O, if men only knew how just much Satan really hates all men; men of all nations, of all races, of all ages, and of all genders. O, if the world only knew how just how great the limitations are that I have placed upon Satan's hatred, lest he torment men beyond measure and destroy the lives all men. only by my word is Satan restrained from exercising his full hatred against men. But these are the days when those constraints on Satan are being loosened; days where Satan's hatred towards men is being made more manifest as one day leads into the next day. These are the days where Satan is able to increase the intensity of the evil and the wrath that he has towards all men, especially those who follow me. These are the days where Satan is able to speak more madness into the thoughts of who are not under my hedge of protection. You know that I so love all men, but I am only able to show favor to and protect those who believe on me (I Peter 1:5). You remember that which I have revealed to you that Satan and I only have one thing in common, and that is that we both have a passion to have you. Satan desires to have so that he may exercise his hate upon you, and I desire to have you to overflow you with my love. Satan desires to have to so that he may rule over you with sin and death, but I desire to rule over you with peace and life. Satan desires to have you to do you evil, but I desire to have you to do you good. Satan desires to rule over you with bondage, while I desire for liberty and freedom to be your dominion.

It is whose words that you honor that determines whose servant that you are (Rom.6:16). If you honor Satan's lies by believing them, then death and sin shall surely be the law that will continue to rule over the thoughts of your mind. But if you honor me by believing my words, then I shall give unto you the Spirit of life (Rom.8:2); and I shall write my life as a law into your hearts and your minds. Though men desire to have a life better than that which they presently have, no man is able to find of life of himself because no man is able to overcome the darkness of himself; for how can a man overcome darkness when all that he knows is darkness or either the darkness that appears as the light? Who is the man who is able to discern that the source of every evil and miserable thought that is brought forth in the visions and imaginations of his mind is of the Devil? I am your Savior, and my Spirit is your only hope of salvation from this darkness and death.

There is nothing hidden from my eyes", says the Lord. "And it grieves me so much to see men so bound up in all of the lies of Satan that uses to torment and trouble with. It grieves me to see men submitting themselves unto these powers of darkness; the darkness that is the dwelling place for all sin, all trouble, all evil, all misery, all lies, all wickedness, all torment, all fears, and all death. Satan's hatred for men is clearly seen in all of the miseries, the unrest, the violence, the confusion, the torments, the thefts, the hurt, the wars and fights, the diseases, the hypocrisies, the stress and worries, the corruption, the hatred, the injustice, the trouble, the murders, as well as in those multitudes of fears that are daily ministered into the imaginations of men. It is nothing but a sport to Satan to rule over the thoughts of men with death; those lifeless lies that bring nothing but torment and misery. It is nothing but a sport to Satan when he births dreams and hopes into the carnally minded so that he can bring upon them disappointed and failure when they cannot have that which they desired. It gives Satan great pleasure to steal away all hope for life; the life which I created all men to be a partaker of. It is in all of these miserable things and works of the flesh that manifest the hatred that Satan has towards all men.

For in this fallen world, it is this darkness that is the corruption of man. It is not man who is corrupt but rather it is the senses within the man that have been corrupted by the lies of Satan. It is by reason of this corruption, fallen man is ignorant in his knowledge of God as well as ignorant o the abundant life that God created man to be a partaker of (Eph. 4:18,19). It is also by reason of this ignorance that man has become separated and alienated from all fellowship with God. It is as it is written, "For what fellowship does darkness have with light (II Cor.6:14)? Is it not written that when I came into this world that was created by me, that the world did not know me? Is it not also written that when I came to my chosen, the people of Israel, they did not receive me either (John 1:10)? Do you still wonder how great this darkness is that covers the earth? Is it not written that was despised and rejected by all, and when they saw me, there was no beauty for anyone to desire? I was cursed; I was spit upon; I was mocked; I was beaten; and I was crucified. Yet, my heavenly father spoke from heaven saying, "This is my Son in whom I am well pleased". And you still wonder how great the darkness is that covers the earth?

When Adam and Eve freely chose to believe the lies of Satan, that was the moment that Satan found his entrance into their hearts and their minds, to establish his kingdom over their thoughts and desires. It is in this corruption of their senses that Satan's curse over them became rooted in their hearts and minds. The darkness is the dwelling place for all ignorance of God, as well as being the habitation for all things which corrupt and pervert. It is under this curse that the darkness has perverted all of the senses of man. When you saw this cloud of darkness descending upon the earth, did you see any other man who was able to see that which I allowed for your eyes to see? The reason that no man could see this darkness is because the darkness only consist of lying spirits; and by reason of the corruption of man's senses, this darkness now appears as light in the sight of man. Have I not warned you all saying, "Take heed that the light that is in you is not darkness (Luke 11:35)? Would a man breathe in the darkness if he knew that it was the lies of Satan that corrupted him? Would a man believe these lies of Satan if he knew that it was these spirits that alienated and separated him from abundant life, as well as everlasting life?

In this fallen world, all men are under the curse to believe that the darkness is the light; otherwise these lying spirits would have no entrance into the senses of man. It is as it is written, "Every way of man is right in his own eyes (Prov.21:2)". Those who walk in darkness, they have eyes, but they do not see as God sees (II Sam.16:7/Matt.13:13-16). Those who walk in darkness, they have ears, but they are not able to ear and comprehend the spiritual things of God (John 8:43/ Job 33:14KJ/I John 4:5,6). Those who walk in darkness, they have tongues that speak words; but the words that are spoken only defile their own bodies (Jam.3:6). Those who walk in darkness, they have wisdom and knowledge, but it is of this world; and reason of these natural senses, they cannot discern anything that is spiritual, seeing that the Son of God was rejected. It is also by reason of the wisdom of this world and the natural understanding that man has corrupted the very word of God (II Cor.2:17KJ/Isa.47:10/I Cor.8:2).

There was a day where Adam walked and fellowshipped with God; and you know that this would not have been possible if there had been any disagreement between God and Adam, seeing that it is written that two cannot walk together except they agree (Amos 3:3). But then came that day after Adam had been deceived and the darkness had entered in corrupting his senses, and it was a day where the love that Adam had for his Creator had been replaced with the dead works of the carnal mind (Rom.8:6), and Adam now distrusted God and was afraid of him. And being afraid, his heart's desire was to hide from God rather than to walk with him. Being now in bondage to the lies of Satan, Adam had no choice but to believe that these counsels that were speaking in his thoughts were right things for him to do. Do you see how it was by reason of these lying spirits, these counsels of Satan in Adam's thoughts, that alienated Adam's heart from God, and separated him from the abundant life that he previously enjoyed? There is no communion and fellowship between light and darkness.

Man's corruption is the lies of Satan that rule over the natural senses and the thoughts of the mind. Through deceit, the darkness appears as the light unto all who are carnally minded. Just as it was when my people Israel rejected me, so also is it now. There is no man who by nature worships me. There is no man who by nature that honors me. There is no man who by nature that is able to see that I am the solution to all problems and troubles. There is no man by nature that understands and seeks for me. There is no man who by nature that knows that I am he who is able to heal the body, the soul, and the spirit of this corruption. There is not one man who by nature that knows and understands the truth. There is no man by nature that understands and knows me, that I love all men and yearn to do good to all. The darkness has so blinded the eyes of the world that there is not one man who sees any need for me to be the Lord in his life. The darkness has so blinded all men that there is no man by nature that knows that it is this ignorance, this corruption of darkness, that I have called my people to repent of (Acts 17:30). The corruption of the lies of Satan lies so greatly upon the hearts and the minds of my people that when I came into this fallen world, my people rejected that which God was well pleased with. Do you still wonder how great the darkness is that covers this fallen world? Again, I warn you to prove for your own self, that the light that is within you is not darkness, so that you may know for yourself that your senses have not been corrupted by Satan's lies.

Jude 10 "But these speak evil of those things which they do not know, but as brute beasts they corrupt themselves by that which they know naturally". II Peter 2:5 "But these, as natural brute beasts, are made to be taken and destroyed because they speak evil of those things which they do not understand; and they shall utterly perish in their own corruption". I Corinthians 15:54 "So when this corruption shall put on incorruption, and this mortal shall put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, "Death (the death that rules over the carnal mind) is swallowed up in victory".

I came into this world as a light into the darkness, to reveal these truths to all those who desire to escape out of this fallen world. I came to you to reveal this truth unto you, the truth that says that which you have need of, it cannot come forth of yourself, and neither can that which you lack be supplied to you through any work or effort of the flesh. Can flesh bring forth that which is Spirit? Can flesh make that which is unclean to be clean? Can vanity bring forth anything profitable? Can that which is dead bring forth life? Can that which is evil bring forth any good? Can that which is corruptible, the flesh, bring forth that which is incorruptible, the things of the Spirit? The darkness of Satan lies so heavy upon the hearts of my people that there is not one who has any desire to hear this truth. Are you able to understand that it is by reason of this great darkness that I came into this fallen world of darkness, to open the eyes of the blind; those who account the darkness to be light. I came into this world to open the ears of the deaf, so that they might hear and comprehend the truth of God's words. I came into this world to do that which is impossible for any man to do of himself, to tame his tongue. I came into this world to bring unto those who ask of men, those treasures of spiritual wisdom, spiritual knowledge, and spiritual understanding, to change that which is corruptible into that which is incorruptible (Col.1:9-13/ Eph.1:16-19/Col.2:3/Prov.2:6). Did I not come into this world to transform your minds and to change your hearts? Did I not come into so that I might give the light of my truth to those who walk in darkness? Did I not come into this world so that I might make all things new for those who would believe on me, redeeming the corruption of the natural with the incorruption of my Spirit? I am the Savior. I am the truth of what to believe. I am your Redeemer. I am the light of life. I am that Spirit. I am the one.

Thus says the Lord, "Do not be afraid of my truth when it reveals to you the need which you have for me; neither be fearful when you see those things which your heart lacks; but believe on me, for it is my good pleasure to provide for you all those things which you have need of as well as to supply all that which you lack. Be not afraid to ask for my love, neither be fearful to receive my goodness. I am asking you to come before me with a humble heart, willing to give up the lies that you have believed, the lies that say that you have no need for me. Was not my church at Laodicea so deceived that they said in their hearts that they had no need for me (Rev.3:14-17)? Were not these who were ignorant to the knowledge that they were poor in spirit? Do you to have ears that hear and understand that which is heard? Do you not desire to have eyes to see as God sees? Do you not desire to have a mouth that speaks no vain words? Do you not desire to have spiritual wisdom and knowledge so that you may know the truth that sets you free from all of these lies of Satan? Are you willing to give up the lies that say that you can understand anything of yourself? Are you willing to give up the lies that say that you can do anything good of yourself? Are you beginning to see just how massive the needs of my people are? Do you not have great need of the faith that comes when you hear the truth of these words? Do you not have a great need for the faith that allows for me to supply your lack and provide for all of your needs? I yearn to take your heart and make it beautiful and glorious in my sight, but I cannot do this unless you first ask for me to work in your faith and your belief (John 6:29).

Thus says the Lord your God, your heavenly Father, "Do you not understand the gift that I have given unto you? How shall you escape so great of a salvation from this corruption if you neglect and make light of your calling? I am not giving unto you my power, lest you try to corrupt my power to satisfy your own natural desires. But I am giving Jesus unto you because Jesus is my power, and he is not subject to any of the corrupt desires of the flesh. Jesus is my power that enables you to walk humbly before your God. Jesus is my wisdom that allows for you to sit still while I make you my workmanship. Jesus is peace, seeing that he never contends with or strives against the will of God. Jesus is also that peace of mind which comes when you know and believe that I am your God, and that I am in control of every circumstance and situation that comes upon you. Jesus is that belief that believes that all things are possible with God. Jesus is the truth that sets you free from all bondage to Satan's lies. Jesus is the also truth that reveals the great love and affection that I have for you. In Jesus is hidden all of the knowledge and understanding of the scriptures. Jesus is my righteousness, always delighting in doing those things which are pleasing and right in my sight" says the Lord. "Jesus is the Spirit of life that sets you free from all captivity to sin and death (Rom.8:2). But do you need Jesus?

Jesus is love. Jesus loves me with all of his heart, with all of his soul, and with all of his mind. Jesus loves my judgments, my truth, and my righteousness. You love those who love you, but Jesus loves those who you do not love. Jesus loves all of your brethren. Jesus loves your enemies, and he is able to forgive all those who sin against you. But do you need Jesus in your heart? Jesus is my judgment, knowing that which is good, and righteous, and true. Jesus is my Spirit, the Spirit where no lying spirits of Satan are able to dwell. Jesus is my goodness. Jesus is my physician, he who is able to heal your body, your soul, and your spirit. Jesus is my strength and my might, that which the darkness has no power over. Jesus is the light of my life, he who brings to you all of the fruits of that abundant life which I promised you. Jesus was, and is, the faith that overcomes the world (I John 2:15-17). Jesus is that incorrupt Spirit that redeems you from all of the Satan's lies which have corrupted your natural senses. Jesus is he of who I spoke of from heaven saying, "This is my beloved Son in whom I am well pleased". But do you desire for him in whom I am well pleased with to dwell in your hearts and in your minds? Jesus is my gift to you; but do you have any need for my gifts? Do you have any need for any of these blessings? If you see no need for Jesus, then Jesus is that light which will reveal unto you the need that you have for me. If you have no need for Jesus, then my heart shall grieve for you because of your blindness", says the Lord your God.

My eyes go to and fro throughout the earth, and I clearly see through this cloud of darkness. I see how massive the needs of the people are; the needs that they are blind to see. I know what you have need of before you ask, but it is the asking that I am looking for; for it is your asking that bears witness before me that you believe my words. Would a man ask for Jesus unless he truly desired to have him above his own life? Is it not also written that if you do not have, it is only because you did not ask? But what man is able to ask according to his needs if his eyes are blinded by the darkness of Satan's lies? Who blinded the eyes of my church at Laodicea, seeing that they said that they had need of nothing? My children, do you not know that it is prayers of those who have a need for me that are as a very pleasing aroma before me; for these are the words of those who are poor in Spirit and needful of Jesus. It is your need for me that prepares your heart to receive me. These are they who have learned how to pray, knowing that their words will stir up my love for them. It is the words of the poor and needy that open the door of my heart and allow for me to pour forth my love, my spirit, my gifts, as well as all of the blessings that I yearn to give to you. These are they who know that all that they have need of is Jesus; for Jesus, believes all things and he is well able to supply all that which you lack and provide for all your needs. But who will allow for their hearts to become poor and needy? Who will allow for their hearts to look to me to supply that which you lack and to provide for those things which you have need of? only acknowledge your total dependency upon me and watch me fill your house, the temple of your body, with the light of life, the glory of God. Remember, it is the daily prayers of the poor and needy that stir up my love for you, and I will surely fill your hearts and your minds with all of the riches of my glory.

I am coming to each one of you; but when I come, will I find your faith filled with the hopes and the promises that I have given to you? I will gladly give myself to those who desire to have me. When you desire to have me, it is then that you allow for me to satisfy the desires that are within me to show you the greatness of the love that I have for you. I yearn to do you good and to give you peace in all things. I have told you before, and I am telling you again, "I love all men, but I am only able to show favor to those who honor me by believing my words". Have I not told that it is not you that is waiting on me, but it is I who is waiting on you? I am waiting for you see the massive need that you have for Jesus. I am waiting to pour out my Spirit upon you; and that Spirit is the fullness of my son Jesus Christ. I yearn to pour forth all of my Spirit upon you. When you allow for me to bless you, then all that I am asking for in return is that you thank me with a grateful heart. Be thankful and ask for mercy; for all of my gifts, my works, and my blessings are given to you in mercy. Ask for my mercy, for it will allow for me to provide for all of your needs and supply all of your lack. Ask, and it shall be given to you.

Therefore, be not afraid to believe my words, neither let not your fears hinder you from coming to me, lest you allow for the darkness to deceive you into believing that you have no need for me today. I have no desire to withhold any of my blessings or gifts from you, and neither do I have any desire to harm you, but you have believed many lies concerning these things. I love you with all of my being", says the Lord. "As I have declared before, it is impossible for me to love anyone above another because my love is pure towards all, without any partiality. It is Satan who has planted these wicked seeds in you, his lies about me. Did not Satan tell Eve that it was I that had lied to her and Adam? Yet, was it not Satan who had lied to Eve? Did not Satan seek to deceive my people Israel by telling them that I had brought them out into the wilderness with the intention to destroy them? Who is it that deceives my people into believing that I desire to condemn you for your sins and weaknesses? Who is it that lies to my people saying that I will bless others but I will not bless you? There is no truth in Satan, nor is there any truth in any of those lying spirits that men believe as easily as the air that they breathe.

It was strange, I was still in this vision with these dry bones all around me, and in that vision, I am remembering that which the Lord had revealed to me about the darkness, that it consisted only of the lies of Satan. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "Son of man, do you see these dry bones scattered though out this valley? These bones belong to my remnant, that precious few who have believed the counsels of my word. These are and they have followed after me. Son of man, do you know what valley this is that you are standing in the midst of? This is the valley of the shadow of death, the valley where I reveal all of the illusions of Satan's lies to those who seek for my truth. Do you not remember that I my word declares that the law was only a shadow of the good things to come; and that the knowledge of that law was only a form of the truth that was to come (Heb.10:1/Rom. 2:17-20/I Cor.8:2)? These bones belong my precious elect, those who sought to know the righteousness of my truth. These are they who willing followed my Spirit into this valley; for it is in this valley that I reveal my truth to those who took up their crosses for the destruction of the evil lies of Satan; those illusions of darkness that are masked to appear as the light.

When my elect followed me into this valley, they did so without even knowing that there natural senses had been completely corrupted with Satan's lies. They did not even know the error of their way because that way seemed right in their own eyes. They had eyes, but they were not yet able to see; they were so corrupted in their sight, that just like all men, they greatly esteemed those things which are an abomination in the sight of God (Luke 16:15). They had ears, but they could not hear and discern my voice (Job 33:14). They had wisdom and understanding, but it was there own understanding and wisdom that had perverted them (Isa.47:10), blinding them to see any other way than their own as being the right way. They had tongues, but they were only able to express and speak the vain words of their own opinions. When I led my elect into this valley, they were still breathing in these lies of Satan as naturally and as easily as though they were as the air that is breathed.

Son of man, do you now see any life on these bones? Do you see these bones breathing in the lies of Satan? When I led my elect into this valley, they had not yet taken off the old man which is corrupted by the natural senses and the natural desires that the flesh has to believe the lies of Satan (Eph.4:21-25. Just as you see these bones scattered throughout this valley, so also were my own elect as a scattered sheep when they were led into this valley. Though there was lip service among them, there was no unity among them, for each one of them was walking in that corrupt way that seems right in his own eyes (Isa.53:11IProv. 21:2). How shall any man who sees his own ways as right be able to see the error of his way unless he his seeking after that way which is right in the sight of God? Do you see that when a man's sight is corrupted by his own wisdom, he is only able to believe that his way is the more righteous way to walk in? When I led my elect into this valley they were blind and ignorant, not knowing that they were proud and esteeming those things which are an abomination in the sight of God. Neither did my elect know that they were trusting in themselves for strength, and leaning on their own understanding for interpretation of the scriptures; trusting in their own doctrines more than they were trusting in me. When I led my elect into this valley, they were also blind to see that they were self-righteous.

When my spirit led my children into this valley, it was for their correction; and when I correct my children, I destroy and change powers, principalities, rulers, and spirits. I redeem that which is corrupt and natural with that which is incorrupt and of my Spirit. Again, it is in the valley of the shadow of death that manifest the works of darkness so that I may destroy all of the lies of Satan; for remember, it is not the man that is corrupt but it is his senses that have been corrupted by Satan's lies. It is in this valley that I bring forth the light of my truth to destroy the shadows and the illusions of darkness that have deceived my people as they have appeared as the light. I am the light and I am the truth, and only I able to correct the hearts and the minds of my people because only I am able see into the darkness. Is it not written that when I come to you, I bring to light the hidden lies of darkness and I manifest the counsels of the heart (I Cor.4:5)? My elect are those who have received my correction; those who have come before me and asked for me to judge their hearts and their minds, willingly giving unto me their permission to correct them (I Cor. 11:31). I am the light, and only I am able to reveal the darkness that appears as the light. only I am able to reveal the lies that have taken on the form of the truth. only I am able to lead you away from the way of death and destruction that appears as the right way in the sight of those who remain wise in their own eyes. only by my light are the evil deeds and the dead works of corruption made manifest (John 3:19-21). I correct all those whom I love, those who are seeking after my heart as well as for my kingdom. These bones that you see, they belong to my elect, those who by my light have overcome all of the powers of darkness; those illusions of darkness that appear as the light and seem right in the sight of those who senses remain corrupted by the darkness. My elect have overcome the darkness because they have followed me; and I am the way, truth, and the life.

Son of man, you know that it is written that the sins of the flesh are manifest for all to see, but have you not wondered how the darkness is able to appear as the light? Have you not also wondered how Satan is able to appear as an angel of light, tempting my people with deceitful lies that appear as the truth? Have you not said, "How is it possible for the darkness to appear as the light?" Well I ask you, "How is it possible for my word to declare that there is not man who is righteous in my sight (Rom.3:10), yet all men only have eyes that see their own ways, their own decisions, and their own judgments as being right (Prov. 21:2)? Do you now understand why those who are wise in their own eyes, they never acknowledge me in any of their ways because they are always deceived into believing that their way, the way that seems right (Prov.16:25), is more righteous than my ways", says the Lord. "Do you still wonder how great the darkness is that lies upon the entire earth? What part of man's life does a man live that he does not live by those things which he believes to be right? Is not every aspect of his life, his job, his religion, how to structure and raise a family, his finances, his pleasures, the food that he eats, his politics, as well as all of the words that he speaks directed by that which he believes is right? What man does not see his own righteousness as the light which life should be lived according to? What man does not also judge and measure the lives of others according to those things which he believes his right? Just as you see these bones are scattered about the floor of this valley so also were my sheep as a scattered flock when they entered into this valley because each one walked in his own way (Isa.53:11), doing that which was right in his own eyes. There was neither agreement nor unity among them by reason of the darkness that had corrupted their wisdom (I Cor.3:1-3/ James 3:14-16).

These bones that you see around you, these are the bones of my elect, those who have acknowledged me as their Lord, and who have sought from me for my wisdom so that they may know that which is right in my sight (Matt. 6:33/Prov.8:12,20). My righteousness is that abundant life which cannot be measured or contained by any of thoughts”, says the Lord. "For all that which is right in my sight is impossible for men to even think or to do. Is it not written that I said, "My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways (the way that seems right in your own eyes) are not my ways; for as high as the heavens are above the earth are my ways above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts"? on one occasion I might find it right to part the sea for you so that you might reach the other side; while on another occasion, I might just tell you to walk across the top of sea. Is that way which is right in your sight better than the way which is right in my sight?" says the Lord.

My elect are those who believe on me, and they have humbled their hearts before me and given unto me the liberty to do unto them that which is right in my sight because they trust that I will always do that which is good because they know that I love them. My elect have not bound me up with the foolishness of men's rules, or men's traditions, or men's ordinances, or men's doctrines, as though I should bow my knee and worship their vain idols. And neither do my elect tempt me, directing me to that which seems right in their own eyes. My elect do not limit me because they know that when they give me the freedom to be their God, then I shall perform for them those things which are exceedingly abundantly above any of those things which they were able to think or to ask (Eph.3:20). To all those who turn to me, my goodness and my love will always lead them to repentance, to turn them from the darkness of Satan's lies to the light of my truth which sets free; from the power of Satan to the power of God (Acts 26:16-18), so that I may do you good. Son of man, do you see any disagreement or arguing among these bones? Do you see these bones breathing in those lying counsels that deceive men into believing that there their ways are more righteous than God's ways?

Son of man, do you wonder if there is any other manner that the darkness is able to appear as the light? You know that it is written that it is impossible for any man, through the work of any of his own efforts, to bring forth any righteousness that is acceptable in the sight of God (Rom.9:31,32/Gal. 2:16). Yet, even to this day, are not many of my people deceived into believing that they are able to justify themselves with their own works (Luke 18:9-14)? Do you think that Satan has ceased from trying to deceive my people with this device which has worked so well for him until this day? Is it not written that many who have called me Lord and have called themselves by name, are going to stand before me; and when I ask them to give account for the gift that was given unto them, they will then instead begin to give an account of their own works and efforts instead? Shall not many say, "Lord, have we not preached the gospel in your name (Phil. 1:16/Gal.1:6-9)? Shall not many say, "Lord, have we not cast out demons in your name? Shall not many say, "Lord have we not prophesied in your name (Jer.23:21)?" Shall not many say, "Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in your name (Matt.7:21-23)? Do you see how these were deceived, yielding to those the lies of Satan's illusions which turn my people away from me, deceiving them into following after their own works rather than allowing for me to make them my workmanship?

Son of man, do you see any of these bones covered with the works of the law, or with any efforts of their own hands? Did not my servant Paul account his own works, that which he once considered to be of great value, to be nothing but dung after I opened his eyes were opened to see the truth about the darkness that he was walking in (Phil.3:8-10)? Do you see how my light was able to make those works which Paul once trusted in to be nothing but foolishness after his eyes were opened to see that which is right in my sight? Shall I not do the same for all those who turn to me, asking for me to open their eyes to see my truth? Shall not my goodness, my mercy, and my love lead them to repentance, to turn from these lies unto my truth? But again I ask you, how hard is it for a man to disagree with that which he sees and trust in to be right?

Son of man, are you still wondering what other devices that Satan has up his sleeve that blinds the eyes of my people so that they might account the darkness to be the light? Is it possible for any man who is deceived to know that he is deceived? Do you not know that that those things which are illusions, they always lies that give the perception that they are the truth or they are always errors that give the perception of being that which is right. Satan himself is always giving the perception that he is an angel of light; and his demons are always giving the perception that they are ministers of righteousness. The grievous wolves, those false prophets and false teachers, they are always giving off the perception that they are one of the sheep. All of these things only exist in this fallen world because the darkness has corrupted all of the senses of man; and there is not one man among you who is able to discern the light from the darkness that appears as the light. In truth, that which is corrupt will always desire that which is corrupt rather than that which is true (Jer.5:30,31; Isa.30:9-13/II Tim.4:3,4). No man would give his mind to any one of these perceptions except that his senses were corrupted by darkness, where the illusions of Satan always give the perception that they are something other than what they really are. Do you think that any of my people would willingly believe any of these lies if they knew in their hearts that they were the illusions of Satan's lies? Satan's power is not found in the lies that he fathers, but rather his power is found in the illusions that he deceives with. Do you not see how through the illusions of the lies he spoke to Adam and Eve, he was able to take that which was forbidden and evil and make it to appear in their sight as something desirable and pleasurable? Do you now see how through these lying illusions, darkness gained it's entrance into the hearts and the minds of my people? Have I not come as a light into this world, that true light that has power to destroy the powers of darkness that give the illusion and perception that they are the light?

Ephesians 5:14 "Wherefore he says, "Awake you that sleep, and arise from the dead (the carnal mind), and Christ shall give you light"

There are two ways of power and there are two ways of doctrine. one is the way of light, and the other is the way of darkness that appears as the light. The way of darkness is that way which always seems right in the sight of those who are corrupted. It is in the way of darkness that the letter of the word is an illusion that appears as the truth of the word. Son of man, there is no illusion that is of any stronger delusion than when Satan uses the scriptures themselves to deceive the hearts and the minds of my people (II Cor.2:17KJ)." Thus says the Lord, "Do you think that Satan plays by some unwritten rule that says the scriptures are off limits unto him? When I was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, did not Satan himself come to tempt me using the scriptures themselves in his attempt to entice me to follow after my counsel? My sheep know my voice, and they only follow after me. Seeing that it is also written, "No servant is above his master", then do you not know that Satan is also going to tempt my people in the same manner that he tempted me?

Did you not believe me when I said that I alone am the light that overcomes the darkness? Be not afraid, my son, and neither be grieved that you cannot overcome the darkness of yourself; but be of good cheer, for I have overcome all of these enticing illusions. No man would be grieved to hear these things except that he believed that I was a liar and would not reveal my truth unto you. Is it not my will for all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (I Tim.2:4)? I am always there for you and I am always there ready to reveal the truth to you when you come asking for my truth. I am the truth that reveals the lies. I am the righteousness that reveals the iniquity. Did you think that you would be able to overcome any of these illusions without first coming to me? I love you, and I am always there for you when you come to me, asking for me to lead you in the right way. I will not fail any of those who come to me.

The letter of the word is that interpretation of the scriptures that has been corrupted by reason of man's understanding and man's knowledge. How can any understanding, any wisdom, or any knowledge that has been corrupted by man's senses bring forth anything that is not corrupt (Matt.7:17-20/Matt.12:33-37)? It is the interpretation that is brought forth by those who lean on their own understanding that men account for the truth. Though it as a form of the truth, it is only the lies of Satan inhabiting the word that is seen; to deceive the hearts of the simple. This interpretation is powerless to change the intents and the desires of the hearts and the minds of my people, and neither does it have power to bring forth any of the fruits of the Spirit (Matt.13:23). The only power that the letter of the word has is that power which man supplies though his own works and efforts; and not that power which comes from above. Have I not given to you all good counsel when I said, "Do not be wise in your own eyes nor lean on your own understanding (Prov.3:5-7)? Is it not written that I will liberally give my wisdom to all those who seek and ask for it (James 1:5/Prov.2:6)? Those who have not are those who asked not. It is the illusion of the letter of my word that my people are snared by their own opinions, esteeming their own thoughts of the scriptures rather than my thoughts of the scriptures", says the Lord. "This is that strong delusion that blinds them that steals the heart of my people, leaving them with no affection to love my truth or any desire to seek for my righteousness (II Thes. 2:7-12). But my sheep are my elect who watched out for the thief, asking me to guard their hearts for them. My sheep hear my voice, and they know and understand my speech (John 8:43), and they will not follow after any other voice.

I have called many who do not believe that Satan lusts to have each one of you. Did I not warn Peter that Satan desired to have him (Luke 22:31)? I told that the thief was coming, and when he comes to you, his only desire is to entice and seduce you with his illusions of lies, to rob you of any affection that you may have to know my truth. For it is only my truth that has power to set you free from your bondage to the darkness of Satan's lies, that which corrupts all of your senses. Satan has no power over any except those who believe his lies. Did I not warn you that the letter of the word would be an instrument that Satan would use against you to deceive you (John 10:10/II Cor.3:6)?

I did not come into this world to change the law (Matt.5:18/ Rom.8:3,4/ II Cor.3:14-17), but rather I came into this world to change that which corrupts my laws and my words (Isa.47:10/Jude 10). Did you not believe me when I said to my people, "You will always err because you do not know and understand the scriptures, nor the power of God (Matt. 22:29)"? If your thoughts are not my thoughts, then how shall you understand my laws and words when you apply your thoughts to my words? Are not there many who promise liberty to others, but they themselves are still captive to the darkness; the same darkness that has corrupted my word (II Pet.3:19)? Those who remain captive to the carefully crafted lies of Satan, do they not still believe that the letter of the word is truth? Where is there freedom? Why are they still held in bondage to their own carnal thoughts: anxiety, confusion, hatred, doubts, unbelief, pride, fornication, depression, guilt, loneliness, worry, envy, disappointments, misery, hypocrisy, self-condemnation, as well as unto all of the dead works of corruption. What man is able to see and understand that he is still held in captivity to these thoughts because he has applied his corrupt thoughts to my words? Do you now see how Satan uses the letter of the word to appear as the truth, making the darkness to appear as the light?

Have I not given unto you the gift of my Holy Spirit? Do you not understand that it is only by the power of my Spirit that you shall be redeemed from the corruptible senses of your own wisdom, your own knowledge, and your own understanding (I Pet.1:18,22)? My Spirit consists of the spirit of my wisdom and my understanding, the spirit of my counsel and my might, and the spirit of my knowledge and the fear of the Lord (Isa.11:1-3); For the man who is filled with my spirit, my thoughts have become his thoughts. Do you think that a man is able to be filled with my truth if he has not first been filled with the Spirit of the Lord? There is nothing corruptible in my Spirit, and my Spirit is my gift unto you. My Spirit is well able to teach you all truth, and you have no need for any man to teach you my truth (John 16:13/I John 2:27), for I am always faithful to those who believe my words; those who ask for me to teach them through my Spirit? I do not teach through intelligence, but rather through the revelation that comes when the spirit of knowledge enters into you. I am well able to open your understanding to understand the scriptures (Luke 24:45)? Do you not believe that I would not delight in doing this unto all who draw near to me, asking for me to teach them as a father teaches his son? What Father who loves his son does not delight in teaching his son? Does not every father who loves his son also delight in teaching his son so that he may be like unto him?

You know that it is written that every man has knowledge, but there is no truth in the letter of the word, that which is formed out of the opinions of man (I Cor.8:1,2). Is it possible for carnal knowledge, or natural understanding, or the wisdom that is of this world to have power to set you free from the death that rules over the thoughts of the carnal mind (Rom. 8:6), seeing that these are the 3 fleshy principles from which all carnal thoughts forth from? Son of man, did you not know that man using his best intelligence, that which comes forth from these 3 fleshy principles, will never be able to yield anything more than an opinion? Did you not know that no man's opinion ever agrees with the truth of God, seeing that they come forth from your own thoughts? Do not men, by nature, lean on their own understanding and trust in the wisdom that gives interpretation to the sight of his own eyes? Who is he expresses his own opinion that does not believe that there is some truth in that which he speaks? Did you not know that opinions are nothing more than disguises? Disguises that are nothing more than illusions that are created to conceal the ignorance that is hidden within?

Do you see how Israel, ignorant of my truth, established their own righteousness by applying their own thoughts to my words (Rom.10:2,3)? How could they have established any other righteousness other than which comes forth of the letter of the word, seeing that they were blind by their own wisdom to see the righteousness of my truth (II Cor.3:14-17)?. Son of man, did you know that those who walk according to the letter of the word, they do not walk according to my Spirit, and seeing that they do not walk according to my Spirit, they are not subject to the desires of my Spirit, but those desires which are of the Devil (John 8:44). only the spirit of my truth has power to set you free from the desires that are birthed out of the letter of the word (John 8:31,32). Remember that which is written, that it is the letter which kills? When the hypocrites brought before me the woman who was caught in the act of adultery, did they not all see this occasion as an opportunity to satisfy such desires that are of the Devil(John 8:1-12)? You know that the Devil only exist to satisfy his own desires; the desires to accuse, to find fault with, to condemn, to destroy, and to kill, whether it be with a sword or by the sword of the tongue.

You know that which is written, "He that says that he is in the light and hates or thinks evil of his brother, is still in the darkness. He that loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no occasion that is able to make him stumble. But he that hates his brother is in darkness, and walks in darkness, and does not know where he is going, because the darkness has blinded his eyes (I John 2:9-11). How has the darkness blinded their eyes but that it appears as the light by the letter of the word? Do you see how the hypocrites, having corrupted my word with their natural senses, were then able to use the letter of the word to satisfy the corrupt desires within them, just as the Devil himself also would have done? Is it not written that Satan, at this very moment, is standing before the throne of God, finding fault and accusing the saints before me day and night (Rev.12:10)? Do you think that Satan believes that he is wasting his time in doing that which he is doing? Do you believe that these Jews were thinking that they were doing anything that was not right in the sight of God?

I came as a light into the darkness, and I neither judged nor accused any man (John 8:15). Do you not think that there is any man who judges and accuses another, as these Jews did, that believes that he is doing the works of the Devil? Have you judged yourself? Is the light that is within you darkness? Do not all those who walk in darkness, still subject to believe the letter of the word, believe that they are justified when they judge the world? Do you now see how Satan is able to use the letter of the word as an instrument to satisfy his hateful desires; judging, accusing, finding fault, condemning, and killing? Did I not tell you not to marvel when you saw Satan able to transform himself into an angel of light, and his demons transforming themselves into ministers of righteousness? Do you now understand how Satan is able to craft the letter of the word so that the darkness of his lies appears as the truth of God?

Son of man, do you believe that I am going to be mocked by those who walk in darkness? Do you think that those who judge others are going to escape the condemnation that awaits all those who do such things? Did I not warn you not to judge others, for with the judgment that you use to judge others, that is the judgment that my heavenly Father is going to use to judge you when you are judged? Do you not see how crafty Satan is? You know that it is written that Satan is powerless to destroy your body and your soul in hell, but do you think that Satan is wasting his time in tempting my people to do those things which will cause my heavenly Father to destroy their body and soul in hell? Do you see how Satan tempted those Jews to judge and condemn that woman caught in the act of adultery? Do you see clearly how Satan made the darkness to appear as the light, seeing that those Jews thought they were doing a righteous deed, not knowing that they were only bring destruction and condemnation upon themselves? Do you see how their corrupted senses worked with the letter of the word to accomplish that which Satan desired to bring upon them? I am not going to be mocked, for those who judge without mercy, they are surely going to be judged without mercy (James 2:13). How is it possible for those in bondage to keep from judging others when their heart desires to do so? How shall a man escape this condemnation except that he first asks for me to redeem his judgment of others with the spirit of my love?

Zephaniah 3:14 "Sing, O daughter of Zion. Shout, O Israel. Be glad and rejoice with all of your heart, O daughter of Jerusalem. For the Lord has taken away your judgments, he has cast out your enemy. The king of Israel, the Lord is in the midst of you. You shall not see evil anymore".

Those who use the scriptures to judge others with, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to glorify themselves, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to boast of their righteous works, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to express their own opinions, who tempted them? Those who use the scriptures to fast and pray so that they may be seen, who tempted them? Do you see how Satan uses the letter of the word to be nothing but a stage to act out the corrupt desires of the flesh? Do you now also understand how Satan uses false prophets and false teachers to teach the letter of the word so as to deceive my people with the darkness that appears as the light? These are those teachers and ministers who will never appear before the throne of God as Daniel did, asking to know the truth of God's words. Why would my people allow for themselves to be deceived by such ministers unless they desired to hear such words se ministers first clothed themselves in hypocrisy, disguising themselves with an outward appearance that agrees with the letter of the word? Do see now clearly see how these wolves clothed as sheep, lead my people astray, following after that darkness which appears as the light?

Is it possible for those who walk in darkness to have any other desires than that which is of the darkness? Is it not written, "Awake and rise from the dead, and I shall gladly give to all who desire to receive me my light (Eph. 5:14). My witnesses are my elect, those who have crucified unto themselves all of the corrupt desires that are aroused by the letter of the word (Rom.7:5 KJ). My elect walk in the light of my love. It is only my elect that I have given authority to judge because they have been freed from the desires of the Devil who only judges to do evil. My elect judge just as I judged the woman caught in the act of adultery. These are my witnesses, who speak my truth in love; and the fruits of their judgment are the same fruits as mine: forgiveness, love, mercy, compassion, healing, and hope. Son of man, do you see any beams in the eyes of these bones that are before you? These are my elect, those who have removed that beam from out of their eyes whereby the darkness of hate had once appeared unto them as the light. Even unto this very moment, if my people will turn who walk in darkness will turn from these wicked works, and turn back to me, then you can be assured that my goodness and my love will lead them to repentance, and they will no longer walk in this darkness that they once thought was the light. But will a man repent of those wicked works when he believes that they are right?

As many stars as there are in the heavens above, so also are there as many opinions of my word among those who walk according to the letter of my word. Do you not see all of the different sects, and ordinances, and denominations, and doctrines, and traditions that are among my people? Son of man, my heart is grieved and saddened because none of the divisions are of my Spirit; for my Spirit is one, and I am that Spirit. There is one truth, and I am that truth. There is one light, and I am that light", says the Lord. "Where do all of these divisions come from except by the letter of the word, that which allows for men to apply their own understanding to the scriptures for their own peculiar interpretations; that which they only see as right? Look at the separations that the darkness has brought among my people. Do you now see how Satan uses the letter of the word to bring this separation and division among my people, while my Spirit only works to bring oneness and unity? Son of man, do you think that you can find me one man among them who does not believe that the darkness within him is the light? Do you not marvel at how easily deceived my people are (Gal.1:6/Gal.3:1-3)? There shall be much weeping and gnashing of the teeth among those who allowed for themselves to be deceived (Eph.5:6/Ps.94:11/Job 35:16).

Isaiah 65:2 "I have spread out my arms all the day to a rebellious people who walk in a way that is not good, after their own thoughts. A people who continually provoke me to anger…"

Watch these bones, O son of man, watch. Listen to my voice as you watch these bones. Will you allow for me to show you more of Satan's devices, those illusions that he devises to make his darkness to appear as my light? What do you see son of man? Do not these bones appear to belong to those who are dead? I tell you that he who is wise in his own eyes will always trust that all things are as they appear to be. Satan loves to deceive the hearts of the simple, for it is through appearances that Satan is able to make the darkness to appear as the light. Again, is not Satan able to transform himself, the prince of darkness, into an image that appears in the sight of men as an angel of light? Are not his demons also able to transform themselves until they appear as ministers of righteousness? Are not the grievous wolves able to transform themselves until they appear as one of the sheep of the flock? You live in a world of illusions; a world that says, "If it walks like a duck, if it looks like a duck, and if it sounds like a duck, then it is surely a duck". But I say unto you that any man who leans on his own natural senses for such discernment, he is already deceived by Satan, seeing that he has already transformed himself into that image that is pleasing in man's sight. It is here that Satan uses the letter of the word joined together with outward appearances to bring forth the image that hypocrites delight in; that image that appears to walk like a Christian, look like a Christian, and sound like a Christian, even thinking within themselves that they must surely be Christians. It is here that Satan entices with words and seduces with the beautiful appearances of hypocrisy. It is with these beautiful outward appearances that the hypocrite has clothed himself in the fashion of this world (Phil.2:7,8); and those who have crucified the world unto themselves shall not be found clothed in any such fashion.

The hypocrite is he whose wisdom has been corrupted, and though he has eyes, he is it not able to see as God sees. For it is as it is written, "Man does not see as God sees; for man looks on the outward appearances while God looks on the heart (II Samuel 16:7)". The hypocrite is far more concerned about his appearance, that which is seen by men, than he is about his heart which is seen by God. Seeing that the hypocrite does not believe my word which speaks in this wise, "Truly, every man at his best state is only vanity (Psalm 39:11)", he spends his days trying to make that which is vanity to appear righteous and beautiful in the sight of men. Do you see how hypocrisy (play-acting) is nothing but illusion that has been well crafted to appear as righteousness in the sight of man? Do you see how even Samuel, having not yet received the gift of the Spirit, also erred when he tried to select according to appearances who he thought that the Lord God would anoint to be the next king over his people Israel? Do you see how by use of his corrupted senses, Samuel chose a man who appeared to be the most qualified to be king; the one who seemed to appear most like a king, walk most like a king, and the one who seemed to most sound like a king? Do you see how Samuel, uses his own senses for discernment, chose a man who God rejected, and how God, using his spiritual senses, chose a man who Samuel had rejected? If then Samuel, that righteous prophet and priest of God, was deceived by his own corrupt senses, then how much more shall those be deceived who judge and account the outward appearances of hypocrisy to be righteousness of God (John 7:24)?

Do not the hypocrites pray to be seen in the sight of men? Do not hypocrites fast to be seen in the sight of men? Do not the hypocrites declare their righteous works before men so that they may appear righteous in the sight of men? Do hypocrites judge and condemn sinners in the sight of men as though they themselves have no sin? Do not hypocrites desire the same glory and praise as that which Lucifer also desired; yet, it only led to his fall from heaven? Do not the hypocrites desire to be seen as exalted above others, as though they were not as other men? Do not the hypocrites love to speak of themselves, expressing their own opinions and boasting of their own goodness? Do not the hypocrites follow after doctrines that are according to the letter of the word; doctrines that exalt the man with his works, his efforts, his wisdom, and his abilities, and leave out the works of God, as well as his wisdom and love? Do not the hypocrites love to speak flattery so that they may win the hearts of the simple? Truly, they praise me with their mouths and they honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me because of the affections that they for the outward beauty of hypocrisy and the appearances of the self-righteous. Do you now see how all of these deeds and works are performed to deceive the hearts of men with appearances; appearances whereby the darkness is able to pretend that it is light? Son of man, do you see any appearances of outward beauty on these bones? Do you see these bones clothed with the fashion of this world, hypocrisy?

II Corinthians 4:16 Though our outward man perish, our inward man is renewed day by day…we do not look at the things which are seen, but the things which are not seen.

There is a faith that stands in the wisdom of men, and there is a faith that stands in the power of God (I Cor.2:4,5). How could that which is corrupt bring forth anything that is not corrupt? The faith that stands in this corrupted wisdom, it is the faith that also has an appearance of righteousness because it stands on an outward show of man's works, man's abilities, man's strength, man's doctrines, man's will, man's goodness, man's counsel, man's determinations, and man's power. It is here where the letter of the word and the outward appearances are joined together to deceive the hearts of my people; for this is that faith where there is a total absence of God performing any of his words or fulfilling any of his promises? It is by this illusion of faith that men speak of their own works and deeds (Matt.7:22), rather than to testify of the works that God performs in their hearts and minds (Ps.105:2/Ps.106:2 /Ps.145:8-17).

Do you see how this is just another illusion that goes hand in hand with the letter of the word, and that the faith that stands in the wisdom of man (I Cor.2:5), it is a faith that stands in the corruption of Satan's lies? It is here that many are deceived into believing that the faith that is established on the strength, on the power, and on the abilities of men is the faith that God requires. Is not this the same faith that deceived Peter when he thought that he had the strength within him to follow me into prison and the power to die for me (Luke 22:31-34)? Do you see how this illusion of faith deceived Peter into believing that he had strength of himself to do those things? I knew that which Peter did not know; I knew the truth about the lies that had deceived Peter and this is why I was able to say to him that before the cock would crow again, he would have denied that he even knew me. O, how great are these illusions of faith that appear in the hearts of men to deceive them? Do you see how this illusion of faith only stands on the zeal of man for strength and power, and not in the power of God?

Do you see how this illusion of faith seems good until as long as the circumstances and the situations remain within the limits of that which a man is able to keep control and power over? But the very moment that these circumstances and situations go beyond those limits, this faith, just like a mirage, will crumble and fade away just as the house crumbles that is built upon the sand (Matt.7:26,27)? For when the waves beat on it and the winds blow against it, the house falls, and great is that fall. So also shall it be with those whose faith stands in the corrupt wisdom of Satan's lies. This is that faith which is completely useless when the day of evil comes (Eph.6:10-13) because it does not stand in the power of God's might. Yet, have I not appointed the day of evil, those times of trial and temptation, to reveal unto you the lies that shall not stand when your house is shaken? How else could a man repent of these lies unless he was able to see the worthlessness of that faith, just as Peter saw how worthless his faith was?

Thus says the Lord, "That faith which is not of me cannot stand in fiery trials, for the fire proves whose work your faith is built upon; whether it be upon the lies of your own zeal or upon the power of God. True faith is not that which you have when you are tried by fire, but rather it is that faith which comes forth out of the fiery furnace (I Peter 1:6,7); the faith that is purified when a man repents of his fears, his doubts, and unbelief. Is it not in these adversities, these storms of life, that your fears, your doubts, and your unbelief are revealed before your eyes? Are not these lies only revealed after your own faith has failed you? Just like Peter, did I not also correct all of my disciples for being weak in their faith, of being of little faith, and, at times, for having no faith at all in me? When my disciples were with me in that boat, and that great storm arose, did it not reveal unto my disciples that they were fearful because they did not believe that I was sovereign over that storm, nor did they have any belief that I loved and cared enough for them that I would do anything on their behalf? Do you see how in the day of evil, it is day when Satan desires to do you evil, tormenting and troubling your thoughts; but it is also a day that I will do good to those who faith allows for them to turn to me and call upon my name? I only desire to do you good, to destroy these illusions of faith that have been rooted your heart through Satan's lies. I love it when you call upon my name, asking for me to prove my love for you in these times of trial and temptation.

Whose power calmed the seas and stilled the wind for my disciples? O son of man, whose power does your faith stand on (II Cor.13:5), and who do you turn to when the circumstances and situations around you go beyond your power and your control? Whose power does your faith stand in when the storms of adversity blow through the thoughts of your own mind in their attempt to trouble you? My elect are those who have put on that faith which only stands in my power; that faith which always relies on me, and always calls upon my name in the times of trouble and temptation (Ps.34:17). The faithless believe that the shadow of death is there for their destruction while the faithful know it is in this valley that I have chosen to destroy all that is not of me; a place to destroy the well crafted illusions that Satan has made to appear as the light. Son of man, do you see any of man's zeal on these bones?

Do you now believe? Do you now believe that this world is full of darkness and that all of it's inhabitants have been infected with Satan's lies? Do you now comprehend that which I said unto you, that it is not man who is corrupt, but it is the senses of a man that have been corrupted? Do you see how well the natural senses of a man receive these lies of Satan that fill the air that you breathe? When you watch the expert craftsman working with his tools, or the experienced artist painting his pictures, do not the instruments of their trade almost appear as though they are more like natural extensions of their bodies, working in complete agreement with their own talents, rather than being some lifeless tool that itself has to be worked? Is it not just as natural and fluid for those who are carnally minded to also work with Satan's lies to bring forth the works of self-justification? What decision does a man make; or what error does a man hide; or what way does a man walk; or what desire does a man please; or what weakness does a man cover; or what work does a man do; or what word does a man speak; or what evil does a man do; or what judgment or opinion does a man form that he does not first justify in his own mind first? What man is not expertly skilled in this art of self-justification, thinking that by this craft, he is able to make right all of his deeds, all of his works, as well as all of the words that he speaks to be right? Do not the thoughts that a man is not able to justify trouble him, but the moment that he is able to justify them, he momentarily finds some peace as though he has brought forth that which is right. Do you not know that it is this skill and craftsmanship that allows for all to form their own illusions, seeing their own ways as the right way?

Do you see how through the works of self-justification, man is able to take lies, and then through skilful twisting and careful shaping, he is able to bring forth excuses, or opinions, or rationalizations, or imaginations, or distractions, or philosophies, or reasons that seem to justify all that he desires to be right? Who can resist these lies when they joined together with the desires of that corrupted wisdom to bring forth that which seems right? Remember that which I spoke unto you before, that there is no lust in the corruptible senses of man that is greater than the lust that all men have to be right in all that you do and in all that you speak. Does any man have a lust to be wrong? What man walks according to the lust to be wrong? This lust does not exist in a world where the darkness desires to appear as the light. When a man does or speaks that which is wrong, then is it not his heart then filled with fear and anxiety until he has justified himself? Do not men love to cover up their own mistakes and faults? Do not my own people seek to hide their sins and their weaknesses, even from me who knows the thoughts of the heart with it's intents and purposes? Do not men even justify themselves so as to hide the truth about themselves from their own self (Isa.58:7)? If when a man's faults and mistakes are revealed for all to see, then does he not work feverishly in his thoughts, even justifying his wrong by misplacing the blame; blaming either on circumstances or on other men?

Now I ask you, who is it that justifies himself for any other purpose other than trying to make the darkness within him to appear as the light? Which one of these works is not anything but a lying illusion constructed to appear as that which is right? Is it a hard thing for the carnally minded man to make-up an excuse or form a lie, or does it come as naturally as taking in a breath of air? Who is he who is not so skilled in the art of self-justification that he is not almost instantly able to provide a reason for the things which he does or an excuse for the errors that he makes? Is not the carnally minded man such an expert in this art of self-justification that it usually takes him only but just a few moments before he is able to make an excuse or provide a reason which will seem right in his own eyes? Is it not just as easy and natural for the carnally minded man to create his own illusions as it for the talented artist to paint his picture or for the skilled craftsman to shape his work? Self-justification is only an illusion that seems to make things right, but in truth, it is only the darkness trying to appear as the light.

I have called out to many saying, "Follow me", but using one reason or another as excuses, many have justified themselves in refusing to put my instruction above the desire they have to do their own will (Luke 9:58-62/Luke 14:16-24). Do you see how through the use of these excuses and reasons that I had no preeminence in their hearts? Do you see here how the carnal mind works not to subject itself to my voice, yet also works to justify itself in making its own counsel more righteous than mine? Is it possible for any of those who carnally minded to do my will? Many will hear my voice and attempt to hearken unto voice through the strength of their own zeal and power, and for a time, they may seem able to follow; but their zeal and strength has an end. These are they who make a sacrifice of their own efforts and their own abilities to try to perform that which was asked of them, but they have no joy nor willingness in their hearts to do so. These are they who have denied me, for is it not written that I said, "…without me you can do nothing (John 15:5)". How is it possible for that which is corrupt to do anything that is pleasing in the sight of my heavenly Father?

My sheep, those who I have led into this valley of the shadow of death, they hear my voice and they follow after me. These are they who will always first take up their crosses to die the enmity, those corrupted senses which are not subject to hearken to the voice that spoke to them. For it is as it is written, (I Cor.1:17,18) "The preaching of the cross is foolishness to them who are perishing, but unto us who are being saved, it is the power of God. For it is written, "I will destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent". Those who take up their crosses, they know that it is better to obey than to sacrifice (I Sam.15:22). Those who sacrifice are those who do the works of their own wisdom, and being wise in their own eyes, and they find it foolish to need any of my help to perform any of those things which have been commanded of them. That which they are not able to do, they have covered with their own excuses and reasons.

Do I not delight in a willing heart and not in the strength, or in the abilities, or in the efforts of corrupt flesh (II Cor.8:12/Isa.1:19)? For those who are subject to corruption, they always make sacrifice rather than obey because their senses always have "self" as the preeminence. Yes, many will stand before me and say, "Lord, have we not prophesied and preached the gospel in your name? Lord, have we not done many wonderful works in your name?" I will reject them because they did these things according to their own will; that is, they did these things when they wanted to do them, how they wanted to them, and where they wanted to do them. These were not led by my Spirit, but they were led by the commandments of men as well as by their own corrupted desires. Those who took up their crosses, they crucified unto themselves their own wisdom and understanding, and unto them I gave them a willing heart (Ps.110:3); a heart without excuses, or fears, or reasons, or doubts, and they delight in doing my will (Ps.40:8), for I have redeemed them from their corruption with my incorruptible Spirit; and my Spirit desires to do my will. My son, do you see how true repentance (change of mind) only comes through the cross, when allow for me to destroy your corrupt wisdom and understanding and give to you my wisdom and my understanding?

Now I ask you, O son of man, is it not easy for a man to do that which his heart desires to do? So then, what does corrupt man desire more to do; to accept his own mistakes, his own faults, his own sins, and his own weaknesses or to justify them? Will he not do that which his heart desires for him to do because it is so easy for him to do it? Those who do not take up their crosses, shall they not always delight in the corruption of Satan's lies? In truth, those who justify themselves, they really are not making things right, but rather they are only covering and concealing the truth about the thoughts that are in their minds and the intents that are in their heart? You know that it is written, "Take heed that you do not deceive yourselves". Do you now see how easy it is for a man to deceive himself through the works of self-justification? Thus says the Lord, "I am so grieved with those who walk in such darkness, for they are blind to see when they cover their sins and weaknesses with these lying illusions of self-justifications, knowing not that they are denying me; that is, they have covered themselves with their own lies and not with my blood and my love, for them to be of effect unto them. The truth is that only my blood and my love is able to cover your sins and your weaknesses; but my blood and my love does not cover any of sins or weaknesses that have been covered with the lies of self-justification. O son of man, I plead with you, "Take heed that the light that is in you is not darkness".

Son of man, I have showed unto you many illusions that Satan uses in his attempts to make his darkness to appear as the light, disguising his lies so that they appear as truth. But there is one illusion that I desire to show you that is far more deceitful than the others. Does not my word testify unto you saying that it is your own heart that is deceitful "above" all things (Jer.17:9)? Does not my word also testify that it is the pride that is in your heart that deceives you (Obadiah 3)? Does not my word also confirm this truth for you with that which says, "Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination in my sight" (Prov.16:5)? It is the pride that is in the heart of corrupt man that deceives a man into esteeming those things which God sees as an abomination. In this fallen world of darkness, there is nothing that corrupt man cherishes more than his pride (Luke 16:15); the image that he has of himself. But again, this is only an image that is established upon lying illusions.

Son of man, hearken unto me, and I will show pride unto you; for I did not create pride in a man. Have I not said unto you that unless you are converted and humble yourself as a little child, you shall not see the kingdom of God (Matt.18:3)? If I did not create man with pride in him, then where did pride come from? When Adam and Eve sinned, my Spirit departed from them; then afterwards the spirit of Satan entered into them. Is it not written that the body that is without the Spirit of the Lord is dead; that is, it has no trust, no belief, no love, no faith, no communion with God, nor does it have any desire for the Lord to reign as God over his life (James 2:26). God is not the God of the dead, but a God of the living (Matt.22:32); and those who worship God must worship him in Spirit and in truth (John 4:24). So then, the body that is filled with the spirit of pride, it is alive to believe the illusions of Satan, desiring to believe all of the lies that bring respect, or that exalt, or that glorify, or that honor, or that bring some manner of gain to "self". It is only the spirit of pride that esteems these things which God sees as abominations. For pride is that spirit that never loves anything but "self", even when it shows a display of charity, it is only done in hopes to receive something that will promote the image of "self".

For as the Holy Spirit is to my heavenly Father, so also is the spirit of pride to the Satan; for as the Holy Spirit is the power of God, so also is the spirit of pride the power of Satan. Pride is that power that wars against all things which oppose "self". Pride is only mindful and conscious of the things that pertain to "self". Do you now understand that pride is that power within that brings that opposes my instruction to my people to take up their cross and follow me; for pride is only mindful of "self"-preservation. Many honor me with lips, and they praise me with their mouths, but they worship me in vain because their hearts are far from me because the affections of pride remain within them.

Pride loves those who love them, but finds no favor with those who do not love them; and pride hates all who oppose "self". Every man is well acquainted with and familiar with these desires of pride. Everything that pride performs it does so that it may have something to boast of before others. Pride sees every circumstance and every situation as an opportunity to exercise its desires for "self". Pride seeks its own glory, its own goodness, its own fame, its own honor, its own praise, its own gain, its own greatness, and to make a name for "self". Pride loves to do that which is right in its own eyes, as well as having everyone agree with its own righteousness. Pride is offended with all who do not agree with its own righteousness. Pride loves to be in control of every circumstance and situation that arises of life. Pride lives to satisfy these desires of self, and it hates all that interfere with its desire to be in control; for pride loves to gain control over all who come into its world. Pride is the desire for you, and you only, to be god in your own little world. Pride is that power of Satan which yokes the heart of man, with its corrupt senses, with desire to believe all of these illusions of Satan's lies.

Pride is that love that is contrary to the love of God; for there is no love of "self" in the love of God, nor is there any desire in the love of God to exalt or to promote or to esteem "self". While pride separates and divides my people, it is my love that joins and unites them. Pride seeks its own (Phil.2:21) while the love of God seeks not its own (I Cor.13:5). Pride is that nature of darkness that loves to present itself as though it was light. Pride is so greatly offended by the cross that I have asked each one of you to take up to follow me, for it is through this cross, and by the power of my Spirit, that I, the Lord your God, will break this power from off my elect; those who have chosen to crucify unto themselves the spirit of Satan, the pride of man.

Again I say to you that it is by reason of this pride that many, many of your brethren will praise me with their lips, and they will honor me with their mouths, but their hearts are always far from me because of the affections for pride that is in their hearts; the love that one has to exalt the self image that he desires for "self". There is no room for me to be God in the hearts of those whose hearts are filled with the affections of pride. Son of man, there is no pride in me, and for this reason, I am able to love my elect with all of my heart and to make them the object of all my affection. How is any man able to love me with all of his heart, all of his soul, and all of his mind when his heart remains filled with the proud affections for self (Mark 12:30)? Yes, my heart rejoices for all those who take up their cross to follow me, to crucify their desires and affections (Gal.5:24),but my heart is greatly grieved because of the love that is still in my heart for those who have denied me, refusing to receive my love, to hold on to their own desires.

Those who overcome Satan, and all of his illusions whereby he makes the darkness to appear as the light, they do so by the great love that is in me that has allowed for me to shed my blood for you. They overcome Satan through their testimonies of my mercy, my works, and my power. My elect overcome Satan because they asked me to open their eyes to see the truth; the truth that reveals unto them the hidden things of darkness and the lying counsels that are in their own heart (John 3:19-21/I Cor.4:5). Then my elect hated their lives unto the death (Rev.12:11/Luke 14:26,27), the death of the cross, until the time that I breathed life into them with my Spirit. Through my truth, I redeemed my elect from their identity as the children of the Devil, those lovers of lies (John 8:44). How is it possible for any man to hate his life unless he first sees that there is something in his life to hate? Though faith in my power and in my love, my elect have overcome the world with all of its ungodly desires for "self" (I John 5:4/I John 2:15-17). My elect know me, they know that I, the Lord their God, is he who only has the power to break Satan's yoke from off of them, to destroy the pride that loves to believe Satan's lies. But who will hear?

Son of man, do you see any appearances of beauty on these bones that you desire for yourself or any righteousness upon them that you esteem? Do you see any faith on these bones that boasts of themselves? Do you hear these bones crying out for their opinions to be heard? Do you see any of these bones exalted above or lifted higher than any of the other bones? Do you see any famous names, or honorable reputations (Phil.2:7), or any fancy smancy titles (Job 32:21,22) written on these bones to puff them up? Son of man, do these bones appear dead to you? No, no, no, no, my son! For this is the illusion that the world cannot see, for these bones only appear to be dead because they have died to all of the corrupted senses of this world, which the fallen live their lives according to; and the corrupt see the elect’s lives to be as nothing but foolishness. In this fallen world of darkness, every day is a day of "deja-vu"; that is, every day is like the day before, always seeking to satisfy the same desires that were sought to be satisfied the day before. The hope of the children of darkness is that tomorrow will be a better day than today; but the hopes of tomorrow fade away as tomorrow becomes today. There is nothing new in this world, just the same lies of Satan, daily clothed with different garments that are of the fashion of the world; garments that entice and seduce, but leave you as empty of life as the lies of yesterday and tomorrow; nothing new.

It is not so with my elect, for my elect have discovered the illusion about taking up their cross; for illusion is that the cross will bring death, but in truth, the cross is that instrument that I have chosen to bring abundant life into the hearts and the minds of my people. This is that one illusion of Satan where, with his lies, he tries to make the light to appear as the darkness. Though fears, doubts, uncertainty, confusion, and through the letter of the word, Satan tries to terrify the hearts of my people to keep them from taking up their crosses. The cross is about dying to the corrupt senses that desire to believe that his lying illusions are truth. No harm comes to those who take up their crosses; for through the cross I bring forth abundant life and liberty and freedom. My elect know that those things which they have sown will only be able to bring forth the life that they desire to have after they have died to these lying illusions; for no man can serve two masters. My elect, seeking for my righteousness and my truth (Hosea 10:12,13), have sown unto themselves my words and my promises, and they know that it is not possible for any of these fruits of life to come forth until I breathe my Spirit in them. Those who sow to the flesh shall reap the things of the flesh, the illusions of hypocrisy with its outward beauty and appearances of righteousness that bring with it the rewards of the praise and honor of those who sowed the same. Those who sow to my Spirit, they shall reap the fruits of my abundant life the, and I shall reward them with my everlasting life (Gal.6:8,9).

How shall any man escape out of this fallen world of darkness who does not take heed to my words? How shall any escape who neglect to take up the cross so that they may be saved from these lying illusions of Satan (Heb.2:3)? I led my elect into the valley of the shadow of death to slaughter before their eyes all of these lying spirits that have ruled over their thoughts with misery, failure, stress, torments, disappointments, impatience, worry, frustration, discouragement, and fear (Rom.8:20,21,36/Ps.94:11). Shall not the shepherd go before his sheep to the slaughter? Did you not know that I myself have gone before you into this valley? When I came into this world, did not I myself come in the likeness of sinful flesh (Rom.8:3-7), having those same desires that once covered these dry bones that you see? Is it not also written that when I myself found that I was clothed in the fashion of this world (Phil.2:7,8) that outward beauty of righteousness, that I took up my cross and I became obedient unto the death (Heb.5:7); for I also overcame the world through the cross that I took up daily. I also sought from my Father above for the light of his Father's truth; and by the Spirit of truth, I overcame all of these corrupt desires that the flesh has for an outward fashion that appears beautiful and righteous in the sight of all those who remain wise their own eyes.

I took up my cross and denied myself, refusing to bow before the lies of the god of this world. I took up my cross, and through death, I overcame death; the death that inhabits and rules over the thoughts of all those who are carnally minded. Daily I offered myself unto my heavenly Father, asking for him to redeem me from these corrupt senses with his Holy Spirit; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of God (Isa.11:1-3). His Spirit entering into me was my salvation from death (Heb.5:7-9). For the wisdom of this world is that harlotry of desire that steals the hearts of my people, seducing and enticing my people to turn from me, and to go awhoring after those beautiful illusions that outwardly appear good and seem right in the sight of men (Prov.7:7-10/Prov.6:32). When I offered unto my heavenly Father my wisdom, through his consuming fire, he promptly destroyed the source of desire that the corrupt senses have for things that are seen, the fashion of this world (Ps. 39:11/ Matt. 23:27,28). If the desire is destroyed, then where shall any evil deed or word come forth from? When I received my Father's wisdom, my eyes were opened to his truth, and I was made free from all desires to believe Satan's lies. It was then that I became the author of salvation unto all those who would believe on me, and follow me. Do you hear me, O son of man? I got the victory when my Father's Spirit entered me, when that Spirit as that dove descended into me after my baptism by John; for by his Spirit I overcame all of the corrupt desires and the pride that is of this world (I John 2:15-17). Through death, I became free.

Son of man, when my appointed time came, I was then manifested before my people in Israel, but was I not received by them in the same manner as one would receive these dry bones? For just as there is no beauty nor anything to be desired on these bones, so also was there no beauty or anything to be desired when I appeared (Isa.53:2,3). I and these dry bones are one; for there is no division or schism between us. I told you that when I led my elect into this valley, they were as a scattered sheep, each one doing and speaking that which seemed right in his own eyes. When I led my sheep into this valley they were also laden with the sins of unbelief and doubt (John 16:8), not believing that I would actually perform my words or fulfill my promises for them. When I brought my sheep into this valley, they were honoring me with their mouths as well as praising me with their lips, but their hearts were far from me by reason of their proud desires; and they were lovers of things of self more than lovers of the things of God. When I led my elect into this valley, though I was with them, I could not yet walk with them because there was no agreement between their thoughts and my thoughts, nor between their ways and my ways. When I led my elect into this valley, they esteemed and honored those things which God sees as abominable, and there was not one of them who could speak rightly of me (Job 42:7). Son of man, that was then and this is now; for through their cross and my blood and my power, they have crucified unto themselves unto all of these corrupt desires. Do you now understand the change that has taken place in the hearts and in their minds? Do you see how through the cross, they were made conformable to my death to this world? Do you now see that these bones, through death have now been made ready for the resurrection!

Son of man, these bones belong to those who have now become aliens to this world, dead to the lies of the ruler of this present evil world. These are my elect, those who never gave up, but have sought me daily, asking for their portion of the daily bread, the word of my truth. I heard their cries as they cried out unto me for the Spirit of life (Rom.8:2). Daily I redeemed them, little by little (Isa.28:9-11), with the revelation knowledge of my truth and with the spirit of my wisdom and understanding. I renewed their minds day by day with my Spirit transforming them into the children of light (Eph.4:23/Rom.12:2/John 12:36); shining brighter and brighter, day by day. For I desire the knowledge of my truth in the inward parts and my wisdom in the hidden parts, precious gifts from God (Ps.51:6). Daily my elect have sought for me to deliver them from the powers of darkness, freedom from the vain thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind, patiently waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom.8:18-20/Ps.94:11).

James 3:13 "Who is a wise man and the man endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom".

II Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ".

Son of man, look at these bones and tell me what you see. I then began to look again at all of the bones that were around me, without having any expectation to see anything other than that which I had previously seen before. But this time, as my eyes scanned across these bones, I saw the same thing that the Lord had shown me years before in another vision. I saw that all of these bones seemed to be wrapped with what at first appeared to small gold chains; chains that appeared to be much smaller in size than the chain you would find on a woman's necklace. I then walked over to get closer to one of the groups of bones, and as I knelt down to see what these chains were, I suddenly was able to see that these were not chains of gold, but rather they were letters of words; and each letter was linked with another letter, and then another, thus forming words; and each word was linked to another word, and then another word, thus forming sentences; it was all of theses letters linked together that gave it a chainlike appearance.

I then leaned in even closer to see if I could determine exactly what these words said, and I saw that they were not just any words, but rather, they were all verses of scripture from the Bible. The first one that I recognized was the verse that says, "Be confident of this very thing, for he who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil.1:6)"; the next read, "He that believes on me, the works that I have done, he shall also do; and greater works than these shall he (John 14:12); the next one read, "The creature shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Rom.8:21); and the next one read, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (John 11:25)". I then came across several chains of words that consisted of nothing but the beatitudes that Jesus spoke of at the Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5:3-12). Then, just as I was finishing reading Zechariah 4:6,"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit", the Lord spoke to me and said, "Son of man, I ask you again, "Do not these bones appear to be hopelessly dead in your sight? Is it not written that all flesh is as the grass that dies, and the glory of men is as the flower of grass that perishes (I Pet.1:24,25). Does not my word also reveal unto you that it is the word of God that will abide forever? I say to you that these bones only appear to be dead because their fleshy senses have died and the glory of their pride has passed away. They are not dead but are only asleep, for they have the resurrection and the life for their Lord. This is my church who have humbled their hearts under my mighty hand, and now is the time that I will fulfill the promise of my word, and exalt them (I Pet. 5:6).

If I say to these bones, "Live", shall they then not live by the breath of my mouth, just as I breathed life into Adam? But how shall they live? Shall they be raised again to be subject to the corrupt desires that lust to believe Satan's lies? No, son of man, watch these bones; for I am going to do a new thing! For until this day, my elect have seen my words, they have heard my words, they have loved my words, they have believed my words, they have hoped in my words, and they have hidden my words in their hearts. My elect have held on to my words as these chains you see wrapped around these bones (Prov.2:1-5/Prov.4:20-22), that which they have held on to and trusted in unto death. Now watch, for as Satan's lies were as the air that was breathed in for life in this fallen world of darkness, now I am going to breathe my Spirit into all those words, all of those promises, and all of those hopes that my elect have held on to, waiting for me to perform for them, shall be done.

Rom.4:20,21 "Abraham not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was also able to perform".

No more shall my words be as a law that has spoken in your hearts saying, "You ought to do this, or, you ought not to do that". No more shall my words be as a law that says this is right and this is wrong. No more shall my words be in your heart as a law that says this is good and this is evil. No more; for when I breathe my Spirit into my words, my words shall become the passion, the desire, and the pleasure of your heart. No longer will your get weary with trying to do good, for the desire and the pleasure of your heart will only be to do good. No longer will you have to think to do that which is right, for the passion and pleasure of your heart will only be to do that which is right. No longer will your heart speak to you saying that you should forgive those who sin against you, for it will the joy and the pleasure of your heart to forgive all, and there will be no thought to say contrary. No more shall you think to love your brethren, for the passion of your heart will be not only be to love your brethren, but to love all men as I have loved them. It will be the passion of your heart to love your enemies, to do good to those who hate you, to bless those who curse you, and to be merciful to the evil and unthankful. You will no longer have to think to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, or truth and lies, for the pleasure and desire of the thoughts of your heart shall only be goodness, and truth, and righteousness. No longer shall you be bound with laws and rules that limit you, as well as God. No more shall you be tempted with any vain words or dead works, for there shall no longer be in any of you any corrupt desires to believe such lies. The passion, the pleasure, and the delight of your heart shall be abundant life; for my nature is life", says the Lord. "Now watch me as I breath "MY life into these bones; for no longer shall death have any entrance into your heart and mind; and you shall be made free from all things which offend, or that trouble, or that injure, or that grieve, or that hurt, or that which brings sorrow. Abundant life shall be the nature and the master of your heart and your mind. I am going to make all things new; and I am that new thing", says the Lord. "I have spoken it, and I shall perform it. O how foolish they are who have chosen unto themselves that faith which does not stand in my power! O how foolish the self-righteous are for having no desire for me to change them!

Watch me! Watch my kingdom as it moves upon the earth, as the power of life swallows up all death: as everlasting joy swallows up all misery and trouble; as peace swallows up all doubt and fear; as contentment swallows up all anxiety and unrest; as love swallows up all your judgments of man and God; as goodness swallows up all evil; as unity swallows up loneliness; as creativity swallows up idleness. Watch me as I transform the consciousness of your mind into an "all believing" mind; a mind where doing the impossible will not be the supernatural but that which is always natural. Watch me as I build my church, joining the members of my body together with truth, knitting their hearts together in love, and bringing them into the unity of my Spirit. Watch me as I fill you with all of my Spirit, and you begin to do works greater than that which I did. Watch me as I minister all healing to your body, your soul, and your spirit, and in turn, you will then minister healing to the body, the soul, and the spirit to all of those who are around you. Watch me as I do new things. Watch as I bring blessings and endings that far exceed all fairy tales; for I am he who does those things which go exceedingly beyond and who blesses abundantly above all that which you have been able to think or to ask for (Eph.3:20). No man has been able to imagine or know the great things which I am about to perform. For this is that day, that day of fulfilling; that day of completion and perfection where I perform all of my words and fulfill all of my promises. Watch me as all of the kingdoms of sin and iniquity get swallowed up by my kingdom", says the Lord. "Watch me, for the darkness shall give way to my light, and none of the illusions of Satan's lies shall ever come to mind again. Watch me as I breathe life into my words. Watch me, for my kingdom is coming, and in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…these bones shall live".

Then, at that very moment, I began to observe a stirring throughout the entire valley, as all of these bones seemed to start shaking and rattling in their places. At first I could not discern what was causing the bones to do this, but then I felt it; it was then wind. As I looked around me, I observed the winds coming over the mountains that surrounded this valley, and the winds were coming from the east, from the west, from the north. As the winds grew stronger, the bones shook and rattled more and more, and louder and louder. I then observed as these winds met each other in the very middle of that valley, they began to form a whirlwind. As the winds in the whirlwind increased, the whirlwind immensely grew and height and width. It was a strange whirlwind before my eyes, for it never seemed in anyway to be violent or out of control like a tornado. Though the wind was loud, it was not roaring or thundering like that which I have heard people who have gone through a tornado describe; but rather, it was more like a loud smooth whine similar to what a jet engine sounds like when it is first turned on. The winds then increased in strength that it began to pull all of the bones to the middle of the valley into it. At first, all the bones just continued to shake and rattle as they moved across the valley floor, but then it appeared as though all of the bones actually started dancing as they moved across the valley floor. I kept watching until there was not one bone left on the valley floor, but they had all be sucked into the whirlwind.

As I stood there looking at this whirlwind, the spirit of the Lord quickened unto me two verses. First, that which is written in Ezekiel 37:5 "Thus says the Lord God to these bones, "Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. And I will attach tendons to you and bring up flesh upon you; and I will cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord". So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, lo, the tendons and flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them, and the skin covered them from above; but there was no breath in them. Then he said unto me, "Prophesy unto the wind; prophesy son of man and say to the wind, "Thus says the Lord God; come from the 4 winds, O breath and breathe upon these slain, that they may live". Then the Lord said to me, "These are the bones of my slain, those who took up their crosses to mortify the works of their flesh and their desires for Satan's illusions. I led them as sheep into this valley for the slaughter; to judge and destroy the wisdom from which all of these corrupt desires proceeded forth from, and the pride that supplied the power to do abominable works. These bones are now ready to be joined together. My Spirit has performed this.

Then the Spirit quickened unto me a second word, that which is written in Matthew 24:29 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of God in heaven; and then shall all of the tribes of earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send forth his angels with the sound of trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heaven to the other". Then the Lord quickened unto me a word that I heard him speak about four years ago, "Why are you looking for me to come from above. I am coming in your brethren?" Then the Spirit of the Lord quickened unto me that which is written in II Thes.1:10 "When the Lord shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe in that day". Again, the Lord brought into my remembrance another word that he had just spoken to me when he said, "I am life, I am the wisdom (which is the breath of God), and I am the new thing". Then the Spirit again quickened unto me another word, that which is written in Ephesians 1:10 "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, in him". Oddly enough, one of the definitions for the word "gather" in this passage means "to head up"; and I then wondered if this was that moment that Christ himself would become the head of his body?

Then the Spirit of the Lord brought another word into my thoughts, that which is written in Luke 17:20 "And the Pharisees demanded that Jesus tell them when the kingdom of God should come, and he answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation (outward show); and neither shall they say, "Lo, here!" or "Lo there"; for behold the kingdom of God is within you". Then the Lord, "Did I not say that my kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)? All that is in this world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of this life, are of this world and not of my heavenly Father (I John 2:15-17). I am coming to redeem my elect from their captivity to this world (Rom.8:18-25). I am coming to those who took up their crosses and overcame the world, for I am the prize that they sought for. I am coming in all of my glory, in the nature and in the power of my heavenly Father, and I am coming into the hearts and the minds of my elect; into the hearts and the minds of all those who have hoped to be changed into my likeness at my appearing unto them (I John 3:2). Then shall come to pass that which is written, (Rev.11:15) "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever".

Then the Lord spoke to me again saying, "Watch me! Watch the work of my hands! Watch my love and mercy work before your very eyes! Watch me as I build my church! Watch me do that which is impossible for any man to do! Watch me as I join the members of my body together, knitting their hearts together in love! Watch me as my Spirit brings my church together into unity! Watch me as I do that which I have been waiting 6000 years to do! Watch me as I manifest….

Before the Lord finished speaking this sentence to me, the whirlwind began to quickly loose it's power and strength. As the whirlwind completely dissipated, I saw standing before me the most beautiful woman/girl that I have I have ever seen. I immediately noticed that her body seemed to be matured as that of a 18 to 20 year old woman; and it had no spots, nor blemishes, nor any imperfections of any kind any where on her. Then I saw her face from which radiated a countenance so beautiful that it is not possible for me to describe. Her face appeared as humble, as innocent, as meek, and as precious as that of a 5 or 6 year old girl. At first, I was just captivated by her physical beauty, but then I became enraptured by her face for it seemed to become translucent, leaving nothing to hide the glorious beauty that also seemed to be coming out of her heart, as well as out of all her inward parts.

I then saw flowing out of her what at first appeared as a river of water. It was as a river that consisted of many different streams, and each stream appeared as one of the colors of the rainbow; and they all flowed so gracefully and smoothly. I then saw that one stream was love, one was wisdom, another was gentleness, another was the truth, another was joy, another was holiness, another was faithfulness and trust, another was righteousness, another was newness, and another was lovingkindness. I observed that though they were different streams, they still flowed together as one river; and that river was called "Abundant Life". As I stared in amazement and awe at this sight before me, I then realized that these streams were not streams of water, but instead, they were streams of light; like a rainbow of liquid light, flowing together; light that just radiated out of what seemed like every part of her body, as though there was nothing to hide or conceal. I then realized that for the first time in my life, God had opened my eyes to see as man sees, her outward appearance, as well as how God sees, her heart and her inward parts (II Sam.16:7). It was incredible, for just as clear as I was able to see the nose on her face, so also was I able to see the love in her heart.

Then I heard the Lord finish speaking the sentence which he had started, "Watch me as I manifest…my bride; my church". It was only then that I noticed that this woman was clothed in a wedding gown; and I then knew that what I was seeing before my eyes was the church, the bride of Christ. As foolish as it may sound, it was like my thoughts instantly returned to the foolishness of my own wisdom, because I had this expectation that when I saw these bones being drawn into the whirlwind, I knew that it was the Lord gathering his body together, but I somehow was expecting to see a headless body, then see Jesus rest his head upon that body. I could not then help myself, but in my foolishness I then asked, "Lord, I truly thought that I was going to see you as the head of your body, that which is your church?" Then the Lord answered me and said, "Is it not written that the husband is the head of wife? This is my bride; this is she who gave herself unto me, allowing for me to have my way with her, to change into that which was pleasing in my eyes. This is she who humbled herself and allowed for me to make her my workmanship, perfecting her faith in me as well as her belief in my words. This is she who allowed for me to circumcise her heart, cutting away the flesh with all of it's worldly desires for Satan's lies; so that she might come to love me with all of her heart, all of her mind, and all of her soul. This is she who allowed for me to prove my love for her, asking me to open the windows of heaven so that she might receive my blessings, my words, my love, my gifts, and my heart. This is she who has patiently and faithfully waited on me to come and finish the work that I started, enduring all manner of enticements to go a whoring from me after the seducing outward beauty of man's religions. This is she who has overcome all things through me, and for me. This is she who I desire to give my entire kingdom to and to spend eternity with. I greatly love and cherish her", says the Lord her husband. "It is finished; the two have now become one.

Then suddenly, I saw an explosion of light, a light that had to be 1000’s of times brighter than the light one would see in that first moment that a nuclear bomb explodes. From the very first moment, I was made aware that this was not any explosion from a bomb, but rather it was God's appearing on earth. I saw this flash of light cover the earth instantly; and then I was allowed to see this light as it moved across the earth in slow motion. This light moved across the earth as a massive wave of light, and the brilliance of this light was so great that it was as a consuming fire. (I had never really thought about the light of God as being the consuming fire of God, but at that moment the Lord brought back into my remembrance of a time in my childhood of how I used to use a magnifying glass to set things on fire; and surely the light that I was seeing was just as intense as the light that comes through that magnifying glass). It was also at this moment that the Lord quickened unto me that the light that I was seeing in this vision was the same light that Moses saw in the burning bush. As I watched the Light move across the earth, I observed as the only thing that it ignited on fire was the darkness, as well as all things that were of the darkness, all things which agreed with the darkness, and all things which loved the darkness. The air itself seemed to be on fire.

I observed that as the light passed by, though the darkness was completely consumed, there was nothing charred in its wake. In fact, it was quite the contrary, for the entire creation had been changed. I then immediately clearly understood that which is written in Rom. 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now"; for ever since Adam and Eve fell, darkness has not only ruled over man, but all of God's creation; for there is no living creature that is not immune to diseases and death. It was then also quickened unto me that Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the "light of life". What I was witnessing before me was that the same light that brought the wrath of God upon the darkness, was also the same light that restored everlasting life to all of God’s creation. Now I understood while the whole creation has been waiting, moaning and groaning to be freed from mortality, for the restoration of everlasting life. As a color photograph is much more dramatic than a black and white photograph, so also was there that much of a dramatic difference in all of the animals, and the trees, and the grass as immortality was swallowing up mortality.

I saw trees, and grass, and shrubs in manner of life which I had never before been seen on earth; at least not since the garden. Before, these things appeared as being inanimate things which just seemed to exist, but now they were living creatures. None of these trees or shrubs had any broken, or dead, or diseased branches whatsoever. The grass also had an appearance of life that I had never seen before; and it was so lush, so green, and so living, having no diseased or bare areas anywhere in it. I saw the lion lay down with the lamb, and the lion was every bit as gentle as the lamb. There was no more death, no more diseases, nor any more injuries. Just like the scriptures say, I saw nothing that could cause any sorrow or pain. If I had ever thought I had in me any knowledge that could do justice in my description of what abundant life was, then it was only a vain imagination that would be laughable and foolish compared to what I was witnessing.

I Thessalonians 1:10 "..wait for his Son for heaven, whom he raised from the dead; Jesus, he who delivered us from the wrath to come".

I then saw the light as it passed by the bride, his church; but the bride had already been filled with the light of God through the glory of Jesus Christ. These were they who had judged themselves, allowing for the light of Christ to come in and destroy any and all of the illusions of Satan's lies, that darkness that appears as the light. These shall not be judged with this world (I Cor.11:31,32). Truly, before my very eyes, I saw the glory of God filling the earth with the light of life. Not only was there not any darkness anywhere on the earth, but there were no shadows anywhere either. It was as though the glory of God was the very air itself. Then suddenly, I found myself again standing on the edge of space, and I immediately turned towards the earth to see if the darkness still compassed it, but my eyes went right past the earth because I first thought that it was the sun. Then when I realized that what I thought was the sun was actually the earth filled with the glory of God, I turned back. The light coming from the earth was not like the light that comes from the sun, but rather, it was kind of like fluorescent light, but it was extremely brilliant. For years now, the Lord has been saying that he was going to do a new thing, but this new thing left me trembling and speechless; probably in the same manner that the disciples were left trembling and speechless when they saw the power of God calm the seas and still the winds.

Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "I have told you *before when I was to come into this present world of darkness that you presently inhabit, that my presence would destroy all darkness, all wickedness, all lies, and all evil. I cannot yet come into this world because my people have not yet been prepared to see me in all of my glory (Prov.16:1). Those who prepare themselves are those who ask for me to prepare their hearts, to deliver them from the powers of darkness. These are they who will love my appearing because they will love seeing my light dissolve the darkness, as well as seeing all death being swallowed up by life. I told you that you had not yet seen all of the truth of my word; for it is as it is written, "And the Word was God (John 1:1)". Watch, for the end of darkness is much closer than you think. Many times I have warned all saying, "Be ready", but who will hear and take heed? If you are not watching me, then you have lost your focus. Watch!

Ps 97:6 "The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory".

Proverbs 12:28 "In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death".

II Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any man should perish, but that all should come to repentance (the death of the carnal mind to the life and peace of the spiritual mind). But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all of these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons you ought to be in holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting the coming of the *day of God , wherein the heavens (the air you breathe) being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for news heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness (the true light, and not the light that appears as the darkness)". *This is not the day of the Lord Jesus, but the day of God

Revelation 21:3 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, no more sorrow, nor crying, and neither shall their be any more pain; for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new".

Revelation 21:22 "And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are in the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.