출 처 : http://www.insightsofgod.com/html_testimonies/jeffords_book.htm#dryBones
-------------- 잘라 이어서 계속 번역 ----------------
How shall any man escape out of this fallen world of darkness who does not take heed to my words? How shall any escape who neglect to take up the cross so that they may be saved from these lying illusions of Satan (Heb.2:3)? I led my elect into the valley of the shadow of death to slaughter before their eyes all of these lying spirits that have ruled over their thoughts with misery, failure, stress, torments, disappointments, impatience, worry, frustration, discouragement, and fear (Rom.8:20,21,36/Ps.94:11). Shall not the shepherd go before his sheep to the slaughter? Did you not know that I myself have gone before you into this valley? When I came into this world, did not I myself come in the likeness of sinful flesh (Rom.8:3-7), having those same desires that once covered these dry bones that you see? Is it not also written that when I myself found that I was clothed in the fashion of this world (Phil.2:7,8) that outward beauty of righteousness, that I took up my cross and I became obedient unto the death (Heb.5:7); for I also overcame the world through the cross that I took up daily. I also sought from my Father above for the light of his Father's truth; and by the Spirit of truth, I overcame all of these corrupt desires that the flesh has for an outward fashion that appears beautiful and righteous in the sight of all those who remain wise their own eyes.
어떤인간,,내 말에 유의(주의) 하지 않는,,이가 어떻게 이 타락한(떨어진) 어둠의 세상 바깥으로 탈출할(벗어날) 것이냐 ? 어떻게, 어느 누구,, 그들이 이러한 거짓말하는 사탄의 망상들로부터 구원받고자(히.2:3) 하면서 그 십자기 지길 소홀히 하는,,그가 벗어날 것이냐 ? 내가 내 뽑힌자(선택받은자)를 그 사망의 그림자가 드리운 골짜기 속으로 인도했다(이끌었다) 바로 그들 눈 앞에서 이러한 거짓말 하는 영들,, 불행, 실패,스트레스, 지것지것 고문하는 생각들, 실망들, 조급함, 걱정,좌절, 낙망, 두려움들로 된 그들 생각들을 지배해 왔던,, 전부를 도살(학살)하기 위해(롬.8:20,21,36/시편 .94:11). 정령코 그 양치기 목자가 그 양들 앞서서 그 도살(무참히 죽음)에로 나가지 않을 것이냐 ? 너가 몰랐었니 나, 내 자신이 너희 앞서서 이 골짜기 속으로 갔었다는 것을 ? 내가 이 세상속으로 들어왔을 때, 내가 내 자신을 죄성의 육( in the likeness of sinful flesh[살])으로 된 닮은것 속에서 오지 않았었느냐(롬 8:3-7), 전에 한번 ,,너가 보는,,이러한 마른 뼈들 덮은 그러한 동일한 욕구들을 가진 채 ? 그것이 또 기록되어 있지 않느냐 내가 내 자신이 이러한 세상 옷차림(살로서 옷을 입은)으로, 그 외양의 의의 아름다움으로, 옷 입힌 것으로 있었다(발견되었다)고(빌립보서.2:7-8), (번역하는 다니엘입니다,, 이부분이 아주 아주 중요합니다,, 저 다니엘이 약 4~5년 전에 수전 오마라(Susan O'Marra)의 아담과 하와의 타락하기 전의 상태라고 하며,, DNA 관련 글에서 정확히 이부분을 주님에 수전에게 동일하게 설명했습니다.) 내가 내 십자가를 졌다 그리고 내가 그 사망에 순응하게 되었다(히브리서,5:7) ; 이는 내가 또 그 세상을 이겼다,, 내가 매일 졌던 그 십자가를 통해. 나는 또 위에 계신 내 아버지로부터의 그 분 아버지 진리(진실)의 빛을 구했다 ; 그 진리(참)의 영으로, 내가 모든 이러한 ,, 살(육)이 가지는 한 바깥쪽 옷차림,,그들 자신의 눈 보기에 지혜로운채의 모든 자들 눈 보기에 아름답고 옳아 보이는, 그 옷차림이 가지는 타락한 욕구들 전부를 이겼다.
* 참조 : http://blog.daum.net/danieell/15716258
I took up my cross and denied myself, refusing to bow before the lies of the god of this world. I took up my cross, and through death, I overcame death; the death that inhabits and rules over the thoughts of all those who are carnally minded. Daily I offered myself unto my heavenly Father, asking for him to redeem me from these corrupt senses with his Holy Spirit; the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, and the spirit of knowledge and the fear of God (Isa.11:1-3). His Spirit entering into me was my salvation from death (Heb.5:7-9). For the wisdom of this world is that harlotry of desire that steals the hearts of my people, seducing and enticing my people to turn from me, and to go awhoring after those beautiful illusions that outwardly appear good and seem right in the sight of men (Prov.7:7-10/Prov.6:32). When I offered unto my heavenly Father my wisdom, through his consuming fire, he promptly destroyed the source of desire that the corrupt senses have for things that are seen, the fashion of this world (Ps. 39:11/ Matt. 23:27,28). If the desire is destroyed, then where shall any evil deed or word come forth from? When I received my Father's wisdom, my eyes were opened to his truth, and I was made free from all desires to believe Satan's lies. It was then that I became the author of salvation unto all those who would believe on me, and follow me. Do you hear me, O son of man? I got the victory when my Father's Spirit entered me, when that Spirit as that dove descended into me after my baptism by John; for by his Spirit I overcame all of the corrupt desires and the pride that is of this world (I John 2:15-17). Through death, I became free.
내가 내 십자가를 졌다 그리고 내 자신을 부인했다, 이 세상 (그) 신의 거짓말들 앞에 무릎꿇기를 거부하므로. 내가 내 십자가를 졌다, 그리고 사망(죽음)을 통해, 내가 사망을 이겼다 ; 그 사망,, 육의 정신이 자들 모두의 생각들 속에 살면서 지배하는,, (사망을). 매일 내가 내 자신을 내 하늘 아버지에게 드렸다(offered myself:바쳤다), 그분이 나를 이러한 부패한 감각들로부터,, 그분 거룩한 영 ; 그 지혜와 이해의 영, 그 조언(모략:counsel)과 지력(might:세력)의 영, 그 지식의 영과 하나님을 두려워 하는 영으로,, 변제(상환)해 주길 구하면서(이사야.11:1-3). 그 분의 영이 내 안으로 들어오는것이 사망으로부터의 나의 구원(함)이다(히브리서.5:7-9). 이는 이 세상 그 지혜는 내 백성의 그 마음들을,, 유혹하여 꾀어 드리므로 내 백성을 나로부터 돌아서, 그러한 아름다운 망상들,, 외관상으로 사람들 보기에 선하고 옳아보이는,, 그러한것들을 쫓아서 음행하려 가도록, 그 마음들을 훔치는 욕구의 창녀질(매춘)이기 때문이다(시편.39:11/마태.23:27,28). 만약 그 욕구가 파괴 된다면, 그럼, 어디서 여느 악한 행위 혹은 말이 나올 것이냐 ? 내가 내 아버지의 지혜를 받아들였을 때, 내 눈이 그분의 진리(진실, 참)에 열렸다, 그리고 내가 사탄의 거짓말들 믿는 모든 욕구들에서부터 풀려나게(면제되게:made free from all desires ) 만들어 졌다. 그때였다,, 내가, 나를 바탕으로 믿으려 하여, 나를 쫓는 모든 자들에게 구원(함)의 창시자(장본인:the author of salvation)가 된 것이. 오 인자야, 너가 내 말을 듣니? 내가 그 승리를 내 아버지 영이 내 안에 들어왔을 때 얻었다, 그때 그 영이 그 비둘기로서 내 속으로 내려왔다,,내가 요한에게 세례 받은 후 ; 이는 그분의 영으로 내가 이 세상으로 된 그 부패한 욕구들과, 그 자긍심 모두를 이겼기 때문이다.
* 여러분 ~~ 번역하는 다니엘입니다, 복음의 실상이 드러나고 있습니다.. 우리는 예수님이 갔던 그대로를 따라가야 하는 것입니다.. 이 과정을 정확히 이해해야,, 구원이 어떻게 이뤄지는지를,, 전혀 내 자신의 생명속에서 전혀 구원이 이뤄지지 않았는데,, 내가 주님을 믿기에 구원 얻었다는 엉터리 복음에서 해방될 수 있습니다.. 여러분 ! 여러분이 여지껏 믿으며 다녀왔던 그 교회라는 것,,, 이제 그 실상이 완전히 드러나고 있습니다. 영광을 주님께서 홀로 받으시기 원합니다.
Son of man, when my appointed time came, I was then manifested before my people in Israel, but was I not received by them in the same manner as one would receive these dry bones? For just as there is no beauty nor anything to be desired on these bones, so also was there no beauty or anything to be desired when I appeared (Isa.53:2,3). I and these dry bones are one; for there is no division or schism between us. I told you that when I led my elect into this valley, they were as a scattered sheep, each one doing and speaking that which seemed right in his own eyes. When I led my sheep into this valley they were also laden with the sins of unbelief and doubt (John 16:8), not believing that I would actually perform my words or fulfill my promises for them. When I brought my sheep into this valley, they were honoring me with their mouths as well as praising me with their lips, but their hearts were far from me by reason of their proud desires; and they were lovers of things of self more than lovers of the things of God. When I led my elect into this valley, though I was with them, I could not yet walk with them because there was no agreement between their thoughts and my thoughts, nor between their ways and my ways. When I led my elect into this valley, they esteemed and honored those things which God sees as abominable, and there was not one of them who could speak rightly of me (Job 42:7).
인자야, 나의 지정된 시간이 왔을때, 나는 그때 이스라엘 속의 내 백성 앞에 나타 나었다, 하지만 나는 그들에게,, 한 사람이 이러한 뼈들을 받아 들이지 않을 것처럼 받아들여지지 않았느냐 ? 이는 바로 이러한 뼈들에선 전혀 아름다운 것이나, 혹은 끌리는 어떤것도 없는 것처럼, 그렇게 또 내가 나타나 보였을 때에도 전혀 아름다운 것이나, 혹은 끌릴만한 아무것도 없었다. 나와 이러한 뼈들은 하나이다 ; 이는 우리 사이엔 나뉨이나 분열이 전혀 없기 때문이다. 내가 네게 말했다,,내가 내 뽑힌자(선택 받은자)를 이 계곡 속으로 이끌었(인도하였)을때, 그들은 흩어진 채의 한 양무리로 있었다, 각자가 그들 자신의 눈 보기에 옳아 보였던 것을 말하고 행하면서. 내가 내 양무리를 이 계곡 속으로 인도 했을 때, 그들 또한 그 믿지않음(못함)과 의심으로 된 죄들로 짐진(눌린)상태였다(요한복음 16:8), 내가 실제적으로 내 말을 수행할 것이라거나, 혹은 그들을 향한 내 약속들을 성취할 것이란 것을 믿지 못한 채. 그때 내가 내 양떼(무리)를 이 계곡속으로 데려들여왔다. 그들은 나를 그들 입으로는 높이고 있었고, 더불어, 그들 일술로는 나를 찬양하고 있었다, 하지만 그들의 마음들은 그들의 자긍심에 젖은 욕구들로 인해 나에게서 멀었다 ; 그리고 그들은 자기로 된 것들을 사랑하는 자들이었다,, 하나님으로 된 그것들을 사랑하는 자이기 보단. 내가 내 뽑힌자(선택받은자)를 이 계곡 속으로 인도했을 때, 내가 그들과 함게 있었을찌라도, 나는 아직 그들과 함께 걸을 수가 없었다 왜냐함 그들 생각들과 내 생각들 사이에, 그들의 길들과 내 길들 사이에, 전혀 일치함이 없었기 때문이다. 내가 내 뽑힌자(택함받은자)를 이 계곡 속으로 이끌었을 때, 그들은 하나님이 가증스런 것으로 보는 그러한 것들을 높이며 존중했다, 그리고 그들 중 하나도,, 나에 대해 올바르게 말할 수 있는자가 없었다.(욥기 42:7).
Son of man, that was then and this is now; for through their cross and my blood and my power, they have crucified unto themselves unto all of these corrupt desires. Do you now understand the change that has taken place in the hearts and in their minds? Do you see how through the cross, they were made conformable to my death to this world? Do you now see that these bones, through death have now been made ready for the resurrection!
인자야, 그것은 그때였고, 이것은 지금이다 ; 이는 그들 십자가와, 내 피, 내 힘(능력)을 통해, 그들이 그들 자신들에게로 이러한 모든 부패한 욕구들에게로 십자가를 졌다. 너가 이제 이해하느냐,, 그 변화(바뀜)가 그 마음들에서,, 그 정신들에서 일어난 것임을 ? 너가 보느냐,, 어떻게 그 십자가를 통해,, 그들이 이 세상에로 내 죽음에 합치(일치)되게 되었(만들어졌)는지 ? 너가 이제 보느냐 이러한 뼈들이, 사망(죽음)을 통해, 이제 부활에 준비가 완료가 되었음을 !
Son of man, these bones belong to those who have now become aliens to this world, dead to the lies of the ruler of this present evil world. These are my elect, those who never gave up, but have sought me daily, asking for their portion of the daily bread, the word of my truth. I heard their cries as they cried out unto me for the Spirit of life (Rom.8:2). Daily I redeemed them, little by little (Isa.28:9-11), with the revelation knowledge of my truth and with the spirit of my wisdom and understanding. I renewed their minds day by day with my Spirit transforming them into the children of light (Eph.4:23/Rom.12:2/John 12:36); shining brighter and brighter, day by day. For I desire the knowledge of my truth in the inward parts and my wisdom in the hidden parts, precious gifts from God (Ps.51:6). Daily my elect have sought for me to deliver them from the powers of darkness, freedom from the vain thoughts that inhabit the carnal mind, patiently waiting for the manifestation of the sons of God (Rom.8:18-20/Ps.94:11).
인자야, 이러한 뼈들이 이제 이 세상에겐 외계인들이 되어버린 자들,이 현재의 악한 세상을 지배하는 지배자의 그 거짓말들에 죽은자들게 속한 것임을. 이러한 자들이 내 뽑힌자(선택받은자)이다, 결코 포기하지 않았던, 대신 나를 매일 찾아 구했었던,, 그 매일의 빵, 내 진리의 말로 된 그들 식량을 구하면서. 내가 그들의 부르짖음(외침)들을 들었다,, 그들이 내게로 그 생명의 영을 구하는(롬.8:2). 매일 내가 그들을 조금씩 조금씩, 내 진리(진실,참)를 드러내는 그 지식으로, 내 지혜와 이해(함)의 영으로 변제(상환)했다(이사야.28:9). 내가 그들의 정신들을 매일 매일 내 영(을가지고서)으로 그들을 빛의 자녀들로서 변형(화)시키므로서, 새롭게 했다(옙.4:23/롬.12:2/요한복음 12:36) ; 점점 더 밝게, 매일 빛을 비추면서. 이는 내가 내 진리(진실)의 그 지식을 그 안쪽 부분들에서, 내 지혜를 하나님에게서 나온 소중한것 속에서, 원하기 때문이다(시편 51:6). 매일 내 뽑힌자는 나에게 구했었다, 그들을 그 어둠의 힘들(the powers of darkness:권세들)로부터 그들을 해방시켜 달라, 그 무익한(헛된) 생각들,, 그 육의 정신속에 사는,, 그것들에서 자유게 해 , 인내하며 하나님의 아들들의 그 나타남을 기다리며,, 구했었다(롬.8:18-20/시편.94:11).
James 3:13 "Who is a wise man and the man endued with knowledge among you? Let him show out of good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom".
야고보서 3:13 " 너희 가운데 누가 지혜로와 지식을 부여받은 그 사람이냐 ? 그로 선한 대화로 지혜의 온유함을 가진 그의 말들로 내 보이라".
II Corinthians 4:6 "For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, has shined in our hearts to give the light of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ".
고후4:6 " 빛이 어둠에서 빛이도록 명하신 하나님이, 우리 마음들속에서 비치어서, 그리스도 예수 얼굴속에서 하나님의 그 영광의 빛을 주셨느니라".
Son of man, look at these bones and tell me what you see. I then began to look again at all of the bones that were around me, without having any expectation to see anything other than that which I had previously seen before. But this time, as my eyes scanned across these bones, I saw the same thing that the Lord had shown me years before in another vision. I saw that all of these bones seemed to be wrapped with what at first appeared to small gold chains; chains that appeared to be much smaller in size than the chain you would find on a woman's necklace. I then walked over to get closer to one of the groups of bones, and as I knelt down to see what these chains were, I suddenly was able to see that these were not chains of gold, but rather they were letters of words; and each letter was linked with another letter, and then another, thus forming words; and each word was linked to another word, and then another word, thus forming sentences; it was all of theses letters linked together that gave it a chainlike appearance.
인자야, 이러한 뼈들을 쳐다봐라 그리고 말해라,, 뭐가 보이는지를. 나는 그때 다시 내 주위로 있던 그 뼈들 전부를 쳐다 봤습니다, 내가 전에 이미 보았었던 그것 외의 어떤것도 보리란 기대를 하지 않은 채. 하지만 이번엔, 내 눈이 이러한 뼈들을 유심히 뜯어(살펴)봤는데, 나는,, 수년 전, 주님이 내게 또 다른 환상속에서 보이셨던 그 동일한 것을 봤습니다. 나는 이러한 뼈들 전부가 첫 눈에 작그만 금 사슬로 보였던 것으로 쌓인채 인듯 보이는 것을 봤습니다 ; 사슬인데,, 크기에 있어,, 당신이 여성의 팔목에서 두르는 것만한 것보다 많이 더 작아 보였습니다.. 나는 그때 그 뼈들의 그 무데기들 중의 하나로 걸어서 더 가까이 갔습니다, 그리고 나는 무릎을 꿇었고,, 이러한 사슬들이 뭔지 보았습니다. 나는 돌연 이러한것들이 금 사슬이 아니라,, 오히려 그것들이 말의 문자들이란 것을 볼수 있었는데 ; 각 문자가 또 다른 문자에, 그리고 또 다른 문자에 연결 되어진채, 이렇게 하여 단어(낱말)들을 형성하고 있었고 ; 각 단어는 또 다른 단어와 연결 되어져, 그리고는 또 다른 단어와 연결되어, 이렇게 하여 문장들을 이루고 있었습니다 ; 그것은 모두 이러한 문자들로서 함께 연결되어, 그것에 사슬같은 모양을 만들어 냈습니다.
I then leaned in even closer to see if I could determine exactly what these words said, and I saw that they were not just any words, but rather, they were all verses of scripture from the Bible. The first one that I recognized was the verse that says, "Be confident of this very thing, for he who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ (Phil.1:6)"; the next read, "He that believes on me, the works that I have done, he shall also do; and greater works than these shall he (John 14:12); the next one read, "The creature shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God" (Rom.8:21); and the next one read, "I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes on me, though he were dead, yet shall he live (John 11:25)". I then came across several chains of words that consisted of nothing but the beatitudes that Jesus spoke of at the Sermon on the Mount (Matt.5:3-12).
나는 그때 훨씬 더 가까이 다가가 아래로 구부렸습니다,, 내가 이러한 단어(낱말)들이 말하고 있는것이 정확히 뭔지를 알아낼수 있을까 보기 위해, 하지만 상당부분, 그것들은 모두 성경에서 나온 성경 구절들이었습니다. 그 첫번째 것,,내가 알아보았던,,것은 그 구절이었습니다,," 바로 이것에 확실히 거하라, 이는 너희속에서 선한일을 시작한 그가 그것을 예수 그리스도의 날까지 수행할 것이기에(빌립보서.1:6) " 라 말하고 있는 ; 다음 구절을 읽을 수 있었는데, " 나를 바탕으로 믿는 그는,내가 행했던 그 일들을 그도 또한 행할 것이다 ; 그리고 이러한 것들보다 더 큰 일들도 그가 행할 것이다(요한복음 14:12) ; 그 다음 구절을 읽을 수 있었는데," 그 창조물이 정령코 부패함(썩어짐)의 종노릇(노예살이)으로부터 하나님의 자녀들의 영광스런 자유게 됨 속으로 해방될 것이다 " (롬.8:21) ; 그 다음구절을 읽을 수 있었는데, " 내가 그 부활이며 그 생명이다. 나를 바탕으로 믿는 그는, 그가 죽었을찌라도, 그렇지만, 그는 정령코 살 것이다(요한복음 11:25)" . 나는 그때 몇 몇 단어들로 이루어진 사슬들을 발견했는데,, 다름 아닌 예수님이 산상수훈(설교)(마태5:3-12)가운데서 말씀하신그 팔복이었습니다.
Then, just as I was finishing reading Zechariah 4:6,"Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit", the Lord spoke to me and said, "Son of man, I ask you again, "Do not these bones appear to be hopelessly dead in your sight? Is it not written that all flesh is as the grass that dies, and the glory of men is as the flower of grass that perishes (I Pet.1:24,25). Does not my word also reveal unto you that it is the word of God that will abide forever? I say to you that these bones only appear to be dead because their fleshy senses have died and the glory of their pride has passed away. They are not dead but are only asleep, for they have the resurrection and the life for their Lord. This is my church who have humbled their hearts under my mighty hand, and now is the time that I will fulfill the promise of my word, and exalt them (I Pet. 5:6).
그때, 막 내가 스가랴 4:6 절, " 힘(지력)으로도 능(력)으로도 아니고, 내 영으로서이다 " 라는것 읽기를 끝내고 있었는데, 주님에 내게 말씀하여 이르시길," 인자야, 내가 네게 묻는다, " 이러한 뼈들이 너 보기엔 희망없이 죽어있는것처럼 보이지 않느냐 ? 기록되어 있지 않느냐 모든 육체(살)은 죽는 풀과 같다, 사람들의 그 영광도 소멸하는 풀의 꽃과 같다(벧전.1:24,25). 내 말이 또 너희에게 드러내지 않느냐,, 하나님의 말이 영원히 거할 것이라고 ? 내가 네게 말한다, 이러한 뼈들은 오직 죽은 것 처럼 보일 뿐이다 왜냐함 그들의 살의 감각들이 죽었기 때문이다, 그리고 그들 자긍심의 그 영광이 사라져 소멸 되었기 때문이다. 그들은 죽어 있지 않고,, 단지 잠들었을 뿐이다, 이는 그들이 그들의 주인(여호와)를 향한 그 부활(다시삶)과 그 생명을 가졌기 때문이다. 이것이 내 교회이다, 그들의 마음들을 내 능한 손 아래 겸손히 낮춘, 그래서 이제 그 시간이다,, 내가 내 말의 약속들을 성취하여, 그들을 높일(벧전.5:6).
If I say to these bones, "Live", shall they then not live by the breath of my mouth, just as I breathed life into Adam? But how shall they live? Shall they be raised again to be subject to the corrupt desires that lust to believe Satan's lies? No, son of man, watch these bones; for I am going to do a new thing! For until this day, my elect have seen my words, they have heard my words, they have loved my words, they have believed my words, they have hoped in my words, and they have hidden my words in their hearts. My elect have held on to my words as these chains you see wrapped around these bones (Prov.2:1-5/Prov.4:20-22), that which they have held on to and trusted in unto death. Now watch, for as Satan's lies were as the air that was breathed in for life in this fallen world of darkness, now I am going to breathe my Spirit into all those words, all of those promises, and all of those hopes that my elect have held on to, waiting for me to perform for them, shall be done.
만약 내가 이러한 뼈들에게, " 살아나라 ", 라고 말한다면, 그때 그들이 정령 내 입의 그 숨결(호흡)로 살아날 것이냐, 바로 내가 아담속으로 생명(생기)을 불어넣었(호흡했)던 것처럼 ? 하지만 어떻게 그들이 살아날 것이냐 ? 그들이 다시 그 부패한(상한)욕구들, 심히도 사탄의 거짓말들을 믿고 싶어하는, 그 욕구들에 종속한 채로 일으켜 질 것이냐 ? 아니다, 인자야, 이러한 뼈들을 자세히 봐라 ; 이는 내가 한 새일을 행할 것이기 때문이다 ! 이는 이 날까지, 내 뽑힌자가 내 말을 보았었기 때문이다, 그들은 내 말을 들었고, 그들은 내 말을 사랑 했었다, 그들은 내 말을 믿었었다. 그들은 내 말가운데서 소망했다, 그리고 그들은 내 말을 그들 마음들 속에 숨겼었다. 내 뽑힌자는 내 말들에 계속해 붙어 있었다, 너가 이러한 사슬들,, 이런 뼈들을 둘레로 싼 것을 보는,,그것을 보는 것처럼(잠언.2:1-5/잠언 4:20-22), 그들이 붙어 고수한채로 죽기(사망에)까지 신뢰했었던 그것. 이제 지켜봐라, 이는 사탄의 거짓말들이 이 타락한 어둠의 세상속 살기(생존을) 위해 들여 마셔졌던 그 공기로 있었던 것 처럼, 이제 내가 내 영을 모든 이러한 말(낱말)들, 모든 이러한 약속들, 모든 이러한 소망들,, 내가 내 뽑힌자들을 위해 수행해 주길 기다리는,, 그들이 그것들에 붙어 고수해 왔었던것들 속으로 불어넣어, 행해질 것이다.
Rom.4:20,21 "Abraham not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God. And being fully persuaded that what God had promised, he was also able to perform". 롬. 4:20,21
" 아브라함이 불신(믿지못함)을 통해 하나님의 약속함에 동요하지 않고, 대신 믿음에 강하여 하나님께 영광을 돌렸다. 하나님이 약속하셨던 것을, 그가 또 수행할 수 있다 온전히 설복을 당한채 ".
No more shall my words be as a law that has spoken in your hearts saying, "You ought to do this, or, you ought not to do that". No more shall my words be as a law that says this is right and this is wrong. No more shall my words be in your heart as a law that says this is good and this is evil. No more; for when I breathe my Spirit into my words, my words shall become the passion, the desire, and the pleasure of your heart. No longer will your get weary with trying to do good, for the desire and the pleasure of your heart will only be to do good. No longer will you have to think to do that which is right, for the passion and pleasure of your heart will only be to do that which is right. No longer will your heart speak to you saying that you should forgive those who sin against you, for it will the joy and the pleasure of your heart to forgive all, and there will be no thought to say contrary. No more shall you think to love your brethren, for the passion of your heart will be not only be to love your brethren, but to love all men as I have loved them. It will be the passion of your heart to love your enemies, to do good to those who hate you, to bless those who curse you, and to be merciful to the evil and unthankful. You will no longer have to think to choose between good and evil, right and wrong, or truth and lies, for the pleasure and desire of the thoughts of your heart shall only be goodness, and truth, and righteousness. No longer shall you be bound with laws and rules that limit you, as well as God. No more shall you be tempted with any vain words or dead works, for there shall no longer be in any of you any corrupt desires to believe such lies. The passion, the pleasure, and the delight of your heart shall be abundant life; for my nature is life", says the Lord. "Now watch me as I breath "MY life into these bones; for no longer shall death have any entrance into your heart and mind; and you shall be made free from all things which offend, or that trouble, or that injure, or that grieve, or that hurt, or that which brings sorrow. Abundant life shall be the nature and the master of your heart and your mind. I am going to make all things new; and I am that new thing", says the Lord. "I have spoken it, and I shall perform it. O how foolish they are who have chosen unto themselves that faith which does not stand in my power! O how foolish the self-righteous are for having no desire for me to change them!
더 이상 내 말들이 한 법으로 있지 않을것이다,, 너(희) 마음들 속에서 일러,, " 너(희)는 이것을 행해야 해, 혹은, 너희는 저것을 행치 말아야 해" 라고 말했던. 더 이상 내 말이 한 법으로 있지 않을 것이다,, 이것은 옳고, 이것은 틀렸다 라고 말하는. 더 이상 내 말이 너희 마음들 속에 한 법으로 있지 않을 것이다,, 이것은 선하고 이것은 악한 것이다 라고 말하는. 더 이상은 ; 이는 내가 내 영을 내 말들(낱말들) 속으로 불어넣을(호흡할)때, 내 말들이 너(희) 마음의 그 열정과 그 욕구, 그 기쁨이 될 것이다. 더 이상 너희가 선한것을 행하려 시도하는 것으로 지치지 않을것이다, 이는 너희 마음의 그 욕구와 그 기쁨이 오직 선을 행하는 것이 될 것이기 때문이다. 더 이상 너희는 옳은 그것을 행해야 한다 생각할 필요가 없을 것이다, 이는 너희 마음의 그 열정과 기쁨이 단지 옳은 그것을 행할 것이기 때문이다. 더 이상 너희 마음이 너희에게 다음과 같이 말하지 않을 것이다 너희는 너희를 거스려 죄 짓는 자들을 용서해야 한다고, 이는 모두를 용서하는 것이 너희 마음의 그 즐거움이자 그 기쁨이 될 것이기 때문이다, 그래서 전혀 거스려 말하는 생각이 전혀 없게 될 것이다. 더 이상 너희는 정령코 너희 형제를 사랑하는 것을 두고 생각지 않을 것이다, 이는 너희 마음의 그 열정이 단지 너희 형제를 사랑하는 것일 뿐만이 아니라, 대신 내가 그들을 사랑했던 것 처럼 모든 사람들을 사랑할 것이기 때문이다. 그것이 너희 마음의 그 열정이 될 것이다,, 너희 원수들을 사랑하고, 너희를 미워하는 자들에게 선을 행하고, 너희를 저주하는 자들을 축복하고, 그 감사치 않는 악한 자들에게 자비를 베푸는. 너희는 더 이상 선과 악, 옳고 그름 혹은 참과 거짓들 사이에서 더 이상 선택할 필요가 없을 것이다, 이는 너희 마음의 그 생각들의 기쁨과 욕구가 오직 정령코 선한 것, 진리(참), 의(로움,바름)가 될 것이기 대문이다. 더 이상 너희는 너희를 더불어 하나님을 제한해 묶는 법들과 규례들로 묶이지 않을 것이다. 더 이상 너희는 어떤 헛된 말들, 혹은 죽은 일함들로 유혹을 받지 않을 것이다, 이는 정령코 더 이상은 너희 어떤이 속에도 전혀 그런 거짓말들을 믿고파하는 어떤 부패한(상한) 욕구들이 존재치 않을 것이기 때문이다. 정령 너희 마음의 그 열정, 그 즐거움, 그 기쁨이 너희 풍성한 생명 자체일 것이다 ; 이는 내 성품이 생명이기 때문이다", 주(여호와)의 말이다. " 이제 내가 " 내 생명을" 이러한 뼈들속으로 불어넣는 때를 자세히 보라 ; 이는 더 이상은 사망이 너희 마음과 정신속으로 어떤 출입권도 갖지 못할 것이기 때문이다 ; 그리고 너희는 정령,,모든 것들, 기분 상하게하고, 혹은 힘들게 하고, 혹은 상처를 가하고, 혹은 슬프게 하고, 혹은 마음에 상처를 주는, 혹은 아픔을 일으키는 그것에서,,자유게 될 것이다. 풍성한 생명이 그 성품(본성)이, 너희 마음과 너희 정신의 그 정복자가 될 것이다. 오 얼마나 그들이 어리석은지 그들 자신에게 내 힘속에 서지 않도록 선택한 자들의 ! 오 얼마나 어리석은지,, 나를 향해 그들을 바꿔주도록 하는 욕구를 갖지 않는,,그 자기 의로운(옳은) 자들 !
Watch me! Watch my kingdom as it moves upon the earth, as the power of life swallows up all death: as everlasting joy swallows up all misery and trouble; as peace swallows up all doubt and fear; as contentment swallows up all anxiety and unrest; as love swallows up all your judgments of man and God; as goodness swallows up all evil; as unity swallows up loneliness; as creativity swallows up idleness. Watch me as I transform the consciousness of your mind into an "all believing" mind; a mind where doing the impossible will not be the supernatural but that which is always natural. Watch me as I build my church, joining the members of my body together with truth, knitting their hearts together in love, and bringing them into the unity of my Spirit. Watch me as I fill you with all of my Spirit, and you begin to do works greater than that which I did. Watch me as I minister all healing to your body, your soul, and your spirit, and in turn, you will then minister healing to the body, the soul, and the spirit to all of those who are around you. Watch me as I do new things. Watch as I bring blessings and endings that far exceed all fairy tales; for I am he who does those things which go exceedingly beyond and who blesses abundantly above all that which you have been able to think or to ask for (Eph.3:20). No man has been able to imagine or know the great things which I am about to perform. For this is that day, that day of fulfilling; that day of completion and perfection where I perform all of my words and fulfill all of my promises. Watch me as all of the kingdoms of sin and iniquity get swallowed up by my kingdom", says the Lord. "Watch me, for the darkness shall give way to my light, and none of the illusions of Satan's lies shall ever come to mind again. Watch me as I breathe life into my words. Watch me, for my kingdom is coming, and in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye…these bones shall live".
나를 주시해라 ! 내 왕국을 주시해라 그것이 그 땅위로 움직일(운행할) 때를, 생명의 그 힘(권세)이 모든 사망을 삼키때를 : 영존하는(영원 지속하는) 환희가 모든 불행과 어려움(환란)을 삼키는 때를 ; 평강(평화)이 모든 의심과 두려움을 삼키는 때를 ; 흡족함이 모든 염려와 안식없음을 삼키는 때를 ; 사랑이 너희 모든, 사람과 하나님 판단함들 삼키는 때를 ; 선함이 모든 악을 삼키는 때를 ; 하나됨이 외로움을 삼키는 때를 ; 창조성이 나태함을 삼키는 때를. 나는 주시하라 내가 너희 정신의 그 의식을 "모두를 믿는" 정신으로 바꿔 버릴 때를 ; 한 정신, 그 속에선 그 불가능한 것들을 행하는 것이 초자연적인 것이 아니라, 대신 언제나 늘상 자연스런 그것이 되는 곳. 나를 주시해라,, 내가 내 교회를 건축하(세우)는 때를, 내 몸의 지체들을 진리(진실)로 하나로 모으므로서, 그들의 마음들을 함께 사랑으로 엮어 가며 그들을 내 영의 하나됨으로 만들므로서. 나를 주시해라 내가 너희를 내 영 모두로 채울 때를, 그리고 너희가 내가 행했던 그 일보다 더 큰 일들을 행하기 시작는 때를. 나를 주시해라 내가 너희 몸에, 너희 혼에, 너희 영에, 모든 치유함을 행할 때를, 그리고 이어서, 너희가 그때 그 몸, 그 혼, 그 영에 치유함을 행할 것이다,, 너희 주변으로 있는 자들 모두에게. 나를 주시해라 내가 새 일들을 행할 때를. 주시해라 내가 모든 동화속 얘기들을 훨씬 초월하는 축복들과 결말들을 일으킬 때를 ; 이는 내가 그이기 때문이다,, 너희가 생각했거나,, 혹은 구할 수 있었던 그것 전부를 넘어가는 이상의 것들을 행하므로 축복할수 있는 그이기 때문이다(엡.3:20)... 어떤 사람도 상상하거나, 혹은 알수도 없어었다,,내가 곧 수행 할 참인 그 큰 일들을. 이는 이 날이 그 날이기 때문이다, 성취되는 그 날 , 바로 충만히 완성되는 그 날,, 내가 모든 나의 말들을 수행하고, 모든 나의 약속들을 성취하는 날. 나를 주시해라 모든 죄와 부정함 왕국들이 내 왕국에 의해 삼킴을 당하는 날 " , 주의 말이다. " 나를 주시해라,이는 정령 그 어둠이 내 빛에 굽일(길을 내주는)것이기 때문이며, 사탄의 거짓말들로 된 망상들 어떤것도 정령코 다시는 정신에로 결코 오지 않을 것이기 때문이다. 나를 주시해라 내가 생명을 내 말들(낱말들) 속으로 불어넣는 때를. 나를 주시해라, 이는 내 왕국이 오(가)고 있기 때문이다, 그리고 일 순간, 눈 깜짝할 사이... 이러한 뼈들이 정령코 살아날 것이다".
다음에서 계속.....
Then, at that very moment, I began to observe a stirring throughout the entire valley, as all of these bones seemed to start shaking and rattling in their places. At first I could not discern what was causing the bones to do this, but then I felt it; it was then wind. As I looked around me, I observed the winds coming over the mountains that surrounded this valley, and the winds were coming from the east, from the west, from the north. As the winds grew stronger, the bones shook and rattled more and more, and louder and louder. I then observed as these winds met each other in the very middle of that valley, they began to form a whirlwind. As the winds in the whirlwind increased, the whirlwind immensely grew and height and width. It was a strange whirlwind before my eyes, for it never seemed in anyway to be violent or out of control like a tornado. Though the wind was loud, it was not roaring or thundering like that which I have heard people who have gone through a tornado describe; but rather, it was more like a loud smooth whine similar to what a jet engine sounds like when it is first turned on. The winds then increased in strength that it began to pull all of the bones to the middle of the valley into it. At first, all the bones just continued to shake and rattle as they moved across the valley floor, but then it appeared as though all of the bones actually started dancing as they moved across the valley floor. I kept watching until there was not one bone left on the valley floor, but they had all be sucked into the whirlwind.
As I stood there looking at this whirlwind, the spirit of the Lord quickened unto me two verses. First, that which is written in Ezekiel 37:5 "Thus says the Lord God to these bones, "Behold, I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. And I will attach tendons to you and bring up flesh upon you; and I will cover you with skin, and put breath in you, and you shall live; and you shall know that I am the Lord". So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and behold a shaking, and the bones came together, bone to his bone. And when I beheld, lo, the tendons and flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them, and the skin covered them from above; but there was no breath in them. Then he said unto me, "Prophesy unto the wind; prophesy son of man and say to the wind, "Thus says the Lord God; come from the 4 winds, O breath and breathe upon these slain, that they may live". Then the Lord said to me, "These are the bones of my slain, those who took up their crosses to mortify the works of their flesh and their desires for Satan's illusions. I led them as sheep into this valley for the slaughter; to judge and destroy the wisdom from which all of these corrupt desires proceeded forth from, and the pride that supplied the power to do abominable works. These bones are now ready to be joined together. My Spirit has performed this.
Then the Spirit quickened unto me a second word, that which is written in Matthew 24:29 "And then shall appear the sign of the Son of God in heaven; and then shall all of the tribes of earth mourn and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory. And he shall send forth his angels with the sound of trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the 4 winds, from one end of the heaven to the other". Then the Lord quickened unto me a word that I heard him speak about four years ago, "Why are you looking for me to come from above. I am coming in your brethren?" Then the Spirit of the Lord quickened unto me that which is written in II Thes.1:10 "When the Lord shall come to be glorified in his saints and to be admired in all them that believe in that day". Again, the Lord brought into my remembrance another word that he had just spoken to me when he said, "I am life, I am the wisdom (which is the breath of God), and I am the new thing". Then the Spirit again quickened unto me another word, that which is written in Ephesians 1:10 "That in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he might gather together in one, all things in Christ, both which are in heaven and which are in earth, in him". Oddly enough, one of the definitions for the word "gather" in this passage means "to head up"; and I then wondered if this was that moment that Christ himself would become the head of his body?
Then the Spirit of the Lord brought another word into my thoughts, that which is written in Luke 17:20 "And the Pharisees demanded that Jesus tell them when the kingdom of God should come, and he answered them and said, "The kingdom of God does not come with observation (outward show); and neither shall they say, "Lo, here!" or "Lo there"; for behold the kingdom of God is within you". Then the Lord, "Did I not say that my kingdom is not of this world (John 18:36)? All that is in this world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of this life, are of this world and not of my heavenly Father (I John 2:15-17). I am coming to redeem my elect from their captivity to this world (Rom.8:18-25). I am coming to those who took up their crosses and overcame the world, for I am the prize that they sought for. I am coming in all of my glory, in the nature and in the power of my heavenly Father, and I am coming into the hearts and the minds of my elect; into the hearts and the minds of all those who have hoped to be changed into my likeness at my appearing unto them (I John 3:2). Then shall come to pass that which is written, (Rev.11:15) "The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever".
Then the Lord spoke to me again saying, "Watch me! Watch the work of my hands! Watch my love and mercy work before your very eyes! Watch me as I build my church! Watch me do that which is impossible for any man to do! Watch me as I join the members of my body together, knitting their hearts together in love! Watch me as my Spirit brings my church together into unity! Watch me as I do that which I have been waiting 6000 years to do! Watch me as I manifest….
Before the Lord finished speaking this sentence to me, the whirlwind began to quickly loose it's power and strength. As the whirlwind completely dissipated, I saw standing before me the most beautiful woman/girl that I have I have ever seen. I immediately noticed that her body seemed to be matured as that of a 18 to 20 year old woman; and it had no spots, nor blemishes, nor any imperfections of any kind any where on her. Then I saw her face from which radiated a countenance so beautiful that it is not possible for me to describe. Her face appeared as humble, as innocent, as meek, and as precious as that of a 5 or 6 year old girl. At first, I was just captivated by her physical beauty, but then I became enraptured by her face for it seemed to become translucent, leaving nothing to hide the glorious beauty that also seemed to be coming out of her heart, as well as out of all her inward parts.
I then saw flowing out of her what at first appeared as a river of water. It was as a river that consisted of many different streams, and each stream appeared as one of the colors of the rainbow; and they all flowed so gracefully and smoothly. I then saw that one stream was love, one was wisdom, another was gentleness, another was the truth, another was joy, another was holiness, another was faithfulness and trust, another was righteousness, another was newness, and another was lovingkindness. I observed that though they were different streams, they still flowed together as one river; and that river was called "Abundant Life". As I stared in amazement and awe at this sight before me, I then realized that these streams were not streams of water, but instead, they were streams of light; like a rainbow of liquid light, flowing together; light that just radiated out of what seemed like every part of her body, as though there was nothing to hide or conceal. I then realized that for the first time in my life, God had opened my eyes to see as man sees, her outward appearance, as well as how God sees, her heart and her inward parts (II Sam.16:7). It was incredible, for just as clear as I was able to see the nose on her face, so also was I able to see the love in her heart.
Then I heard the Lord finish speaking the sentence which he had started, "Watch me as I manifest…my bride; my church". It was only then that I noticed that this woman was clothed in a wedding gown; and I then knew that what I was seeing before my eyes was the church, the bride of Christ. As foolish as it may sound, it was like my thoughts instantly returned to the foolishness of my own wisdom, because I had this expectation that when I saw these bones being drawn into the whirlwind, I knew that it was the Lord gathering his body together, but I somehow was expecting to see a headless body, then see Jesus rest his head upon that body. I could not then help myself, but in my foolishness I then asked, "Lord, I truly thought that I was going to see you as the head of your body, that which is your church?" Then the Lord answered me and said, "Is it not written that the husband is the head of wife? This is my bride; this is she who gave herself unto me, allowing for me to have my way with her, to change into that which was pleasing in my eyes. This is she who humbled herself and allowed for me to make her my workmanship, perfecting her faith in me as well as her belief in my words. This is she who allowed for me to circumcise her heart, cutting away the flesh with all of it's worldly desires for Satan's lies; so that she might come to love me with all of her heart, all of her mind, and all of her soul. This is she who allowed for me to prove my love for her, asking me to open the windows of heaven so that she might receive my blessings, my words, my love, my gifts, and my heart. This is she who has patiently and faithfully waited on me to come and finish the work that I started, enduring all manner of enticements to go a whoring from me after the seducing outward beauty of man's religions. This is she who has overcome all things through me, and for me. This is she who I desire to give my entire kingdom to and to spend eternity with. I greatly love and cherish her", says the Lord her husband. "It is finished; the two have now become one.
Then suddenly, I saw an explosion of light, a light that had to be 1000’s of times brighter than the light one would see in that first moment that a nuclear bomb explodes. From the very first moment, I was made aware that this was not any explosion from a bomb, but rather it was God's appearing on earth. I saw this flash of light cover the earth instantly; and then I was allowed to see this light as it moved across the earth in slow motion. This light moved across the earth as a massive wave of light, and the brilliance of this light was so great that it was as a consuming fire. (I had never really thought about the light of God as being the consuming fire of God, but at that moment the Lord brought back into my remembrance of a time in my childhood of how I used to use a magnifying glass to set things on fire; and surely the light that I was seeing was just as intense as the light that comes through that magnifying glass). It was also at this moment that the Lord quickened unto me that the light that I was seeing in this vision was the same light that Moses saw in the burning bush. As I watched the Light move across the earth, I observed as the only thing that it ignited on fire was the darkness, as well as all things that were of the darkness, all things which agreed with the darkness, and all things which loved the darkness. The air itself seemed to be on fire.
I observed that as the light passed by, though the darkness was completely consumed, there was nothing charred in its wake. In fact, it was quite the contrary, for the entire creation had been changed. I then immediately clearly understood that which is written in Rom. 8:22 "For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now"; for ever since Adam and Eve fell, darkness has not only ruled over man, but all of God's creation; for there is no living creature that is not immune to diseases and death. It was then also quickened unto me that Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the "light of life". What I was witnessing before me was that the same light that brought the wrath of God upon the darkness, was also the same light that restored everlasting life to all of God’s creation. Now I understood while the whole creation has been waiting, moaning and groaning to be freed from mortality, for the restoration of everlasting life. As a color photograph is much more dramatic than a black and white photograph, so also was there that much of a dramatic difference in all of the animals, and the trees, and the grass as immortality was swallowing up mortality.
I saw trees, and grass, and shrubs in manner of life which I had never before been seen on earth; at least not since the garden. Before, these things appeared as being inanimate things which just seemed to exist, but now they were living creatures. None of these trees or shrubs had any broken, or dead, or diseased branches whatsoever. The grass also had an appearance of life that I had never seen before; and it was so lush, so green, and so living, having no diseased or bare areas anywhere in it. I saw the lion lay down with the lamb, and the lion was every bit as gentle as the lamb. There was no more death, no more diseases, nor any more injuries. Just like the scriptures say, I saw nothing that could cause any sorrow or pain. If I had ever thought I had in me any knowledge that could do justice in my description of what abundant life was, then it was only a vain imagination that would be laughable and foolish compared to what I was witnessing.
I Thessalonians 1:10 "..wait for his Son for heaven, whom he raised from the dead; Jesus, he who delivered us from the wrath to come".
I then saw the light as it passed by the bride, his church; but the bride had already been filled with the light of God through the glory of Jesus Christ. These were they who had judged themselves, allowing for the light of Christ to come in and destroy any and all of the illusions of Satan's lies, that darkness that appears as the light. These shall not be judged with this world (I Cor.11:31,32). Truly, before my very eyes, I saw the glory of God filling the earth with the light of life. Not only was there not any darkness anywhere on the earth, but there were no shadows anywhere either. It was as though the glory of God was the very air itself. Then suddenly, I found myself again standing on the edge of space, and I immediately turned towards the earth to see if the darkness still compassed it, but my eyes went right past the earth because I first thought that it was the sun. Then when I realized that what I thought was the sun was actually the earth filled with the glory of God, I turned back. The light coming from the earth was not like the light that comes from the sun, but rather, it was kind of like fluorescent light, but it was extremely brilliant. For years now, the Lord has been saying that he was going to do a new thing, but this new thing left me trembling and speechless; probably in the same manner that the disciples were left trembling and speechless when they saw the power of God calm the seas and still the winds.
Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "I have told you *before when I was to come into this present world of darkness that you presently inhabit, that my presence would destroy all darkness, all wickedness, all lies, and all evil. I cannot yet come into this world because my people have not yet been prepared to see me in all of my glory (Prov.16:1). Those who prepare themselves are those who ask for me to prepare their hearts, to deliver them from the powers of darkness. These are they who will love my appearing because they will love seeing my light dissolve the darkness, as well as seeing all death being swallowed up by life. I told you that you had not yet seen all of the truth of my word; for it is as it is written, "And the Word was God (John 1:1)". Watch, for the end of darkness is much closer than you think. Many times I have warned all saying, "Be ready", but who will hear and take heed? If you are not watching me, then you have lost your focus. Watch!
Ps 97:6 "The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory".
Proverbs 12:28 "In the way of righteousness is life; and in the pathway thereof there is no death".
II Peter 3:9 "The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness, but is longsuffering towards us, not willing that any man should perish, but that all should come to repentance (the death of the carnal mind to the life and peace of the spiritual mind). But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with a fervent heat, the earth also and the works therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all of these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons you ought to be in holy conversation and godliness, looking for and hasting the coming of the *day of God , wherein the heavens (the air you breathe) being on fire shall be dissolved and the elements shall melt with fervent heat. Nevertheless, we, according to his promise, look for news heavens and a new earth, wherein dwells righteousness (the true light, and not the light that appears as the darkness)". *This is not the day of the Lord Jesus, but the day of God
Revelation 21:3 "And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, "Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he shall dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes, and there shall be no more death, no more sorrow, nor crying, and neither shall their be any more pain; for the former things are passed away. And he that sat upon the throne said, "Behold, I make all things new".
Revelation 21:22 "And I saw no temple therein; for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are in the temple of it. And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon to shine in it; for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof.