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[ 538-12-1 ] JESUS IS COMING FOR HIS BRIDE!!! By Mitt Jeffords (수정 및 교정)

danieell 2019. 4. 24. 12:32

출        처       :        https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/harvestershub1/jesus-is-coming-for-his-bride-t164.html

예수님이 그의 신부를 위해 오고 있다 !!!

Author: Mitt Jeffords(미트 제포즈)

The eleven! Who were the eleven? They were the 12 minus 1. They were the eleven that held on to Jesus without any giving in. They were in a room together for three days after Jesus had been crucified, dead, and buried. Then Jesus suddenly appeared, and he sharply rebuked them. Would you not think that they would have overjoyed to see Jesus, even in their state of unbelief? Unbelief? 

Yes, their unbelief that they possessed when Mary Magdalene told them she had seen Jesus. But what was the cure? How would they go from unbelief to belief? They would have to "see" him with their own eyes, which Jesus showed himself to the 11 disciples. Jesus rebuked them by opening their eyes so that they could see him. Is that hard?

 그 열 하나! 누가 그 열 하나였습니까 ? 그들은 12-1 이었습니다. 그들은 어느 누구도 굴복하지 않고, 예수에 붙어 있은 열 한 사람이었습니다. 그들은 예수께서 십자가에 못 박히시고, 죽으, 묻히신 후,, 3 일 동안 함께 한 방안에 있었습니다. 그때 예수께서 갑자기 나타나셨습니다, 그리고 그분은 그들을 심하게 질책했습니다. 그들이 예수를 보므로 엄청나게 기뻐었리라고 생각지 않습니까,, 그들이 불신(믿지못함)상태에서라도 ? 불신의 ? 그렇습니다, 그들이 막달라 마리아(Mary Magdalene)가 예수를 보았었다 말했을 때, 그들의 믿지 못함(불신) 상태였습니다. 하지만 그 치유책이 무엇이었습니까 ? 어떻게 그들이 믿지못함에서 믿음으로 변할 것입니까 ? 그들은 그분을 그들 자신의 두눈으로 보아야 할 것입니다, 그것은 예수가 그 자신을 그 11 제자에게 나타내는 것이었습니다. 예수님은 그들 눈을 열어주므로서 그들이 그분을 볼 수 있도록 하므로 그들을 심하게 질책했습니다. 그게 어렵습니까 ? 

Jesus said in Matthew 11:28,29 "Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon, and LEARN of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. " " 예수께서 마태복음 11:28,29절에 말씀하셨습니다 " 수고 하고 무겁게 짐진 자들 너희 모두는 내게로 오라, 그러면 내가 쉼(안식)을 줄 것이다. 내 멍에를 메고, 나에게서 배워라 ; 이는 내가 마음이 온유하고 낮아서, 너희가 너희 혼을 위해 쉼을 발견할 것이다"

 Why does Jesus make it clear that all he desires for us is to LEARN of HIM

왜 예수님 그분이 우리에게 심히 원하는 전부가 그분에게서 배우는 것(LEARN of HIM)을 분명하게 합니까 ?

Let's pretend for a moment that you are of the eleven, and I am Mary Magdalene, and that I am coming to you saying, "I have seen him. I have seen Jesus!" This is the yoke that I bring to you, that I have seen Jesus. only those who have taken his yoke upon them, will believe, while the rest will have to wait for a short time. 

 잠시 당신들이 그 열 한 사람이고,  그리고 내가 막달라 마리아라고, 그래서 내가 당신들에게 가서 다음과 같이 말했다고 가정해 봅시다, " 내가 그분을 봤어요. 내가 예수님을 보았다구요! " 이것은 내가 당신들에게 가져다 주는 그 멍에입니다, 내가 예수를 보았다는 것이. 오직 그분의 멍에를 졌던 자들만이, 믿을 것입니다, 그 나머지가 얼마간(잠시동안) 기다려야 할 동안.

 This vision was given to me over 4 days 

 이 환상은 4 일에 걸쳐 받은 것입니다

Day 1 (첫번째 날)

I was praying my morning prayer when the Lord suddenly gave this vision to me: "I saw the vast, never ending heavens, with all of its countless stars. As I was looking at the stars and their galaxies, there suddenly appeared right smack dab in the midst of the heavens, a door. Not just any door, but a giant sized wooden door. I examined this door for a few moments. I was able to walk around to the backside of the door, but when I got there, there was no door visible to my eye, only the heavens. When I moved back around to the front of the door, I was able to see it once more.

나는 내 아침 기도시간 기도하고 있었습니다,, 그때 주님이 갑자기 이 환상을 내게 주셨습니다 : " 나는 광막하고 결코 끝이 없이 펼쳐진 하늘(들)을, 그 수를 헤아릴 수 없는 별들이 있는, 그런 하늘을 보았습니다. 내가 그 별들과 은하들을 바라보고 있는데, 돌연 그 하늘 완전히 한가운데,, 문 하나가 나타났습니다. 그냥 단순한 여느 출입문이 아니라, 대신 아주 거대한 규모의 목재 출입문이었습니다. 나는 이 문을 잠시간 살펴봤습니다. 나는 그 문의 뒤쪽으로 돌아 걸어갈 수 있었습니다, 하지만 내가 그기에 이르렀을때는, 전혀 내 눈에 보이는 문이 없었습니다, 오직 하늘들만 있을뿐. 내가 다시 그 문 앞쪽으로 되돌아 왔을때, 나는 그것을 다시 한번 볼 수 있었습니다.

I then noticed that this door had a name engraved on it that said, "The Sins of the Law". I also noticed that just beneath the words "The Sins of the Law" was engraved the word "Hell". I stood there amazed! I had never associated those two words together. Then I noticed that this door also had a keyhole that was on the far right side of the door. I examined the door and the sayings that were engraved using the best of my ability. I could not come up with any knowledge or understanding. So I immediately asked the Lord if he would grant to me his knowledge, and his understanding, and his wisdom so that I might understand and know what this door meant. 

그때 나는 알아챘습니다,, 이 문에 새겨진 하나의 이름이 있다는 것을,, 그것은 기록되길," [율]법의 죄들(The Sins of the Law) ". 나는 또 알아챘습니다,, 바로 그 글자 " 율법의 죄들 " 아래엔, " 지옥 " 이란 글자가 새겨져 있었습니다. 나는 그기에 놀란 채 서 있었습니다 ! 나는 결코 그러한 두 말을 함께 연결지어 생각해 본 적이 없었더랬습니다. 그때 나는 알아챘습니다,, 이 문이 또한 그 문 오른편 끝쪽 가까이 열쇠구멍이 있는 것을. 나는 그 문과, 그 위에 새겨진 말들을 내가 할수 있는 한 최대한으로 자세히 검토했습니다. 나는 어떤 지식도 혹은 이해함도 떠 올릴수가 없었습니다. 그래서 나는 즉시로 주님께 물었습니다,, 그분이 내게 그분의 지식을, 그분의 이해함을, 그분의 지혜를 주실수 있는지,, 그래서 내가 이 문이 무엇을 의미하는지 이해하여 알도록. 

Galatians 3:10 "For as many as are under the works of the law are under the curse: for it is written, "Cursed is everyone that continues not in all things which are written in the book of the law to do them."갈라디아서 3:10 " 율법의 일함들 아래 있는 많은자들이 저주아래 있음이기 때문이다 : 이는 기록되길," 율법책에 행하라 기록된 모든것들을 계속하지 않는자들은 저주를 받아 있음이기 때문이다."

Galatians 3:23 "But before faith came, we were kept under the law, shut up" until" faith which should afterwards be revealed."
갈라디아서 3:23 " 하지만 믿음(확신,신앙)이 오기전, 우리는 율법아래 놓인채로 닫혀(감금되어) 있었다" 믿음(확신)이 후에 드러나야 하기까지."
Galatians 4:4,5 "But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that he might receive the adoption of sons." 갈라디아서 4:4,5 " 하지만 그 시간의 충만이 왔을때, 하나님이 그의 아들을 보냈다, 여인으로서 만들어져, 율법 아래 있도록, 율법아래 있는 그들을 변제(회복,되찾기)위해, 그가 아들들로 된 양자를 받아들이기 위해." 
(번역하는 다니엘입니다,, 여러분, 저 다니엘이 왜 이렇게 직접 번역하는지,, 깊이 생각해보기 원합니다..)

As I meditated on what I had seen, the Holy Spirit then showed to me that not one time had I ever seen that those who are under the law are really those that are condemned to hell. I have  read this many times, but I never once really considered it. Wow; God is pretty serious about the law, that a man had better come out of it. The Muslims have a law. The Jews have a law. The Christians have a law. Even the Gentiles have a law; for it is written in Romans 2:14 "For when the Gentiles, which have not the law, do by nature the things contained in the law, these having not the law, are a law unto themselves". Everywhere that you turn today, governments are passing more laws than you can shake a stick at. If hell is the curse that awaits those who live under the law, then it must be pretty large place. We must be a pretty sick and nasty people to live under all of these laws. 

내가 보았던 것을 묵상하고 있었을 때,, 그때 성령(깨끗한 영)이 내게 내가 전에 한번도 본 적이 없었던 것, 그 율법 아래 있는 자들이, 실제로 지옥 선고를 받은 자들이란 것을 보이셨습니다. 나는 이것을 여러번 읽었었더랬습니다, 하지만 나는 결코 한번도 실재로 그것을 숙고하지 않았었더랬습니다. 와우 ; 하나님은 꽤 그 [율]법에 대해 심각합니다, 한 사람이 그기에서 나와야 한단 것에 대해.  무슬림(회교도)들은  법을 가지고 있습니다. 유대인들도  법을 가지고 있습니다. 기독교인들도 법을 가지고 있습니다. 심지어 이방인들조차도 법을 가지고 있습니다 ; 이는 로마서 2:14 절에 기록되어 있기 때문입니다 이는  그 법을 가지고 있지 않은,, 이방인들은 법에 실려 있는 그것들을 본래 지킬때,, 이러한 자들은 그 법을 갖지 않아서, 그들 스스로에게 법이 되기 때문입니다(양심에 따릅니다) ". 오늘날  당신들은 가는 곳곳 마다에, 정부들들이 당신이 있는지 알지도 못하는(눈만 뜨면),, 법안들을 통과시키고 있습니다. 만약 지옥이 그 법 아래 사는 자들을 기다리는 그 저주라면, 그럼 그 곳은 아주 넓은 곳임에 틀림없습니다. 우리는, 모든 이러한 법들 아래서 사는 아주 힘들고 저급한 사람들임에 틀림없습니다. 


For the rest of that day, I thought about what I had seen. I thought about Pontius Pilate, when they brought Jesus Christ before him for judgment, and he said, "I do not see that this man has done anything wrong." Wrong? Now that puts a difference between the Jews and the Romans. Pontius Pilate had not subjected himself to live under the law of sin; but the Jews, those who were born under the law, now that was a different story, for they all of the Jews were enraged at Jesus. Do you like being judged, having someone to point out every single mistake that you have made? Do you enjoy judging other people? So, I got this much out of the vision so far. 

그 날 나머지 동안, 나는 내가 본 것을 두고 생각했습니다. 나는 본디오 빌라도를 생각했는데, 그때 그들이 예수 그리스도를 심판함을 위해 그 앞으로 데려갔었는데, 그는 말했습니다, " 나는 이 사람이 아무 잘 못 행한것을 보지 못한다." 잘 못을 ? 자 그것이 그 유대인들과 그 로마인들 사이의 차이를 보입니다. 본디오 빌라도는 그 자신을 그 죄의 법 하에서 살도록 종속(예속)시키지 않았더랬습니다 ; 하지만 그 유대인들, 그 [율]법 아래 태어났던 자들은, 이제 그게 다른 얘기였습니다, 이는 그들 모든 유대인들은 예수를 보고 격분했습니다. 당신은,, 누군가 당신이 범한 모든 하나하나의 실수를 꼬집게 하므로서 심판(판단)받기를 좋아합니까 ? 당신은 다른 사람들 판단하길 즐깁니까 ? 그런데 나는 그 환상에서 지금껏,, 이것을 많이 이해했습니다.

I also considered my own walk, how when I was under the law. My whole walk was based on my consciousness telling me what I should and what I should not do. Even though I lived in Charleston, S.C., I would not go to the beach with my family, because if a man looks at a woman with lust in his heart...well, you know. My entire consciousness was filled with the law being my guide....or better yet, I had made the law to be my God. 

나는 또 내 자신의 삶의 행로를 숙고했습니다,,  내가 그 법 아래 있었을때가 어땠는지. 내 전 삶(생명)이 내 의식(정신)을 근거로,, 하여,, 내게 내가 해야 할 것과,, 하지 말아야 할 것은 말했습니다. 내가 사우스 캐롤라이나,, 찰스턴에 살았음에도,, 나는 내 가족과 해변에 가려고 하지 않았더랬습니다, 왜냐함 만약 한 남자가 그의 마음속에 음욕을 품고 여인을  바라보면...그럼,, 아는것 처럼.. 내 전체 의식(정신)은 그 법으로 내 인도자가 되도록 했습니다... 아님 그렇지만 더 낳다고, 내 자신은 그 법을 나의 하나님(참,진리)으로 만들었었던 것이었습니다.

Jesus flipped me out one day when he opened my eyes and showed to me that he did not observe the Sabbath day. He did not keep the commandments. I had tried to keep the law, but it was only for a show of my pride, the evil power that comes from the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil." After I surrendered, the Lord broke all of my pride. Thank you Jesus; thank you. I no longer tried to keep the law. Now this was the first day of the vision, but I had no idea that there was coming three more days of visions.

 예수님이 내 눈을 여시고 내게 그분이 안식일을 지키지(준수하지) 않으셨다는 것을 내게 보이셨때는 하루를 휙 지나고서였습니다. 그분은 계명을 지키지 않았습니다. 나는 전에 그 법을 지키려 노력했습니다, 하지만 그것은 단지 하나의 내 긍지(자긍심:my pride), 쇼(보임이)였습니다, "선과 악의 지식의 나무" 로부터 나오는 그 악한 힘(능력). 내가 항복한 후,, 주님은 모든 나의 모든 자긍심을 부수어 놓았습니다. 감사합니다 주님 ; 감사합니다. 나는 더 이상 그 법을 지키려 하지 않았습니다. 자 이게 그 환상의 첫 날이었고, 하지만 난 3 일 더 환상들이 올 것(계속될것이)란 것을 전혀 몰랐습니다.

Day 2 

두째 날

The next morning, I again was praying when the Lord suddenly added this vision to the previous vision: I again saw the heavens that I had seen the previous day, the one that had a door with the "Sins of the Law" engraved on it. Suddenly that door seemed to slide to the left, as if it was mounted on rollers. As it was sliding, it revealed another door exactly the same size that was hidden behind the first door. The first door kept sliding until the two doors were now resting side by side. 

그 다음날 아침, 내가 다시금 기도하고 있었는데, 그때 주님이 돌연 이 환상을 그 전날 환상에 추가했습니다 : 나는 다시 그 하늘,, 내가 그 전날 보았었던,, " [율]법의 죄들 " 이란 말이 그 위로 새겨진 출입문 하나를 보았습니다. 갑자기 그 문이 왼쪽으로 미끄려져 가는것 처럼 보였습니다,, 마치 그것이 로울러 위로 구르는 것 처럼. 그것이 미끄러지고 있었을때, 그것은 또 다른 문을 드러 내었는데,, 정확히 그 첫번째 문 뒤쪽으로 숨겨져 있었던 동일한 크기의 출입문이었습니다. 그 첫번째문이 계속 미끄러져서 이제 그 문이 두개로 나란히 양 옆으로 자리하기까지 되었습니다.

I then noticed that this door also had a name engraved on it just like the first door; and the name engraved on this door was "The Sins of Iniquity". And just like before, there appeared the word "Death" engraved just below the "The Sins of Iniquity". I also noticed that there was this keyhole that was located on the left side of the door. So I stood there considering these two doors. on the left side was the door that had "The Sins of the Law", and the one on the right side had the "Sins of Iniquity". The Lord gave to me a better understanding for the word "Hell" when I began to meditate on it, as one who tries to  justify himself by using the law to live by before God. So also then did I begin to meditate on the word "Death" in the same manner. 

나는 그때 알아챘습니다,, 이 문 역시도 그 위로 꼭 그 첫번째 문처럼 그 위로 새겨진 이름이 있었습니다 ; 이 문 위로 새겨진 그 이름은 " 부정함의 죄들( "The Sins of Iniquity")" 이었습니다. 꼭 그 전처럼, 그기에 바로 그 " 부정함의 죄들 " 아래로 "사망("Death") "이란 단어가 새겨진 것이 보였습니다. 나는 또 알아챘습니다,, 그 문의 열쇠 구멍도  왼쪽으로 자리한 것을.  그래서, 나는 그기에 선채,, 이러한 두 문을 두고 숙고했습니다. 왼쪽편에는 " 율법의 죄들 " 말이 있는 문이 있었고, 오른 편의 그것은 " 부정함의 죄들 " 이란 말이 있는 문이었습니다. 주님이 내가 그것을 두고 묵상하기 시작했을 때,, 내게 그 말 "지옥" 이란 단어에 대해 더 진전된 이해함을 주셨는데, 스스로 그 자신을 하나님 앞에서 법대로(법을 사용하여) 살므로서 정당화(옳다) 시키려 하는 한 사람으로서 더 낳은(진전된) 이해를 주셨습니다. 그렇게 그때  또 나는 그 말 " 사망" 이란 단어를  동일한 방식으로 묵상하기 시작했습니다.

I did not have to mediate long before the Lord brought back into my remembrance God's meaning for Death. It is not what man thinks it is. It is written in Romans 8:6,7 "For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually mind is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God, for it is not subject to the law of God, neither can it be (the law of God is the law of "life": Rom.8:2)." It is purely a "mind" thing; and no, it has nothing to do with the death of the body, only the "mind".

내가 주님이 사망에 대한 의미를 내 기억속으로 되가져 오기까지 오래 묵상할 필요는 없었습니다. 그것은 인간이 그것(사망)이라 생각하는것이 아닙니다. 그것은 로마서 8:6,7 절에 기록되었습니다 " 이는 육의 정신(상태인 것)은 사망이요, 대신, 영(으로 향하는)의 정신은 생명과 평안이기 때문이다. 왜냐함 그 육의 정신은 하나님과 원수(상태)이기 때문이다, 이는 그것(육의 정신)은 하나님의 그 법에 종속되지도 않고, 종속될 수도 없음이라(하나님의 법은 " 생명(삶) "의 법(칙)입니다 :롬 8:2). "  그건 순전히 " 정신의 문제" 입니다 ; 결코,, 그것은 육체의 죽음(사망)과는 전혀 관계가 없고, 오직 그 " 정신"에 관계됩니다.

Death is where the mind is filled with all manner of disobedience and rebellion that comes from him just naturally thinking like a man. It is man's imprisonment since the fall of Adam and Eve. The Lord said that he was going to give us a new mind and a new heart, but first there comes the destruction of that which is rebellious and disobedient. The rebellion originated in the garden of Eden, when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the fruit from the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil."

 사망은,, 그 정신,,  그냥 자연적으로 생각하는 사람으로, 그에게서 나오는,,온갖 방식의 불순종과 반역으로 채워져 있는, 의식의 상태입니다. 그것은 아담과 하와의 타락(떨어짐)이후의 인간의 구금(감검,수감)상태입니다. 주님이 말했습니다,, 그가 우리에게 새로운 정신과 새로운 마음을 줄 것이라고, 하지만 먼저 그기에 반역하고 불순종하는 그것의 파괴가 먼저 옮니다..  반역은 에덴동산에서 기원(시작)되었습니다, 그때 아담과 하와는 하나님께 불순종하여 그 " 선과 악의 지식의 나무 " 로부터 나는 열매를 따 먹었습니다.

Of course, we all know that they were deceived by Satan when they were overcome with the thought of what it would be like to be as God. After they were overcome, they ate the fruit. Eating the actual fruit was only a secondary action to the rebellion in their heart. Do you think that God desires to spend eternity with those who are of a carnal mind? Would you want to dwell in heaven with a people that constantly thought that there was a better way than yours? is there peace in our land: animal rights, women rights, gay rights, civil rights, children rights, and etc. So which one of these is right in the sight of God. They are all wrong because it is written that righteousness belongs to God. I always loved that carnal song, "Everybody wants to rule to world."  

 물론, 우리 모두는,, 그들이 하나님 처럼 되는 것이 어떤것일까,,라는 생각으로 압도(정복)을 당했을때,,그들이 사탄으로부터 속임을 당했다는것을 앎니다. 그들이 정복(압도)를 당한 후,, 그들은 그 열매를 먹었습니다. 그 실제 열매를 먹는 행위는, 단지 그들 마음속에서의 반역의 부차적인(따르는) 행동일 뿐이었습니다. 당신은 생각에 하나님이 육의 정신으로 된 자들과 함께 영원을 보내고 싶어한다고 생각합니까 ?  당신은, 당신이 생각한 것 보다 더 낳은(진전된) 방식이 있다 생각한 사람들(백성)과 하늘에서 살길 원하겠습니까 ? 우리 땅(land:지면)에 평(강)화가 있습니까 : 동물의 권리, 여성의 권리, 동성연애자의 권리, 시민의 권리, 어린이의 권리,,등등이 있는데서. 그렇다면 이러한것들 중 어느것이 하나님 보시기에 옳습니까 ? 그것들 모두 틀렸습니다 왜냐함 의(로움,옳음,바름)은 하나님께 속했다고 기록되어 있기 때문입니다. 나는 늘 상,, 그 육(세상)의 노래를 아주 좋아했습니다, " 모든이는 세상을 다스리(지배하)기 원해."

Then suddenly, the Holy Spirit brought this meaning into my mind: Death is the fruit of the carnal state of mind that is possessed by all those who eat of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil". No wonder everyone is under the curse that observes the law; for the law is the evidence of what "man" calls evil and good. Think on this for a minute or two. This fruit is always evil, even though we call it "The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil"; but the fruit that comes to those who eat of the "Tree of Life", it is always good. Jesus said that he is the "Life", and God only is good.

그때 돌연, 성령(거룩한[깨끗한] 영)이 이 의미를 내 정신속으로 가져왔습니다 : 사망(죽음)은  " 선과 악의 지식의 나무 " 로부터 먹는 자들 모두가 점령된(점유당한) 육(살)의  결과로서 나타난 정신 (상태)이다. 법을 지키는 모든이가 그 저주 아래 있는것은 전혀 이상할 것이 없다 ; 이는 그 법이 " 인간이" 소위 선과 악이라 부르는 것의 증거이기 때문이다. 잠시간 이걸 생각해 봐라. 이 열매(결과물)은 언제나 악하다, 비록 우리가 그것을 " 선과 악의 지식의 나무 " 라고 부를지라도 ; 하지만 그 " 생명 나무 " 에서 나온것으로 먹는 자들에게서 나오는 그 결과물, 그 열매는 언제나 선하다. 예수가 말했다,, 그가 그 " 생명 " 이라고, 그리고 하나님만이 선하시다고.

How hard is it for the people of God to be deceived? How easy is it for us to eat of the fruit that comes from "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil? It is written in Matthew 7:15-21 "Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. You shall "know them by their fruits". You shall know by the fruit that they feed the flock of God with: either with the fruit that promises that you will be like God of your own doing, or the fruit that God will make you to be like him.

하나님의 백성(사람들)이 속임(기만)을 당하는 것은 얼마나 이려운지 ?  " 선과 악의 지식의 나무 " 에서 나오는 열매를 먹는 우리는 얼마나 기만을 당하는 것이 얼마나 쉬운지 ? 그것은 마태복음 7:15-21절에 기록되어 있다 " 거짓 선지자들을 조심해라, 그들은 너희에게 양의 옷차림을 하고서 온다, 하지만 속(내부)은 그들이 굶주림에 허덕이는 늑대들(ravening wolves)이다. 너희는 확실히 그들의 열매로 알것이다". 여러분들은 그들이 가지고서 먹이는 그 열매(결과물,진리)로서 확실히 알 것입니다 : 당신 자신으로 행하는 것으로 당신을 하나님 같이 만들어 줄것이라 약속하는 그 열매(진리, 참)든지, 아님 하나님이 당신을 그와 같이 만들어 줄것이라는 그 열매(진리, 참)든지. 

Now to continue. "Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree brings forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree brings forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that brings not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits you shall know them.

 자 계속해서," 사람들이 가시 나무에서 포도를 땁니까, 아님 엉겅퀴에서 무화가를 땁니까 ? 바로 그렇게 좋은 나무가 좋은 열매를 맺습니다 ; 반대로 부패한 나무는 악한 열매를 맺습니다. 좋은 나무가 악한 열매를 맺을(낳을) 수 없고, 부패한 나무가 좋은 열매를 맺을 수 없습니다. 좋은 열매를 맺지(낳지) 않는 나무마다 도끼에 찍혀서, 불속으로 던져집니다. 이르므로 그들의 열매들로 당신은 확실히 그들을 알 것입니다.

Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father, which is in heaven. Many will say to me that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name have cast out demons" And in your name have done many wonderful works?" And then I will profess to them, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity." Iniquity and righteousness come from the same words: one is the letter of the word which brings forth death, and the other is the spirit of the word, which gives life. Hypocrisy or righteousness, the choice is yours?

내게 ," 주여, 주여 " 하는 모든이가 하늘 왕국에 들어가는 것은 아니다, 대신 하늘에 계신, 내 아버지의 의지(뜻)을 행하는 그가 들어갈 것이다. 많은 자들에 그 날에 말할 것이다, " 주여, 주여, 우리가 당신의 이름으로 예언하지 않았습니까 ? 당신의 이름으로 우리가 귀신(악령)들을 쫓아내지 않았습니까? 그리고 당신의 이름으로 많은 놀라운 일들을 행하지 않았습니까 ? 그때 내가 그들에게 고백할 것이다, " 내가 결코 너를 몰랐다. 내게서 떠나라, 너 부정함을 일하는(작업하는)자여."  부정함과 의(로움,옮음)은 동일한 말에서 나옮니다 : 하나는 사망을 내는(낳는) 그 단어의 문자이고, 다른것은 그 단어의 영으로, 생명을 줍니다. 위선 아님 의(로움), 그 선택은 당신의 것입니다 ?

II Timothy 2:19 "Nevertheless, the solid foundation of God stands sure, having this seal: "The Lord knows those who are his." And let everyone who names the name of Christ depart from iniquity." 딤후 2:19 " 그럼에도 불구하고, 하나님의 견고한 바탕(기초)은 확실히 섰다,이 인(뗌)을 가지므로서 : 주(여호와)는 그의 것인 자들을 아신다." 그리스도의 이름을 부르는 모두는 부정함에서 떠나라."
ames 3:6 "For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is "perfect man", and able to bridle the whole body. Behold, we put bits in horses mouths that they may obey us, and we turn the whole body. Behold also the ships, which are driven of fierce winds. Yet, they are turned about with a very small helm, wheresoever the captain takes her. Even so the tongue is a small member, and "boasts" 야고보서 3:6 " 이는 우리 모두가 많은것에서 실수(기분상하게)하기 때문입니다. 만약 말에서 실수하지 않음, 그 사람은 "완전한 사람"이고, 온 몸을 제어할수 있습니다. 보라, 우리가 (타는)말의 입에 재갈을 물린다,, 그것들이 우리에게 순종토록 하여, 우리가 전체 몸을 제어하도록. 보라 또 배들이 강한 바람에 휘몰린다. 그렇지만 그것들은 아주 작은 키에 의해 방향을 튼다, 누구든 선장이 그것을 어느 곳 으로던지. 더 더욱 혀는 작은 지체임에도, "크게 자랑한다"

Matthew 7:22) great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire (spark) kindles! The tongue is a fire, a " world of iniquity". So is the tongue among our members that it sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell. For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things in the sea is tamed, and has been tamed, but the tongue can no man tame. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith we bless God, and therewith we curse men, which are made after the similitude of God. Out of the same mouth proceeds blessing and cursing (The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil).My brethren, these things should not be so." 마태복음 7:22 큰 일들을. 보라, 작은 불씨가 얼마나 큰 문제를 촉발시키는지 ! 혀는 불이요, " 부정함의 세계"라. 우리 지체중에서 혀도 그러하니,,그것은 성품의 나갈길을 불로 사르니; 그것은 지옥불로서 난다. 이는 모든 류의 짐승들, 새들, 독사들, 바다의 사는것들이 길들여져, 순치되었는데, 하지만 그 혀는 길들이 사람이 전혀 없음이라. 그것은 다스리지 못하는 악으로, 치명적인 독이 가득하다. 그것을 가지고 우리가 하나님을 찬송하고, 그것을 가지고 우리가 사람들,, 하나님과 유사하게 만들어진,, 이들을 저주한다. 동일한 입에서 축복과 저주(선과 악의 지식의 나무)가 나온다. 내 형제들아 이러한 일이 그래선 안된다."

ts 3:26 "Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, "sent him" to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities."

사도행전 3:26 "너희에게 먼저 하나님이, 그의 아들 예수를 일으키시므로, "그를 보냈다" 너희를 축복하여,, 너희 각자를 그의 부정함에서 돌이키시므로."

Matthew 7:21-23  "Not everyone who says to me "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but  he that does the will of my Father which is in heaven. For "many" will say to me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? Have we not cast demons in your name? Have we not done many wonderful works in your name?" And then I will profess unto them, "I never knew you. Depart from me you that work iniquity."

 마태복음 7:21-23" 나더러 "주여, 주여" 말하는 모든자가 하늘 왕국에 들어올 것은 아니다, 대신 하늘에 계신 내 아버지의 뜻(의지)를 행하는 그가 들어온다. 이는 " 많은자들이 그 날에 내게 말할 것이다," 주님, 주님, 우리가 당신 이름으로 예언하지 않았습니까 ? 우리가 당신이름으로 귀신(악령)들을 쫓지 않았습니까 ? 우리가 놀라운 일들을 당신 이름으로 하지 않았습니까 ?" 그러면 내가 그들에게 고백할 것이다." 내가 너희를 몰랐다. 내게서 떠나라, 부정함을 작업하는(일하는) 자여."

salms 90:8 "You have set our iniquities before you, our secret sins (the secrets hidden behind the second door) in the light of your countenance."  시편 90:8 " 

당신께서 당신앞에 우리 부정한 것들을, 우리의 은밀한 죄들(그 두번째 문 뒤쪽으로 숨겨진 은밀한 것들)을 당신 얼굴 빛 안에두셨습니다."

ians 2:7-12 "For the mystery of iniquity does already work. only he who now lets will let until he be taken out of the way. And then shall Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming. Even him, whose coming if after the working of Satan, with all power, and signs, and lying wonders, and with all the deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish, because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion so that they should believe a lie, that they may all may be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure of unrighteousness." 살후 2:7-12 이는 부정함(불법)의 신비가 이미 일한다(작용한다). 오직 지금 허용하는 그가 그것이 그 길  밖으로 취해지기 까지 허락할 것이다. 그리고서 사악이 정령 드러날 것이다, 주(여호와)께서 그분 입의 영(말)으로 그를 소멸시켜서,, 그분 오심의 밝음으로 파괴할 것이다. 그 조차도, 그의 옮은 사탄의 일함을 쫓아서라도, 모든 능력과 표적, 거짓말하는 놀라운것들로, 그들속에서 붕괴(사라)되는 모든 불의함(옳지,바르지 못함)기만하는 것들로서, 왜냐함 그들이 진리(참)의 사랑,, 그들이 구원받도록 해주는,, 그 사랑을 받아들이지 않았기 때문이다. 그리고 이런 이유로 하나님이 그들에게 강한 망상(현혹)을 보낼 것이니 결과 그들, 진리를 믿지 않고서 불의함을 즐거워 했던자들이 거짓을 믿어, 그들 모두가 저주(지옥)을 받도록. (직접 번역) 

불법의 비밀이 이미 활동하였으나 지금은 그것을 막는 자가 있어 그 중에서 옮겨질 때까지 하리라

그 때에 불법한 자가 나타나리니 주 예수께서 그 입의 기운으로 그를 죽이시고 강림하여 나타나심으로 폐하시리라

악한 자의 나타남은 사탄의 활동을 따라 모든 능력과 표적과 거짓 기적과

불의의 모든 속임으로 멸망하는 자들에게 있으리니 이는 그들이 진리의 사랑

을 받지 아니하여 구원함을 받지 못함이라  

이러므로 하나님이 미혹의 역사를 그들에게 보내사 거짓 것을 믿게 하심은

진리를 믿지 않고 불의를 좋아하는 모든 자들로 하여금 심판을 받게 하려 하심이라 (개혁개정)



John 3:8 "He that commits sin is of the Devil; for the Devil sins from the beginning. For this purpose the "Son of God was manifested", that he might destroy the works of the Devil (the works of The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil=Sin)." 요한복음 3:8 " 죄를 범하는 그는 마귀로 되었다 ; 이는 마귀는 처음부터 죄를 짓기 때문이다. 이 목적으로, 하나님의 아들이 나타났다(물질화 되었다)", 그가 마귀의 그 일함(선과 악=죄의 지식의 나무의 일함[작용들])들을 파괴하려고.

Proverbs 16:6 "By mercy and truth iniquity is purged, and by the fear of the Lord men depart from evil."

잠언 16:6 " 긍휼(관용)과 참(진실)으로 부정함이 정화(제거)된다, 여호와를 두려워함으로 사람들이 악에서 떠난다."

Isaiah 59:12 "For our transgressions are multiplied before you, and our sins testify against us; for our transgressions are with us. And as for our iniquities, we know them."

이사야 59:12 " 이는 우리의  허물들이 당신앞에 무수하니, 우리의 죄들이 우리를 거스려 증거합니다 ; 이는 우리의 허물들이 우리와 함께 있음이기때문입니다. 우리의 부정함들로 우리는 그것들을 앎니다."

The false prophets, they were instructed by the letter of the word, that which seemed right in their own eyes. This only comes forth from eating of the "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil", relying on your own wisdom, and your own knowledge, and your own understanding. It leaves all those who have tasted of this tree with the feeling that they are better than most; the knowledge that they are gods. There way is surely the right way, and they will not entertain any other knowledge or understanding. But hey, it sure "seemed" right, but had they continued on for seeking the Lord's righteousness, he would have surely have taught them. Why do you think that there are so many, many different religious groups calling themselves after one name but they identify by calling themselves by other names. Everyone has a better way.

그 거짓 선지자들이 그 말의 문자로 가르침을 받았다, 그들 자신눈에 옳게 보였던 그것으로. 이것은 오직 그 " 선과 악의 지식의 나무",  너희 가진 지혜와, 너희 가진 지식, 너희 가진 이해함을 믿은(의지한)채의, 에서 먹음으로 나온다. 그것은 이 나무에서 나온 것으로 맛보았던 자들 모두를, 그들이 대부분 보다 더 낳다(뛰어나다)는 느낌을 준다 ; 그들이 신들이라는 그 지식. 그들의 길이 확실히 그 바른(옳은)길이다, 그래서 그들은 어떤 다른 지식이나 혹은 이해함은 즐겁지가 않다. 하지만 헤이, 그건 틀림없이,, 옳아 보였어, 하지만 그들이 계속해서 주(여호와)의 의(옳음,바름)을 찾아 구했었더라면, 그분이 틀림없이 그들을 가르쳤을 것이었다. 왜 당신은 그렇게나 많고 많은 다른 종교 무리들, 한때 한 이름을 쫓아 스스로를 부르다가, 하지만 그들이 스스로를 다른 이름들로 부르는것으로 확인하는,,이들이 있다고 생각합니까. 모든이는 더 낳은(바른)길을 가지고 있습니다.

 John 5:39 ”You search the scriptures, for in them you think that you have eternal life; and these are they which testify of Me. But you are not willing to come to Me that you may have life." 요한복음 5:39 " 너희가 성경을 찾는다, 이는 그것속에서 너희가 영원한 생명을 갖는다 생각하기 때문이다; 이러한 자들이 나를 두고 증거하는 그들이다. 하지만 너희가 생명을 갖기 위해 내게 오려고 하지는 않는다."

Proverbs 16:25 "There is a way that seems right to a man, but thereof are the ways to "Death."  잠언 16:25 " 사람에게 옳아보이는 한 길이 있는데, 하지만 그것은 "사망"의 길이다.
II Corinthians 3:6 "Who (Jesus) has made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter kills, but the spirit gives life."  고후 3:6 "그가(예수)우리를 자격있는 새로운 언약의 대행자로 만들었으니 ; 문자로 된 것이 아니라, 그 영으로 된 것이니 : 문자는 죽이고, 그 영은 생명을 주기 때문이다."
Proverbs 12:17 "He that "speaks truth" to a man shows forth righteousness; but a false witness deceit." 잠언 12:17 " 한 사람에게 진실을 말하는 그는 의(로움)을 내 보인다; 하지만 거짓 증인은 속임을 말한다."
I Corinthians 1:10 "Now I beseech you brethren, by the name of Jesus Christ, that you speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you; but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and the same judgment." 

고전 1:10 " 이제 형제들아, 내가 예수그리스도의 이름으로 너희에게 간청한다, 너희가 동일한 것을 말하길 너희 가운데 전혀 분리가 없도록 ; 대신 너희가 완전히 함께 동일한 정신과 동일한 심판으로 함께 결합되길."

The carnal way is the way that the old man walks. The old man is the way that the Devil would have to think is the right way. Those who are carnal, using their own understanding to establish the way that "seems right", they went out to preach religion, and not faith. This religion is the hypocrisy that "seems right" because it has the letter of the word backing it up. There was a time in my walk that I would have called all those righteous who were preaching the gospel, casting out demons, and doing many wonderful works, like helping the poor. But I grew up. 

그 육의 길이 그 옛 사람이 걷는(행하는) 그 길이다. 그 육의 사람이 마귀가 그 마귀가 바른(옳은)길이라 생각해야 했을 그 길이다. 육이 자들,, 그들 자신의 이해함을 ,, " 옳아보이는 " 그 길을 세우데(내는데) 사용하는, 그들이 종교를 전파하러 나갔었다,, 신앙(믿음, 확신)이 아닌. 이 종교가 " 옳게 보이는 " 그 위선이다 왜냐함 그것이 그것을 뒤 받침 해주는 말의 문자를 가졌기 때문이다. 내 삶의 여정에서,, 그 복음을 전하고, 귀신들을 쫓아내고,많은 놀라운 일(이적)들을 행하며,, 가난한 자들을 돕는거와 같은 모든 자들을  의롭다(바르다) 불렀었던 한 때가 있었습니다. 하지만 나는 성장했(자라났)습니다.

I Corinthians 13:11 "When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I "put away" childish things (lies and hypocrisy)." 

고전 13:11 " 내가 어린아이 였을때,,나는 어린아이로서 말했다, 나는 어린아이로서 이해했었습니다, 나는 아이로서 생각했습니다 ; 하지만 내가 어른이 되었을때, 나는 아이의 일들(거짓말들과 위선)을 버렸습니다."

This religion is their hypocrisy, and hypocrisy is the lies of the gospel. They preached the word, they cast out demons, and they did many righteous works, but it was only to establish their hypocrisy. Righteousness and iniquity: one leans on the Lord for understanding and wisdom, while the other leans on only himself when reading the scriptures. Why would the scriptures tell us to "ask" the Father for his wisdom, his knowledge, and his understanding? What knowledge, and understanding, and wisdom is in your "mind"? You shall know them by their fruits. 

이 종교가 그들의 위선입니다, 그리고 위선은 그 복음이란 거짓말들입니다. 그들은 말씀을 가르쳤습니다, 그들은 귀신들을 내 쫓았습니다, 그리고 그들은 많은 의로운 일들을 행했습니다, 하지만 그것은 오직 그들의 위선을 세우는 것이었습니다. 의로움과 부정함 : 하나는 이해함과 지혜를 위해 주님을 의지하고, 반면에 다른것은 오직 성경을 읽을때,, 그 자신만을 의지합니다. 왜 그 성서가 우리에게 그 분의 지혜, 그 분의 지식, 그 분의 이해함을 위해 아버지께 "구하라(요청하라)" 명합니까 ? 어떤 지식,이해함, 지혜가 당신 "정신"속에 있습니까 ?  당신은 정령코 그것들을 그들의 열매로서 알 것입니다.


A carnally minded Christian is focused on how good he or she is, while a spiritually minded Christian is focused on how good is the Father. Have you ever thought about what I just wrote, that a spiritually minded Christian is only focused on the good things of God? No focus at all on the things of the flesh or carnal that only lead to self-promotion or self-condemnation. There is only one way to escape from being a good or evil person, and is to taste and see that only the Lord is good. 

육의 정신의 크리스찬은 그가, 혹은 그녀가 얼마나 선한지에 촞점이 맞춰집니다,, 반면에 영의 정신인 크리스챤들은 오직 하나님이 하신 선한일들에 촞점이 맞춰집니다 ? 당신은 내가 방금 쓴 것, 영의 정신의 크리스챤은 오직 하나님의 선한일들에 초점이 맞춰질 뿐이라는 것에 대해 생각해 본 적이 있읍니까 ? 전혀 육체나 혹은 육욕적인 것들,, 오직 자기-과시 혹은 자기-죄책으로 이끌뿐인 그것들에 촞점이 맞춰지지 않은.  선하거나 혹은 악한 자신이 되는 것에서 벗어나는 오직 한 길이 있습니다,, 그것은 오직 주님만이 선하시단 것을 맛 보고 아는 것입니다.


The Father is the only one who is good today, as he was yesterday, and he will be good tomorrow. So does observing the law of good and evil, or eating of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil", make one to be good? No, it only deceives one to become a good hypocrite; one who preaches the gospel, who casts out demons, and who does many righteous works, according to the letter of the word. 

그 아버지가 그 유일한 분입니다,, 오늘도 선하시고, 어제도 선하셨던, 그리고 내일도 선하실 분. 그래서 그 선과 악의 법을 지키는 것이, 혹은 그 "선과 악이 지식의 나무"로부터 먹는것이, 사람을 선하게 만듭니까 ? 아뇨, 그것은 오직 사람을 속여서,, 좋은(선한)위선자가 되게 합니다 ; 그 말(씀)의 문자에 따라서,복음을 전하고, 귀신들을 내쫓고, 많은 의로운 일들을 행하는 자로.


Matthew 19:17 "So he said to me, "Why do you call me (Jesus) good? No one is good but one, that is God."

 마태복음 19:17 " 그렇게 그가 내게 말했다," 왜 너가 나(예수)를 선하다 부르느냐 ? 아무도 선하지 않다 한분, 하나님 외엔. "

One can go as far as the letter of the word will take him, which means that he never goes beyond carnal things, the things that happen in the natural. The man who is led by the Spirit, he gives his mind over to the Spirit, which in turn takes him far away to the heavens, where the Lord dwells. The letter of the word brings forth death while the Spirit of the word brings forth "Life". You cannot eat of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" and expect to eat also of the "Tree of Life". You will never find "Life" by doing this; only death that you think gives you life. 

한 사람은 그 말의 문자가 그를 데려가는 만큼이나 멀리 갈 수 있습니다, 그 말은,, 그가 결코 육욕적인것들, 태생적으로 발생하는 것들을 초월해서는 가지 않는다는 것입니다. 그 [성]영에 의해 인도를 받은 사람, 그는 그의 정신을 그 영에게 넘겨주고,, 대신으로 그 영은 그를 멀리 하늘에까지 데려갑니다, 그기 주님(여호와)이 거주하시는 곳 까지. 그 말의 문자는 사망을 낳습니다 반면에 그 말의 영은 "생명" 을 낳습니다. 당신은 그 " 선과 악의 지식의 나무 "로부터 먹으면서,, 또한 그 " 생명 나무 "로부터 먹을것을 기대할 수는 없습니다. 당신은 결코 이렇게 함으로서는 " 생명 "을 발견할수 없습니다; 오직 당신이 당신에게 생명을 준다고 생각하는 사망외엔.

Death is the most wicked and miserable thinking that God sees in man. He does not know death. It is the imitation of God, where the deceived man only serves an idol: himself. They say that they serve God, but in truth, they serve only themselves. The death here is the state of the mind that is full of religion; and religion is also full of fears, of unbelief, and of doubts. 

사망은 그 가장 사악하고 비참한 사고(사상)으로 하나님이 인간 속에서 보는 것입니다. 그분은 사망을 모릅니다. 그것은 하나님의 모방(물)입니다, 그기서 기만(속임)을 당한 인간은 오직 한 우상:그 자신(자아)을 섬기는 상태입니다. 그들은 말합니다,, 그들이 하나님을 섬긴다고, 그러나 진실은, 그들이 오직 그 자신들을 섬깁니다. 여기의 그 사망은 종교로 가득한 그 정신 상태입니다  종교는 또한 두려워하는 것들과 믿지 못함들, 의심들로 가득합니다. 

"Fear" that God is not going to perform any of his words for you; "Unbelief" that God will not perform any of his promises for you; and "Doubts" that he will not perform his love for you. Lie, lies, lies; for the Father will perform them for you. What was the first thing that filled Adam and Eve's heart after they fell? Was it not the lies that came forth that filled their hearts with fear, doubt, and unbelief when they heard the voice of God come strolling through his garden, calling out their names? There was no righteousness or goodness in their heart, only to do what seemed right in their own eyes. 

하나님이 당신을 위해 그분의 말 어떤것도 수행하지 않을 것이란 " 두려움 " ; 하나님이 당신의 위해 그분의 약속함들 어떤것도 수행하지 않을 것이란 " 믿지 못함 "  그리고 그분이 당신을 위해 그분의 사랑을 실행하지 않을 것이란 " 의심들 ".    거짓말, 거짓말들, 거짓말들 ; 이는 아버지가 그것들을 당신을 위해 수행할 것이기때문입니다. 아담과 하와가 그들이 떨어진(타락한) 후 그들의 마음을 채웠던 그 첫번째 것이 무엇이었습니까 ? 그것은 그들이 그분 동산을 관통해 배회(산책)하는데, 그들의 이름을 부르면서, 하나님의 음성이 오는것을 들었을때,,그 거짓말들이 나와서 그들의 마음을 두려움, 의심, 믿지못함으로 채웠던 것이 아니었습니까 ? 그들의 마음안쪽엔 전혀 의(로움,옳음,바름)도 혹은 선함도 없었습니다, 오직 그들 자신눈 보기에 옳아(바르게) 보였던 것을 행할 뿐.

How will you draw near to Jesus if you do not put to death these three things? It is this death that frees a man from his disobedience and rebellious state of mind towards God and towards his word. Fear, doubt, and unbelief are the weapons that the Devil has used to overcome them with. He shoots one of his arrows, and then your heart is filled with one or more of these three.
If any man thinks that he is full of light, then let him love his enemy. Love his enemy like the first puppy love that he has had. Love so fills the heart that you cannot do anything without thinking of this person (enemy). Love, that which cannot be explained from one man to another. This death seems like a carnal death, but it is not. It is death that gives life to the reality of God: to the reality of love.

만약 당신이 이러한 3가지 것들을 죽이지 않는다면 어떻게 예수께 다가갈 것입니까 ? 한 사람을, 하나님과 그분의 말씀에 대해 가지는 이런 그의 불순종하고 반대적인 정신 상태에서 벗어나게 하는것이 이 사망(죽음)입니다. 두려움, 의심, 믿지못함이 그 마귀가 가지고서 그들을 타도(정복)하는데 사용했던 그 무기들입니다. 그가 그의 화살들 하나를  쏜니다, 그러면은 당신의마음이 이러한 3 개들 중의 하나 혹은 그 이상으로 채워집니다.

만약 어느 사람이든 그가 빛으로 가득하다 생각한다면, 그럼 그로 그의 원수를 사랑하게 하십시오. 그의 원수(반대적 상태)를 그가 가졌었던 그 첫번채 풋 사랑처럼 사랑하십시오. 사랑이 아주 많이 그 마음을 채우면,, 당신은 이 인격(원수)을 생각하면 어떤것이든 할 수 있습니다. 사랑, 그것은 한 사람이 다른사람에게 설명할 수 없는 것입니다. 이 사망은 육의 사망처럼 보입니다, 하지만 그렇지 않습니다. 그것은 그 하나님의 실제에 생명을 부여해주는(주는) 사망입니다.  사랑이 실제가 되기까지. 

Death is what holds Christians back to their fears, their doubts, and their unbelief. Why do you think that the Devil is mentioned so many times in Revelation, in the letter to the seven churches? The throne of the Devil is one of the seven churches. The Devil's stronghold: the mystery of his religion is his unbelief, his doubt, and his fear. This is the mystery of Iniquity.

사망은 크리스챤들을 그들 두려움들로, 그들 의심들로, 그들 믿지못함으로 뒤걸음질 치게 하는 것입니다. 왜 당신은 마귀가 요한계시록 안의 그 일곱교회에게 보낸 서신속에서 그렇게나 여러번 언급된다고 생각합니까 ?  마귀의 그 보좌는 그 일곱교회중의 하나입니다. 그 마귀의 요새 : 그(의) 종교의 그 미스터리(신비로 쌓였던것)은, 그의 믿지 못함, 그의 의심, 그의 두려움 입니다. 이것이 그 부정함의 신비(알수 없었던 것)입니다.

Matthew 6:22, 23The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!  

마태복음 6:22,23 " 몸의 빛은 눈이다 만약 그러므로 너의 눈이 온전하면,너의 몸 전체가 빛으로 가득할 것이다. 하지만 그대의 눈이 악하면, 그대의 몸 전체가 어둠이 가득할 것이다. 만약 그러므로 그대속에 있는 그 빛이 어둠이면, 얼마나 그 어둠이 크겠는지 !

Yes, everyone that is called a Christian runs head on into these trials of religion verses faith. Those who turn from the faith are those who turn back to religion, most of the time. The Lord has a word for you, "Repent: and go back and do your first works." Go back to the works of faith; you do the asking, and God does the answering. How else is God going to prove that he exist except he comes to you through revelation and understanding. Those who walk the wrong path, which are many, they do not know, nor are they even aware that they are walking in the way of hell and death. What else would you call someone who subjects himself to this hell and death? Deceived! There is nothing else!

그렇습니다, 크리스찬 이라 불리는 모든 개개인은 정면으로 이러한 종교 대 신앙(확신,믿음)의 시련(고통,고뇌)들과 충돌합니다. 그 신앙(확신)에서 돌아선 자들이 종교로 되돌아갑니다,,대부분의 때에. 주님은 당신에게 말합니다, " 회개하라 : 돌아가서 너의 첫번째 일들을 행하라." 그 믿음(확신)을 일들로 돌아가라 ; 너는 구하고, 하나님은 그것에 대답한다. 어떻게 달리 하나님이 그가 계시단(존재한다는) 것을 증명(입증)할 것입니까,, 그가 당신에게 드러냄(계시)와 이해함을 통해 오지 않고서. 그 잘못 된 길로 행하는(걷는) 자들, 많기도 한,, 그들은 알지 못합니다, 그들은 인지조차(알아채지)도 못합니다,, 그들이 지옥과 사망의 길에서 행하고(걷고) 있다는 것을. 어떻게 달리 당신이 그 자신을 이런 지옥과 사망에 종속시키고 있는 어떤이를 부를것입니까 ? 기만 당했네(속았네) !  다른 아무것도 없습니다 !

Proverbs 7:7-10 "And I beheld among the simple ones, and I discerned among the youths, a young man playing among the youths who is void of understanding, passing through the street near her corner, and he went in to her house, in the twilight, in the evening, in the black and dark night. And behold, there met him a woman with the attire of harlot (religion: the wolf that is clothed in sheep's clothing) , and subtil of heart. She is loud and stubborn, and her feet abide not in her house. 잠언 7:7-10 " 내가 순진한자들가운데서 보았다, 그리고 내가 젊은이들 가운데서 알아봤다, 한 젊은이가 그 젊은이들 가운데서 놀고 있는데, 그가 이해함(총명)이 없이, 그녀 모퉁이길을 지나서 그녀 집안으로 들어갔다,해질녁, 저녁때에, 그리고 깜깜한 밤중에. 보라, 그기서 음녀의 옷차림의 한 여인(종교:양의 탈을 쓴 늑대)이 그를 만났는데, 마음이 교묘하다. 그녀는 소리가 크고, 완고하다, 그녀의 두 발은 그녀 집안에 머물지 않고. Now is she without (outward; outward man), now her in the streets, and lies in wait at every corner. So she caught him, and kissed him, and with an impudent face she said to him, "I have peace offerings with me. This day have I come to pay my vows.....이제 그녀가 바깥에 있다, 이제 그녀가 거리에 있어, 모퉁이마다에서 기대고 기다린다. 그래서 그녀가 그를 붙들고는 그에게 입 맞추고, 창피한줄 모르는 얼굴로,,그에게 말했다,"내가 나로 화목(평화)제를 드린다. 이는 내가 내 서약을 갚았다, 18 Come, let us take our fill of love until the morning. Let us solace ourselves with loves (he deceives with love), for the good man is not at home, he has gone on a long journey...21 with her much fair speech she caused him to yield, with the flattering of her lips she forced him...24 "Therefore hearken to me, o you children, and attend to the words of my mouth. Let not your heart decline to her ways and go not astray in her paths, for she has cast down many wounded; yes, many strong men have been slain by her. Her house is the way to "Hell", and going down to the chambers of "Death". 자, 우리가 아침까지 사랑으로 채우자. 사랑으로 우리를 즐겁게 하자(그가 사랑으로 속인다), 이는 그 좋은 남자가 집에 없고, 그는 긴 여행길에 올랐다... 그녀가 많은 좋을 말로,, 그를 굴복시켜고, 그녀 입술의 아첨으로 그녀가 그를 압도하였다..." 그러므로 내 말에 귀 기울이라, 오 너 자녀들아, 내 입의 말에 귀 기울이라. 너희 마음이 그녀의 길로 기울어지게 하지마라, 그녀의 길로 벗어나지 마라, 이는 그녀가 많은자를 내 던져 상처입혔으니; 그렇다, 많은 강한 남자들이 그녀에 의해 죽임을당했었다. 그녀의 집은 "지옥" 으로 난 길이요, "사망"의 밀실로 내려간다. 

Job 33:26-30 "And he shall pray to God, and he will be favorable to him. He shall see his face with joy: for he will render to man his righteousness. He looked on men, and if any shall, "I have sinned, and I have perverted what was right, and it profited me not", then he will deliver his soul from going to the pit, and his life shall see the light." Lo, all these things work God oftentimes with man, to bring back his soul from going down to the pit, to be enlightened with the light of the living."

욥기 33:26-30 " 그리고 그가 하나님에 기도하면 하나님은 그의 기도를 듣고 그를 기쁘게 받아들일 것이며 그는 또 기쁨으로 하나님을 뵈올 수 있고 하나님도 그와의 의로운 관계를 회복시킬 것이다. 그러면 그는 '내가 범죄하였으나 하나님은 나를 살려 주셨다.가 나를 죽지 않게 하셨으므로 내가 다시 살아 을 보게 되었구나.' 하고 사람들에게 말하게 될 것이다. 하나님이 사람에게 이런 일을 두 번 세 번 거듭 되풀이하시는 이유는 그 영혼을 구원하여 그를 생명 가운데서 살게 하기 위해서이다.(현대인의 성경)

I was still mediating on all of this when the Lord spoke to me and he said, "Now you know that no two of you has a walk exactly like another person. So why should you walk as another person? Walk in faith. It is like Peter when he asked me, "Jesus, what about him", while pointing to John. And I answered him, "Never you mind about John, you follow me." Again, you all must face your own temptations and trials. Do not look at your brethren except to be encouraged in the faith, but look up to where my help is ready to change you."
When the Lord had quit speaking, this verse came immediately into my mind, brought to me by the Holy Spirit: Isaiah 55:6-8 "Seek the Lord while he may be found; call upon him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his "thoughts". Let him return to the Lord, and he will have mercy on him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon. For my thoughts are not your thoughts, and neither are your ways my ways", says the Lord. "For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and my thoughts than your thoughts." His thoughts are spiritual, while our thoughts are carnal (that is, if there is any fear, or doubt, or unbelief of God and his words). 

나는 여전히 이 모두를 두고 묵상하고 있었는데,, 그때 주님이 내게 말하여 이르길," 자 너가 아는바 너희 두 사람은 정확히 또 다른 인격(사람)처럼 같은 길을 갖지 않는다. 그런데 왜 너가 또 다른 사람처럼 걸으야(행해야) 하느냐 ? 믿음으로 행해라(걸으라). 그것은 베드로가 그가,, 내게 다음과 같이 물었을 때와 같다,요한을 가리키키고는 " 예수님, 그는 어떻습니까 ?. 그래서 내가 그에게 대답했다," 너는 요한에 대해선 신경쓰지 말고,, 너는 나를 따르라," 다시, 너희 모두는 너희 자신소유의 시험(유혹)들과 시련(고뇌)들을 직접 마주하지 않음 안된다. 너의 형제들을 바라보지 마라,, 그 믿음(확신)에서 용기를 얻는것 외엔, 대신 내 도움이 준비된채,, 너(희)를 바꿔놓을 곳, 위를 바라보라 " 

주님이 말하길 그쳤을때,,  이 구절이 즉시로 내 정신속에 떠 올랐고, 성령에 의해 내게로 가져와 졌습니다. : 이사야 55:6-8 " 주(여호와)를 찾으라,, 그가 발견될 수 있을동안 ; 그가 가까이 있을 동안 그를 부르라. 사악한 자들은 그의 길을 버리고, 불의한 자는 그의 "생각들" 을 버려라. 그는 여호와께로 돌아서라, 그가 그에게 긍휼(자비)를 베풀 것이다 ; 우리 하나님께로 (돌아서라), 이는 그가 풍성히 용서하실 것이다. 이는 내 생각들은 너희의 생각들이 아니고, 너희의 길들은 나의 길들이 아니기 때문이다, 여호와의 말이다. "이는 하늘들이 땅보다 더 높은것 처럼, 그렇게 내 길들도 너희 길보다 더 높고, 내 생각들도, 너희 생각들보다 더 높기 때문이다." 그분의 생각들은 영적이고, 반면에 우리의 생각들은 육적입니다(다시말해, 만약 하나님이나,, 그분의 말씀을 두고 어떤 두려움, 혹은 의심, 혹은 믿지못함이 있다면..)

Suddenly the Lord asked me, "Where were the doors that you saw?" I thought for just a moment before I answered, "They were both were in the heavens! Is this where life is, the life that God is preparing for us to live?" Is this where eternal life is hidden behind these two doors? Who is he that reads the scriptures, but never comes to this spiritual understanding?

갑자기, 주님이 내게 물었습니다," 너가 보았던 그 문(들)이 어디에 있었느냐 ? " 나는 대답하기 전 잠시 동안 생각했습니다, " 그것들 두개는 하늘에 있었습니다 !  이 곳이 생명이 있는 곳입니까, 하나님이 우리로 살도록 준비하고 있는 생명이 ? " 이 곳이 영원한 생명이 숨겨져 있는 곳입니까, 이 두 문 뒤쪽으로 ? 그 성경(말씀)을 읽고서,,헌데 결코,,이 영의 이해함으로 이르지 못하는 그가 누구냐 ?

Then something strange happened to me, the rest of that day, and I can't figure out why, but my thoughts had now drifted away from the visions to the Lord's faithfulness, especially during the last 4 years of my walk, until this present moment. How could my mind leave the thinking of these two doors, to think about what the Lord has done? 

그런데 뭔가 이상한 일이 내게 일어났습니다, 그 날 이후, 나는 왜인지 감을 잡을수가 없었습니다, 하지만 내 생각은 그냥 그 환상들에서 떠나,,주님의 신실하심으로 옮겨갔더랬습니다,, 특별히,, 그 지나간 내 삶 여정의 4 년 동안, 이 현재순간까지. 어떻게 내 정신이 이러한 두 출입문 생각에서 떠나,, 주님이 행해온 일에 대해 생각할 수 있었는지 ?

The Lord was faithful to me 4 years ago, when I suffered my first heart attack. It attacked me so suddenly and so hard that it knocked me to the floor. I pulled myself up against the side of my bed, until I was resting on my rear end. I then asked the Lord what was that. He then answered me with these words, "It was a heart attack." 
Then he surprised me when he said to me: "I am going to give to you a choice; either you can come and be with me now, or, if you choose to stay, you will see nothing but wickedness from this point on." I thought about it for awhile. Well, the Lord had delivered me from all of the fears of death that I had called out on him to deliver me from, so fear was not a factor in my thinking. I did some more thinking. The Lord had also taken me to heaven on three separate occasions; so I knew that if I chose to stay, I would be making my ultimate sacrifice, but if I chose to go and be with him, he would reward me with his ultimate sacrifice.

 주님은 4 년 전 내게 신실했었습니다, 그때 나는 내 첫번째 심장마비를 당했을때였습니다. 그것이 아주 갑자기 아주 강하게 닥쳤으므로,, 나는 마루바닥에 쓰러졌습니다. 나는 내 스스로를 내 침대 옆쪽를 부여잡고 위로 일으켰습니다, 내가 엉덩이로 앉아 쉬기까지. 나는 그때 그게 뭔지 주님께 물었습니다. 그러자 그분이 내게 이런말로 대답했습니다," 심장 마비였다." 때 그분이 내게 다음과 같이 말했을때,, 나를 놀라게 했습니다 : " 내가 너에게 선택권을 줄 것이다 ; 너가 지금 떠나 나와 께 있을수 있던지, 아님, 만약 너가 머물기로 선택한다면, 너는 이 시점 이후 사악함(wickedness) 만을 볼것이다." 나는 그것에 대해 한 동안 생각했습니다. 사실, 주님은 나를 모든 죽음(사망)들로 된 두려움들에선 해방시켰더랬습니다,, 내가 그분께 나를 그기서 해방시키 달라,,구했었기에, 그래서 두려움은 내 생각의 고려 대상이 아니었습니다. 나는 좀 더 생각을 했습니다. 주님은 또 나를 세번의 다른 경우에 하늘로 데려 갔었더랬습니다 ; 그래서 나는 알았더랬습니다,, 만약 내가 머물기로 선택한다면,, 내가 나의 최고의 희생(제물)을 드리게 될 것이란 것을,, 하지만 내가 가서(떠나서) 그분과 함께 있기로 선택한다면, 그분이 내게 그분의 최고의 희생으로 보상하리란 것을. 

But what was working in my thoughts was I did not want to miss anything that God was going to be doing here, on the earth. I knew that God had not fulfilled all of his prophecies, especially the ones he has spoken through me. Neither did I have any thought that the wickedness to come was coming against me, even though it never occurred to me that I alone was suffering a heart attack at that very moment. After much consideration I answered, "Lord, I am going to be with you forever, so I choose to stay here now and to enter the fight with you, for my brethren."

하지만 내 생각속에서 흐르고 있었던 것은,, 나는 하나님이 여기, 땅 위에서 행할 것 어떤것도 놓치기 원치 않는다는 것이었습니다. 나는 알았습니다 하나님이 그분의 예언들 모든것들을 성취한 것은 아니란 것을, 특히 나를 통해서 말씀하셨던 그것들의. 나는 오기로 된 그 사악함이 나를 대적해 올 것이란 어떤 생각도 하지 않았고 심지어,,내가 홀로 바로 그 순간 심장마비를 당하고 있다는 생각이 켤코 내게 떠오르지 않았지만. 많은 생각 후, 나는 대답했습니다, " 주님, 나는 당신과 함께 영원히 함께 있게 될 것입니다, 그래서 나는 여기 지금 머물기로 선택합니다, 그리고 당신과 함께 싸우기로,, 내 형제들을 위해서."

Then I thought back on the next thing that happened to me, and it happened only 7 weeks later. I had a very critical stroke:ICH, an Intercranial Hemorrhagic Stroke . The EMS said that I was unresponsive when they tried to revive me, and when I got to the hospital, the doctors had no better luck. So that only leaves God to bring me back....which he did. I was in a coma for 8 days before I came to. Just because I regained consciousness, I was still not aware of who I was or where I was. I was not even aware that I had even been a Christian, not until my wife told me so. When I began to realize what had happened to me, I realized that I had made a big, big mistake. I have never encountered anything like this stroke. 

그럼 나는 다시, 내게 일어났던,,그 다음 것으로 되돌아가, 그 일은 7주 더 후에 있었습니다. 나는 아주 사선을 오가는 뇌출혈을 당했습니다 :(ICH, an Intercranial Hemorrhagic Stroke). 응급 의료 담당자는 말했습니다,,그들이 나를 소생시켜 보려 시도했을때,, 반응을 하지 않았다고, 그리고 내가 병원에 닿았을때,, 의사들은 더 낳은 행운은 없었다고. 그래서 그냥 하나님이 나를 되돌려주길 맡길 뿐.... 그분이 그랬(되돌렸)습니다. 나는 내가 깨어나기 전 8 일동안 혼수상태에 있었습니다. 바로 내가 의식을 회복했기 때문이었습니다, 나는 여전히 내가 누구였던지 혹은 내가 어디 있었던지를 알아차리리 못했습니다. 나는 심지어 내가 크리스찬의 한 사람이었단것 조차도 깨닫지를 못했습니다, 내 아내가 그렇게 내게 말했을때 까지. 그때 나는 내게 일어났던 일을 깨닫기 시작했습니다, 나는 깨달았습니다,, 내가 크고 큰 실수를 했었다는 것을. 나는 결코,, 이와같은 뇌졸중을 당해 본적이 없었습니다.  

The doctors told my wife not to expect anything of me because they could not see me ever to return to my conscious state of mind. They could only predict that I would remain in a vegetated state of mind the rest of my life. Then they released me from the hospital. This vegetated state of mind lasted only about week after I regained consciousness. 
Cathy had to go the financial department of the hospital to talk with them about my bill, and she asked me if I wanted to go. I said, "Sure." When we got there, she talked with a woman that worked in billing for a least 45 minutes. The woman then stopped her, and she turned to me and asked me if I was Mr. Jeffords. I said, "I sure am." Well, she just about fainted on the spot because she was reading what the doctors forecasted of me. It was only about a month after I was released. I was so glad that Jesus was with me. 

그 의사들은 내 아내에게 내게서 어떤것도 기대하지 말라고 말했더랬습니다 왜냐함,, 그들은 내가 내 정신 의식상태로 되돌아 올것도 기대할 수가 없었기 때문이었습니다. 그들은 단지,, 예견할 수 있을 뿐이었습니다,, 내가 식물인간 상태로 내 생(명)의 나머지를 지내게 될 것이라 예견할 수 있을 따름이었습니다. 그때 그들은 나를 그 병원에서 놓아주었습니다. 이 의식의 식물상태는 내가 의식을 찾기까지 단지 약 한 주 가량 지속되었습니다. 캐시(아내)는 그 병원 재정(회계)부(원무과)로 가서,, 그들과 내 병원비에 대해 얘기해야 했습니다, 그리고 그녀는 내게 물었습니다,, 내가 나가길 원하는지를.  나는 말했습니다, " 그럼요." 내가 그 곳에 갔을 때,, 그녀는 병원비 관련 업무를 보는 여자분과 최소한 45 분은 얘길 했습니다. 그 여인이 그때 그녀를 중지시키고는, 내게로 돌아와,, 물었습니다,, 내가 제포즈씨인지를. 나는 말했습니다," 맞아요." 사실 그녀는 그냥 거의 그 자리에서 기절할 뻔 했습니다,, 왜냐함 그녀가,, 그 의사들이 나를 두고 예견한 기록들을 읽고 있었기 때문이었습니다. 내가 퇴원한 후 약 한달쯤 밖에 되지 않았습니다. 나는 정말 예수가 나와 함께 있다는 것이 기뻤습니다.

One thing is for sure, the stroke had killed off my old man, otherwise I would be left to think with that vegetated state of mind. It never touched the new man that was dwelling in me, which is the Lord Jesus Christ. I may not be able to express my words, but my mind works perfectly. Those who I have spoken with since may not realize that I was predicted to never speak again. Thank you Jesus!

한가지는 확실합니다, 그 뇌출혈이 나의 옛 사람을 죽여 없앤 것이, 그렇지 않음, 나는 그 식물 인간 상태로서 남겨진채 생각할 것이었습니다. 그것은 켤코 내 안쪽에 거주하고 있었던 그 새 사람, 주 예수 그리스도,을 건드리진 못했습니다. 나는 내 말을 표현하지 못할 수도 있습니다, 하지만 내 정신은 완벽하게 작동합니다. 내가 그 이후 말했던 자들은,, 내가 다시는 결코 말을 하지 못할 것이라 예견 되었던 것을,, 깨닫지 못할수도 있습니다. 감사합니다 예수님 !

Another thing did bother me. Just after I had the stroke, and I became conscious enough to realize that all the medicines that they must have given me over the 8 days, I began to be troubled. The Lord had told me once that he did not desire for me to go to a doctor anymore because he desired for himself to be my doctor. Well, it went exactly liked he planned, for well over 10 years, where I did not see a doctor. In fact, not until I had this stroke. So I asked the Lord, "Lord, what about the doctors and all that medicine that they gave me intravenously while I was in a coma?"

또 다른 것이 나를 괴롭혔습니다. 바로 내가 그 뇌출혈 직후, 내가 충분하게 그들이 그 8 일간에 걸쳐 내게 처치 했었어야 했던 그 모든 약들을 알아차렸는데, 나는 고민스럽게 되기 시작했습니다. 주님이 내게 전에 한번은 말했더랬습니다,, 그가 내가 의사에게 더 이상 가길 원치 않는다고 왜냐함 그분 그 자신이 내 의사가 되길 원하기 때문에. 저기, 그 일은 정확히 그분이 계획한 대로 되었습니다, 저기 10년 이상 동안,, 그 동안 나는 의사를 보지 않았습니다. 사실인즉,, 내가 이 뇌출혈을 당하기까지..그래서 나는 주님께 물었습니다," 주님, 그 의사들과, 그들이 내가 혼수상태일 동안,, 내게 정맥주사로 놓은 모든 그 모든 약은 어떡하죠 ? "
The Lord answered me about as quickly as I had asked him that question; for he spoke to me and said, "There is nothing that goes into the body that defiles the body, for it goes not into your heart." Wow! I realized then who it is that seeks to control me; for he who has possession over your mind and your heart, he controls you. It is written, "For of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks." It is the filth that comes out of the mouth that defiles you; not what you eat or drink. Lord, is this the wickedness that which I am going to see? Glory be to God, for I knew then that I may see wickedness, but I was not going to see the Lord forsake me. Surely, his work is continuing in me.

주님이 내게 대답했습니다,, 내가 그 질문을 그분께 하자 곧 바로 ; 이는 그분이 내게 말하여 이르길," 육체를 더럽히러,, 육체(몸)안쪽으로 가는것은 아무것도 없다." 와 ! 나는 그때 깨달았습니다,, 나를 통제(제어)하려는 이가 누구신지를 ; 이는 당신의 정신과 당신의 마음을 점유한 그, 그가 당신을 통제(제어)하기 때문입니다. 그것은 기록되어 있습니다," 이는 그 마음의 가득한 것에서, 그 입이 말하(내뱃)기 때문입니다." 그 입에서 나와 당신을 더럽히는 것은 그 부패한 것입니다 ; 당신의 먹거나 혹은 마시는 것이 아닌. 주님, 이것이 내가 보게 될 그 사악함(사악한 것)입니까 ? 영광을 하나님께, 이는 내가 그때 내가 사악한 것을 볼수도 있다는 것을 알았었기 때문입니다, 하지만 나는 주님이 나를 버리는 것을 보지 못할 것이었습니다. 확실히, 그분의 일하심은 내 속에서 계속되고 있습니다.

Mark 7:14-16 "When he had called all the multitude to him, he said to them, "Hear and understand me. There is "nothing" that enters a man from outside which can defile him, but the things which come out of him, those are the things can defile him. If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear...20 And he said, "What comes out of man that defiles him? For within, "out of the heart of men", proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lewdness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness. All of these evil things come from within, and "they" defile a man."

마가복음 7:14-16 " 그가 그 모든 군중들을 그에게로 불렀을때, 그들에게 그분이 말했습니다," 내 말을 듣고 이해해라. 한 사람, 그를 더럽히려 바깥에서 들어갈 수 있는것은 "아무것도" 없다, 대신 그 바깥으로 나오는 그것들, 그러한것들이 그를 더럽일 수 있는 그것들이다. 만약 어떤이가 들을 귀가 있다면, 그는 들으라.... 20 그러자 그가 말했다, " 사람 밖으로 나와, 그를 더럽히는 것이 무엇입니까 ? 이는 안쪽에서, "사람들의 그 마음 밖으로 " 악한 생각들, 간통들, 우상숭배들, 살인들, 도적질들, 탐심, 사악함(사악한 것), 거짓,간음,악한 눈, 신성모독, 자긍심, 어리석음이 나오기 때문이다. 이러한 모든 악한것들은 안쪽에서 나온다 그리고 "그것들이" 사람을 더럽인다.

Matthew 5:27-28 "You have heard that it was said to those of old, "You shall not commit adultery." But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery in his heart.

"마태복음 5:27-28 " 너희는 그러한 옛것(구약의 자)들에게 말해진 것을 들었었다, " 너희는 간음(간통)하지 말 것이다." 하지만 내가 너희에게 말하는데 여자를 보고 욕정을 품는 자는 누구나,, 이미 그의 마음속에서 간음했다.

I still thought about the events that had happened to me. About 6 months after the stroke, the Lord spoke to me, and he said that he wanted me to write a book. I answered, "What? All of these years that I was perfectly healthy and now you want me to write a book?" I have written many prophecies that the Lord has given to me, but a book? Now I will tell you that I was scared to death to write a book because I still suffered through short term memory loss which came as a result of the stroke. 

나는 여전히 내게 일어났던 그 사건들에 대해 생각했습니다. 그 뇌출혈 약 6 개월 후, 주님이 내게 말하여, 이르시길 그분이 내게 책을 한 권 쓰기 원한다 했습니다. 나는 대답했습니다, " 뭐라구요? 내가 완전히 건강했던 이러한 모든 세월(년도)은 어떻하고 지금 당신이 책을 쓰기 원한다구요 ? " 나는 주님이 내게 주셨던 많은 예언들을 기록해 왔습니다,, 하지만 책은 ? 이제 내가 여러분께 말할 것이지만,, 나는 정말 책을 쓰기가 무서웠습니다,, 왜냐함 나는 여전히 단기간의 기억상실,,그 뇌출혈의 결과로서 왔던,,그것 때문에 고통을 당했기 때문입니다.

This short term memory loss had brought upon me a fear like that which I had never known. I then took my fears to the Lord and I said, "You only are my Lord and God. You alone have the power over my fears. You alone can deliver me. You only can help me with my unbelief; please help me to believe so that I can see you cast out this fear." He answered me with one word: "Done."
Mark 9:24 And straightway the father of the child cried out and said with tears, "Lord, I believe, but help me with my unbelief." (He went to his savior; he went to the only one who could help him overcome the unbelief.)

이 단기간의 기억상실이 내게 내가 결코 몰랐었던 그런 두려움(체) 같은것을 일으켰었더랬습니다. 나는 그때 내 두려움들을 주님께 가져갔고,, 말했습니다, " 당신만이 나의 주인이며 하나님(신)입니다. 당신 홀로,, 내 두려움들을 극복할 그 힘(능력)을 가지셨습니다. 당신 홀로,나를 해방시킬(건지실)수 있습니다. 당신만이 나를 내 믿음 없음문제를 도울 수 있습니다 ; 제발 믿도록 도와 주십시오 그래서 내가 당신이 이 두려움을 내 쫓는것을 볼수 있도록." 그분이 내게 한 마디(단어)로 대답했습니다 : " 좋아(Done:알았어)."

마가복음 9:24 곧장 그 아이의 아버지가 부르짖어 눈물을 흘리며 말했습니다," 주인이시여, 내가 믿나이다, 하지만 나의 믿음없음을 도와주시옵소서." (그는 그의 구원자에게 갔습니다 ; 그는 그 유일한 자, 그로 하여금 그 믿음 없음을 이기게 도울 수 있는, 그 분께 갔습니다.)

After the Lord had delivered me, I then said, "What do you want me to write about?" He then said, "I want you to tell the story of all that I have told you through the prophecies that I have spoken to you; for each different prophesy that I gave to you shall be a chapter in the book. You choose the prophecies, and I will give you the story."  

 주님이 나를 구하신(해방시키신) 후, 그때 나는 말했습니다, " 내가 뭘 쓰길 원하십니까 ? " 그때 그분이 말했습니다, " 나는 너가 그 이야기 전부를 말하기 원한다,, 내가 너에게 말해 왔었던 그 예언들을 통해 말했었던 것 전부를 ; 이는 내가 네게 주었던 각각의 다른 예언들이 그 책속의 한 장( a chapter )이 될 것이다. 너는 그 예언들을 선택할 것이고, 그럼 내가 그 얘길(the story) 줄 것이다." 

I cannot tell you how thrilled I was for the Lord to speak these words to me, for I knew that he was still with me. I had not read any of these prophecies since I had the stroke because I was afraid that I would forget them from one day to the next. As I read through them, Jesus restored my faith completely. He used this event to revive my faith to the present state that I was in. I wrote the book, and I knew somehow, whosoever would read it, that they would benefit from it...but not as much I did. Though I still struggle with short term memory loss, the chapters in the book totally refreshed me, and they renewed me in my mind. He did this just for me!

 나는 주님이 내게 이러한 말을 하는것에  내가 얼마나 스릴 넘쳤던지 당신들께 말할 수가 없습니다, 이는 내가 알았었기 때문이었습니다,, 그분이 여전히 나와함께 있다는 것을. 나는 이러한 예언들 어느것도 읽지 않았더랬습니다,, 내가 그 뇌출혈이 있은 이후,, 왜냐함 내가 하루 하루 지날수록,, 그것들을 잊을까봐 나는 두려웠기 때문이었습니다. 내가 그것들을 쭉 읽었을때,, 예수님이 내 믿음(확신)을 완전히 회복시켰습니다. 그분은 이 사건을 사용하였습니다,, 내 확신(믿음)을 현재의 내가 있는 상태로 되 살리는데. 나는 그 책을 씄습니다, 그리고 나는 어쩐지 알았습니다,, 누구든지 그것을 읽을 것이면,, 그들이 그기에서 유익한 것을 얻을 것이란 것을...하지만 하지만 내가 얻었던 만큼은 아닙니다. 나는 여전히 단기 기억상실로 분투(투쟁)하고 있지만,, 그  책의 챕터(장)들이 완전히 나를 새롭게 했습니다,,그리고 그것들이 나를 내 정신속에서 갱생시켰습니다. 그분은 이 일을 단지 나를 위해 행하셨던 것입니다 !

I was now fighting an enemy that I knew that the Lord only is able to fight for me: against the Devil. "Be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might." The Devil was now in my mind, and the warfare was/is grievous. I felt so strongly in my spirit that God had told him, "You can do anything to Mitt, but you cannot kill him." The same thing that he spoke to the Devil concerning Job. I then knew what he was desirous to happen...to steal my life, to kill my soul, and to destroy all my faith. He could do whatever he liked, except take my last breathe. He was not holding anything back from me. I know what it feels like to "want" to die....and not be able.

나는 그때 한 원수,, 내가 주님만이 나를 위해 싸워 줄수 있는 분이라 알고서,, 그(원수)와 싸우고 있었습니다 ; 그 마귀를 대적해. " 주안에서 그리고 그분 지력(능력)의 힘안에서 강해라." 그 마귀는 이제 내 정신속에 있었습니다, 그리고 그 전장터는 견디기 어려웠고,, 지금도 그렇습니다. 나는 내 영안에서 아주 강하게,, 하나님이 그(원수)에게 말했다 느끼고 있습니다," 너가 미트에게 무슨일이든 할 수 있다, 하지만 그를 죽일수는 없다." 그 동일한 말,, 욥과 관련해,, 그분이 마귀에게 말했던.  나는 그때 알았습니다,, 그가 심히도 바라는 것을,,내 생명을 훔치는 것, 내 혼을 죽이는 것, 그리고 내 믿음(신앙, 확신)전부를 파괴하는 것이라는것을. 그는 그가 좋아했던 것은 무엇이나 할수가 있었습니다, 나의 마지막 호흡을 취하는 것 외엔. 그는 나에게서 어떤것도 되돌려 가져가지 못하고 있습니다. 나는 앎니다,, " 죽기를 " 원하지만.... 죽을수가 없다는것이 어떤 것이란 것을.

If that stroke was not bad enough, well I had 3 more heart attacks in 2012: one in February, one in May, and the last one in August. That is 4 of them. All of them, except the first one, were very critical. I know what the carnal meaning of death is; it is the death to the flesh. This is all that the Devil understands, so in the flesh he was going to try and kill me. I have faced many, many circumstances over the past 4 years where if the fear of death had been with me, I probably would have died from stress.

I also have been attacked by arthritis in almost every joint of my body. I have been attacked from the Devil using my son to be falsely accused of a crime; one in which the crime was committed by a guy that found my son's wallet, and then he used my son's identity as his own as he committed the crimes. I have also been attacked with sleep apnea. I have been attacked from the Devil as he tried to kill my grandson, who was bitten by a 6 foot long canebrake rattlesnake. He was in a coma for 30 days, but he survived. I still cannot get over it, the Devil is for real, and there is nothing off limits to him. He is all well now. There is much more, but I do not dare say what they are now. 

Revelation 2:24,25 "But to you I say, and to the rest in Thyatira, as many as have not this doctrine, and which have not known the depths of Satan,  as they speak, I will put on you no other burden. But that which you have already, hold fast till I come."

2 Corinthians 4:7-10 "We have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed. We are perplexed, but not in despair. We are persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed, always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body. For we which live are always delivered to death for Jesus sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh. So then, death works in us, but life in you."

In all of these trials, I kept calling out on the Lord, and he kept answering me with, "My grace is sufficient for you." Thanks be to God for his grace, for his grace is so much greater than my sin. If you do not believe me, just ask the apostle Paul. In all of these trials, I heard the voice of the Lord as he spoke to me, "I love you. Do not let go of hand; for if you let go, you let go of my grace. I will never leave you or forsake you. I love you as much now as when I first called you. Call upon me, for I am with you always, even in the dark places of unbelief, fear, or doubt. I love you." Nothing else matters to me, but these precious words that the Lord has spoken to me. My whole life has become centered around these words. 

Romans 4:15 "The law works wrath; for where there is no law, there is no transgression."

His grace, wow! What does grace look like? Well, it looks like faith, and it looks like belief, and it looks like trust, when you them to be. In the carnal mind, there is nothing that attracts it, but the spiritual mind finds that is all that you need. All that you need? If you looked at Mitt, Mitt is all that you would have seen the past four years. If you would have looked at the man Jesus, Jesus is all that you would seen. If you looked at Paul, Paul is all that you would seen. There is nothing that appears spiritual to the carnal minded. What does faith look like? What does belief look like? These are things that accompany Father's grace. I will tell you that when his grace is upon you, it keeps you from the Devil. Are we not all saved through faith? All of super-spiritual days were over because now his grace was with me.

I Corinthians 2:15 "But he that is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is judged of no man."

I have been forsaken by everyone. It is like almost everyone else did forsake me; everyone else but my wife. He has taught my wife and I to "love" and to care for each other, just like that which is written in Ephesians 5; like the two shall become one. Alleluia!

Then the Lord said to me presently, "Now you have come to "me". We are ready to become one. The world has forsaken you, and you have forsaken the world. And now you have also felt forsaken by the only one you have trusted and be faithful to, just like when I was on the cross, I cried out, "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" I said this, yet I was only moments away before I became the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords." Are you ready?"  

Isaiah 49:13 "Sing, O heavens: and be joyful, O earth: and break forth into singing, O mountains; for the Lord has comforted his people and he will have mercy on his "afflicted". But Zion said, "The Lord has forsaken me and my Lord has forgotten me." Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion in the son of her womb? Yes, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands. Your walls are continually before me."

*Please remember this verse that you have just read, "Let the heavens sing"
Isaiah 54:5 "For your Maker is your husband, the Lord of hosts is his name. And your Redeemer the Holy one of Israel, and the "God" of the whole earth shall he be called. For the Lord has called you as a woman forsaken and grieved in spirit, and a wife of youth, when you were refused", says your God. "For a small moment have I forsaken you, but with great mercies will gather you. In a little wrath I hid my face from you for a moment. But with "everlasting kindness will I have mercy on you", says the Lord your Redeemer.

Whoa! Am I ready? You can bet your bottom dollar that I am ready! Who could believe that the grace of God has even extended this far? The work of the Lord is forever, and he has shown to me his very loving care for me. The Lord has worked in me to forgive "all", and to love "all" my brethren: white, black, yellow and red. I loved them all of the time, but it is like I have become a prisoner of the flesh, like Joseph had become a prisoner of Pharaoh and the Egyptians.
II Timothy 1:15 "This you know, that all they which are in Asia (the seven churches were all in Asia, for example) be turned away from me.

Genesis 45:3 "And Joseph said to his brethren, "I am Joseph. Does my father yet live?" And his brethren could not answer him because they were troubled at his presence. And Joseph said to his brethren, "Come near to me, I pray to you." And they came near to him. And he said, "I am Joseph your brother, whom you sold into Egypt. Now therefore you be not grieved, nor angry with yourselves that you sold me here; for God did send me before you to preserve life....15 Moreover he kissed all his brethren, and wept on them. "Then" his brethren talked with him."  

Idiot; idiot; idiot. This is now what I call anyone who has received a personal invitation, spoken by his mighty voice, to come and be with him in his presence. That person, "me", decides he wants to stick around, and to help "God" out. Idiot, idiot, idiot! Help God out! Yea, right. I chose to stay and fight instead of going to be with the Lord. To fellowship with God, that is what he has called all of us to do. He chose me to fellowship with him, for all of eternity.

The Lord finally came to me in a somewhat laughing manner, like with a small giggle. He told me that I was too much like Peter, that I am impatient. The Lord spoke this to me...laughing with a giggle. Now that beats everything else. Here I am wanting to die, and the Lord is giggling. 

Everything that "I thought" was going to happen, it has not happened at all. Every time the Lord has given to me a choice to make, I have made the wrong choice. I can never remember to answer him, "Lord, you know; you know what I should do. Lord, you make the choice for me." He knows, but I did not ask him. I made my "own" decision. I should have relied on him.  
Then the Lord spoke and he said, "My faithfulness has always been with you...the faithfulness of the grace of my love! Every step that you have taken, you have stepped forward into the grace of my love. The stroke, a step into the grace of my love. Writing the book, another step into the grace of my love. Your grandson, another step into the grace of my love. Each one of your heart attacks, more steps into the grace of my love. Your son, another step into the grace of my love. Nothing has come on you except that which I have allowed, as you walked forward in the grace of my love! The grace of my love is always with you. Now do you understand the grace of my love!"

I sat still for the longest of times after the Lord had finished speaking this word to me. Wow! The Lord had spoken this prophetic word to me several years ago, that he desired for me to pray for three things. First, that the Lord Jesus would forgive me all of my sins today, as he did yesterday, and that he will faithfully do tomorrow. Secondly, that I acknowledge that Jesus Christ is in me, for he is my belief, my faith, and my trust. Third, that I would give thanks to him, for he is "the grace of my love". The first and the second, he has made those two plain and clear for me to understand, and now he has made the third clear and plain to understand. Glory be to God!

Wow! I have been in the grace of his love all of this time! If he could love me this much through the grace of his love with the present state of mind that I have been possessed with, then I cannot explain it. I just accept it. His love goes so much deeper than I can think. The Lord loves me. I rejoiced and was so thankful. All that I could do was to bow my heart and give him thanks. 
Then the Lord said to me again presently, "All of your works are death, but all of my works are preparing you for everlasting life. All of your works are the works of sin and iniquity, but all of my works shall bring forth belief, and trust, and faith: and by these three things, you shall never be moved. All of the works of the Devil has been for your "self"-promotion or "self"-condemnation  while all of my work has been to put to death all the works of hell and death. This is the work that I have been doing in you; to set your mind free from the Death that has ruled over your carnal mind. Is it not written that death is your current state of mind? Do you desire eternal life? Is it not written that no man understands or knows the work of the Lord? Now you do know what I have been working to accomplish in you! 

Ecclesiastes 8:17 "Then I beheld all of the work of God, that a man cannot find out the work that is done under the sun because though a man labor to seek it out, yet he shall not find it. Yea, farther, though a wise man think to know it, yet shall he not be able to it."

When I speak, I want you to believe all of my words; then I want you to trust in me that I have the power to perform them; and lastly, I want you to put your faith in me, that I love you. Do not look at the things of the past, only focus on me. Keep your eyes only in front of you. I dwell not in the things of the past, for I Am your future. I will bring you through this, and you will love me for it." 
I then understood that the sins of the law are focused on man's work, the law of  sin; and the sins of iniquity are the works of the carnal mind, death. Death is all of the works that a man does to bring glory to himself, or the work that depresses himself when he cannot perform them. Then my mind returned to the vision of the two doors, and I could not help but wonder now that I had a better understanding of death and hell, and how they worked. I thought that the vision was over. 

Day 3
Then the next morning came in with a bang; with a big, big bang! I was awakened to hear these voices: the voices that came down from heaven, speaking words that were almost identical to that which is written in Revelation 19. I heard these voices as they said, "Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Salvation, and glory, and honor, and power be to the Lord our God. For true and righteous are "his" judgments: for he has judged the great "harlot" (Proverbs 7:10) who has "deceived" my people with his false judgments. For the Devil only speaks lies; for he has deceived my people to look at themselves, to thought and worry about self. They think his thoughts, and because they do, they then think that they of themselves are something of importance to God, or, that they are nothing at all before the Lord. With this corruption, he has corrupted the earth with her fornication. Now, God has avenged her for taking the blood of my prophets and my servants."

Revelation 3:14-17 "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: "These things said the "Amen", the faithful and the true witness, the beginning of the creation of God, I know your works (the works found in Matt.7:19-21), that you are neither cold or hot. I wish that you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold or hot, I will spew you out of my mouth because you say, "I am rich, and increase with goods, and I have no need for anything. You do not know that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked. I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire that you may be rich and white raiment that you maybe clothed so that shame of your nakedness does not appear. Anoint your eyes with eyesalve so that may see."

Romans 8:18-23 "For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waits for the manifestation of the sons of God. For the creature itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God. For we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now."   

And the voices continued, "Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Her smoke rose up before the Lord and he delighted in the smell of it forever and ever!" Then the voice of the 24 elders and the 4 beasts fell down and worshipped the Lord, saying, "Amen. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!" A loud voice then came from out of the throne and said, "Praise our God, all you his servants, and you that fear him, both small and great." 
And then I heard another great voice, and it also was just like that which is written; a voice of many waters, and the voice of mighty thunderings. And they said, "Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! The Lord God omnipotent reigns! Let us rejoice and be glad, and give honor and glory to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife has made herself ready. And to her was granted that she should be clothed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints."

Matthew 25:1-13 "Then the kingdom of heaven shall be like 10 virgins who took their lamps and they went out to meet the bridegroom. Now 5 of them were wise, and 5 were foolish. Those who were foolish took their lamps and took no oil with them, but the wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. But while the bridegroom was delayed, they all slumbered and slept. And at midnight a cry was heard, "Behold, the bridegroom is coming. Go out to meet him!" Then all those virgin arose and trimmed their lamps. And the foolish said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil, for our lamps are going out." But the wise answered saying, "No, lest there should not be enough for us and you; but go rather to those who sell, and buy for yourselves." And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with him to the wedding; and the door was shut. Afterwards the other virgins came also saying, "Lord, Lord, open to us!" But he answered and said, "Truly, I say to you, I do not know you. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in the which the Son of Man is coming."

Matthew 7:21-23 "Not everyone that says unto me, "Lord, Lord" shall enter into the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of my Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, "Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name? And in your name have we not cast out demons? And in your name done many wonderful works?" And then will I profess unto them, "I never knew you. Depart from me, you that work iniquity (walk in unbelief, in fear, and in doubt).

The marriage of the Lamb is come, and all the saints are to become like Jesus? We are to become like lambs? Little baby sheep? Wow! How awesome! Then all of sudden, the Lord gave me this revelation: I know that I have said this many, many times, but now it was coming to past. I am to become the "bride" of Jesus Christ. Wow! For some reason, and I do not know why, I am no longer a Christian, but the bride of Christ. I felt as though while I was a Christian, I was walking in the way of his truth and mercies, but now I felt different. Jesus Christ is now to be my husband, forever and ever. I felt so willing to do his will, regardless of what it is that he may ask me.

Then I jumped out of my bed to pray, and asked the Lord if he would please give to me the reason of what I had just seen and heard. Instead of answering my prayer, just like the previous times, he continued on with the vision. 
I again saw the two doors, and this time the door that was engraved with "The Sins of Iniquity" began sliding to the right. As it moved to the right, an incredible and a very powerful luminescent light began to shine through the opening. I also heard loud explosions with it.  The more the door slid open, the more intense this incredible light became and the louder the explosions. I could tell that everything in the light was "living and moving" like nothing I had ever witnessed before. 

This light was much more luminescent than the sun and it was shining brighter than any bolt of lightning that I have seen. It took me just a few moments to adjust my eyes to see into this light, and what I saw, it was Jesus just standing there. Wow! Jesus Christ was the source of this light. This incredible and powerful luminescent light was coming forth out of his body; out of every pore and every cell was emitting this extremely shining light. Wow! This light was giving everlasting life to all who could receive it.

Malachi 3:2,3 "But who may abide the day of his coming? And who shall stand when he appears? For he is like a refiner's fire and like a fullers soap, and he shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver. He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer to the Lord an offering in righteousness."

I then noticed that Jesus held two keys, one in each hand. The key in his left hand was the key of "Hell", and the key that was in his right hand was the key to "Death". I knew then that Jesus only could have the keys that unlocked these doors, but with complete agreement from me. Wherever you find the word "key" in the scriptures, it is going to take two to open that door; you in complete agreement with Jesus. 
Revelation 1:18 "I Am he that lives, and was dead; and behold, I Am alive forevermore, Amen. I have the "keys" to hell and of death."

I knew what the Sins of Law were, and the light of Jesus had also taught me what my iniquities were. Seeing that I knew what both of them were, that is the reason that Jesus can unlock the door to them both. Somehow I knew, deep down in my Spirit, that it is time; the time for "Hell" and "Death" is about to cease its reign over man. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! I then realized that these two keys were meant to be opened, just at the right time. 

Then I heard mighty heavenly voices, again coming forth just like that which is written in Revelation. The voices sounded like the sounds that lightnings make, like that which thunders make, like that of many noises make, and like that earthquakes make. I then realized that all of these voices were coming forth from a single source: from Jesus Christ, with God Almighty dwelling in him. How is that possible? How is that possible that so many lightnings, so many thunders, so many voices, and so many earthquakes could come from Jesus/God? 

From these voices, I heard Jesus Christ/God proclaim: "I Am; I Am that I Am; I Am that I Am, right now. I Am Today, as I was Yesterday, and I will be Tomorrow. I Am the Almighty God. I Am the Nature of God. I Am the Character of God. I Am the Authority of God. I Am the Seeing and the Hearing of my Father who dwells in me. I Am the Son of the Father. I Am the Son of God. 

I Am the Salvation of God. I Am the Deliverance of God. I Am the Redemption of God. I Am the Word of God. I Am the Light of God. I Am the Holiness of God. I Am the Righteousness of God. I Am the Power of God. I Am the Glory of God. I Am the Majesty of God. I Am the Beauty of God. I Am the Perfection of God. 

I Am the Son who Freely Gives. I Am the Forgiveness of God. I Am the Blessings of God. I Am the Honor of God. I Am the Riches of God. I Am the Thanksgiving of God. I Am the Hope of God. I Am the Strength of God. I Am the Truth of God. I Am the Wisdom of God. I Am the Understanding of God. I Am the Knowledge of God. I Am the Way of God. 

I Am the Praise of God. I Am the Mercy of God. I Am the Grace of God. I Am the Peace of God. I Am the Love of God. I Am the Burning Love of God for you. I Am the Burning Fire of God. I Am the Joy of the Lord. I Am the Goodness of God. I Am the Kindness of God. I Am the Meekness of God. I Am the Humility of God. I Am the Gentleness of God. I Am the Temperance of God. I Am the Faith of God. I Am the Trust in God. I Am the Belief of God.

I Am the Longsuffering of God. I Am the Compassion of God. I Am the Care of God. I Am the Comforter and Helper of God. I Am the Patience of God. I Am the Forbearance of God. I Am the Health of God. I Am the Willingness of God. I Am the Everlasting and Eternal Life of God. I Am your New Heart and I Am your New Mind. I Am all of the Names of God. I Am the Abundant Life that has been promised to you",  says the Lord. "I Am the kingdom of God, and all that dwells in my Kingdom is Life. 

Now I desire to freely give to you all of this. I want all of you to receive the fullness of what I have won for you. I want you to receive the fullness of my Spirit, not the earnest. Each one of my Spirits that I have proclaimed that I Am, speaks with his own voice. I have said to you, "I Am love", or, "I Am righteousness", or, "I Am Truth"; each one of these spirits speaks with his own voice. Love is never the same as Righteousness, and Righteousness is never the same as the Truth, but there is never any contradiction between any of my voices. 

They flow like a river, with all having their purpose. Each one is a perfect stream in the river. I Am the River of Life. My voices are like the most beautiful chorus that sings together. My love is my tenor; my righteousness is my baritone; my truth is my bass, and there are many things that I could name, but you have heard of these things before. Each part of me has its own voice, and together we sing the most beautiful songs. I Am the Song of God. The fullness of Jesus Christ is the fullness of all my voices. I Am the voice of God. 
*Remember that verse, here is where I want you to apply it. 

Matthew 26:11 "For you have the poor with you always, but "me" you have not always(to teach you of the Father) ."

I Am is coming to all those who desire me. I Am is coming; and when I come, I am coming for my bride. My names make up my kingdom, and my kingdom is made of nothing but Me. My bride is ready to receive me. This is the kingdom of God that is coming, my voices will be received by my bride. Did I not tell Adam and Eve, before they fell, that they could have anything that they so desired, except to eat of the "Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil"? Whose knowledge is in your mind?" 

Then all of sudden, I heard many other voices coming forth. I was startled at first because I thought that they were still coming forth from Jesus/God. Where were all of these voices coming from? Suddenly I realized that they were coming forth from around me. It was then that I saw that there were hundreds and hundreds, and thousands and thousands of people standing with me, and we were all standing before the two doors and Jesus Christ. The voices that I heard was coming from all the people that were standing with me. 

We stood before the Lord and this is all that we were asking for him to do, "Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all of Spirit which you are! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of wisdom! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of glory! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of your righteousness! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of your truth! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of your love! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of your blessings! Father, I love you. Will you love us by changing us into the image of all your Spirit of your forgiveness...."

Matthew 22:37 "Jesus said to him, "You shall love the Lord your God with all your, and with all of your soul, and with all of your mind."
Job 14:14 "If a man dies, shall he live again? All the days of my appointed time will I wait, until my change come."

We all continued on acknowledging our love for him, and we were asking the Father to fill us with each individual spirit that Jesus Christ had declared himself to be. All of us so desired to be filled with all of the fullness of Jesus Christ. We all knew that we had the ability to hunger and thirst for his righteousness, and we were about to be filled. Surely, these are the sons of God, for they only desired the Father. 
Then this revelation came to me: "We hungered and thirsted for him was the same "desire" that we have to "make love" with him. Not like "making love" here in the natural, but in the spiritual, to be made like exactly like him. With our heavenly Father, we know that he desires to "freely give" to us all that he is: I Am.

I had a brother who died in 2009. My wife and I were driving over to my other brother's house when I got this vision. It was crystal blue sky day when suddenly I saw my brother, who was a Christian, hovering in the sky. His face was looking straight at me, and he was about 10 times larger than normal. Suddenly Jesus Christ appeared to the left of him, and his face was also looking straight at me. Then the two figures were joined together, and the two became as one. I could still see my brother, but I saw Jesus Christ in him also. Now back to the vision.

Wow! This is the agreement between Jesus and all of us who were standing there! Jesus declared who he is, and all the people were acknowledging and declaring what they wanted Jesus to do; which is that they desired to be exactly like Jesus. And the only way for that to happen was for Jesus/God to come and love them. Wow! What an agreement between Jesus/God and the saints.

Then Lord said, "These are mine." He then paused for a few minutes while he gazed upon all of us. Then he continued, "These are mine. These are my precious few. These are they who have suffered the loss of all things so that they may make themselves to be ready to receive me. These are my precious saints. These are they who have come to know that they have received only the earnest of my Spirit; the deposit of all that I Am.
These are they who have obeyed my commandment, and have sought first for my kingdom and my righteousness. once they discovered all that they were missing, they hungered and thirsted for the rest of me. They hungered and thirsted for my kingdom, which is Me." Then Jesus said, "I promised you all of my fullness; now receive. Clothe them with my righteousness." Then the vision was over.

2 Corinthians 5:5 "Now he has wrought us for the selfsame thing is God, who also has given to us the earnest of the Spirit."
Matthew 5:6 "Blessed are they which hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled."

I could not catch my breath for many moments after seeing and hearing this incredible vision: this incredible vision of the luminescent light, the seeing and hearing all of the voices, and how the saints were responding in agreement with Jesus Christ by repeating everything that he said. Everything that I saw about Jesus was with so much purity of his heart and of his mind. He was so pure that you could see right through him, if you so desired to. 

I John 3:2 "Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it does not appear what we shall be. But we know that when he shall appear, "we shall be like him"; for we shall see him as he is. And every man that has this hope in him purifies himself, even as he is pure."

Nothing at all could enter into Jesus, that is, of this world's corruption. No lies, no deceit, no tricks. I cannot help it, he was so pure...pure, pure, pure. He is purely pure. Corruption: it is coming to its end. All that I could say at this time, even after 35 years of seeking him, was, "Lord, you are so pure that it reveals to me that I do not know anything of myself. I can do nothing of myself. I am a vain and empty man." I felt like Job when he said, "Naked I came into this world, and naked I shall depart from it." That which was given to me, "my part", had become nothing at all. It was Jesus Christ/God in all of his glory that was so perfect and pure.
I Corinthians 13:9,10 "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."

John 8:28 Then said Jesus to them, "When you have lifted up the Son of man, then shall you know that I Am he, and that I "do nothing" of myself; but as my Father has taught me, "I speak" these things." 
John 5:30 Jesus said, "I can do nothing of myself". As I hear, I judge; and my judgment is just because I do not seek my own but the will of the Father who sent me."

1 Corinthians 4:4 (The apostle Paul speaking) "For I know nothing by myself...."

Luke 15:2 "I say to you, that likewise there shall be joy in heaven over one sinner that repents more than over 99 just persons, which need no repentance."

Romans 8:1 "Therefore there is no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." 

John 3:19-21 "And this is the condemnation, that is light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the light because their deeds were evil. For everyone that does evil hates the light, neither comes to the light, lest his deeds should be reproved. But he that does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be made manifest, that they are wrought in God."

Then I understood why Peter chose to be crucified upside down because he was not worthy to be crucified right side up in the same fashion as the Lord Jesus Christ. He saw himself with spiritual eyes...and he did not like what he saw. I know, because I have seen myself with the same light, and I do not like what I have seen. There was a time that I hated the light because I felt like God just wanted to destroy me, but now I love the light because Jesus is the light and the Lord is desirous to show me, and all who seek him, Jesus; whom I am to become. I love the Lord Jesus Christ.

Isaiah 48:10 "Behold, I have refined you, but not with silver. I have chosen you with the furnace of affliction."

Psalm 34:19 "Many are the afflictions of the "righteous", but the Lord delivers them out of them all."

I Peter 5:7-11 "Cast all of your care upon him (do not cast them upon other men), for he cares for you. Be sober, be vigilant because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walks about seeking whom he may devour, whom resist steadfast in the "faith", knowing that the same afflictions are accomplished in your brethren that are in the world. But the God of all "grace", who has called us to his "eternal glory" by Christ Jesus, after that you suffered a while, make you perfect, establish, strengthen, and settle you. To him be glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen"  

2 Corinthians 10:7-11 "And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. For this thing I sought the Lord three time that it might depart from me. And said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you. My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christ may Christ may rest on me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions in distresses for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then am I strong. I am become a fool in glorying. You have compelled, for I ought to have been commended by you. For in nothing am I behind the very chief apostles, though I be nothing." 

Perfect and pure. As I was thinking on this, the Holy Spirit took me, that is, my thoughts, into the garden of the Lord, or Paradise. The Lord has taken me here many, many times before. He took to the time that I had already been to once before; to the time that he had taught me that there were 3 types of love that existed in him: first, the love a Father has for his son; second, the love that a husband has for his wife; and third, the love that a brother has for his brother. I had to learn all these. All of a sudden, Jesus brought to light that the God is the Father; Jesus is the husband; and the Holy Spirit is my brother. This is what is perfect and pure, when we love them with all of my heart, all of soul, and all of mind.    

Then I thought about the saints once again. Wow! What they were asking the Lord for had just floored me! This proved to me that it is not about what we are doing, but it is about what we are asking and believing. It is all about what God Almighty is doing, for if he does not the work, it will not be done. He just wants us to "believe" what he says, and keep our focus on him. Unbelief is not to be found in the heart of the believer.

Know this, if we only had the faith the size of a mustard seed, we could say to this mountain, "Be cast into the sea", and it would be done. Do you know the size of a mustard seed? It is one of smallest grains there is. Now we are asking him to fill us to the full with faith! What does that look like? I cannot even imagine what that would be like.
I prayed again to the Lord as much as I could the rest of that day, wanting to know more about the great magnitude and what was the wonderful purpose of all that which I had seen. Still, nothing else came from the Lord that day.

Day 4
Then the next morning, as I began to pray, then it came on me, very SUDDENLY...I was transformed by the life of the love of God. It came rushing through the two doors like liquid light, and it filled all of us. The light began shinning out of every cell and every pore of mine, just like Jesus had the light shinning out of him. The light was love. Love; LOve; LOVe; LOVE. LOVE. LOVE!!! It just exploded! 
In a moment, like in the twinkling of the eye, I was transformed into the image of Jesus/God. My mind and my heart were changed into the divine mind and divine heart that Jesus/God possessed. No more earthy thoughts, but only divine thoughts. All that which I had seen and heard Jesus to be, I became. It is impossible to express that which I experienced except to say that there was no more "me", but it was us: Us/Jesus Christ/God.
It is incredible! I have tasted the love of God, but only for a moment. I have tasted the peace of God, but only for a moment. I have had revelations given to me, but only for a moment. I have tasted the truth of God, but only for a moment. I have tasted the joy of the Lord, but only for a moment. Though it is impossible to explain any one of these moments, then how do you explain being changed into his entire image all at once. It is indescribable!!!

Divine mercy, divine grace, and divine forgiveness came rushing in; alleluia! Divine wisdom, divine understanding, and divine knowledge came rushing in; alleluia! Divine love, divine joy, and divine peace came rushing in; alleluia! Divine holiness, divine righteousness, and divine godliness came rushing in; alleluia! Divine truth, divine light, and divine authority came rushing in; alleluia! Divine glory, divine power, and divine riches came rushing in; alleluia!!! Divine honor, divine goodness, and divine majesty came rushing in.

It just rushed through us and we were filled with "all" of his Spirit. I mean all of his divine Spirit, not just the earnest of the Spirit. I have been in churches, and I have heard many Bible teachings, but nothing that I have ever heard could come close to describe that which I now see with my eyes and hear with my ears.

I was now in a place where I was seeing and hearing everything in the exact manner that Jesus/God sees and hears. The love was overwhelming. The peace was overwhelming. The glory was overwhelming. Overwhelming was everything that Jesus/God is. Everything that came to mind that I would think or speak, it would come to pass....right then. It was no longer me/myself/and I, with me thinking I was God, but it was me thinking and speaking all that which Jesus/God would think and speak! But I was still me. This is the glory that covered all of his saints, for we were clothed with Jesus/God's righteousness, and our nakedness just dissolved away.

1 Corinthians 2:9 "But as it is written, "Eye has not seen nor ear, neither has entered into the heart of man the things which "God" has prepared for them that love him. But God has revealed them to us by his Holy Spirit: for the Spirit searches all things; yes, the deep things of God." 

Matthew 11:25-30 "At that time Jesus answered and said, "I thank you, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hid these things from the wise and the prudent, and have revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father, for so it seemed good in your sight. All things are delivered to me of my Father. No man knows the Son but the Father, and neither does any man know the Father but the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him."

I, who am vain and empty, yet suddenly I was filled with all that Jesus/God is. I have wanted to be like Jesus as soon as the scriptures revealed to me that I should become like him; but this is overwhelming for me. He rewarded me with much more than I was expecting, and I was expecting a lot. Jesus/God is much more than that which I was expecting. There was given to each one of us the exact same divine Spirit of who Jesus/God was. It was like this brilliant light suddenly shined on us, and we were changed into this brilliant light. We all had been thirsting and hungering for him. It is like you had to become vain and empty to thirst and hunger for this righteousness. It is also like you had to become vain and empty to accept the fullness of Jesus/God.

Psalm 17:15 "As for me, I will behold your face in righteousness. I shall be satisfied when I awake with your likeness." 

Isaiah 60:1-3 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness, and gross darkness the people. But the Lord shall arise upon you, and his glory shall be seen on you. And the Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of you rising."

1 Corinthians 1:10 "Now I beseech you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ (his name is everything that he says he is), that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment."

His divine love is not like any love that I have ever known. His divine love is coming to the world which he has loved from the beginning. His divine love was the reason that I saw everything "living and moving". Everything is divine love now. Carnal man wants to call his miserable existence here on this earthy realm, life; but this life is nothing; nothing at all when compared with perfection. 
Everything that I Am said that he was...love, righteousness, truth, wisdom, holiness, power, goodness, life...and right on down through all the rest of what Jesus/God had declared himself to be....I became. "We" all became one. Now it was Jesus Christ/God/and all of his saints appearing in all of their glory; and all of his glory was now "in" his saints. "We" are coming to the world. And then the end of this vision came.

Almost immediately the Holy Spirit put this verse into my heart, Matthew 5:48, where Jesus said, "You be perfect, even as "your Father" in heaven is perfect." I then knew that the only way for this to come to pass was to believe; believe that the Father desires to be in us, and us in the Father; for the Father is the only one who is perfect. I was perfect in love because he is perfect in love. I was holy because he is holy, and he dwells in me. I never had to think to love, or to think not to love, for I was love. 

I then understood the vision, it is the marriage of the saints to our precious Lord in heaven: Jesus/God in us, and us in Jesus/God. Then the two shall become one. We become like him, for he would never "think" to become like us. He who is holy, Jesus/God, to whosoever has made him/herself ready to receive his holiness. Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! When the bride (church) marries the groom, then "his" will be done. Then, and only then, his kingdom is coming to earth, and his will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Let all of the earth rejoice and be glad. 

Now this I say, that the words were given to me by the Holy Spirit, which is the power of Jesus/God. I am a messenger, and what a message that I have delivered. These words are prophetic words; and we know that which is written in Revelation 19:10, for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophesy.
Did I not tell you that we all have a walk different from one another? Is not one a hand, and another a foot, and another leg? Can a hand do any of the functions of the foot? But who would have thought that all of our language would end up with the same person, Jesus Christ, doing his work (faith, belief, trust) in us. Now do not follow John, but you follow "Jesus Christ". All those who would have you to follow them, don't, for they are false. Jesus is the only Lord and Savior, and he it is that will fulfill every work that he has promised. Amen.

I Corinthians 1:12-13 "Now this I say, that every one of you says, "I am of Paul; and I am of Apollos;  I am  of Cephas; and I am of Christ. Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized for you?" 

I do not know how long it is going to take the Lord to fulfill his word, but it is his word, and he will take as long as necessary. It is not that which man "thinks" that is reality, but it is that which God "thinks"; for only his "thoughts" stand forever...and reality is forever. Do not look at any events that are happening on earth, but look only" to that which is happening in heaven; that is, Jesus/God is coming! Jesus/God comes! Jesus/God is coming for his bride, and she has made herself ready, for she is hungers and thirsts for him.

******Romans 8:14 "For as many as are "led" by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God."******

1 Corinthians 13:1-10 "Though I speak with the tongues of men and angels, and I have not love, I have become as sounding brass or a tinkling cymbal. And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge, and though I have all faith so that I could remove mountains, and I have not love, I am nothing. And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and I have not, it profits me nothing. Love suffers long and is kind. Love envies not. Love vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, does not behave itself unseemly, seeks not her own. Love is not easily provoked, and it thinks no evil. Love rejoices not in iniquity, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, and endures all things. Love never fails; but where there be prophecies, they shall fail. Whether there be tongues, they shall cease. Whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know "in part", and we prophesy in part, but when that which is perfect is come, then that which is "in part" shall be done away."

Mitt Jeffords       