------- 잘라서 계속 번역 -------
It was my turn; for just as Samuel had been humbled in his judgment of men, so also had the Lord just done the same for me. How many times had I, 1000’s, 10,000’s or 100,000’s of times had I judged others according to their appearances, saying within myself, "Surely this is a righteous man", or "Surely, this is a man will find no favor in the sight of the Lord”. I knew then that I was no different from Samuel, making my judgments of other men, as well as of my own self, according to how things have appeared in my own eyes.
내 차례였습니다 이는 꼭 사무엘이 그의 사람 심판(판단)함에서 낮춰졌던 것 처럼 그렇게 역시나, 주님은 내게도 꼭 같게 행하셨더랬습니다. 얼마나 여러번 낮춰졌던지(틀렸던지),,,, 천번, 만번, 혹은 십만번, 나는 다른이들을 그들 겉 모습에 따라 판단(심판)했더랬습니다, 내 속으로, " 확실히 이 사람은 의로운(옳은) 사람이냐 ", 아님 " 확실히, 이 사람은 주님 보시기에 전혀 은총을 받지 못할 사람이냐 ". 나는 그때 알았습니다,, 내가 사무엘가 전혀 다르지 않다는 것을, 다른이들을, 더불어 나 자기 자신을,, 일들(사태들)이 나 자신의 눈에 보인대로 판단하는 것에서.
It was then that the Lord again opened my heart to understand more deeply the error that Samuel and I had both made, as well as how I have erred every time that I have judged men; for Jesus himself said in John 7:24 “Do not judge according to appearances but rather judge righteous judgment”. If I had examined the sons of Jesse for myself, then I would have also looked for that man who appeared to have the qualities that a king who should be respected and honored by the people should have. But what were the qualities that God was looking for? It was then that the Spirit of the Lord quickened to me that which Jesus said in Luke 16:15 “You are they who “make yourselves” righteous before men, but God "knows your heart"; for that which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God”. It was with this word that the Lord made it clear to me that what he said to Samuel was the truth;“God does not see as man sees”; the very qualities that men esteem in each other as well as in themselves, these are the very same qualities that God sees as an abomination; that which is very disgusting in his sight.
주님이 그때 다시금 내 마음을 여셨고,, 사무엘과 나,, 양쪽이 저질렀던 그 실수를 더 깊이 이해하게 했습니다, 더불어 어떻게 매번 사람들을 심판(판단)하는데 실수 했었던지를 ; 이는 예수님 그 자신이 요한복음 7:24절에서 말했습니다 " 외모를 따라 판단하지 말고 바른(옳은,공의롭게) 판단(심판)을 하라고 ". 만약 내가 내 자신으로 이새의 아들들을 검토했었다면, 그럼 나 역시나 사람들이 왕으로서 존경하고 흠모할만한 것으로 생각하는 그 품성을 가져 보이는 그 사람을 찾았을 것입니다. 하지만 하나님이 찾고 있었던 그 품성은 어떤 것이었습니까 ? 그때였습니다,, 주(여호와)의 영이 내게 예수님이 누가복음 16:15절에서 말했던 " 너희는 사람앞에서 " 너희 자신들을 의롭게 " 한다, 하지만 하나님은 " 너희 마음을 아신다 ; 이는 사람 가운데서 높이 존중을 받는 그것이 하나님 보시기에 가증한 것이다 " 라는 구절을 생각나게 했습니다. 이 말씀을 가지고서, 주님은 내게 그분이 사무엘에게 하셨던 말이 진실한 것임을 분명히 했습니다 ; " 하나님은 사람이 보는대로 보지 않는다 " ; 사람들이 서로간에, 더불어 그들 자신속에서 높게 여기는 바로 그 품성들, 이러한 것들은 하나님이 가증한 것으로 보는 바로 그 동일한 품성입니다 ; 그분 보시기에 아주 역겨운 그것.
Then the Lord quickened unto me that which is written in Proverbs 16:5 "Everyone who is "proud in heart" is an abomination to the Lord"; and then the Lord said to me,“You know that it is written that no abominable thing shall enter into the kingdom of heaven. Those who are proud in heart only like to showcase their own strengths, their own wisdom, their own abilities, and their own works. The proud do such things to satisfy their own desires for vain glory and praise. These are the treasures of all those who are proud in heart. I am seeking for a people whose hearts desire is for me to showcase for them my wonderful works, my strength, my wisdom, my ability, and my power. The proud have no pleasure in such things because those who are proud love their own sufficiency. Do you now perceive that it would have been impossible for Samuel to use any other method to examine the sons of Jesse with other than judging them according to their own abilities, wisdom, reputation, appearance, and strengths?” says the Lord.
그때 주님이 내게 잠언 16:5절에 기록된 "" 마음에 긍지를 가지는 " 모든이는 여호와께 가증스러운 자(것이)다 " 는 구절을 내게 소생 시키셨고 ; 그리고서 주님이 내게 말했습니다, " 너희 아는 바 가증스러운 것은 하늘 왕국 속에 들어가지 못할 것이란 것이 기록되었다. 마음이 긍지에 찬 자들은 오직 그들 자신의 힘과, 그들 자신의 지혜, 그들 자신의 능력들, 그들 자신의 일함들을 나타내 보이기 좋아한다. 긍지에 찬 자들은 그런 일들을 행하여 헛된 영광과 찬송을 바라는 그들 자신의 욕구들을 충족시킨다. 이러한 것들은 마음이 긍지에 차 있는 자들 모두의 소중한 것들이다. 내가 한 백성,, 그들 마음이, 내가 그들을 위해 나의 놀라운 일함들, 나의 강함, 나의 지혜, 나의 능력, 나의 강대함 내보여주길 바라는,, 자들을 찾고 있다. 긍지에 찬 자들은 그런 것들을 전혀 기뻐하지 않는다,, 왜냐함 긍지에 찬 자들은 그들 자신의 능력을 사랑한다. 너가 이제 감지 하겠느냐,, 사무엘로선 이새의 아들들을 그들 자신 소유의 능력들,지혜, 명성, 모습,강한 힘들에 맞춰서 그들을 판단하는 것 외엔 가지고서 살펴볼 어떤 다른 수단을 동원하는 것이 불가능 했으리란 것을 ? " 주 여호와의 말이다.
After the Lord finished speaking these things unto me, he then quickened unto me that which his written in II Chronicles 16:9 "For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is perfect towards him...". It was with this word that I began to understand more clearly the heart that was pleasing in the sight of God; the humble of heart of those who have no desire to be God of them selves, but who are desirous and content with letting God to be God; letting showcase Himself. I then understood why the apostle Paul found so much favor in the sight of God because of that which is written in II Corinthians 12:9 where the Lord said to Paul, "My grace is sufficient for you; for my strength is made perfect in your weaknesses". Will the man who is proud of heart ever acknowledge his weaknesses? Who is God able to show himself strong to except those have weaknesses? Then Paul answered saying, "Therefore I will most gladly glory in my weaknesses so that the power of Christ may rest upon me". It was at this moment that I realized within my own heart, I had never esteemed nor honored any man who showed weakness. Yet Paul was certainly not such a man to hide his, for he also said in I Corinthians 2:3 “And I was with you in weakness, and in fear, and in much trembling. And my speech and my preaching were not with the enticing words of man’s wisdom (that which is esteemed in the sight of men), but rather in demonstration of the Spirit and of power, so that you might know that your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men but in the power of God”.
주님이 이러한 것들을 내게 말하길 마친 후, 그때 그분이 내게 역대하 16:9절에 쓰인 말씀을 떠오르게 했습니다 " 여호와의 눈이 온 땅을 가로질러 달리며 오간다, 그들의 마음이 그를 향해 완전한 자들을 향해 그 자신을 강하게 내 보이기 위해 ... ". 이 말씀을 가지고서야 나는 더 분명하게 하나님 보시기에 기쁨이 되는 마음을 더 분명하게 이해하기 시작했습니다 그들 자신으로 전혀 하나님이고픈 욕구가 없는 상태의 낮아진 그 마음, 하지만 누가 하나님으로 하나님 되게 하므로 만족합니까 ; 그분 자신을 내 보이도록 하므로서. 나는 그때 왜 사도 바울이 그렇게나 많은 은총을 하나님 앞에서 입었는지를 이해했습니다 고린도 후서 12:9 절에 기록된 그 말,, 그 곳에서 주님이 바울에게 말했습니다, " 내 은혜가 너를 향해 충분하다 ; 이는 내 강함이 너의 연약함 가운데서 완성되기 때문이다 ". 마음이 자긍심에 젖어 있는 그 사람이 그의 연약한 것들을 인정할 것입니까 ? 누구에게 하나님이 그분 자신을 강하게 내 보일 수 있었니까,,,그러한 연약한 것들을 가진자들 외에 ? 그때 바울은 대답해 말하길," 그러므로 내가 아주 기쁘게 나의 연약한 것들을 기꺼이 자랑할 것이다 그래서 그리스도의 그 힘(능력)이 내 위에서 쉬도록". 이 순간에 나는 내 자신 마음속에서 깨달았습니다, 내가 결코 연약함을 내 보이는 어떤 사람을 결딴코 존경하거나 혹은 존중하지 않았다는 것을.. 그렇지만, 바울은 확실히 바울은 그의 연약한것들을 숨기는 그런 사람이 아니었습니다, 이는 그 역시도 고린도 전서 2:3절에서 다음과 같이 말했기 때문입니다 " 내가 연약함 가운데 너희와 함께 있었으니,, 두려움과 많은 떨림속에서라. 내 말함과 내 가르침이 인간 지혜의 유혹하는 말로서가 아니라,, 오히려 주의 영과 능력의 실제 나타남속에서이다, 그래서 너희가 너희 확신이 인간 지혜(사람들 보기에 높이 존중을 받는 그것)속에 선것이 아니라,, 대신 하나님의 능력에 서는 것을 너희가 알도록 하기 위해".
After the Lord finished speaking these things, I just sat there for a time examining myself to see if I really understood what it meant “to have a heart for God”. It was then that the Lord spoke again asking, “When Goliath stood before the armies of
주님이 이러한 것들을 말하길 마친 후, 나는 그냥 그기에 한 동안 앉은채로,, 내 자신을 검토했습니다,, 내가 실제로 "하나님을 향한 마음을 가진다는 것 " 이 의미하는 바를 이해했는지를 확인하려. 그때였습니다, 주님이 다시금 말하여 묻길, " 골리앗이 이스라엘 군대들 앞에 서서, 그들에게 이스라엘 가운데서 가장 용감하고 강한 사람을 내보내 블레셋의 챔피언과 맞서게 해 보라고 도전했을때, 엘리압이 어디 있었느냐 ? 사울은 어디 있었느냐 ? 그 이스라엘의 용사들중의 어떤이가 골리앗에게 맞서므로 그래서 그가 그 자신의 강함과 힘을 내보이기 위해 이 사건을 사용했느냐 ? " 아닙니다 주님, 아무도 그러지 않았습니다". 그때 주님이 계속해 말했습니다, " 너는 내가 한 인간 거인을 맞서 싸우는데 또 다른 인간 거인을 사용하는 것이 필요하다고 믿느냐 ? 너가 ,, 그 블레셋인들이 그들의 챔피언을 그러한 ,, 사람들 중에서 아주 높게 여겨지는,, 것들 중에서 선택해 낸 것을 보느냐 , 그의 신장(키)이 크고, 그 자신의 육체적 능력이 강하고, 더불어 그의 육체적 외양이 위협적인 이로서 ? 너는 생각에 내가 골리앗을 보고 두려움에 움츠려 들었다(겁먹었다) 생각하느냐 ? " 주의 말이다. " 너는 생각에 내가 골리앗의 신장(키)를 보고 위협을 느꼈다고 생각하느냐 ? 너가 아직도 알아채지 못했니 내가 필요했던 전부는 이스라엘 속에서 나를 바탕으로 믿는 한 사람을 향해 있었다는 것을 ; 나로 하여금 하나님 되게 허락해 줄 한 사람, 그래서 내 강함과 힘을 그를 위해서 내보여줄 이를 ? 내 눈은 이새의 아들, 다윗 속에서 그런 사람을 발견했다.
As delighted as I was to find David, a man after my heart, did Jesse see his son that which I saw in David? When Samuel called for the sacrifice and told Jesse to bring all of his sons there, who did Jesse select to stay behind to shepherd the flock? Did not Jesse think that David was so far inferior in stature and in strength to that of his brothers that I would not possibly choose him to be king over Israel? Yes, but I saw the wisdom that was in David’s heart; the wisdom which desires for me to his God; the wisdom which would allow for me to showcase my power, my wisdom, my strength, my creativity, my love, my righteousness, my judgment, and my heart not only for him, but for all of my people. The wisdom that allows for me to be your God in all matters, no matter whether they be small or great. I delight in all those who have this wisdom in their hearts”, says the Lord.
내가 다윗, 내 마음을 추구하는 한 사람, 그를 발견하고 기뻤던 만큼, 그렇게 이새가 다윗속의 내가 본 그것을 그의 아들 속에서 봤느냐 ? 사무엘이 그 (희생)제사를 요청하고,, 이새에게 그기로 그의 모든 아들들을 데려오라 했을때,이새가 누구를 그 양떼를 지켜도록 하려 선택했느냐 ? 이새가 다윗은 너무 신장(키)과 힘이 그의 형들 그것과 비교하여,,너무나 열등하기에,,내가 그를 이스라엘을 다스리는 왕으로 거의 선택치 않으리라고 생각지 않았느냐 ? 그렇다, 하지만 나는 다윗의 가슴속에 있는 그 지혜를 보았다 그 지혜,,나를 그의 하나님으로 심히도 원하는 ; 나로 내 강대함과 내 지혜, 내 강함, 내 창조성, 내 사랑, 내 의로움(옳음,바름),내 심판, 그리고 내 마음,, 단순 그를 향한 것만이 아니라,, 모든 내 백성을 향한 내 마음을 내가 내 보이도록 허락해 줄 그 지혜 . 그 지혜가 나로 하여금 너의 하나님이 되도록 허락해 준다,, 모든 문제이 있어, 그들이 작은자이든 혹은 큰자 이든 상관없이. 내가 이런 지혜를 그들 가슴 속에 가진 자들 모두를 기뻐한다 " , 주의 말이다.
I knew the scriptures testified many times that, “God only knows the heart”; but I had not once even considered that was in the manner that he was revealing to me. I then under- stood that just as God was not fearful or intimidated by the sight of Goliath, so neither was David; for all of the focus of David's heart was on the power, the strength, and the ability of his heavenly Father rather than upon the size and strength of his adversary Goliath; so much so that this young man stood and said, "Who is this uncircumcised Philistine who should defy the armies of the living God?" Yet, what power would that army have if it had not been for the faith of one young man? Yes, just like David, the mighty men of
Later that night, I was still considering these things when the Lord said to me, "Mitt, who is your champion?" With that one question, It seemed like my heart took on a change that I had never experienced before; it was like I experienced that child-like faith that David had for the first time in my walk. I was as though there was no doubt as to who my champion was going to be when spiritual Goliaths arose in my path; troubles, cares, fears, and any circumstance or situation that was beyond my control. It was then that the Lord quickened to me that which Jesus said in Matthew 18:3“Truly I say to you that unless you are converted and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven”. I then realized that since the day that the Lord had called me, I had thought if I walked the strait and narrow path that the Lord asked us to walk, then I would grow into a spiritual giant, a man who would be highly esteemed and honored. I had no idea that my walk would go in a direction that was completely the opposite of what a thought, growing and increasing in the humble and meek heart of a child; but a heart that allow for God to be that spiritual giant.
Then later on that same night, I had just gotten in bed, and had only been lying there for just a minute or two when I looked towards the end of my bed and I saw what looked like a white slated fence running between the two bedposts at the foot of my bed. This fence looked like the typical kind of wooden fence that I have seen many times at horse farms; and it even appeared to have a small gate that could swing open like the ones you see at a rodeo. My first thought was, “Is this a dream or is it a vision?”; but then I realized that what I was seeing was actually happening before my eyes, for the next thing that I saw was 4 angels climbing up from the backside of the fence. They each appeared to only be about 3 or 4 feet tall, and they each had the countenance of a 5 or 6 year old child. Until that moment, my eyes had seen any creature, including small children, which had such an innocent countenance and sweet smile.
I was just staring at them in amazement when each one of them lifted up their arms and started pointing towards my chest. They were pointing at me just like a little child would, moving their little hands quickly back and forth. When I realized that they were pointing at my chest, I first thought that maybe there was something on it, like a spider or a bug. So I started furiously slapping my chest, from one side to the other, as fast as I could. I then realized that there were no bugs or spiders on my chest because when I looked back at these little angels, they were all giggling like little children; but they were still pointing their fingers towards my chest. My next thought was that maybe I had some kind of lump or a bump on me, so I started feeling all over my chest to see if I could feel something. When I could not feel anything or see anything, I then looked back and these angels, and they were giggling that much more, and their fingers were moving back and forth even faster than before; it was as if they were little children playing a game of “hot and cold”, and the closer to got to that hidden thing, the more excited they became.
All of sudden, all of these angels reached a state of extreme excitement, and I have never seen any hands moving as quickly back and forth as their hands were, still pointing their fingers at my chest. It was then that I realized that my hand was lying directly over my heart. So I said to them, "Are you trying to show me something about my heart?" Again they reacted just like the little children who are so excited because you have found that which was hidden from you. Then, with smiles on their faces, and without any words being spoken verbally, they began to communicate with me; telepathically is the only way that I know how to describe it. It was real strange at first because since I could not see any of their mouths moving, I was never able to discern which angel was actually speak- ing to me at any given time; but they began by saying; "Yes, Mitt, it is your heart that we are pointing to, for we have been sent to help you understand more clearly those things of the heart that the heavenly Father is looking for; for whatever a man truly believes, he believes it in his heart; and it is those things which a man believes that his heart treasures.
Have you not seen in your own heart that you have made the same mistake in judgment that Samuel made when he chose Eliab. Were you not also ashamed when you saw your own error? Did you not feel as though someone had taken away from you a treasure out of your heart? So was it also with Samuel, seeing that he was so confident in the judgment that he had treasured. Samuel treasured his own judgment because he believed in his heart that his judgment was right. But it was in these times of darkness, under the first covenant, that God winked at such ignorance in men; for it was of such a time that Samuel lived in, times of ignorance where neither the truth of the scriptures, nor the truth about God, and neither the truth concerning the hearts of men was known; for it is as it was written, that all of these things were veiled. Was not the Son of the living God rejected? Were not even James and John ignorant of what the nature of the Spirit that was in them? Were there any who could hear and understand the words that Jesus spoke?
For it was by reason of this ignorance that the heavenly Father sent his only begotten Son as a light of truth in this world of darkness. It was Christ who overcame this fallen world of ignorance, sin, and death. It was Christ who overcame the darkness of Satan’s lies, those words that he crafts to appear as the truth and that seem right in the sight of men. For it was Christ who, after being crucified, dead, and then raised again, appeared in heaven as the Lamb who was slain. For it was in the resurrection, in the time before Jesus descended beneath, that he ascended into heaven to do that which no man in heaven or in the earth had been able to do; remove the seals from off the book. For it was these seals that kept the truth of the scriptures veiled, that which reveals the truth about God, as well the truth about the hearts of men. If Jesus Christ had not prevailed, having won the victory, then there would have been none who had power to deliver men out of this darkness of ignorance. There would have been none who could have heard and understood the truth of the scriptures. There would have been none who could have know the thoughts of his heart with its intents. There would have been none who could have come to know the heavenly Father; and you know that eternal life only belongs to those who “know the Father” (John 17:3). It is the truth of all these things that sets men free from all of the powers of darkness.
So do you now understand that as long as Samuel lived under this first covenant, the it would have been impossible for him to discern how God sees, seeing that under this same covenant, the eyes of the people of God remained blind and their hearts veiled (Deut.29:1-4/II Cor.3:14-17). It was a time where it was not yet possible for Samuel, or for any other prophet or righteous man to see, or to hear, or to the perceive the truth about the hearts of the sons of Jesse; for no man yet knew God. It is this same blindness that God now com-mands all men everywhere to repent; to turn from this darkness of ignorance. For it is by reason of this bondage to the darkness, that Samuel had no choice but measure the sons of Jesse according to things that were seen outwardly; their abilities, their strengths, their works, and their physical appearances. Thus being blind to see the truth of God, Samuel could only believe those things that he saw with his own eyes, which is not able to see the intents and the motives of the heart. Samuel erred when he made his selection of Eliab because he based his decision upon those things which he himself esteemed and honored in men; for in his own eyes, he saw Eliab as the one best measured up to what he thought the qualities of a king should be.
The angels continued speaking saying, "Under the old covenant, on the veiled side of the word where the scriptures are interpreted with man’s understanding, men are held in bondage to their own wisdom; that is, they believe that the truth is that which appears right in their own eyes. It is for this reason that Samuel was confident that his selection of Eliab was the right selection. Yet, it is in this darkness that man will esteem those very things of man which God sees as abominations in his sight; for you know that the word of God testifies of this truth saying, “That which is highly esteemed among men is an abomination in the sight of God. It is here that you will find the deceitful lies of pride deceiving the hearts of God’s people into believing that they are able to make "self" to appear acceptable and godly in their own eyes; as well as in the sight of all those others who also walk in the darkness. For on the veiled side of the word, the focus of fallen man is on the man, and upon those things which are seen by man: man’s abilities, man’s righteousness, man’s power; man’s laws, man’s strengths, man’s will, man’s works, and man’s glory. It is not so on the unveiled side of the word; for in the light of God’s truth, all of the focus is upon God, and upon those things which are not seen; God’s abilities, God’s strength, God’s wisdom, God’s power, God’s law, God’s will, the works of God, and the glory of God. Was not Jesus himself lightly regarded by men but esteemed to be well pleasing in the sight of God? This is the power of the darkness; for on the veiled side of the word, man is exalted, man is praised, man is honored, and man is esteemed for all those things that are seen by men.
It is not so on the unveiled side of the word, where the heavenly Father only is exalted, and praised, glorified, and honored. The eyes of the heavenly Father go to and fro throughout the earth, examining the hearts of all men to find those who have a heart for him. It is of such a heart that God found in David; a humble heart that yearned for God to show himself strong and mighty on David’s behalf. Do you not know that it is even so now? For has not your heavenly Father called you with the desire to make you a king and a priest also? Do you not know that the heavenly Father is still seeking out those who have a humble heart just as David had; a heart that would gladly allow for God to be the King of kings?
It is on the veiled side of the word that the heart of man is proud; and those who are of such a heart are those who appear as Eliab appeared in Samuel’s eyes, a man who seemed to be self-sufficient. It is this self-sufficient heart that resists and refuses any guidance or help from God; and it is this self-sufficiency that makes the heart of the proud an abomination in the sight of God. Do the self-sufficient put any reliance in God? Yet, in this fallen world of darkness, is not the heart of those who are seemingly appear as the most self-sufficient the heart that is the most admired and most esteemed among men? Do you understand why Samuel chose Eliab? Do you now understand that it is this ignorance that your heavenly Father is commanding all men to repent of, seeing that has given unto the Spirit of his Son Jesus to reveal all truth unto you and to transform your mind?
When the Philistines set their armies in array, and sent forth Goliath as their champion, where were all of the mighty men of
It is only of the veiled side of the word, the darkened word of men’s interpretations, where Satan and all of his demons are able to dwell. It is only in the darkness where Satan is able to transform himself into an angel of light and his demons into ministers of righteousness. It is only in the darkness that all such unclean spirits are able to hide themselves in those things that are naturally seen by men, deceiving the hearts of the blind. It is here that the grievous wolves will appear as the sheep who speak those enticing words that seduce the people of God to focus only those things which are esteemed and treasured in the sight of men; man’s own abilities, man’s own wisdom, man’s own strength, man’s own works, and man’s own righteousness, rather than to focus on those things which belong only to the Lord God. In this world of darkness, did David’s own brothers esteem him to have the qualities of a king? Did the Jews esteem Jesus to have the qualities of a king? Did Jesse even consider to bring David along to the sacrifice in which the new king of
It is only on this veiled side of the word where Satan is been able to establish his own kingdom; a kingdom where the darkness appears as light; where his lies appear as truth; where man’s works and efforts seem good; where iniquity (self-righteousness) appears as righteousness; where the illusion of life appears as life; and where men’s traditions seem like the laws of God. Though the scriptures declare that no flesh shall glory in the sight of God? Still, on this veiled side of the word, Satan’s ministers are able to entice men those who are deceived into doing those very works; the works that the hypocrite does to be seen pleasing in the sight of men. Did not God choose to take Saul’s kingdom away from him for doing this very thing? The entire world is under the power of darkness, the power that deceives men into believing that God is pleased with that which they make of themselves, putting forth their best effort. These are they who profess to be the works of God’s hands, but on the contrary, they are the works of their own hands. Every man thinks that this is what God finds as pleasing and acceptable.
Again, take good heed not to walk according to sight, doing those things to be seen of men: the goodness of man; the righteousness of man; the wisdom of man; and the glory and praise of man. It is here that Satan ministers to the beauty of the outward appearance of hypocrisy (play-acting), as though it was the doctrine of God and the garment of godliness. Satan only ministers to the laws, the works, the rules, the appearances, and the efforts of men, all those things that are esteemed in the sight of the ignorant. Those who walk by sight are they who deny the Christ who said, “Without me, you can do nothing to please my heavenly Father. Are you able to understand how Satan uses appearances to deceive the hearts of the children of God, seeing that he is able to transform himself into outward appearance that men not only esteem but also desire to have ? For it is only on the veiled side of the word that men’s judgments, fair speeches, self-righteous works, smooth words, good deeds, religious traditions, the glory of man, and the outward appearances are able to give the illusion that one is godly. But this is only a perception, an illusion whereby the hypocrite is esteemed and honored. This illusion only exists on the veiled side of the word, an illusion where hypocrisy is esteemed as godliness, and the lies of the hypocrite are believed on as the righteous truth.
Do you now understand why the heavenly Father corrected his servant Samuel for using his own judgment to select Eliab as the next king over
On the veiled side of the word, Satan has deceived men into believing that they are their own champions, and that they have no need for God in their daily lives.These are they who when the troubles and worries of this appear, they only rely on "self" to find the solution to their troubles, as well as for their own strength. Though they praise God with their lips and honor him with their mouths, still their hearts are far from him, not even once thinking to their heavenly Father the opportunity to show himself strong and mighty on their behalf. Still, these are they who do not repent of their sins of unbelief, but rather they try to hide their weaknesses and faults behind the cloak of hypocrisy (Jude 5). These are they who play-act, pretending to have control over those situations which they really have no control over; just as the mighty men of Israel appeared to have; that is, until Goliath appeared. This is the power of Satan, the father of all lies, the lies that give off the perception that men are strong and mighty, able through their own sufficiency to be the champions of their own life.
Many who are called by the name of the Lord shall remain on the veiled side of the word, having an affection for those things that are esteemed and exalted by men. These are they who have chosen to believe those things that are seen rather than to seek from above those things that are not seen. These are they who are confident that they are righteous, yet when the Goliath's of this life appear, those events which occur which are common to all men such as illnesses, or worries about tomorrow, or depression, or false accusations, or financial problems, or loneliness, or family problems, or bitterness, or death, or any other temptation that goes beyond their control, they will they are powerless to help themselves, they also will find themselves with the same heart that the mighty men of Israel found when Goliath appeared; hearts filled with fear and dread rather than the peace and a strong confidence in the Lord like that heart which the Lord found in David.
Whose religion will serve them best in time of need; those who’s trust in traditions and doctrines, or those whose trust is in the Lord? Those who walk in their own power or those whose faith is in God, knowing that he is always willing to show his power and himself mighty and strong on behalf of those who call upon him? These are they who the Lord has given rest and freedom from their anxieties, their fears and dreads, from the judgments of other men, from arguments and strife, as well as from all their troubles, cares, and worries. For these are they who dwell on the unveiled side of the word, whose hearts and minds have been freed from all things which work sin and death, and they walk in that abundant life which the Lord Jesus Christ promised to those who would seek and ask for it. Yet, these are also those who do not seemingly appear not to have any strength of themselves; and seeing that they have nothing to boast of themselves, they are not esteemed or praised, but rather lightly regarded by other men.
It is the veiled side of the word that many believe just as the demons believe, that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God. It is on the unveiled side of the word that many believe that Jesus shed his blood for their sins. But it is also on this veiled side of the word that many will remain faithless to believe that Jesus is there to perform anything for them; and it was Jesus who said, “Without me, you can do nothing”. Now consider this, did not the apostle Paul also say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”. Was not Paul a man who the eyes of the Lord found, a man who was willing to let the Lord show himself strong on his behalf? Who unveiled Paul’s eyes to know this? In Paul, the Lord found a heart like David had, the heart of a child; a heart that looked to God to provide, that which is sufficient. The Lord already knew who had a heart from him, for the found in David that which he did not find in any other heart in Israel; a heart that was willing to let God be his champion; a heart that desired to let God show himself mighty and strong. The LordGod found in David a heart that was willing to let God supply for him that which was necessary for the king of Israel to have; a man who loved the Lord his God with all his heart, with all of his mind, and with all of his soul. It was God that David glorified and praised when he slew Goliath; for David knew. God knew that David had a heart that would allow always remain humble before God, allowing for God to rule sovereign over his people
The heart of the child sees many Goliath's arise in its paths as it walks through this fallen world of darkness, circumstances and situations that seem impossible to overcome. But the hearts of the humble are neither fearful nor troubled, just as David was neither fearful nor troubled in his heart when he confronted Goliath. The heart of the child is the heart that has chosen for God to be its champion, and it looks no where but from above for its help to come; knowing that the Lord takes great pleasure in fighting for those who only look to him for their sufficiency and strength. There are no adversaries, no circumstances, no enemies, no powers, no fleshy lusts, no situations, or any spirits that God will not arise to overthrow on behalf of those whose hearts are perfect towards him in humility and faith. These are they who the Lord God will make to be his kings and priests.
So do you now see how those who walked according to the things that are seen, their hearts were paralyzed with fear at the sight of Goliath; the same Goliath that David slew with one small stone because the Lord was with him. Where was the fear and dread in David as he prepared to go out to battle against the champion of the Philistines? If then there had not been one in
On the unveiled side of the word is the light of God’s truth, a continual flowing river of the blessings of abundant life; God's power, God’s wisdom, God's help, God’s faithfulness, God’s work, God’s understanding, God’s strength, God’s gifts, God’s peace, and the love of God. All of these blessings come to those who walk on the unveiled side of the word, because these are they who never focus on their own abilities and sufficiency but rather, they believe that all things are possible with God. These are they who put no limitations on the manner that God desires to bless them or on the love that God desires to show them. It is these who dwell on the unveiled side of the word that continually see God do those things which are exceedingly abundant above all that which they are able to think or to ask for. It is these truths that the Lord Jesus unveils that sets men free from all their bondage to the powers of the darkness. Those who remain on the veiled side of the word, they are remain in the darkness, seeing nothing but impossibility when their own strengths and powers are dissolved when they confront the Goliaths that appear in their daily lives.
The heart that is unveiled, it is the heart of those who have seen and know their God. These are they who are strong in faith, believing that the Father is always there for them, to fight all of their battles, to deliver them from all their fears, their unbelief as well as all of their doubts. These are they who have allowed for their Lord to destroy all of the pride that dwelt within them. These have that heart of the child that believes, without wavering, that their Father shall supply all of their lack and provide all of their needs when they ask of him. The heart of his children only desire for their heavenly Father to teach them. The heart of the child knows that they are the object of all of their heavenly Father's affection. The heart of the child is perfect in faith, remaining still while their heavenly Father finishes the work that he has started in him. He who has the heart of the child is he who continually walks and communicates with his heavenly Father, never doubting his Father’s faithfulness and love. Just like David, they who are of such a heart delight in letting their heavenly Father be their Lord and God, knowing that all things will work together because of their love for him.
Now hear Mitt, do you now understand why all of the mighty men of
I lay there stunned in amazement at those things that had been spoken to me. I was so overwhelmed in that moment that I did not even try to wake my wife to tell her what I had seen and what I had been told. The unveiled word, I knew that was what John was speaking of when he said in I John 1:1 "That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the "Word of Life". For the life was manifested (unveiled), and we have seen it, and bear witness, and show unto that eternal life, which is with the Father, and we manifested unto us. That which we have seen and heard, we declare unto you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly, our fellowship is with the Father, and with his son Jesus Christ". It is an awesome fellowship when one chooses to let God be the champion of his life; for even this is not man's doings, but the Lord's.
The next morning, as I was writing all those things which had been spoken to me, the Holy Spirit then quickened to me that which Paul said in II Corinthians 10:12 "For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with those who commend themselves; for they measuring themselves among themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise and without understanding". The first thing that the Spirit opened my heart to see was that truly, Samuel did not have the gifts of the Spirit avail-unto him; the gifts of spiritual wisdom and understanding. For Samuel did that very thing which Paul said that he dared not to do: compare and measure ourselves and each other amongst ourselves, as Samuel did when he chose Eliab. The second thing that the Spirit of the Lord opened my heart to comprehend was that when a man measures himself against the lives of other men, he is only measuring his own flesh against the flesh of others; those outward characteristics that are seen my men, the very things which deceive a man into believing that he himself is more righteous; or more wise; or more stronger; or more zealous; or more esteemed than others, but only because he is comparing fleshy abilities against fleshy abilities, and not against the spiritual abilities of God; who has the ability to do all things which are impossible for man to do.
Then, while I was meditating on all of these things, the Lord spoke to me and said, "I do not want you to ever measure yourself or compare yourself with those who exalt themselves and boast of themselves, lest you also be tempted to walk in the same illusion of lies. For these are they who walk according to appearances, giving the perception that they have strength, righteousness, and power of them selves. All they who walk in such a manner have deceived themselves, and they have turned from worshipping and serving me, and now worship and serve "self". If you do this thing, then you will make your own self to be an image that also relies on it's own strength, and wisdom, and power. If you allow for these things to take power over you, then you will be compelled to continually prove yourself before other men and you will walk in your own strength. Then when troubles, fears, worries, the cares of this life arise, the Goliath's of this life, you will no longer look for me to be your champion", says the Lord. “I love all of those who desire for me to be their champion and their Lord. Know this also, if any man who dwells on the unveiled side of the word will turn to me, desiring for me to be his champion, then I will hear from heaven, and my eyes will find him, and I will also show myself strong and mighty on his behalf. This is the repentance that I desire”, says the Lord.
Thank you Lord; for since they day, I only have one champion; but I realized that day, that if I was going to let the Lord be my champion, then it was going to be necessary for me to give up any outward appearance of righteousness that I may have walked in, as well as ceasing from performing any of those mighty deeds whereby I myself might have something to boast of or to glory in. But that was just fine with me. For as long as I could boast in the Lord's power, the Lord's wisdom, the works of the Lord, the Lord's strength, and all of the mighty things that he desires to perform for those who have that humble heart of a child, then I am more than willing to live all of eternity being the object of God’s affection through Jesus Christ.
Recently the Lord spoke to me and said, “I am about to gather my church together, all those who have made me their champion; whose hearts are perfect towards me. I will make them my kings and raise them up to my priests; my priesthood of believers who shall walk in the order of Melchisedec. These are they who do nothing but believe on me to do this thing; knowing that it shall not be by the power of their own might, but by my Spirit, which is my power”, says the Lord. “Neither Goliath, nor the shadows of death, nor the gates of hell, nor Satan himself shall prevail against my church, because my church has me for its champion.