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[ 572-1 Satan’s Hitman By Mitt Jeffords

danieell 2019. 9. 22. 17:04

출       처        :       https://www.freewebs.com/notjustnotes/satanshitman.htm

Posted on this site 6th April 2007

Satan’s Hitman

사탄의 암살자

Mitt Jeffords

Vision: Satan’s Surprise Attack on The Church: Cupid As Satan’s Hit Man.

환상 : 사탄의  기습공격 : 사탄의  암살자 큐피드.

Matthew 22:6 “Master, which is the greatest commandment in the law?” Jesus said unto him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all of your heart, with all of your soul, and with all of your mind”.

마태복음 22:6 " 선생이시여, 무엇이 율법중 가장 큰 계명입니까 ? " 예수께서 그에게 말하길, " 주 너희 하나님을 너희 온 마음으로, 너희 온 혼으로 너희 온 혼으로 사랑할 것이다."

John 10:10 “The thief comes not except to kill, to steal, and destroy…”

요한복음 10:10 " 도적은 죽이고 훔치고, 파괴하는 것 외엔 오지 않는다... "

Just after I woke up one morning the Lord gave me this vision. In this vision, the Lord told me to go tell one of my brethren, as well as all of us, that Organized Crime has put out a “hit contract” on each one of us; and this contract has been put out on us for only one purpose, to spiritually destroy our “love” relationship with the Lord.

하루 아침 내가 막 깨어났는데, 주님이 내게 이 환상을 주셨습니다. 이 환상속에서, 주님이 내게 가서 내 형제들 중 하나에게, 그리고 우리들 모두에게 말하라 명하셨습니다, 조직범죄가 우리 각자를 두고 "살인청부" 를 하였다고 ; 그리고 이 살인(청부)계약은 오직 한 목적으로 맺어진 것인데, 영적으로 주님(여호와)과의 우리의 "사랑 "의 관계를 파괴하는 것이었습니다. 

II Corinthians 11:14 “Do not marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his angels also be transformed into ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works”.

고후 11:14 " 놀라워 하지 마라, 이는 사탄 그 자신도 빛의 천사로 변모되어 있기때문이다. 그러므로 그의 천사들 역시도 의의 대행자(목사 :ministers of righteousness)로 변모되어 있기에 전혀 놀라운 일이 아니다 ; 그들의 끝은 그들의 일함들대로 될 것이다".

I then saw in this vision one of my brethren, and without any warning, he was suddenly compassed with many innocent and sweet looking little angels. It was not until I saw that each one of these angels was holding a little bow, aimed and ready to shoot their arrows towards my brother’s heart that I realized that these angels were little cupids. At first I thought that these angels were sent by God, and that when they shot their arrows at my brother, the love of and the love for God would somehow increase in him. Then just as on cue, they all began shooting their arrows towards my brother’s heart.

그때 나는 이 환상속에서 내 형제들 중 하나를 보았는데, 그가 전혀 경고를 받지 못한 채,, 돌연 여러 순진스럽고 사랑스런 모습의 어린천사들로 둘러싸였습니다. 이러한 천사들 각자는 작은 활을 손에 쥔채로,, 겨누고서,, 그들 화살을 내 형제중 하나의 가슴을 쏘려 향해 겨눈채 있는것을 보고서야 나는 깨닫게 되었습니다,, 이러한 천사들이 어린 큐피드들이란 것을. 처음에 나는 생각했습니다, 이러한 천사들이 하나님이 보냈다고,, 그런데 그들이 그들 화살을 내 형제에게 쏘았을때,, 그 사랑,, 하나님을 향한 그 사랑이 그 속에서 다소간 증가하리라  생각했습니다. 그때 때 맞춰,, 그들 모두가 그들 화살을 내 형제의 가슴을 향해 쏘기 시작했습니다.

Psalm 11:2 “For, lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready their arrow upon the string so that they may secretly shoot at the upright in heart”.

시편 11:2 " 이는, 보라 사악한 자들이 그들 활을 당겨, 그들 화살을 쏠 준비가 되(겨누었)니,, 그들이 몰래,,마음이 곧은자를 향해 쏘기 위함이라".

As I watched this scene, I then realized that this was not some kind of love-fest from the Lord, but rather it more resembled the Mafia hits that I had seen at the movies or on TV, for as soon as these cupids finished shooting their arrows at my brother, they then all quickly fled, as though they were fearful that they were going to get caught. When I looked back at my brother, I saw that many of these tiny little arrows had hit their mark, for there were many of them that had pricked his heart. I saw pricked because these arrows were only about ¼ the size of small needle. Initially, my brother seemed as though he suffered no injury because he began to scoff, saying that it was not possible for any of these arrows to do any injury to him because they were all so small. Truly, it appeared as though these arrows were just barely able to prick the skin around his heart and there was of any bleeding at all.

Matthew 24:3 As Jesus sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came to him in private asking, “Tell us, when shall these things be? What shall be the sign of your coming and of the end of the world? And Jesus answered and said….., 11 “And many false prophets shall arise and deceive many. And because iniquity (self-righteousness) shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold. But he that endures shall be saved”.

내가 이 장면을 지켜보면서, 나는 깨달았습니다.. 이것이 어떤 주님으로부터 온 사랑의 축연이 아니라, 오히려 그 보단 내가 영화나, 혹은 TV에서 보았었던 마피아 살인들과 더 유사하단 것을,그도 그럴것이 이러한 큐피드들이 그들 화살을 내 형제에게 쏘길 마쳤을때,, 그러자 말자, 그들은 모두가 그때 신속히 도망을 쳤습니다,, 마치 그들이 잡히게 되는것이 두렵기나 한 듯. 내가 뒤 돌아 내 형제를 봤을때,, 나는 봤습니다.. 이러한 째끄만 화살들 여러개가 그들 목표과녁을에 맞은것을, 그도 그럴것이 그것들 여러개사 그의 가슴을 뚫고서 들어갔기 때문입니다. 나는 뚫고 들어간 것을 보았습니다 왜냐함 이러한 화살들은 크기가 단지 작은 바늘 크기의 1/4 정도로 아주 작았었기에. 처음엔, 내 형제가 마치 그가 전혀 상처를 입지 않은 듯 보였습니다 왜냐함 그가 콧웃음을 치면서,, 이런 화살들은 그에게 해를 가하지 못한다 말하기 시작했기 때문입니다 왜냐함 그것들 전부는 너무 작기에. 실제로,, 이런 화살들은 그냥 거의 그 가슴둘레의 가죽 표피를 가깠으로 뚫었을 뿐,, 어떤 피흘림도 전혀 없는 것 처럼 보였습니다.

마태복음 24:3 예수께서 감람산 위에 앉으셨을때,, 제자들이 가만히 와서 묻기를, " 우리에게 말하소서, 언제 이러한 일들이 있겠습니까 ? 당신께서 오시는 세상 끝의 징조는 어떤것입니까 ? 그러자 예수께서 대답하여 이르시길....,  11 많은 거짓 선지자들이 일어나 많은 자들을 속일 것이다. 그리고 부정함(자기-의(로움, 옳음)이 넘쳐날 것이기에, 많은 자들의 사랑이 식어질 것이다. 하지만 견디는 그는 구원을 받을 것이다 ".

I was still speaking to my brother when all of sudden I began to notice that his facial countenance had begun to undergo some kind of change, as though life itself was being drained out of him. I had no idea of what wrong with him other than it had to do with all those arrows that had pierced his heart. I just stood there helplessly watching him until all of the joy, and peace, and life that my brother once possessed just left him, leaving before me a man whose countenance was now hopeless, cold, and hard. I then realized that nothing could have brought about such a fast and drastic change in my brother except that those tiny little arrows must have all been dipped in some sort of poison. It was then that the Spirit of the Lord immediately told me that this poison was nothing but Satan’s lies.

내가 여전히 내 형제에게 말하고 있었는데,, 그때 돌연,, 내가 알아채기 시작했습니다,, 그의 얼굴 안면이 약간의 변화가 있기 시작하는 것을, 마치 생명 그 자체가 그 바깥으로 빠져 나가고 있는 것처럼. 나는 그에게 무슨일이 있는지 알수가 없었습니다,, 그게 그러한 화살들,, 그의 가슴을 뚫고 들어갔던,, 그것들과 관련이 있단 것 외엔. 나는 그냥 그기 선채로,, 도움이 되지 못한 채,, 그를 주시하고 있었습니다,, 그 기쁨, 평안, 생명,,내 형제가 한때 젖어 있었던,, 그것 모두가 그를 그냥 떠나 버렸습니다,, 내 앞에,, 한 사람,, 그의 얼굴에 이제 소망이 없는,, 사람을 남긴채. 그때 나는 깨달았습니다,, 어떤것도,, 내 형제 속에 그렇게 신속하고 극적으로 변화를 일으킬 순 없어으리라고,, 그 째끄만 화살들에 어떤류의 독이 묻혀지지 않고는. 그때 였습니다,, 주의 영이 즉시로 내게 말하여 이르길,, 이 독은 사탄이 하는 거짓말들 외의 아무것도 아니다.

Galatians 5:26 “Let us not be desirous of vain glory…”

갈라디아서 5:26 " 헛된 영광을 바라지 맙시다... "

James 1:14 “But every man is tempted when he is draw away of his own desires and enticed”.

야고보서 1:14 " 하지만 모든 사람이 그 자신의 욕구에 끌려,, 유혹을 받을때,, 시험을 받는다 ".

Colossians 3:2 “Set your affections on things above, not on the things of earth (earthy man)”.

골로새서 3:2 " 너희 애정을 위에 있는 것들에 두라, 땅의 것들(육의 사람)에가 아니고."

I then saw in my vision that all of these cupids then returned to my brother as though they wanted to see what the result of their attack was on my brother. It was then that I noticed that each one of these cupids had a banner wrapped around him, running from the top of his left shoulder down across his chest to the right side of his waist. I then saw that each cupid had a name written on his banner that was different from all of the other cupids. The first cupid that I looked at had a banner that read, "The desire to love self"; and I then understood that every time this cupid shot one of his arrows, it was nothing other than a lie that would entice one to set the affection of his heart on himself rather than on the Lord whom he had loved more. The next banner that I saw read, "The desire to exalt self", and the one next to him read, "The desire for one’s own glory"; and the next one read, "The desire to be right". I then saw another one whose banner read, "The desire for your own judgment (opinions) to be truth"; and the one next to him read, "The desire to be in control"; and yet another read, "The desire to trust self". Then there was another one that read, "The desire for self-justification"; and another read, "The desire to do your own will". It was then that I realized that the poison that all of these arrows had been dipped in was the lies whereby one is tempted by his own desires to be lord over his own life; the desire that soon steals away all affection and love that one once had for Jesus to be Lord. It is of these lies that his deadly poison consists of; lies whereby one sets his affection and love on “self” rather than on those things that come from above. Lies about “self” that at first seem to be so powerless that they could not possibly do any injury.

II Timothy 3:1-5 (Amp.) “But understand this, that in the last days will come perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear]. For people will be lovers of self and [utterly] self-centered, lovers of money and aroused by an inordinate [greedy] desire for wealth, proud and arrogant and contemptuous boasters. They will be abusive (blasphemous, scoffing), disobedient to parents, ungrateful, unholy and profane. They will be] without natural [human] affection (callous and inhuman), relentless (admitting of no truce or appeasement); [they will be] slanderers (false accusers, trouble-makers), intemperate and loose in morals and conduct, uncontrolled and fierce, haters of good. [They will be] treacherous [betrayers], rash, [and] inflated with self-conceit. [They will be] lovers of sensual pleasures and vain amusements more than and rather than lovers of God. For [although] they hold a form of piety (true religion), they deny and reject and are strangers to the power of it [their conduct belies the genuineness of their profession]. Avoid [all] such people [turn away from them].

It was then that I became fully aware that each one of these cupids, very stealthily disguised as innocent and cute little angels, were nothing other than Satan’s demons; so harmless in appearance that none of them seemed as though they could possibly not harm a fly. Yet, the deadly poison that each one of their arrows was carrying was nothing other than well-crafted lies designed by Satan to carry out his single purpose: to steal the affection of the saints by alienating them from the Lord. It was then also understood what the Lord had meant when said "Organized Crime" has put out a hit on each one of us, knowing that Satan, with all of the powers of darkness, with all unclean spirits, with all wicked spirits in high places, as well as with the rest of his demons, are all organized together for the single purpose of overthrowing the love, the faith, the trust, and the belief of the saints.

Revelation 2:4,5 “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because “you hast left thy first love”. Remember therefore from where you art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto you quickly, and will remove your candlestick out of his place, except you repent…He that has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches…”

I then understood that these Cupid's shoot their arrows at all of us in the time of our temptations; seeking to seduce and to entice us with lies that turn our hearts away from the truth of God’s words. These arrows can come at us through the words of those who around us, just as when Peter was used by Satan to shoot arrows at Jesus, tempting Jesus to submit to his own will rather than to the will of his heavenly Father. Of course, the most common place for Satan to attack the saints of God is in the imaginations of their own mind; arrows that appear as thoughts that reason against the counsel of God’s word. Where else could it be easier for Satan shoot his arrows to deceive with desires of “self” than in the thoughts of one’s own mind; thoughts that tempt one to set his affection on “self” than on the Lord who saved you.

Isaiah 59:2 “Your iniquities (self-righteousness) have separated you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you so that he will not hear”.

For it truly is as it is written, that when we are all tempted, we are tempted by our own desires, and these desires are all aroused by cupid’s arrows, the lies of Satan that seek to alienate our love from God. If we allow for ourselves to be alienated from the love of God, then these cupids are able to carry out their contract, to kill, to steal, and to destroy the lives of those saints who have been enticed to leave their first love. It is only when we yield to these desires of “self” that sin begins to come forth; and when sin comes forth, it brings forth death; the death that dwells in the carnal mind. There is no affection or love for the Lord in the thoughts of the carnal mind, which is what the purpose of the “hit contract” that has been put out on each one of us; to bring us into death, the place where there is no longer any joy, or any peace, or any trust, or any fellowship with God.

Romans 8:35 “Who shall separate us “from the love of God”? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? As it is written, “For your sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the slaughter. Nay, in all of these things we are more conquerors through him who loved us. For “I am persuaded” that neither death, nor life, nor angels or principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us form the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.

As soon as the Lord brought this vision to an end, I then sat there meditating how Satan has no power against the love that God has for us, for his love for us is unconditional; but it is our love and affection for the Lord that Satan seeks to attack. I was still meditating on these things when the Spirit of the Lord quickened unto me to seek out and to understand just who "Cupid" was. According to Webster, Cupid was the Roman god of love and the son of Venus. Seeing that there is only one God, and he alone is love, then Cupid was in fact only a "demon" of lust and desire who was disguised to appear as love. Cupid was seen as a young boy who had wings, and he always carried a bow and arrows with him. Cupid then fell in love with a beautiful princess whose name was Psyche. Venus did not approve of her and placed heavy hardships upon her. But eventually she was reunited with Cupid, and supposedly she was then made immortal.

Psyche (that which Cupid has a desire for): the human soul or the carnal mind.

It is the carnal mind that "death" inhabits (Rom.8:6,7); and death is that state of mind where there is no fellowship with the Lord, nor any affection for the Lord, and neither is there any joy or peace in the Lord. It is here that you will find a great love for “self”, but no abundant life. Death is state of mind where you find all those who have lost their first love for the Lord. As I was writing this, the Lord then reminded me of a word that he had previously spoken to us about the lies of Satan are his poison; and the Lord said to us, “I am the antidote for Satan’s poison. I am the preventive medicine, I am the cure, and I am the antidote for all those who have lost their first love. only turn back to me and set your focus only on me. Set your affection upon my words and let me send my truth to you, the truth that will heal you and set you free from Satan’s lies. Let my love minister to your wounds so that joy, and peace, and life may be restored unto you”.

Luke 22:31 And Jesus said, “Simon, Simon, behold; Satan desires to have you so that he may sift (separate) you as wheat. But I have prayed for you that your faith will not fail; and when you are converted, strengthen your brethren”.

I was praying one day when the Lord asked me, “Mitt, what is the only thing that Satan and I have in common?” I immediately answered without even really considering what the Lord had said to me, “Lord, there is nothing that you and Satan have in common”. Then the Lord said to me, “This is not true, for both Satan and I desire to have you”. I now know and understand that Lord desires to have me because he loves and Satan desires to have me so that he can destroy and kill me. We are "all" the object of his arrows; and his arrows are nothing but lies that arouse in us desires to love ourselves more than we love our heavenly Father.

Proverbs 4:23 (AMP) “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flow the springs of life.

