카테고리 없음

[ 789 ] "The Greater Glory Is Coming."

danieell 2023. 4. 26. 14:11

번역하는 다니엘입니다,,, 아래에서 보는 바,, 지금부터 6시간 전,, 페이스북,, 수전의 타임라인에 오른 메시지입니다,,,

이 타드 벤트리 " LakeLand Revival " 를 주도했던 이로서,,, 많은 일반 개신교로부터 이단이라고 정죄받았던,, 이 타드벤트리였으나,,,,, 이제 어엿히,, 수전 사역의 완전한 사역 동반자가 되어 있습니다,,, 타드는 수전이  사역 집회장소, 뉴욕, 로체스트에서 기거했던,, 그때부터,, 연결 되었던것 같고,,  수전이 결혼이후 그녀의 거처를 지금의 뉴욕 팬필드(PanField)로 옮긴 이후, 그녀의 교회에 자주 와서 집회를 갖고 있습니다..제가 알기로,, 수전의 집회장소에,,, 가장 자주 왔던 사역자입니다,,, 다니엘 주.

아래는 타드가 그의 타임라인에,,,그가  받은 메시지를 올렸고,, 그리고 수전의 교회에서,,5월달에 모임을 같는다는 광고를 올리자,, 한시간 후,, 수전의 그것을 받아 그녀의 타임라인에 갔다 놓은 것입니다.. 



Favourites 6 h 
"The Greater Glory Is Coming."
" 더 큰 영광이 오고 있다. "
I heard it over and over in my spirit. I was praying about this season of transition in the church, really the world. The message resounding in my spirit was, "The Greater Glory is coming. Prepare for the coming cloud of My glory."
Also, I could discern how much of the church has become over-familiar with the anointing. The church has also become overfamiliar with kingdom terminologies, methodologies, and theologies. We have built too many of our own wineskins, methods, and models in our own streams for the glory. Then I knew what was coming, and I saw how even the prophetic and glory movements today as we know them will be amazed at the increase of His greater Dunamis Power for this next harvest season. Then I heard the Lord say, “I will bring a new manifestation of the cloud of my glory in this time of uncertainty. My people will say there is a greater display of the greater glory in this hour."
나는 저걸 내 영안에서 반복해서 들었습니다. 나는, 교회속과 실재 세상의, 이 전환의  시기(this season of transition[바뀜,승천,과도기])에 관해 기도하고 있었습니다. 내 영안에서 울려퍼지는 그 메시지는, " 더 큰 영광이 오고 있다, 오고있는 그 내 영광의 구름에 대비하라."  또한, 나는 많은교회가 과도하게 기름부음에 익숙해진 것을 알수 있었습니다. 그 교회는 또한 왕국 용어들, 방법론들, 신학사상들에 과도하게 익숙해져 있습니다. 우리는 너무 많이 우리자신 소유 가죽부대들, 방법들, 우리자신 소유로 된 영광을 위한 물줄기 모형들로 건축했습니다. 그런데 난 오고 있는것을 알았는데, 나는 보았습니다,, 오늘 날 우리가 알고 있는 그 예언된 영광의 사역들은 그 분이 이 다음 추수 시즌을 향한 그 분의 더 큰 신의 힘의 증가앞에 놀랄 것입니다. 그때 나는 주님이 다음과 같이 말하는 것을 들었습니다, " 내가 내 영광의 구름의 새로운 나타남(물질화)을 이 불확실한 때에 일으킬 것이다. 내 백성이,, 이 시각 더 큰 영광의 더 큰 나타남이 있다고 말하게 될 것이다. "
This cloud manifestation will bring a new effective working of His power in us. It will be working under the glory cloud that makes things seem effortless and that things that were a struggle will appear as if they were small challenges. This glory increase will empower us to work in God's supernatural rest.
It will not be out of our strengths or gifts and abilities. It will be effortless miracles, healings, salvation, and awareness of the unlimited supply of His exceeding grace under the cloud.
There will also be a fresh manifestation of heavenly manna and a greater understanding of how to work out of the invisible realm. This will help demonstrate the kingdom of God and His glory.
이 구름의 나타남은 우리 속에서의 그 분 효과를 내는 힘의 새로운 일하심을 가져올 것입니다. 그것은 일들을 노력하지 않는것 처럼 보이게 하고 사력을 다했던 일들을 마치 그것들이 별것 아닌 것 처럼 보이게 할 것입니다. 이 영광의 증가가 우리에게 힘을 더해주어,, 하나님의 초 자연적 안식속에서 일하도록 힘을 부여해 줄 것입니다.
그건,, 우리 자신의 힘이나 재능들, 능력들로서가 아닐 것입니다. 그건  노력하지 않는 기적들이요,, 치료하심들이요, 구원함으로 그 구름하에서의 그 분의 초월적이고 제한 없는 은혜의 공급함으로의 깨어남입니다.
또한 하늘 만나의 신선한 나타남이 있어,, 그 보이지 않는 세계(영역으)로부터 발원하는 힘으로 일하는 것에 대한 더 큰 이해가 있을것입니다. 이것이 하나님 왕국과 그분 영광의 실제적 나타남을 보좌할 것입니다.
Todd Bentley
타드 벤트리
아래는 타드 벤트리(Todd Bentley)의 원문입니다....
7 h 
"The Greater Glory Is Coming."
I heard it over and over in my spirit. I was praying about this season of transition in the church, really the world. The message resounding in my spirit was, "The Greater Glory is coming. Prepare for the coming cloud of My glory."
Also, I could discern how much of the church has become over-familiar with the anointing. The church has also become overfamiliar with kingdom terminologies, methodologies, and theologies. We have built too many of our own wineskins, methods, and models in our own streams for the glory. Then I knew what was coming, and I saw how even the prophetic and glory movements today as we know them will be amazed at the increase of His greater Dunamis Power for this next harvest season. Then I heard the Lord say, “I will bring a new manifestation of the cloud of my glory in this time of uncertainty. My people will say there is a greater display of the greater glory in this hour."
This cloud manifestation will bring a new effective working of His power in us. It will be working under the glory cloud that makes things seem effortless and that things that were a struggle will appear as if they were small challenges. This glory increase will empower us to work in God's supernatural rest.
It will not be out of our strengths or gifts and abilities. It will be effortless miracles, healings, salvation, and awareness of the unlimited supply of His exceeding grace under the cloud.
There will also be a fresh manifestation of heavenly manna and a greater understanding of how to work out of the invisible realm. This will help demonstrate the kingdom of God and His glory.
Todd Bentley
7 h 
"The Greater Glory Is Coming."
I heard it over and over in my spirit. I was praying about this season of transition in the church, really the world. The message resounding in my spirit was, "The Greater Glory is coming. Prepare for the coming cloud of My glory."
Also, I could discern how much of the church has become over-familiar with the anointing. The church has also become overfamiliar with kingdom terminologies, methodologies, and theologies. We have built too many of our own wineskins, methods, and models in our own streams for the glory. Then I knew what was coming, and I saw how even the prophetic and glory movements today as we know them will be amazed at the increase of His greater Dunamis Power for this next harvest season. Then I heard the Lord say, “I will bring a new manifestation of the cloud of my glory in this time of uncertainty. My people will say there is a greater display of the greater glory in this hour."
This cloud manifestation will bring a new effective working of His power in us. It will be working under the glory cloud that makes things seem effortless and that things that were a struggle will appear as if they were small challenges. This glory increase will empower us to work in God's supernatural rest.
It will not be out of our strengths or gifts and abilities. It will be effortless miracles, healings, salvation, and awareness of the unlimited supply of His exceeding grace under the cloud.
There will also be a fresh manifestation of heavenly manna and a greater understanding of how to work out of the invisible realm. This will help demonstrate the kingdom of God and His glory.
Todd Bentley