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[ 796 ] Ian יוחנן Johnson

danieell 2023. 5. 14. 12:30
Jesus said ------
Matthew 11:11 Truly I say to you, Among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.
Everyone is looking to be Elijah but consider John the Baptist.
He simply pointed Israel to messiah
Jesus said he’s the greatest prophet that ever lived..
There were some spectacular prophets
Ezekiel, saw the throne descend and he saw visions and huge dreams.
Daniel dreamed dreams yet to be fulfilled.
Isaiah had cherubs place coals on his lips.
Jonah saw an entire nation turn to YHVH
Zechariah had huge angelic and heavenly visions and encounters
Yet John was called the greatest up to that point.
The first revelation of messiah was history changing
John was a herald for the first appearance. Jesus was on the outside of John ... now he is on the inside of you as you point nations to Jesus. The inside out ministry is why the least is now greater than John... we carry HIM who created everything.


Jesus said ------
Matthew 11:11 Truly I say to you, Among them that are born of women there has not risen a greater than John the Baptist: notwithstanding he that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John.
예수께서 마태복음 11:11 절에 이르시길 진실로 내가 너희에게 말하는데, 여자에게서 태어난 자들 중에,, 세례요한보다 더 큰 자가 일어나질 않았다 :  하늘 왕국에선 가장 작은자 일지라도,, (세례)요한보다 더 크(위대하)다.
Everyone is looking to be Elijah but consider John the Baptist.
He simply pointed Israel to messiah
Jesus said he’s the greatest prophet that ever lived..
모든이가 엘리야라고 보고 있으나 세례요한으로 여깁니다.
그는 단지 이스라엘을 메시야에게로 이끌었습니다
예수님은 그가 여지껏 살았었던 이중 가장 최고의 선지자라 말했습니다..
There were some spectacular prophets
Ezekiel, saw the throne descend and he saw visions and huge dreams.
Daniel dreamed dreams yet to be fulfilled.
Isaiah had cherubs place coals on his lips.
Jonah saw an entire nation turn to YHVH
Zechariah had huge angelic and heavenly visions and encounters
몇 몇,, 장대한 선지자들이 있었습니다
에스겔은, 보좌가 내려오는것을 보았고,, 그는 환상들과 엄청난 꿈들을 꿨습니다.
다니엘은 아직도 성취되지 않은 꿈들을 꿨습니다.
이사야는 스랍이 그의 입술에 숯불을 갔다 댔습니다.
요나는  나라 전체가 야웨(여호와)께로 돌아오는것을 보았고
스가랴는 거대한 천사들의 하늘 장면들과 만남을 가졌더랬습니다
Yet John was called the greatest up to that point.
The first revelation of messiah was history changing
John was a herald for the first appearance. Jesus was on the outside of John ... now he is on the inside of you as you point nations to Jesus. The inside out ministry is why the least is now greater than John... we carry HIM who created everything.

그렇지만 요한은 그 시점까지 가장 큰 자로 불렸습니다.

그 첫번째 메시야의 드러냄은 역사를 바꿔놓는 것있었습니다

요한은 그 첫번째 나타남을 위한 전령의 한 사람이었습니다. 예수님은 (세례) 요한 바깥쪽에 있었습니다... 이제, 당신이 민족들을 예수에게로 이끌때에,, 그가 당신 안쪽에 있습니다 . 그 안쪽에서 바깥으로 나오는 사역이, 왜 그 가장 작은자가 이제 요한보다 더 큰자인지의 이유입니다... 우리는 모든것을 창조하신 그분을 우리 안쪽에 지니고 있습니다.