“I Want My People to Grow in Grace, Wisdom, and in Full Stature” – 08-16-24
" 나는 내 백성이 은혜, 지혜 가운데서, 충만한 규모로 성장하길 원한다 " ㅡ 2024-8-16
“I want My People to grow up in Grace, in Wisdom, and in Stature. You must not only adjust and acclimate to the Time of My Acceleration that you are all now in, but you must grow up into the full depths of it. My Grace is not only merely sufficient for you, it is also the unlimitedness of My Life flowing through you and through all that you do. It is time for you all to manifest My Fullness in Grace, Wisdom, and in Stature. The Hour is Fully Ripe.”
" 나는 내 백성이 은혜와 지혜 가운데서, 키가 완전히 자라기를 원한다. 너희 모두가 지금 현재 속해있는 나의 가속시키는 시간에 맞춰져,, 순응할 뿐만이 아니라,, 너희는 그 깊이에서도,,완전히 깊이 성숙해 들어가지 않음 안된다. 나의 은혜가 너희를 위해,, 충분할 뿐만이 아니라,, 그것은 또한 내 생명이 너희를 통하여 흐르는데,, 너희가 행하는 것 모두를 통하여 흐르는데,, 한정(unlimitedness)이 없다(it is also the unlimitedness of My Life flowing through you and through all that you do) . 너희 모두가 나를 충만히 나타낼 시간이다,, 은혜, 지혜, 규모에 있어. 그 시간이 완전히 무르익었다."
Time of Acceleration:
가속되는 시간 :
Grow in Grace(은혜의 성장):
Grace(은혜): Charis #5485 Graciousness of manner or act, the divine influence upon the heart and its reflection in the life, including gratitude. Acceptable, benefit, joy, liberality, pleasure, thankworthy.
은혜 : Charis 5485 태도와 행위의 예의바름, 생명속에서의 마음에 미치는 신의 영향과 그것의 반영, 감사를 포함함. 환영할만한, 호의, 환희, 마음이 넓음, 기쁨, 감사할 만한.
2 Peter 3:17 Let me warn you therefore, beloved, that knowing these things beforehand, you should be on your guard, lest you be carried away by the error of lawless and wicked [persons and] fall from your own [present] firm condition [your own steadfastness of mind]. 18 But grow in grace (undeserved favor, spiritual strength) and recognition and knowledge and understanding of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (the Messiah). To Him [be] glory (honor, majesty, and splendor) both now and to the day of eternity. Amen (so be it)!
벧후 3:17 그러므로 사랑하는 자들이여, 나로 너에게 경고하게 하라, 이러한 것들을 미리 알고서,, 너희는 무법의 사악한 자들의 실수로서 휩쓸려 너희 자신의 굳은 상태[너희 자신의 정신의 확고함]로부터 넘어지지 않도록 조심하라. 대신 성장하라, 우리의 주인이자 구원자 예수 그리스도(메시야)를 은혜와,, 알아보는 지식과 이해함으로. 그에게 영광이 지금과 영원의 날까지. 진실로(그러하라)!
Grow in Wisdom(지혜의 성장):
Wisdom(지혜): Sophia #4678 Broad and full intelligence, use of knowledge in diverse manners. The varied knowledge of things human and divine, acquired by acuteness, and experience. Skill and discretion in imparting Christian truth. The knowledge and practice of the requisites for godly and upright living. The wisdom of God as evinced in forming and executing the counsels in the formation and government of the world and the scriptures.
지혜 ( ⁇ ) : 소피아 # 4678 광범위하고 완전한 지능, 다양한 방식으로 지식을 사용합니다. 인간적이고 신적인 것에 대한 다양한 지식, 예리함과 경험에 의해 습득된 것. 기독교 진리를 전하는 기술과 재능. 경건하고 정직한 삶을 위한 필수품의 지식과 실천. 하나님의 지혜는 세상과 경전의 형성과 정부에서 권고를 형성하고 실행함에 있어서 나타납니다.
Acts 9:31 So the church throughout the whole of Judea and Galilee and Samaria had peace and was edified [growing in wisdom, virtue, and piety] and walking in the respect and reverential fear of the Lord and in the consolation and exhortation of the Holy Spirit, continued to increase and was multiplied.
1 Corinthians 2:5 So that your faith might not rest in the wisdom of men (human philosophy), but in the power of God. 6 Yet when we are among the full-grown (spiritually mature Christians who are ripe in understanding), we do impart a [higher] wisdom (the knowledge of the divine plan previously hidden); but it is indeed not a wisdom of this present age or of this world nor of the leaders and rulers of this age, who are being brought to nothing and are doomed to pass away. 7 But rather what we are setting forth is a wisdom of God once hidden [from the human understanding] and now revealed to us by God— [that wisdom] which God devised and decreed before the ages for our glorification [to lift us into the glory of His presence].
Colossians 1:27 To whom God was pleased to make known how great for the Gentiles are the riches of the glory of this mystery, which is Christ within and among you, the Hope of [realizing the] glory. 28 Him we preach and proclaim, warning and admonishing everyone and instructing everyone in all wisdom (comprehensive insight into the ways and purposes of God), that we may present every person mature (full-grown, fully initiated, complete, and perfect) in Christ (the Anointed One). 29 For this I labor [unto weariness], striving with all the superhuman energy which He so mightily enkindles and works within me.
Grow in Stature(신장[규모,크기]의 성장):
Stature(신장,키): Helikia #2244 Maturity in years or size. Age. Term or length of life. An attained state fit for a thing.
나이 혹은 굵기에 있어 성숙. 나이, 생명의 기간과 길이. 어떤 것에 맞도록 해주는 성장된 상태.
1 Corinthians 8:1 Now about food offered to idols: of course, we know that all of us possess knowledge [concerning these matters. Yet mere] knowledge causes people to be puffed up (to bear themselves loftily and be proud), but love (affection and goodwill and benevolence) edifies and builds up and encourages one to grow [to his full stature]. 2 If anyone imagines that he has come to know and understand much [of divine things, without love], he does not yet perceive and recognize and understand as strongly and clearly, nor has he become as intimately acquainted with anything as he ought or as is necessary. 3 But if one loves God truly [with affectionate reverence, prompt obedience, and grateful recognition of His blessing], he is known by God [recognized as worthy of His intimacy and love, and he is owned by Him].
Colossians 2:9 For in Him the whole fullness of Deity (the Godhead) continues to dwell in bodily form [giving complete expression of the divine nature]. 10 And you [are in Him, made full and having come to fullness of life [in Christ you too are filled with the Godhead—Father, Son and Holy Spirit—and reach full spiritual stature]. And He is the Head of all rule and authority [of every angelic principality and power].
Ephesians 4:12 His intention was the perfecting and the full equipping of the saints (His consecrated people), [that they should do] the work of ministering toward building up Christ’s body (the church), 13 [That it might develop] until we all attain oneness in the faith and in the comprehension of the [full and accurate] knowledge of the Son of God, that [we might arrive] at really mature manhood (the completeness of personality which is nothing less than the standard height of Christ’s own perfection), the measure of the stature of the fullness of the Christ and the completeness found in Him. 14 So then, we may no longer be children, tossed [like ships] to and fro between chance gusts of teaching and wavering with every changing wind of doctrine, [the prey of] the cunning and cleverness of unscrupulous men, [gamblers engaged] in every shifting form of trickery in inventing errors to mislead.
Fully Ripe(충만히 무르익은):
Colossians(골로새서 4:12) Epaphras, who is one of yourselves, a servant of Christ Jesus, sends you greetings. [He is] always striving for you earnestly in his prayers, [pleading] that you may [as persons of ripe character and clear conviction] stand firm and mature [in spiritual growth], convinced and fully assured in everything willed by God.
에바브라,, 너희 자신들 중의 하나로서,, 예수 그리스도의 종된,, 그를 내가 너희에게 인사차 보낸다. [그는 언제나 너희를 위해 애쓰고 있다,, 그의 기도로 한결같이, 너희가 성숙한 인격의 사람들로 분명한 결심으로,, 확고하여,, 영의 성장에서 성숙하여,, 확실한 충분히 보장된,, 모든일에 하나님의 마음으로.
Revelations(요한 계시록 14:14) Again I looked, and behold, [I saw] a white cloud, and sitting on the cloud One resembling a Son of Man, with a crown of gold on His head and a sharp scythe (sickle) in His hand. 15 And another angel came out of the temple sanctuary, calling with a mighty voice to Him Who was sitting upon the cloud, Put in Your scythe and reap, for the hour has arrived to gather the harvest, for the earth’s crop is fully ripened. 16 So He Who was sitting upon the cloud swung His scythe (sickle) on the earth, and the earth’s crop was harvested.
다시 내가 보았는데,, 보라, 내가 흰 구름을 보았는데,, 사람의 아들같은 한 사람이 그 구름위에 앉았는데, 그의 머리엔 금 면류관을 쓰고, 그의 손엔 날카로운 낫을 들었다. 또 다른 천사가 그 성전 성소에서 나왔고,, 그 구름위에 앉은 그에게 큰 소리로 외치길, 당신의 낮을 내 밀어,, 거두소서, 이는 추수물을 거둘 시각이 되었고, 땅의 농작물도 충만히 익었나이다. 그러자 구름에 앉아있던 그가 땅 위로 그의 낮을 휘둘렀고, 땅의 농작물이 추수 되었다.
- Susan G O’Marra
- 08-16-24