카테고리 없음


danieell 2005. 8. 15. 18:27


Praise Almighty God for the revelation of our Lord's soon coming.  Thank you Father for using Sister Renesa for this last day work.  Hallelujah!!!
I was told by the Lord to help share Renesa’s holy vision of our Lord's soon coming
Precious brothers and sisters in Christ, please read it, take it seriously and prepare for His coming for His people who are ready and waiting for Him.
But, because of this urgent vision, don't stop doing what you have been doing.  We must keep on living day by day until He calls us to come up.  In the mean time, whatever it takes, we must live by the word of God and our Lord Jesus has to be above all in every area of our lives.  We must love others and witness.


주 예수님으로 부터 온 긴급한 환상

전능한 하나님을 찬양합니다 곧 오시는 우리주님의 계시에 . 감사합니다  아버지! 이 마지막 사역
을 위해  레네사 자매를 사용하심을.. 할렐루야 !!!
나는 주님으로부터 지시를 받았읍니다  곧 오신다는 레네사 자매의  우리주님의 거룩한 환상을
나눠주는데 도우라는...  주안에 귀한 형제 자매 여러분,  이것을 읽고 심각하게 받아들이시고 , 준비하고 그를 기다리는 그의 백성들에게 오시는 주님을 맞도록  대비하십시오
하지만 이 긴급한 환상때문에 당신이 해오고 있는 일들을 멈추지는 마십시오. 우리는  하루하루
주님이 올라오라고 부르시기까지 계속해서 살지 않으면 안되기 때문입니다.
그 사이 어떤 일이 있더라도 우리는 하나님의 말씀대로 살아야 하며 우리주 예수님이 우리삶의
모든 영역에서 우선이어야 합니다. 우리는 다른 사람들을 사랑하고 복음을 증거해야합니다.


Even though He showed such an urgent vision to Renesa, no one can know exactly what year or what day He will come. His thoughts are not our thoughts and His ways are higher than ours. Isaiah 55:8-9. All we can do is be ready and continue waiting for Him. I believe so many Christians don't know how soon He is coming. He is using Renesa for this urgent vision. He is warning us because He loves us so much and is giving us a chance to know how soon He is coming. He shows this to people in many different ways.
The Lord told me to share it with people that I e-mail around the world. I have known this Sister ever since Heaven is so Real was published. She was so much into this book and wanted the whole world to read it.
Even though I didn't answer so many of her e-mails, she kept writing me. I realize now it was God's plan for me to help her with the revelation of her vision. I want to obey Him whatever He tells me to do. Thank you so much for reading it and get ready for His soon coming.
In the precious name of our Lord Jesus and Savior. Hallelujah!!!
Choo Thomas


주님이 이런 긴급한 메세지를 레네사에게 보여주셨을지라도 , 아무도 정확히 몇년 혹은 몇일

그분이 오실지 정확히 알수 없읍니다.그분의 생각과 그분의 길은 우리의 것보다 더높으십니다.

이사야 55 : 8-9 . 우리가 알수 있는것은 준비되어 있는것이고 계속해서 그분을 기다리는것입니다

내가 믿기로는 아주 많은 크리스챤들이 그분이 얼마나 빨리 오시는지 모름니다. 그분은 이 긴급한 비젼때문에 레네사를 사용하고 있읍니다. 그분은 우리에게 경고하고 있읍니다  그분이 우리를

너무 사랑하셔서 우리에게 그가 얼마나 속히 오시는지 알수있도록 기회를 주고 있기때문입니다.

그분은 이것을 사람들에게 많은 다른 방식으로 보여주고 있읍니다.

주님은 제게 말씀하시길 이것을 전세계 이메일 보내는 사람들과 나누라고 하셨읍니다.

나는 이자매를 천국이 확실히 있다책이 출간된 이후 알고 있었읍니다 .  그녀는 이책에 아주 빠졌고 온세상사람들이 그책을 읽기를 원했읍니다.  내가 많은 그녀의 E-메일에 답장을 하지 않았지만 그녀는 계속 나에게 편지했읍니다. 나는 이제 깨닫읍니다 그것이 내가 그녀의 환상계시를

가지고 그녀를 돕는것이 그분의 계획이었다는것을...나는 그분이 내게 하라고 하는것이 무엇이든지 순종하기 원합니다.이것을 읽어주심에 아주 감사드리고  그분의 속히오심에 준비하십시오.

우리주예수 구세주  그 귀한 이름으로 . 할렐루야!!!

주 토마스


-----Original Message-----
From: Renesa Smith [mailto:renesasmith@hotmail.com]
Sent: Sunday, August 07, 2005 1:11 AM
To: ninersfan1@comcast.net
Subject: RE: HISR
Mrs. Thomas,
When I first got the vision I was so truobled by it. I started to pray
to cry that time was so soon. I told my husband as soon as I got it.
my family. But I felt I couldn't tell the church until I told you for
reason. While telling you the anointing came so strong I cried so much
after we finished talking.
It was very early in the morning I was just waking up when all of a
years started flashing before me in bright white lights. It started
the bible was first being written. Every date had an even associated
it-- usually a battle or war or catastrophy. I then started seeing
dates in
the 1950s, then 1960s, 1970s, 1980s, 1990s, then 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003,
2004, 2005, then 2007 was very bright, brighter than the rest of the
and no even was associated with only a small voice that was very strong
was the Lord's and He said that I am coming for my children. Be ready.
I can't remember if I saw 2006, I don't think I did. I will be leaving
Turkey in 2006 to head back to the US but I don't feel as though I will
May God bless you and Roger and your anointed ministry. I am going to
church now and will write more when I get back. Thank you for all your
and encuoragement. I will also be taking your video now to the gospel
service. Pray that revival takes place here at Incirlik, Turkey.
In Christ Love,
RenesaHiSR : 안녕요 자매님(SR)
토마스 여사님, 내가 처음 그 환상을 받았을때 나는 아주 그것으로 혼란스러웠어요. 나는 기도하고
울기 시작했읍니다 시간이 아주 급박(SO SOON) 하다는것에.. 나는 내 남편에게 그것을 받자말자
얘기했고 그리고 나서 가족에게 하였읍니다. 하지만 왠지 여사님께 얘기하기전에 교회에는
얘기할수가 없었읍니다.여사님께 (그것을) 얘기하는동안 기름부음이 아주 강하게 와서 우리가 얘기를
끝맞친후에 나는 아주 많이 울었읍니다.
아주 이른 아침이었어요 나는 막 깨어나려고 했는데 갑자기 년도들이 내 앞에서 하얗게 밝은 빛으로 터지기 시작했어요 그것은 성서가 처음 기록되고 있던 때로 시작되었어요.

각 년도는 꼭 그것과 조합된 것을 가지고 있었는데 보통 전투나 전쟁 혹은 재앙이었어요.

나는 그때 1950년대 년도들을 보았고 그리고서 1960,1970,1980,1990,
그리고서 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005, 그리고서 2007년도가 아주 아주 다른 연도들보다 밝았어요 그리고 조합된 것이 없었고 단지 아주 작은 목소리, 그렇지만 아주 강한,,그건 주님이었어요 그분은 말했어요
내가 내자녀들을 위해 간다(가고 있다). 준비하라 . 나는 내가 2006년을 보았는지 기억할수가 없읍니다. 나는 보았다고 생각지 않읍니다. 나는 2006년에 터어키를 떠나 미국으로 되돌아갈것입니다 하지만 내가 돌아가게 될것 같지 않읍니다. 하나님이 당신과 로져(남편)를 그리고 당신의 구별된 사역을
축복하길... 지금 교회가요, 돌아와서 더 쓸게요. 당신의 도움과 격려에 대해 감사드려요.
나는 또한 당신의 비데오를 이제 복음전도를 위해 가지고 다닐거여요.

기도해주세요 부흥이 터이키이곳 INSIRIK 인서릭
에도 일어나길...


-----Original Message-----
From: Renesa Smith [mailto:renesasmith@hotmail.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2005 1:34 AM
To: ninersfan1@comcast.net
Subject: RE: HISR
You have my permission. Please use it as the Lord leads you to.
I started to have visions at a very young age- 7. I was a Muslim growing up
but everytime I would pray in arabic I never understood anything and never
felt God's presence until I started to pray in english right after I prayed
in arabic. I would then see Jesus the whole time I was praying in the
clouds with his arms open to me.
I then started having prophetic dreams when I was 9, 10...The Lord also used
me to heal a woman from Gordan when I was 19. I went into her house for the
first time and she was in great pain. The Lord let me put my hands on her
should where the pain was and I started to ask her if she believed in Jesus
and if she believed that He would heal her. She said yes and the pain never
came back. Praise God!
At 23 when the Holy Spirit came on me I started to speak in tongues and had
a vision on Christ's face. I ask to see Him, to see His face closer than I
ever did and He showed me. My body was shaking and I felt like I was
wrapped in warmness, almost feel like I was about to fly. I then saw His
beautiful face looking up to the Father, He had a gold crown on and rays of
sunshine pouring over Him. I felt like I could have touched Him because it
looked like a painting.
I then had another vision while I was taking communion with 5000 people. I
asked to see His heart. He then showed me His face. He was wearing the
crown of torns and was crying tears of blood. His eyes scanned the entire
assembly then He looked at me. He said to me with His eyes that I love my
children so much but we continue to hurt Him. My body was shaking when I
was getting this vision.
Thank you for wanting to share this with everyone. When I got the vision I
was told to not let anyone know until I'm ready. To only share with family
first. I pray that God uses this to wake up the sleeping ones.
May God bless you and Roger and all you're doing for the kingdom.