출 처 : http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org/2006/August2006.html
Trumpet Ministries, PO Box 806, Beaver Dam, WI 53916
Fax: 920-887-2626 Internet: http://www.lasttrumpetministries.org
America ? Land of Lies and Strong Delusion!
미국 ? 거짓말과 엄청난 기만(망상)의 땅 !
“And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: For God doth
know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye
shall be as gods, knowing good and evil. And when the woman saw that the tree
was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be
desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave
also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.” Genesis 3:4-6
" 그여자(하와)에게 뱀이 말하였습니다, 너가 확실히 죽지않을 것이다: 이는
하나님이 그날에 너희가 그것을 먹으므로, 그때 너희눈이 열릴 것과, 너희가 선과 악을 알므로서 그래서 너희가 하나님들처럼 될 것이라,
는 것을 알고 있기 때문이다, 그러자 그것이 눈에 보기가 좋았고, 나무는 사람을 현명하게 할 것같아, 그녀가 그 과일을 따서
먹었더라, 그리고 또한 그녀와 함께한 그 남편에게주었으니; 그도 먹었더라." 창세기 3:4-6
“No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the
other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other, Ye cannot serve
God and.” Matthew 6:24
" 아무도 두 주인을 겸하여 섬길 수 없다: 그가 한 사람을 미워하고,
다른사람은 사랑하던지; 아님 그가 한 사람에게 집착하고 다른사람은 경멸하던지 한다, 너희가 하나님과 마몬(재물)을 겸하여 섬길수 없다."
마태복음 6 : 24
Matthew 6:24
“For the mystery of iniquity doth already work: only he who now letteth will let, until he be taken out of the way. And then shall that wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: Even him, whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.” II Thessalonians 2:7-12
"이는 부정함(불법)의 비밀이 이미 활동하고 있으니: 오직
지금(하게) 허락하는 그분이 허락을 할것이니, 그분이 그길 바깥으로 옮겨지기 까지라. 그리고나서 그 사악한 자가 들어나리라, 그를
주께서 입의 영으로 소멸할 것이니, 그분의 오심의 밝음으로 멸망시킬(파괴) 것임이라: 그의 옮(나타남)도 사탄의 일함을 따름이니 모든능력과
표적, 거짓이적이라, 그들속의 소멸될 불의의 모든 속임으로라; 이는 그들이진리의 사랑을 받아들이지 않았기에, 구원을
받지못하였음이라. 이로서 하나님이 그들에게 강한 기만(망상)을 보낼 것임이니, 그들이 거짓을 믿을것임이며: 그들 모두가
진리를 믿지 못하고 대신 불의함 속에서 기쁨을 얻도록 저주를 받음이라." 데살로니가 후서 2: 7-12
Thessalonians 2:7-12
In this issue of the Last Trumpet, we will once again examine the
astounding events that are now shaking our world, and we will do so using the
light of God’s Word to bring us to a clear understanding of the shocking reality
of the urgency that is now pressing upon us. There has never been a time such as
this when all the final prophecies of the Scripture are converging to complete
fulfillment so quickly and with such precision. one would have to be spiritually
blind to not understand that something is terribly wrong with our nation and the
entire world. Sadly, it is a fact that the vast majority of the people in this
world are walking in spiritually blindness, including the denominations of
so-called “Christianity.” Like the men of Sodom, who were blinded by the angels
because of their unbridled lust and experienced the fiery wrath of God without
the ability to see it, so are the vast populations of the nations at this time.
They are blind to the judgment that is about to decisively destroy them and
"마지막 나팔" 이번호에서, 우리는 다시 한번 지금 세계를 뒤흔들고 있는 감짝 놀라게 하는 사건들을 살펴볼 것인데,
우리는 지금 우리를 압박하고 있는 그 충격적인 긴급상황의 실재를 분명히 우리에게 이해 하도록 해주는 하나님의 말씀의 빛을 사용하므로서
그렇게 할 것입니다. 성서의 모든 마지막 예언들이 완전한 성취쪽으로 이렇게 빠르게 아주 정확하게 집중하는 이와같은 때는 결코 있은적이 없습니다.
우리나라(미국)와 전 세계가 뭔가 심각하게 잘못되었다는 것을 깨닫지 못한다면
영적으로 장님일 수 밖에 없을 것입니다. 슬프게도 이 세상의 거대한 대다수가 영적으로 장님이 되어 걸어가고 있다는
소위 "기독교" 라는 종파을 포함하여서 말입니다. 절제되지 않는욕망 때문에
천사에 의하여 장님이 되어 무시무시한 하나님의 진노를,
그것을 볼수 있는 능력이 없어 경험할
수밖에 없었던 소돔 사람들처럼,
이시간 대다수의 나라들 백성들이 그렇습니다. 그들은 결정적으로 그들을 곧 파괴하여
죄인들의 영원한 저주의 심연속으로 쏘아 보내버릴 그 심판을 눈이 멀어 보지 못하고 있습니다
them into the depths of a sinner’s eternal damnation.
The reason why
our nation and the world is in such terrible condition with its spiritual
blindness and apathy toward truth is because the people have bought a lie and
believed it consistently for so long that they now have no capacity for truth.
The Apostle Paul warned us about Satan’s ability to blind the mind in II
Corinthians 4:4 as follows: “In whom the god of this world hath blinded the
minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of
Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”
우리나라와 전세계가 진리를 향하여 이런 영적 장님됨과 무관심의 무시무시한 상황속에 있게된 이유는, 그
백성들이 거짓말을 사서 그것을 아주 오랫동안 지속적으로 믿어버렸기에, 이제 그들이 진리를 수용할 능력이 전혀 없게 되어 버렸습니다.
사도 바울은 우리에게 고린도후서 4:4 절에서 지성을 장님되게 하는 사탄의 능력에
관하여 경고하였습니다. 다음과 같이 : " 그들속에서 이 세상의 신이 믿지않는 그들의 지성(마음)을 장님되게 하였으니, 하나님의 형상이시요, 그리스도의 영광스런 복음의 빛이 그들에게 비치지 않도록 함이라 ."
Jesus also identified Satan as the father of lies in John 8:44 as
follows: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will
do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because
there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he
is a liar, and the father of it.”
Thousands of years ago this father of lies
called Satan told Eve, the first woman, that she would not die by eating the
forbidden fruit, but that was not the essence or depth of that lie. When Eve did
partake of that fruit of disobedience and did not immediately drop dead, she no
doubt believed Satan’s lie all the more. The essence of the lie, however, that
seduced and enticed Eve was that she could be wise in knowing both good and
evil. In other words, she could have both good and evil in her life and still go
on living. This is the same lie that Satan has planted and cultivated in the
minds and hearts of people today: that they can have it both ways, and that evil
and good can be balanced, which is the ruling principle of every pagan religion.
예수님은 또한 사탄을 요한복음 4:4절에서 거짓의 아비로 증명 하였습니다 다음과 같이: " 너는 너희 아비 마귀에게
속하였으니, 너희 아비의 욕망들을 너희도 행한다.
그는 태초부터 살인자였고, 진리 가운데 거하지 않았다, 이는 그 속에 진리가 없기때문이다.. 그가 거짓말을 할 때는 그자신의 것으로 하나니 : 이는 그가 거짓말 쟁이요,
거짓의 아비이기 때문이다."
수천년 전에 사탄이라고 불리는 이 거짓말들의 아비는
이브(하와), 첫번째 여자에게 말했습니다. : 그 금하여진 열매를 먹으도 죽지않을 것이라고,,,하지만 그것은 그 거짓말의 정수, 혹은 깊은 것은
하와가 분순종으로 그 열매를 실재 먹었을 때,즉각적으로 죽음에 떨어지지 않았습니다, 그녀는 의심없이 사탄의 거짓말을 훨씬더
믿게 되었습니다. 그렇지만 , 그 거짓말의 정수, 곧 하와를 꾀어 유혹했던 그 본체는 그녀가 선과 악을 앎에 있어 현명해질수 있다는
것입니다. 다른말로 , 그녀는 그녀의 생명속에서 선과 악을 가질 수 있었고 여전히 계속 살아갈 수
있었습니다. 이것은 사탄이 오늘날 사람들 마음과 지성속에 심을수 있고 그것을 성장시킬 수 있는 그 같은 거짓말입니다.: 그들은 그것을 양쪽으로
가질수 있어, 선과 악의 균형을 맞출수 있어 모든 이교 종교의 지배원리가 되어있습니다.
The nation of the United States is a prime example of Satan’s lie put into
effect. We claim to be one nation under God. We have churches, charities,
philanthropic secret societies, and noble philosophies; we want to be known as
“the good people.” We also have a government that promotes homosexuality,
pornography, baby butchering by abortion, gambling, drunkenness, prostitution,
and other unspeakable evils. Our government actually taxes these vices and makes
vast amounts of money on what they call “sin tax.” Truly, no man can serve two
masters, and the people of the United States, along with their corrupt
government at every level, have proven by their actions that they have learned
to love Satan and despise the one true God. Judgment will soon be swift and
heavy, and there will be weeping, wailing and gnashing of teeth.
미 합중국이란 나라는 사탄의 거짓말이 실재로 빚어낸 주요 표본입니다. 우리는 하나님 아래 하나의 국가라고 주장하고
우리는 교회들도 있고, 자선들, 박애주의적 비밀 모임(조합), 고상한철학 ;
우리는 "선한 백성" 으로 알려지길
원합니다. 우리는 또한 동성연애와, 포르노영화, 낙태아상태로서 영아살해, 도박, 술취함, 매춘,그리고 다른 말로할 수 없는 악을 조장하고
있습니다. 사실상 우리정부는 이러한 악한 것들에
세금을 부과하여 막대한 규모의 돈을 "죄악세" 고 부르며 벌어들이고 있습니다....
진실로 아무도 두 주인을 섬길수는 없습니다. 미 합중국 국민들은 그들의 부패한 정부와 모든 방면에서 그들의 행위로 그들이 사탄을 사랑하고 유일하신 진정한 하나님을 경멸하도록 배워 왔다는 것을 증명해 왔습니다.
심판이 곧, 신속할 것이고, 위중할 것입니다 그래서 눈물지움과 탄식함,
그리고 이를 갊이 있을것입니다.
( 이어서 시간나는대로 번역하겠습니다....)
If you are troubled by what you are reading, there is hope for
you! You can answer God’s last call right now and believe the everlasting gospel
to the saving of your soul. Repent and call upon the Saviour now while a little
time remains. The Lord Jesus Christ will hear your sincere prayer and will
respond, and you will experience His grace and power. All fear will be gone when
perfect love from God’s throne enters your innermost being.
The Fomenting of
World War Three!
It is now just as Jesus said it would be in the last days
when He said in Luke, chapter 21, that there would be fearful sights along with
wars and rumors of wars. Wars are now breaking out all over the globe, and
nation is rising against nation and kingdom against kingdom. on June 26th, 2006,
the United States began to do a significant military build-up in Japan in
response to threats by North Korea. (1) on July 3rd, 2006, NORAD and the U.S.
Northern Command in Colorado went on heightened alert to level Bravo-Plus. This
is a higher than medium threat level. (2) on July 5th, 2006, a North Korean
Taepodong-2 ballistic missile was launched with Hawaii as the apparent target.
(3) By the mercy of God, the missile launch was a failure. It was obviously
Divine intervention. Other North Korean missiles were fired and went down near
Japan. Some residents of Japan reportedly watched in amazement as the sky over
certain areas of Japan turned bright red as the missiles approached. They
thought it must be some kind of elaborate defense system that turned the sky
crimson in color.
On July 7th, 2006, the United States sent the USS Mustin, a
new guided missile destroyer with a crew of 300, to the Japanese port of
Yokosuka for permanent assignment. In August the USS Shiloh, another guided
missile destroyer, is also being sent to Japan. The North Koreans fired seven
missiles in one day, and all went into the Sea of Japan. (4) Japan was badly
rattled by the incoming missiles from North Korea, and the Japanese government
is now strongly considering a pre-emptive strike against North Korea.
During this same time of the North Korean missile crisis, the U.S. State
Department discovered that their world-wide computer system was broken into, and
the target of the successful break-in was the headquarters computer itself. This
is the system that runs our entire State Department. (6) Investigators stated
that the hackers stole sensitive U.S. information and passwords and also
implanted secret back doors to gain re-entry anytime. They also infested our
computer system with computer worms and viruses. (7) Our U.S. Government also
admitted that the Defense Department computer system and other sensitive systems
were broken into last summer and that China is the chief suspect. (8) This is a
serious situation, because power is no longer determined by those who hold
wealth and military potential. Power is held by those who control the flow of
information. That is the primary danger of the computer age.
On July 12th,
2006, the World Tribune reported that ten Iranian advisors were in North Korea
for the missile launchings. (9) It is also known that North Korea and Iran have
become close friends, and these two nations with other states in the Middle East
are forming an axis of power. We must remember that the traditional boundary
between East and West is the Euphrates River, which is in Iraq. That qualifies
both Iran and North Korea as being kings of the East. With that thought in mind,
Revelation 16:12-14 warns us as follows: “And the sixth angel poured out his
vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that
the way of the kings of the east might be prepared. And I saw three unclean
spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of
the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet. For they are the spirits
of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of
the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God
When we consider those verses and compare them with the events of
our day, we can see that it was foretold that a triumviral power, from the East,
would foment the final world war with the center of conflict at Armageddon.
Revelation 16:16 makes this clear as follows: “And he gathered them together
into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.” Can any thinking person
doubt that the intrigue we are now seeing is leading up to the final cataclysm
and the return of our Saviour?
The whole eastern world is exploding with
venomous hatred as the old serpent, who is Satan, advances his human pawns in
his defiant battle against the Kingdom of God. on July 9th, 2006, a
nuclear-capable missile with a range of 1,865 miles was successfully tested by
India. (10) Two days later, terrorists operating from Pakistan caused an
explosion in a commuter train in Mumbai, India, killing 170 people. (11) Reports
of rising war are coming from everywhere in the world. We must always remember
that these wars are spiritual and not just human efforts. I predicted these
current conditions in some of the spring issues of the Last Trumpet Newsletter
this year. As a former astrologer, saved by God’s grace, I know that Satan uses
astrology as his pattern and time clock, which is why our U.S. Government and
the Illuminati operate on that same schedule. Witchcraft cannot operate at all
without astrology. God condemns astrology in Isaiah 47:13-14, and I hate
astrology because I was so very much a part of that world. I can see at a glance
how the enemy uses it, and as there was a strong Ingress of Mars this past
spring, it was easy to see this trouble coming since the occultist antichrists
believe that Mars is the god of war. Remember that Almighty God always has the
last word, and all will be well with his children.
We are now seeing a
large-scale war between elements in Lebanon and the Israeli State. The forces of
Hezbollah are firing an average of one rocket per minute at Israeli cities, and
this massive fire power has amazed the United States and the Israelis. We are
now at a time when full-scale global war could break out at any moment. It seems
strange that real estate tycoon Donald Trump recently announced that he will
build a seventy-story Trump Tower in Tel Aviv, Israel, at a cost of 300 million
dollars. (13) Will this be the last Trump Tower he will ever build?
While the
explosive situation in the Middle East was breaking out, the G8 summit opened in
St. Petersburg, Russia, on the 13th day of July. Russia was described as having
a “closed fist” as far as the United States is concerned. (14) The United States
is under extreme scrutiny because of its failing economy on a global
On June 6th, or 06-06-06, the Pentagon announced that it is dropping
the Geneva Convention regarding treatment of prisoners. The U.S. Pentagon
objects to the international agreement, because it forbids and bans “humiliating
and degrading treatment” of prisoners. The rest of the world is watching this
with amazement. (15) Is the beast beginning to show its true colors, and are
those colors red, white, and blue? Here let it be noted that the man who is
behind this departure from humane treatment of prisoners is Vice President Dick
Cheney, who openly objects to the ban on torture! (16)
We have also
discovered that there is a massive swastika-shaped building at the U.S. Naval
Amphibious Base in Coronado, California. This swastika shape is clearly visible
from the air, and when facing true north, the swastika is tilted exactly as the
Gestapo wore them on their uniforms. This building is known as “the seals lair.”
(17) They said it couldn’t happen in America, but this is no longer the America
we were born in!
One more point worth mentioning is that we can expect
trouble concerning Venezuela. Venezuela recently discovered four billion cubic
feet of natural gas making it the single largest oil reserve in the world. There
are an estimated 313 billion barrels of heavy and extra-heavy crude oil in these
reserves, which is equal to one-half of all of the oil in the Middle East. (18)
This is a pie cooling in the window that our President and other oil-obsessed
people will not be able to resist stealing. There is no peace among the
Signs of the Beast among Us!
We know that the ultimate objective
of the antichrist one-world government is to control every man, woman, and
child, and to occupy the mind, will, and emotions of everyone. In accomplishing
this, they will also convert the population of the world into disciples of Satan
himself, who still wants to be a god. Here let it be noted that the symbol of
the esoteric but organized Illuminati has been the single or cycloptic eye over
a truncated pyramid such as appears on the back of the U.S. one dollar bill.
This is known as the Illuminati Crest, dating back to the witches’ sabat of May
1st, 1776. This eye insignia appears in many other places and also happens to be
the trademark of CBS or the Columbia Broadcasting System. CBS has now announced
a new advertising campaign in which they will laser imprint their trademark eye
on 35 million eggs to be sold in stores during September and October, 2006.
George Schweitzer of CBS calls this “egg-vertising” and will also laser imprint
names of their shows with catchy phrases on the eggs. (19) Egg producers,
distributors, and retailers are all to share in the advertising revenue. It
appears that the eye of illuminism is finding its way to our refrigerators. We
must remember that the symbol of the moon goddess of ancient Babylon (modern-day
Iraq) was the egg with a serpent coiled around it and a crescent moon above it.
It is all part of the conditioning of the mind for illuministic
There are many examples of the symbols and number of the beast in
advertising. Another example is a product called head on, which is supposed to
eliminate headaches by rubbing a stick-like device on the forehead. The woman
doing the commercial is shown rubbing the stick on her forehead and saying,
“Head on: apply directly to the forehead.” She says these words three times. The
words head on contain six letters, which is a 666 on the forehead.
Florida, the Coast to Coast family convenience stores are offering their
customers the option of purchasing their goods using only their fingerprint.
once they are registered, they never need cash, checks, or a credit card; they
simply insert their finger into a machine and their funds are transferred from
their account to the store’s account. (20) This is also happening in the Chicago
area at the Jewel-Osco stores, where the stores have a person at the door asking
people to sign up for the program. It is being advertised as “fast, easy, and
secure.” once your finger is scanned and registered, all of your buying power is
in your right hand. (21) A financial emergency in the United States could easily
make such a system mandatory! Will such a thing happen? Now that such a system
is in use, it makes Revelation 13:17 loom largely before us with the following
warning: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name.” We live in this strange time when
computers have changed everything, including the changing of pictures into
numbers, and it is called digital technology. This is just as the Bible
predicted over 2,000 years ago.
Another device that is being used by some
lenders is a starter-interrupt device that will not allow your car to start if
you have missed a payment. (22) High-tech devices have totally changed our
world. Reuters News Service recently reported that a paralyzed man using a new
brain sensor was able to move a computer cursor, open e-mail, and control a
robotic device just by thinking about it. (23) The powers of darkness are
seizing upon such technology, which will be able to read thoughts and thus
eliminate the last remnant of privacy from our lives.
The Dismantling of
When the news of how many illegal aliens were living in the United
States broke about three months ago, many people wondered why our government
allowed this to happen. Quite obviously it was no accident. There were a number
of reasons why this destructive force was allowed to begin the dismantling of
our country, but the primary reason has now surfaced. The Bush Administration is
pushing to create a North American Union and is using the Department of Commerce
under the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America under the NAFTA
program. According to Dr. Jerome R. Corsi, the plan is “to expand the NAFTA
tribunals into a North American Union court system that would have supremacy
over all U.S. law, even over the U.S. Supreme Court, in any matter related to
the trilateral political and economic integration of the United States, Canada,
and Mexico.” (24) Clearly, national sovereignty is being scrapped to form a
super-power under one new currency similar to the European Union. The nations
are uniting rapidly to form a one-world government under a satanic
The United States is now in a much weaker condition than people can
imagine. Recently, President Bush announced that he was sending 2,500 National
Guard troops to guard our southern border. When it came to doing it, he could
only come up with 483 troops. (25) Much of our National Guard is being used as
an International Guard and is spread out so thin around the world that there is
hardly anyone to protect the homeland. This problem also revealed itself
recently when the crime rate in New Orleans became so high that Governor
Kathleen Blanco ordered three hundred National Guard troops to enforce the law
in New Orleans and could only come up with one hundred and had to promise to
send two hundred more later. (26) It is a sad fact that the crime rate has
increased so much in all of our major cities that law enforcement agencies
cannot handle the problem, and the situation is out of control. Our nation’s
capital, Washington, D.C., has such a problem with violent crime that the city
has declared a crime emergency! Armed robbery, rapes, and murders are committed
right on the National Mall! (27) With fuel prices gone wild, our nation is
feeling the effect of a distressed economy all the more, and crime will continue
because of it. Recently, BBC News reported that a war with Iran would triple the
now outrageous fuel prices in the United States. (28)
Is the United States
already bankrupt? According to a recent paper published by a key member of the
Federal Reserve Bank of the United States, our country is in deep trouble.
Professor Laurence Kotlikoff, researcher for the Federal Reserve Bank of St.
Louis and a professor of economics at the Boston University, had this to say: “A
ballooning budget deficit and a pensions and welfare time bomb could send the
economic superpower into insolvency. By some measures, the U.S. is already
bankrupt. To paraphrase the Oxford English Dictionary, is the United States at
the end of its resources, exhausted, stripped bare, destitute, bereft, wanting
in property, or wrecked in consequence of failure to pay its creditors?
According to the central analysis, the U.S. Government is, indeed, bankrupt….”
A Bewitched and Demoralized Nation!
Why has so much evil befallen
this erstwhile great nation? Should we wonder about that when we consider the
gross evil and heavy appetites for iniquity by a demonized and illumiized
population who remain under the influence of witchcraft? The Bible has much to
say in condemning witchcraft, and Galatians 5:20 lists it as a work of the flesh
The 21st verse tells us that “….they which do such things shall not inherit the
Kingdom of God.”
On June 30th, 2006, ABC News released a story about a new
witch school that has opened in Hoopeston, Illinois. The CEO and director of the
witch school is Ed Hubbard, who had this to say about his school: “The school is
dedicated to educating the public in Wicca…the school has roughly 120,000 active
students who enroll in internet courses and 30 to 50 more are added each
day…..In 1990, only 8,000 people in the United States openly claimed Wicca as
their religion, that number was increased to 134,000 in 2001.” (30)
It is a
sad fact that witchcraft is almost everywhere, and it brings a great curse with
it. The vast array of disasters that are now afflicting our nation is just the
beginning of what is to come, and only a true repentance can change things. I do
not see that happening at this time. I must also mention at this point that
August 1st of every year is a high cross-quarter sabat of witchcraft known as
Lughnasaid (pronounced loo-na-sa) and is the celebration of the harvest of not
only produce from the earth, but also of souls. Witches look at the year as a
circle, and they divide the circle first into four parts or quarters and then
into four more parts or cross-quarters making eight divisions that are marked as
sabats. Witchcraft designs and terminology are built into our calendar and our
daily vocabulary. Even the word cereal, so often eaten at breakfast, is taken
from the name of the pagan goddess Ceres, also known as Demeter by the Greeks.
Ceres was worshipped as the goddess of grain, especially on her day of Cerealia
or April 19th. The goddess was also honored, however, at the harvest time of
In Britain, six new coins with images of Harry Potter have been
minted, and the 1-crown coins are legal tender on the Isle of Man, which is
largely populated by witches. (31)
Witchcraft has a demoralizing effect, and
this is clearly visible in our strange, present society. Recent studies have
shown that thirty-six percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 29 have at
least one tattoo. Witches have set the trend for this, but Leviticus 19:28
forbids tattoos. It is also true that many witches make their money as
prostitutes. Sexual sins are plaguing our nation as never before, because it is
a spiritual problem. During the time of the witches’ sabat of Midsummer, or the
third week of June, Los Angeles, California, hosted an erotica convention, which
drew 50,000 participants who attended a series of sex seminars where they were
taught techniques in perversion, and many were prepared to audition for
forthcoming porno movies. (32)
In Germany, there are heavy elements of
witchcraft, and during the year 2002, Germany legalized prostitution. There are
now 400,000 working prostitutes in Germany, and they reportedly were all kept
busy by the soccer fans that gathered there for the World Cup competition.
Prostitution in Germany is a multi-billion dollar industry. (33)
In Houston,
Texas, a new billboard advertising Budweiser beer is attracting much attention.
The massive billboards have a picture of Jesus in the center holding a can of
Budweiser beer in front of his face. In large print, the left side of the
billboard says “King of Jews” and the right side says “King of Beers.” (34)
Florida has another serious problem. Sexually transmitted diseases are wildly
epidemic in the retirement villages of senior citizens, and doctors are shocked
by it. one gynecologist said that she has treated more cases of genital herpes
and papilloma in retirement villages than in downtown Miami. Doctors have also
noted a heavy use of Viagra in these retirement centers, and people in their
80’s are among the diseased. (35)
Why has our country become so corrupt and
such a shame and disgrace to common decency? It is because organized religion in
America is demonized, and false prophets and teachers are everywhere. Here let
it be noted that the infamous Rick Warren and his so-called “purpose-driven”
ministry have become popular with the North Korean Communist government. The
multi-millionaire Warren has recently been invited to North Korea to speak to
15,000 people. Ingrid Schlueter of VCY America Radio Network said it very well
regarding this Rick Warren event with the following words: “Warren won’t call
the communist faithful to repent and believe on the Lord Jesus Christ because he
preaches a man-centered, counterfeit gospel. Not for a moment do these leaders
worry that they will have a Christian revival on their hands by letting Mr.
Warren speak. Rick Warren is loved and feted because his message is absent the
cross and Christ’s call to die. That’s why he is popular and politically
useful.” (36)
A Continual Groaning and Travailing Creation!
As sin abounds
and the coming of the Saviour draweth nigh, the earth and sky continue to cry
out against rebellious mankind. on July 16th, 2006, two earthquakes of magnitude
6.3 and 5.0 shook an area off the coast of Chile. on that same day, the
Tungurahua volcano erupted in Ecuador sending people scrambling in terror. The
next day brought a 7.7 magnitude earthquake to Indonesia, a deadly tsunami hit
Java, Mt. Aetna erupted with a storm of fire and lava, another explosion of the
volcano in Ecuador destroyed 100,000 homes, and two volcanoes on West New
Britain Islands erupted, and sent people running for their lives. (37)
In the
United States, horrifying floods hit the eastern part of the country paralyzing
much of that region and even shutting down Federal buildings in Washington, D.C.
(38) In addition to the floods, America has been stricken with a severe heat
wave which has broken all records. A strain on utilities has shut down
electricity in some areas as temperatures climbed above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
(39) Strangely enough, in the northern states it was hotter as you traveled
north. According to the Associated Press, the first half of the year 2006 is the
hottest on record, and Parade Magazine reported that every year since 1997 has
been continually hotter. (40)
Wildfires have also been ravaging many areas of
the United States, and in some areas many rich homes have been burned to
cinders. (41) There is much weeping and howling but very little
Scientists have also noted numerous potential disasters that are
now imminent. The southern San Andreas Fault is under extreme pressure, and
strain rates indicate that a massive earthquake could devastate Los Angeles at
any time. (42) (Los Angeles is the pornography capital of the nation.) We also
know that a massive underwater volcano, the size of Washington, D.C., has been
discovered off Sicily. (43)
These are truly the last of the last days and the
coming of the Saviour is at hand. We continue to watch with awe as the Scripture
is fulfilled, and every sign unfolds before our eyes with flawless precision and
accuracy. The Lord Jesus said there will also be signs in the sun, moon, and
stars. We have now learned that NASA plans to crash a high-powered explosive
space craft into the moon in 2009. The explosion is to be so great that it will
be visible to the naked eye from earth. (44) Everything is so volatile right
now, and we must all be ready for the great day of the Saviour’s return. Where
will you spend eternity?
In closing, I once again want to thank all of you
who support this end-time prophetic ministry in so many ways. God bless you
exceedingly. Remember to send us your prayer requests, as our intercessors will
give them personal attention. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you in the name
of the Lord Jesus Christ.
David J. Meyer
Associated Press, Jun 26, 2006, by Mari Yamaguchi, Tokyo, Japan.
WorldNetDaily, Jul 3, 2006, WorldNetDaily.com.
03. Reuters News Service, Jul
7, 2006, Tokyo, Japan.
04. Associated Press, Jul 8, 2006, by Hans Greimel,
Tokyo, Japan.
05. Associated Press, Jul 10, 2006, by Mari Yamaguchi, Tokyo,
06. Associated Press, Jul 11, 2006, by Ted Bridis, Washington,
07. Ibid.
08. Ibid.
09. World Tribune, Jul 12, 2006, London,
England, UK.
10. Associated Press, Jul 9, 2006, New Delhi, India.
Financial Times, Jul 11, 2006, by Khozem Merchant and Jo Johnson, New Delhi,
12. United Press International, Jul 18, 2006, by Joseph Chrysdale,
Beruit, Lebanon.
13. Reuters News Service, Jun 25, 2006, Jerusalem,
14. USA Today, Jul 13, 2006, St. Petersburg, Russia.
15. Sydney
Morning Herald, Jun 6, 2006, by Julian Barnes, Washington, D.C.
17. Free Press International, Jul 17, 2006, Coronado, CA.
18. East
Bay News, Jun, 2006, http://www.eastbaynews.org.
19. New York Times, Jul 17,
2006, by David S. Joachim, New York, NY.
20. St. Petersburg Times, Jun 20,
2006, by Mark Albright, Tampa Bay, FL.
21. Jewel-Osco Official Flier, Jun 16,
22. The Evening Sun, Jun 14, 2006, by Deborah Yao, Harrisburg,
23. Reuters News Service, Jul 12, 2006, by Patricia Reaney, London,
England, UK.
24. Human Events, Jun 19, 2006, by Jerome Corsi.
Associated Press, Jun 30, 2006, by Aaron C. Davis, Sacramento, CA.
Associated Press, Jun 20, 2006, New Orleans, LA.
27. Associated Press, Jul
12, 2006, by Brett Zongker, Washington, D.C.
28. BBC News, Jun 21, 2006,
London, England, UK.
29. The Daily Telegraph, Jul 14, 2006, by Edmund Conway,
London, England, UK.
30. ABC News, Jun 30, 2006, by Durrell Dawson,
Hoopeston, IL.
31. Sunday Register Marketplace, Nov 10, 2002, London,
England, UK.
32. AFP News, Jun 23, 2006, Los Angeles, CA.
33. Milwaukee
Journal-Sentinel, Jun 6, 2006, AP, Berlin, Germany.
34. Budweiser Authorized
Billboard, as seen in Houston, Texas.
35. Local News 6, May 27, 2006,
Orlando, FL.
36. ABP News, Jul 8, 2006, Lake Forest, CA. http://christianmediadaily.com.
37. U.S. Geological Survey,
Jul16-18, 2006, Washington, D.D.
38. Ibid.
39. MSNBC News, Jul 17, 2006,
Houston, TX.
40. Parade Magazine, Jun 25, 2006, by Eugene Linden, Syndicated
41. Los Angeles Times, Jul 13, 2006, by Susannah Rosenblatt,
Yucca Valley, CA.
42. Reuters News Service, Jun 22, 2006, London, England,
43. Reuters News Service, Jun 22, 2006, by Phil Stewart, Sicily.
Washington Post, Apr 10, 2006, Los Angeles, CA.
Special Note: The Gay
Pride Parade has won Israeli high court approval to be held in Jerusalem on
August 10th, 2006. This will fill Jerusalem with the spirits of Sodom, and the
sodomites plan to occupy the Temple Mount as well. The leaders of Islam have
vowed to fight the Israeli State to the death to prevent this desecration! This
is the reason for the war that you will not hear on the news. See Revelation