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EU to US Economic Collapse By Eve Brast - 2/13/12 <1 남은부분 계속 번역>

danieell 2016. 10. 20. 14:53

출      처     :        http://www.ubm1.org/?page=eu            과거 번역  :   http://blog.daum.net/danieell/15714820



이 계시물은 위에서 보는 바 " 2015.07.05 16:48 "  에 올라갔던 계시물입니다...

요즘,, 여기저기서 경제에 대한 우려가 있기에,,, 한번,, 이 나라가 언급되었던,, 저 다니엘의 기억에 남아있는 그 메시지를 찾아 확인해 봐야 되겠다는 생각이 들었습니다.

저 다니엘의 글을 따라오는 여러분 !

제가 누누히 밝혔듯이 저 다니엘도 뭐 특별한 뽀족한 수 없습니다.

여러분과 별반 다르지 않습니다.

정말 이 시간에 이르기까지 수많은 시행착오를 겪고서,, 오늘에 이르렀습니다.

실은 제가 이 " 휴거 " 란 얘기를 들었던,, 오랜 세월,, 오래 오래전 그러니까,, 1992 년 10 월 휴거의 그 진원지,,, 다미선교회에 관심을 가졌고,, 몸담았었던 이력이 있으니까요...

사실인즉,, 좀 더 정확히 얘기하자면,,, 주님이 7 년 환란 전에,,, 공중으로 재림하여,, 그 성도들을 공중으로 끌어올린다는,,, 환란전  휴거설,,

일반 기성교회에 다니는 이라면 누구나,, 한번쯤은 들으봤을,,  신학을 했다는 유수의 목사님들이라고 하는분들이,,

인정하고  거반 공공연히 전해왔던,,그 학설과 관련하여,,그 시점에 가까이 가면,, 징조가 있는데,, 그것은 물질계의 기근이나, 지진, 전쟁 등등의,, 일환으로 있을 나라가 나라를 민족이 민족을 대적한다는,,,, 마태복은 24 장과 관련된,, 내용과 관계된 것이란 것을 아는 사람은 알 것입니다...

만약에 저 다니엘이 이런 것을 몰랐다면,, 아마,, 이 부분을 이렇게 관심을 가지고 보지도 않았을 것입니다.

제가 그 나마 그 세월이 헛되지 않아,,, 이제라도,,, 아,, 내가 믿어왔던 교회라는 것,,그리고 그것의 기반이 되어왔던 신학이란 것이,, 말 그대로,,,가짜가 많다는 것,, 거반,, 그냥 군중들이 그쪽으로 많이 몰리니까,, 맞는 것으로,, 따라온 세월이었다는 것을,,,

이 번역을 하면서,, 깨닫기 시작했습니다.

그러면서, 또 반대로,,,,,,

 지금도 하나님, 예수 그리스도, 창조주이자,, 구세주 되신 그분은 살아서 말씀하시는 분이시란 것을,,

알게 되었습니다.

이미 뭔가 어렴풋이,, 아니,, 확연히 뭔가 보이는 것이 있다는 것을 느끼는 분은 느낄 것입니다.

우리는 중요한 시간대를 살고 있습니다,, 주님과 나와의 관계가 바로 서 있지 않으면,,

그 날 그 시에,, 유명하다는,, 목사님,,

내지는,, 믿을만한 사람찾는 일이 다시 있을 것입니다.

여러분,,, 아직도,, 아직도,, 공중으로 휴거되는 것을 기다리시는지요 ?

그리고 7 년 후에,, 구름타고 지상으로 재림하시는 주님을 기다리시는지요 ?

저 다니엘이 보니,,그거,, 이 신학이란 것이,, 대응(상응)의 지식이 없어,, 주님의 말씀을 문자 그대로,, 받아들여 믿는 것이 정통이라,,하여, 그것을 고수하던,, 인간 지혜의 한계를,, 이제 진정코 살아계셔서,, 통하여 말씀하시는 분들을 통해,, , 그것의 실상, 그 진의를 밝히 온 천하에 드러내고 있다는 것입니다.

물론 제가 이렇게 말하면,, 달리 생각할 분도 있을 것입니다..

아무쪼록,,그 동안 저 다니엘이 몰라서,, 이해지 못해,, 알게 모르게,, 피해아닌 피해를 끼친분들께는 늦게나마,,

서 아닌 용서같은 것을 구해 봅니다..

진실로 오는 시간,, 살아계신 참 신,, 예수그리스도,,지금도 말씀하시는 그분과의 관계를 바로하여,, 오는 시간,, 세상을 넉넉히 이기고,, 주님과 동행할 수 있는 저 다니엘과 여러분이길 마음으로 소원하여 바라 맞이 않습니다.

그리고 아래것은 위에서 잠시 언급했던,, 그 당시,, 그러니까,, 작년 여름정도(2015.07.05 16:48) 인가,, 그리이스 사태가 터졌을 때,, 이 웹상에서,, 심심찮게 볼수 있었던,, 바로 데이빗 윌커선(이미사망) 목사님의 메시지 중,, 그 당시,, 데이빗 윌커슨씨의 집회에 참석했던 분이,,

녹음을 했는데,, 그때 그 나라,, 가 " 독일 " 이란 것이 명시되었던 녹음테이프를,, 이 David Eeels가 그의 웹사이트에 갔단 놓은 것을 가져다가 번역했고,,,,

그것을 최근에 기억이 나서,, 다시 한번 찾아보고 읽어보게 되었습니다..

아무쪼록,, 때가 때이고,, 날이 날이니 만큼 참고했으면 합니다.

2016, 10,20 일, 다니엘 드림.



과거 번역  :   http://blog.daum.net/danieell/15714820



이것은 심각히 고려해볼만 한 것입니다.. 현재의 그리이스 사태와 관련하여,,,

이미 앞쪽에,, 데이빗 윌커슨 경제환상 내용중  구체화 된 것입니다,,, 1973 년에 나온,,, 아래에,, 유튜브에 올라있는 그 원문 동영상이 있으니,, 보실분은 직접 클릭해서 보시기 바랍니다,, 저는 시간이 없는 관계로,, 중복된 내용은 생략하고,,, 약간 달라진 부분만 번역하겠습니다,,,

특히,, 그곳에서,, 흐린,, 한 나라가,, 그리이스가 아니라,, 독일이라고 지칭한,,그런데,, 아는 것처럼,, 독일은 그리이스의 최대의 채권국입니다.....





EU to US Economic Collapse

유럽연합에서 미 합중국으로의 경제붕괴


Eve Brast - 2/13/12
(David's notes in red : 빨간글씨 데이빗 설명)



I had a dream on 2/13/12 that I was in a mall/airport 나는 2012/213 일에 꿈 하나를 꾸었는데,, 내가 어떤 몰(백화점같은 상점)/ 아님 공황에 있었습니다 (the buying and selling of U.S. Babylon in an airport parable. In many other dreams the economy has been likened to a plane that ultimately crashes. We reported to you beforehand, because of dreams and visions and prophecies, the 2008 crash. We also said that there would be a short appearance of a recovery, like trying to get the plane off the ground again. We also said a much bigger crash was coming which is now almost upon us. This a Shemitah year, the seventh year in a long running cycle of economic ruin. Seven years from the last economic ruin 공황으로 비유된 미 합중국 바빌론의 매매행위. 많은 다른 꿈들속에서,, 경제는 최종적으로 추락하는 비행기에 비견(유)되어져 왔습니다. 우리가 전에 여러분들께,, 얘기했던 것처럼, 왜냐하면 2008 년 당시의 그  경제추락이 꿈들, 환상들,, 예언들 속에서 그와같이 비견되어졌기에. 우리는 또 말했습니다,, 짦은기간 회복의 기미가 있을것이라고,, 다시금 그 비행기를 지상으로부터 이륙시키려는 시도와 같은.  우리는 또 말했습니다,, 한 훨씬 더 큰 추락이 오고 있다고,, 이제 우리에게 임해 있는. 이 해는 쉬미타 해로서,, 그 오랫동안 반복되며,, 이뤄지는 경제파탄의 주기, 일곱번째해 입니다.  지난번의 경제파탄으로부터의 일곱번째 해)

I was with many people and suddenly to the east of us  나는 많은 사람들과 함께 있었습니다, 갑자기 우리동쪽으로  (possibly representing a European nation 아마도 유럽의 한 나라를 나타내는) a medium-sized volcano erupted so completely that it left a huge black crater in the earth. (This represents the downfall [a black hole] of the EU economy 어떤 중간급 규모의 화산이 아주 확연히 폭발 분출했고,,그것은 지표면으로 한 거대한 검은 운석공 자국을 남겼습니다.) (David Wilkerson’s Economic Vision of a European Nation defaulting on its loans beginning the economic domino effect. This vision was sent to us by a brother who was in the audience and recorded David sharing this vision and then transcribed it and sent it to us. We have thought for a while that this would be the Greek economy that falls first, beginning the domino effect for EU and the world but there is a better-known vision of Germany being this first nation. Our question is, could the Greek default start the problems for Germany since they owe them a great sum? Germany would be a much greater threat to the world economy and the Greek/Germany scenario appears to be a possibility. David Wilkerson’s Economic Vision(데이빗윌커슨 경제환상)에서, 유럽의 한 나라가 그 진 채무를 기화로 경제가 무너지는 도미노 현상을 일으킨다고.  이 환상은 우리에게 한 형제가 보냈는데,, 그가 데이빗이 이 환상을 나누는 그 청중가운데 참석하여 녹음하여,, 옮겨적어 우리에게 보낸 것입니다. 우리는 한 동안 생각했더랬습니다,, 이것이 저 그리이스 경제가 될 것이라고,, 먼저 무너지는,, 유럽연합에 도미노 붕괴를 일으키는,,그리고 세계에 하지만 그 첫 번째 나라가 독일 이라는 더 진전된 것이 알려진 환상이 있습니다. 우리의 문제는,, 그 그리이스 채무가 독일의 문제를 시작시키는 것이 될수 있느냐는 것입니다,, 왜냐하면,, 그들이 독일에게 가장 많은 빛을 지고 있기때문입니다. 독일은 세계경제에 한층 더 큰 위협이 될수 있고,, 저 그리이스/독일 시나리오가 한 가능성으로 보입니다.


So where is Greece now?


Update 6/29/2015: They were only giving the Greeks at their banks $66 and so there was a run on their banks so they declared a bank holiday. on July 5, 2015 the Greek people were to vote on a referendum to accept conditions for an extension or not. Greece requested a third bailout from the Eurozone which will not budge unless they tighten their belt which would also be destructive to their economy. Christians should be ready whenever this happens. Puerto Rico defaulted and more are to come.

Update 7/1/2015: Greece defaulted to the IMF because it was expelled from its bailout program, making it insolvent. Shortly after the Greeks made concessions but the EU does not seem excited. This could be be a sign to get your money out of the banks. No doubt they will try to kick the can down the road, just like the US and other nations are doing.

It may be that the vision David Wilkerson decided to put in his book should bear more weight. Time will tell.

Stan Patton sent this about it: Here is a link to a YouTube video of Dave Wilkerson’s more famous vision from his book. In it he says Germany is the European nation that starts the domino collapse! " 스탠패튼이 그것에 관한 이 데이빗 윌커슨의 동영상 Here is a link to a YouTube video ,, 더 진전된 것을 보내주었습니다. 그 속에서 그는 말합니다,, 독일이 그 유럽나라라고,, 경제붕괴 도미노를 촉발시키는

 Here is a quote from this vision on Jim Bailey’s blog. At exactly 2:03 he states: “It’s going to start in Germany!” After that, he says it will “spread to Japan and finally to the US.” Greece defaulting on its loan to the EU will certainly weaken Germany, but it’s when Germany, the economic powerhouse of Europe, defaults, that the real clock, according to this Wilkerson Vision, starts ticking.여기 위의 인용을 언급하는 부분,, Jim Bailey 가 지적해 주는 부분이 있습니다. 정확하게,, 그 동영상 2 분 03 초에서 그가 진술합니다 : 그것이 독일에서 시작될 것임을! " 그 후에,, 그가 말합니다,, 그것이 일본으로 퍼져가고,, 마침내,, 미 합중국으로. " 그리이스의 유럽연합에 진 채무가 분명히 독일의 기반을 약하게 할 것입니다,, 하지만 그것이 독일 일 때,, 유럽의 경재대국인 그것이 디폴트(채무불이행) 될 때,, 그 진짜 시각이,, 윌커슨 환상에 의하면,, 째깍이기 시작합니다.

Time will tell. We judge prophecy by what follows, but we suggest Christians get ready by asking God about pulling their money from the banks. And walking by faith in our God who says He will supply our every need according to His riches in glory. 시간이 말해줄 것입니다,, 우리는 예언을 뛰따르는 것으로 판단합니다, 하지만 우리는 제시합니다 크리스챤들은 준비를 하고서,, 그들 돈을 은행에서 인출할지를 두고,, 하나님께 물을 준비가 되어 있어야 함을.  우리 하나님을 믿는 믿음으로 걸으면서,,, 그가 우리 모든 필요를 따라,, 그분의 풍성하신 영광가운데서 공급하실것이란것을 


 ---------  이하는 시간이 없는 관계로 여기서 줄입니다... 다니엘

After this, the TSA in this "airport" shut off all exits. (The TSA identifies a US airport which are grounded planes; i.e. grounded economy and shutting off the exits means a bank holiday) It then separated the men from the women and children. Men were put on the first floor and women and children on the second floor. (Does this mean men with families are first to access their money?)

I found my way down to a large arcade/casino area where they were keeping people distracted from what was happening. (The stock exchange is a huge casino gambling joint and is not a truthful gauge of the economy. It is too easily manipulated by the banksters to cover for what is really happening.) Then the wall at the south of the building disappeared and I saw a massive volcano starting to rumble and shake and big chunks of volcanic rocks were falling to the ground. These two volcanoes seemed to erupt fairly close together in timing. (The dominoes may fall quickly. This may represent Mexico’s collapse to the south. If David Wilkerson’s Economic Vision that was sent to us is correct, two weeks after “a European nation” [Greece and/or Germany] defaults, Mexico to “the south” defaults on its $500 billion debt, mostly to the US, which falls shortly thereafter. He also mentions Argentina or Brazil to the south. Remember, David’s vision from his book in whichGermany is the important nation to fall may be an update or correction of this revelation we were given above. Time will tell.)

The TSA announced they were going to allow people to start evacuating the building by numbered tickets. (Controlling how much and who can withdraw their money and when. This fall of the U.S. economy could well turn into a world collapse, bringing the third black horse rider of famine in Revelation 6.) I went by faith and got into the first group of people they were going to release, even though I had no ticket. As I was standing in the line, a man ahead of me saw me and said, "Here. You can have my ticket." I looked at the ticket and it had the number 88 on it. (The Greek Gematria for Jesus is 888. Jesus paid the price for us to leave this world’s economy and be in His wilderness economy!)

Eve Brast – 6/26/15: This is a confirmation that the Man-child/ Bride will be released soon. I was listening to the Bible study for June 7th last night in which you shared a dream that Belinda had about the Bride being released to go. This reminded me of an incident I had on June 11th. Noah and I were up at the junior college that he plans on enrolling in for the fall semester. We were at the registrar's office to turn in all the paperwork and his homeschool transcripts. They had a ticket device where you have to pull a ticket and they will call your number. So I pulled a ticket for Noah and me and the number on that ticket was #88! I was instantly reminded of this dream.

6/29/15: I asked Father for a word this morning and I received this about coming out of the fiery furnace: {Dan.3:26} Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace: he spake and said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, ye servants of the Most High God, come forth, and come hither. Then Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came forth out of the midst of the fire. (The leadership will have been purified through the fire to lead the saints in Babylonish U.S. just as these men were promoted over Babylon.)I believe this is another confirmation that the first-fruits will be "released" soon.

I asked for a verse to confirm this and received: {Lu.23:17} Now he must needs release unto them at the feast one prisoner. {18} But they cried out all together, saying, Away with this man, and release unto us Barabbas: I think it is amazing how this verse mentions releasing one from prison and that Barabbas means "son of the father"! Jesus took our place in crucifixion so that it would be possible for us to become freed sons of the Father. (Yes, in the time of the Man-child, Jesus, He preached Isaiah 61:1,2. He set the captives free and opened the prison to those who were bound.) Praise Father that we are now being released!

I asked Father for a word on what His meaning was for the ticket with the #88 on it that we received at the college and my finger was on {Act.7:34} I have surely seen the affliction of my people that is in Egypt, and have heard their groaning, and I am come down to deliver them: and now come, I will send thee into Egypt. (The Lord sends the Man-child ministry, like Jesus, Joseph and Moses, to deliver and provide for the people in the spiritual wilderness tribulation.) This reminded me of a portion of the dream below calledMan-child and Bride Enter Tribulation in which Father used Moses as a type of the Man-child to lead the Bride into the wilderness Tribulation.

Marilyn Klinke - 6/29/15: Father gave me a confirming text to one mentioned in last night 's Bible study. After listening to Sunday night's study, I was very impressed to pray for the outpouring of God's Spirit on Monday morning. I was crying out to Father to empower and prepare us for the days ahead. I was also interceding for those who will be saved in the coming revival. After praying, I asked Father to give me a word. I opened my Bible and my finger came down on Exodus 3:7. This is the same text given to Eve in Acts 7:34. This was given to me on June 29th, which I believe is the same day Eve received her text, concerning the meaning of the ticket # 88. I was very encouraged to have been given this text before last night's broadcast, but even more so now, seeing that Father is speaking the same to others. (The outpouring and revival will bring release to the Bride and Man-child and all who receive their word, which the #88 stands for.)

Then they opened the doors and we all ran out of the building into the dark. (Those who were able to take their money and run. The darkness could mean “in the black” or not owing any money.) It was raining but I wasn't getting wet. (Shortly after leaving this economy for the wilderness, the spiritual latter rain through the Man-child ministry comes, which doesn’t physically wet the people.) I saw a pick-up truck with its headlights on (the righteous have light when Egypt is in darkness). I saw the same man who gave me the ticket tying down his son's white rocking horse in the truck bed. (The Father's Son manifested in the Man-child is the White Horse Rider of Revelation 6.) I ran and jumped into the truck bed and laid down on my back,underneath the white horse. (Hidden under Jesus in the Man-child is the place of safety – Psalm 91. Just like being under Moses, Joseph and Jesus was a place of provision when the worldly economy fails and the wilderness is everywhere.)

Then the truck sped off north toward the "border." (The border of the spiritual wilderness refuge. We will be leaving their fallen country for our Heavenly country that Peter spoke of.) I thought to myself that if I laid under the horse close to the right side of the truck bed (where Jesus put the sheep, as opposed to the goats) the border patrol guard wouldn't see me. The scripture the Father gave me for this dream is: {Eze.4:16} Moreover He said unto me, son of man, behold, I will break the staff of bread in Jerusalem: and they shall eat bread by weight and with fearfulness: and they shall drink water by measure, and in dismay ... (The economy destroyed, in preparation for the red horse of war and the black horse of famine in Revelation 6.)

This all looks like shortly after the US begins to deal with its financial collapse the Man-child ministry will begin to provide for God’s disciples in this economic wilderness. From other dreams we know this is the time of earthquakes, possibly spiritual and physical.

Portion of the dreamMan-child and Bride Enter Tribulation:

There seemed to be an excitement among us all, like we were preparing for an event that was about to happen. (The anointing of the Man-child and the choosing of the Bride.) I was starting to become a little weary and frustrated, but I heard the Holy Spirit say, "Endure just a little while longer." (Part of the trial for the saints is to endure to the end or beginning of the tribulation.) I decided to go to the hotel lobby. (A hotel is a community of people, many houses built into one holy temple, like the Church is represented in Ephesians. The lobby is the government, the Man-child/Bride.) There were other brethren walking around the lobby and much preparation was going on(as Joseph prepared for the wilderness tribulation). Something made me stop and face the wall of the lobby and, as I did, a hole opened up in the wall and I saw an open vision.

I saw Moses (the Man-child) kneeling down on both knees in white clouds (among the righteous people, the Bride). I was looking north toward the US and he was positioned in the clouds over the eastern half of the U.S. (where the vast majority of Christians are), facing east (toward the leadership and enlightenment of, and coming of, the Son in his life, the Son manifested in the Man-child ministry by the latter rain and Word). There was a very bright light shining on him and he had his hands up and was squinting, trying to look in that direction. His hair looked golden and was dripping with oil that glistened in the bright light. (This is just like the Man-child’s hair in a previous vision. This oil on his hair represents submission to the anointing and righteousness of Jesus. The bright light in which he kneels is like that of Jesus when He was on earth.)

He was wearing a white linen garment (holiness) and sandals. The oil had also soaked the shoulders of the garment. (As this was prophetic of Jesus, it is also prophetic of Jesus in the Man-child’s anointing to carry the burden of the government of God’s people: “The government shall be upon his shoulder." {Isa.9:6} For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given; and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. {7} Of the increase of his government and of peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to establish it, and to uphold it with justice and with righteousness from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of Jehovah of hosts will perform this. Notice that the establishment of the government of the throne of David was establishing the Kingdom of God on Earth -- Luke 1:31,32; 1 Chronicles 29:23; 2 Chronicles 3:8. Jesus, the Man-child and His disciples preached the Kingdom of God is nigh. He taught us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” The Kingdom is where God’s will is done and obeyed.) But he was clean-shaven. (I asked the Father for a scripture for this dream and my finger fell on: {Isa.1:26} and I will restore thy judges as at the first, and thy councilors as at the beginning: afterward thou shalt be called The city of righteousness, a faithful town. (This reveals a repetition of history in that the Man-child ministry will once again come to raise up the Bride, the city of David, Jerusalem, and lead the rest of Israel, as a type of the Church, through the wilderness tribulation, just as Moses did.)

The voice of God spoke to him out of the light and said, "It's been 40 years." (The man-child Moses coming out of 40 years of wilderness to lead God’s people through the wilderness tribulation to the mountain of God, a type of His Kingdom.) Moses said to Him, "But I am so small. How shall I stand?" (This saying was Amos’ complaint to God in Amos 7:1-6, when He threatened judgment, and so God relented. God will be merciful to the Man-child and strengthen them, for in their weakness God’s power is made perfect.) I asked the Father for a scripture for this saying and my finger fell on: {Eze.11:15} Son of man (the Man-child), thy brethren, even thy brethren, the men of thy kindred, and all the house of Israel, all of them, are they unto whom the inhabitants of Jerusalem have said, Get you far from Jehovah: unto us is this land given for a possession. This whole text is a rebuke to the false leadership of God’s people whose sins scattered God’s people as we are seeing now in this world faction. {16} Therefore say, thus saith the Lord: Whereas I have removed them far off among the nations, and whereas I have scattered them among the countries, yet will I be to them a sanctuary for a little while in the countries where they are come. {17} Therefore say, Thus saith the Lord: I will gather you from the peoples, and assemble you out of the countries where ye have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel. (After a brief time in captivity, God will lead the scattered people out to their spiritual and sometimes physical promised land by the hand of the Man-child ministries.)