[489 ] 1. The Loving Peace of Kingdom Joy in This World – By Ron McGatlin
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1. The Loving Peace of Kingdom Joy in This World – By Ron McGatlin
1. 이 세상속에서의 사랑스런 왕국 기쁨의 평화 - By Ron McGatlin
Nov 9, 2017 | Archived Articles, Articles, Recent Articles, Ron's Complete Archive |
하나님의 왕국은 먹고 마시는 것이 아니고 ; 대신 의(로움)와 평강,기쁨이다,,, 성신[영]속의 (롬 14:17)
The blessings of God are upon His people who live by the Spirit and walk in the Spirit. It is true that the world may be filled with bad news repeated thousands of times over TV. Yet there is a place of perfect peace in the resting place of the arms of God.
하나님의 축복하심들이 그 영(the Spirit :하나님의 영)으로 살며 그 영안에서 걷는 그분 백성 위에 있습니다. 세상이,, TV에서 방영되는 수천의 반복되는 나쁜 뉴스들로 가득할 수 있는 것은 사실입니다. 그렇지만 하나님의 두 팔안쪽, 품엔 안식의 자리,, 완전한 평강의 한 장소가 있습니다.
Being in the Spirit, in love with God our Father and our Lord Christ Jesus is our resting place in this world. The Holy Spirit is the personification of Father God and Christ Jesus abiding in and with all who come to God with their whole hearts. This is the kingdom of God life now on earth that Jesus came to bring to His people.
하나님 우리 아버지 우리 주(인) 그리스도 예수와 사랑가운데,,, 그 영안에 있는것은 이 세상에서 우리가 안식하는 자리 입니다. 그 거룩한 영(성령)은 ,, 하나님께 그들 전심으로 오는 모두속에 함께 거하시고 계신 ,,아버지 하나님 예수 그리스도의 화신(구현,체현)입니다. 이것이 그 하나님 왕국 생명입니다,, 예수께서 땅 위에서의 지금 그분의 백성에게 가져다 주기 위해 오셨던 바의 (그 왕국 생명입니다)
A Mystery of God
하나님의 한 신비
A mysterious and marvelous thing happens as we come together with others in whom God by His Spirit also abides. Our love relationship with God is quickened to levels of excited joy in the “Spirit to Spirit” agreement and oneness of fellowship. The knitting together of God in us with God in others forms a heavenly bond of peace and sense of trust and security.
“Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” Matthew 18:19-20.
The marvelous part of this is that we not only rest in the joy of the Lord in His presence, but that we also become extremely powerful in bringing change to the world around us. The presence and power of Christ in us is joined by Christ from heaven among us in a glorious experience of oneness that changes us and the world around us.
한 신비롭고 놀라운 일이,, 우리가, 하나님이 그분 영으로 역시 거하고 있는 이들인 다른 어떤이들과 함께 있을때,,일어납니다. 우리의 하나님과의 사랑의 관계는 아주 흥분하는 기쁨의 수준까지 그 " 영에서 영으로 " 사귐으로 하나됨 안에서 되 살아납니다. 그 하나님과 우리속에서의 다른이들과 함께 엮어짐이 하늘 평강(평화)의 유대와,, 신뢰감, 안전감을 형성해 줍니다.
"다시 내가 너희들에게 말하건데,, 만약 너희 두사람에 땅에서 너희들이 구하는 것에 있어 동의(일치)할 것이면,, 그 일이 그들을 위해 하늘의 내 아버지에 의해 행해질 것이다. 이는 두,세사람이 내 이름안에서 함께 모여지므로,, 내가 그들 가운데 그기에 있기 때문이다." 마태복음 18:19-20.
이 일의 신기한 부분은 우리가 단지 주님이 기쁨속, 그 분의 임재속에서 안식할 뿐만이 아니라,,또한 우리가 우리 둘레(주변)의 그 세상에 변화(바뀜)를 일으키는데 아주 강력하게 된다는 것입니다. 우리속의 그리스도의 임재와 능력이 우리가운데의 하늘로부터 그리스도로 연결되어,,영광스런 하나됨의 경험으로 연결된다는 것입니다,,그래서 우리를 바꿔놓고,, 우리 주변의 그 세상도 바꿔놓는...
Great power of love is released that directly connects us with the throne of Heaven and nothing is impossible to us. This is the reality of the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. The will of God fills our hearts and lives, and we ask only that which pleases God and fits perfectly with His plan and purpose for us and the world around us.
The enemy of God on earth knows that he is totally powerless to even begin to pervert the will and works of God on earth. only when he through devious deception causes disagreement among those in whom Christ abides can he hinder the ultimate power of God from ruling and reigning on this earth.
우리를 직접 하늘 보좌와 연결시켜 주는 사랑의 큰 능력이 풀어지므로 아무것도 우리에게 불가능하지 않습니다. 이것이 땅에서의 하나님 왕국의 실제입니다,, 하늘에서 이뤄지는,,것의. 하나님의 뜻(의지)이 우리 마음들과 생명들을 채웁니다,,그리고 우리는 오직 하나님을 기뻐시게 하고 그분의 우릴향한, 우리주변 세상을 향한 계획과 목적과 맞는것 만을 구합니다.
땅에서의 하나님의 그 원수는 앎니다,, 그가 전혀 힘이 없는것을,, 심지어,, 땅에서 하나님의 그 뜻(의지)과 일하심들을 외곡 변역시킬 힘도. 오직 그가 사악한 기만을 통해서 그리스도가 거하는 자들 가운데서 불일치를 일으킬때만이 그가 그 하나님의 최종적 능력,, 이 땅위에서 다스리고 통치하는 것을 방해할 수 있다는 것을...
The joy of the Lord is our strength. (Neh 8:10). The joy found in the oneness of truly SEEKING FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS is the only way to unity of agreement “Spirit to Spirit.”
All things come together in the kingdom of God on earth. All things that are of God on earth fit together under the one big plan of God, the kingdom of heaven on earth under King Christ Jesus, Lord of lords and King of kings. (Eph 1:17-23).
Seeing our part as it fits together with others under the one kingdom and one King removes all competition and brings together all the parts. Continuing to focus on our one part as the whole or main thing divides and separates the people and the kingdom of Christ and empowers the enemy. (Eph 4:11-16).
주님의 기쁨이 우리의 힘입니다.(느혜미야 8:10). 그 기쁨은 진정으로 먼저 하나님의 나라(THE KINGDOM :왕국)와 그 분의 의를 구하는 그 하나됨 안에서 발견되는 기쁨인데,, 그 유일한 길은 "영에서 영으로(Spirit to Spirit)" 일치되는 하나됨입니다.
만물들은 땅위에서 하나님의 왕국으로 함께(하나)됩니다. 땅 위에서 하나님으로 된 만물들은 하나님의 그 하나의 대 계획 하에서 함께 딱 맞습니다,땅 위에서 왕이신 그리스도 예수, 주(인들) 중의 주(인), 왕들 중의 왕 하의 그 하늘 왕국.(옙 1:17-23).
It is not fruitful to preach unity until after preaching and demonstrating the kingdom. Unity cannot happen until the gospel of the kingdom of God and its King is proclaimed and demonstrated to all involved. (Mat 24:14). The big picture of the government of heaven, the kingdom of God on earth is to be the primary focus of all believers and all works of ministry. All divisions or denominations must release their false beliefs that their part is the main issue and SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD.
그 왕국을 전한 후,, 실제 증명하기까지는 통합(연맹)을 설교하는 것이 결실치 못합니다. 통합(연맹)은 하나님의 그 왕국 복음과 그것의 왕된 분이 선포되어,, 실제 관련된 모두에게 증명되기까지는 일어날 수 없습니다. (마태복음 24:14). 그 하늘 정부의 큰 사진, 땅위에서의 하나님의 왕국이 모든 믿는 이들의 주된 관심사이자,, 사역의 전부입니다. 모든 분리들, 혹은 종파들은 그들의 거짓된 믿음들,, 그들부분이 그 주된 문제거리란 것의,, 그것들을 풀어놓고, 먼저 하나님의 그 왕국을 먼저 구하지 않음 안됩니다.
The kingdom is the one folder in which all other folders of truth can fit together as one. Christ Jesus is the Head, the King and the corner stone of all truth. The kingdom of God is within you if, indeed, you abide in Christ Jesus and He abides in you by the Holy Spirit. Every purpose of your life is to be under the one primary purpose and plan of God, the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven.
그 왕국은 하나의 함인데,, 그 속에 모든 다른 함들이 함께 하나로 맞을 수 있습니다. 그리스도 예수는 그 머리, 왕, 모든 진리의 머리돌입니다. 그 하나님의 왕국은 당신 안쪽에 있습니다 만약, 정령코 당신이 그리스도 예수안에 거하고, 그분이 성령으로 당신안에 거하면. 당신 생명(삶)의 모든 목적 하나하나가 그 하나의 주된 목적, 하나님의 계획, 땅위에서 하늘에서 그런 것 처럼 하나님의 아래 있는 것입니다.
The great mystery is that unity and glory in this world is Christ in you. “…. I became a minister according to the stewardship from God which was given to me for you, to fulfill the word of God, 26 the mystery which has been hidden from ages and from generations, but now has been revealed to His saints. 27 To them God willed to make known what are the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles: which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Col 1:25-29.
그 큰 신비는 이 세상속의 통합과 영광은 당신 속의 그리스도 란 것입니다.".... 내가 하나님으로부터 위임된 청기기직분을 따라 대행자가 되었다,,너희를 위해 내게 주어진바 된, 하나님의 그 말씀을 성취하기 위해, 그 신비,, 세상 대대로,, 감취어진 바 된,, 하지만 이제 그분의 성도들에게 드러내진 바 되었다. 그들에게 하나님이 기꺼이 알려지게 했다,, 이방인들 가운데서 이 신비의 영광의 풍성함이 어떠한 것인지를 : 그것은 너희 속의 그리스도,, 그 영광의 소망이신 분이다. 골로새서 1:25-29.
“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32.
적은 무리여, 두려워 마라, 이는 너희에게 그 왕국 주는 것이 너희 아버지의 선하신 기쁨이기 때문이다. " 누가복음 12:32
Ron McGatlin
2. The Real Baptism of the Holy Spirit and Fire – By Henry Falcone
Nov 9, 2017 | Archived Articles, Articles, Recent Articles |
“! am going to teach you of the real baptism of the Holy Spirit!” These are the words the Father spoke to me as I stood in a vision before the throne of God.
I can’t go into all the details of that experience. But it was more than a vision to me. It was an experience of His pure holy love.
As he lifted me up off my face to stand before that great white throne, all I saw was pure light. I saw a form of a body sort of speak and it was covered with the purest white robes and only golden light came forth from the rest of his body.
As I stood there after a true dealing and revelation of the Lord, he breathed on me three times, and said, “In the same manner I am strengthening you, strengthen them.
Then he said, Now, I can teach you of the real baptism of the Holy Spirit.”
This happened 25 years ago, and when I came out of that vision experience I asked the Lord, “What did I get, a fake holy spirit?
I felt him chuckle when I asked this. He said, “No you go the real one, but you have no idea of his real work in your life. It is not about the “gifts of the spirit” he imparts though he does, it is about the “work he has come to do in you.”
Then he said, “Henry, what I am making you is more valuable to me than anything you will ever do for me.”
It has taken quite a few years for that to become a reality in me, but it did. I no longer see that infilling and baptism of the Holy Spirit as enabling to do the “work of God” alone, but as enabling work to work deeply in me to reflect the life of Jesus on the earth.
That work of the baptism of the Holy Spirit is to refine us like gold and silver and to make us one with the Lord. His work is that we “become a witness of Jesus life in us’ not do witnessing.
As Jesus spoke to Philip he said, “If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.” That is what the initial baptism of the Spirit has come to do and still is doing in those who receive it.
In the church age people are caught up about the “gifts of the spirit.” Are they for today? Did they die with the apostles?” Because the emphasis has been about power gifts, too many have missed the “real power of the baptism of the Holy Spirit’s. That power is to “prepare us to rule” with him.
The real baptism of the Holy Spirit is to work and reveal the life of Jesus in us and through us. It is to make us one with him that His life and his kingdom glory is manifest on the earth in and through our lives.
Just as the moon reflects the light of the sun, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit is to prepare us to rule and reign with Him so we reflect the light and glory of the Son of God as a witness of Jesus in the world.
We will be able to say to the Phillips in our generation, “If you see us, you see Jesus.”
Our testimony should be the following, we are doing only what Jesus would do if he were here. We are speaking only what he would say if he were here. We will say, “the things we are doing our not our works, but the works of Jesus who lives in us by the Holy Spirit.”
Beloved, God full grown sons and daughters will be the reflection of Jesus Christ as a corporate body of believers on the earth.
“Jesus said, ‘The works I do, you shall also do, because I go to the Father.’” John 14:12.
There is more:
Beloved, it is time to ask him every day, every moment, to fill us again with the fresh fire of the Holy Spirit. Yes, we already have it. Yet we are not to be drunk with wine, but be EVER FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT.
Ephesians: 5:18-19Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to reckless indiscretion. Instead, be filled with the Spirit. 19 Speak to one another with psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your hearts to the Lord,…
The Baptism of Fire comes to release the “new songs of deliverance” to be sung over us, our families, our churches, our cities and nation. Yes, the Holy Spirit fire is a singing fire. It is making melody in our hearts with the songs of the Lord to deliver us.
In Revelation chapter 5 the over-comers are not weeping, but they are singing a new song. This baptism of fire has released the bridal songs to be song through his full grown sons and daughters.
The song does not declare who they are but what they are, and that is what God is releasing on the earth through them.
Revelation 5: 8 And when He had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb (Christ), each one holding a harp and golden bowls full of fragrant incense, which are the prayers of the saints (God’s people).
9 And they sang a new song [of glorious redemption], saying,
“Worthy and deserving are You to take the scroll and to break its seals; for You were slain [sacrificed), and with Your blood You purchased people for God from every tribe and language and people and nation.
10 “You have made them to be a kingdom [of royal subjects] and priests to our God; and they will reign on the earth.”
Beloved, this baptism of the Holy Spirit with the finishing fire God has released is transforming us from being “prepared to rule with him” to now in reality begin to “rule and reign with him” on the earth as it is in heaven.
Are you experiencing this new fire? Are you being filled with the spirit of burning pure holy love?
John the Baptist spoke of this when speaking about Jesus, “I baptize you with water for repentance. But after me comes one who is more powerful than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry.
He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly clean out His threshing floor, and gather the wheat into His barn; but the chaff He will burn with unquenchable fire.” Luke 3:16-17.
Beloved, there is a two part baptism of the Holy Spirit. The initial baptism that has come to “prepare us to rule and reign with him. In that process he comes like a refiner’s fire and fuller soap as found in Malachi 3.
Yet, on the third day there is an additional outpouring of the Holy Spirit that still refines and purifies us but in addition to it we receive an intense deeper outpouring or a Baptism of Fire.
That work of the Holy Spirit is to complete us and bring us to “rule” with him now upon the earth.
The initial baptism of the Holy Spirit outpouring was to “prepare us to rule and reign with him. But now on the third day, he has released an additional element of Fire.
That fire is to complete us. That fire is to lift us to be seated with him in heavenly places. That fire will finish the refining process with the spirit of burning.
Isaiah 4 speaks of this refined remnant and their end time place with the Lord.
“2 In that day the Branch of the Lord will be splendid and glorious, and the fruit of the land will be excellent and lovely to those of Israel who have survived. 3 It will come to pass that he who is left in Zion and remains in Jerusalem will be called holy (set apart for God)—everyone who is recorded for [eternal] life in Jerusalem.
4 When the Lord has washed away the [moral] filth of the daughters of Zion and has cleansed the bloodstains of Jerusalem from her midst, by the spirit of judgment and by the spirit of burning,
5 then the Lord will create over the entire site of Mount Zion and over her assemblies, a cloud by day, smoke, and the brightness of a flaming fire by night; for over all the glory and brilliance will be a canopy [a defense, a covering of His divine love and protection]. 6 And there will be a pavilion for shade from the heat by day, and a refuge and a shelter from the storm and the rain.”
Beloved this fire, the spirit of burning will bring the man-child immediately to be positioned in the heavenly place to rule in the air where the enemy possessed.
In that air are two things, the spirit of accusation from the enemy and the spirit of intercession of Jesus. When the man-child is lifted up into that place, the child enters in with the baptism of fire and burning that lifted them up out of the natural into the spiritual.
When this happens a war breaks out in the “air”. The spiritual place Satan stole from Adam that allowed him to rule over the earth in wickedness is removed. Satan is cast down to where Adam was “with the cursed ground”
The man-child is lifted up to his rightful place in the air to rule and reign with Jesus upon the earth. The accuser of the brethren who accused us day and night before the Lord no longer has that place.
The full grown sons and daughters now have that place by the spirit of burning that has finished them to be holy to the Lord. Now they are positioned to rule and reign with him in that pure holy fire.
The full work of the Baptism of the Holy Spirit, (that prepared them to rule) along with the Baptism of fire,(has finished them) to rule and reign with him upon the earth.
Today, let us ask the Holy Spirit for a fresh infilling of His spirit to not only prepare us, but to send his fire of that baptism as well to finish us to “rule” with him now upon the earth as full grown sons and daughters.
Henry Falcone