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[ 525 ] “Gods Fields of Dreams are Being Planted Again in the Earth for Men to Give Them Birth”

danieell 2019. 2. 12. 12:29

출         처       :       http://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/

In The Image Of His Glory Ministries

“Gods Fields of Dreams are Being Planted Again in the Earth for Men to Give Them Birth”

"꿈들로 된 하나님의 밭, 땅(지구)에 다시금 사람들을 낳을 목적으로 그들이 옮겨 심겨지고 있다"

Posted: 10 Feb 2019 12:51 PM PST

“Gods Fields of Dreams are Being Planted Again in the Earth for Men to Give Them Birth”

" 꿈들로 된 하나님이 밭, 땅(지구)에 다시금 사람들을 낳을 목적으로 그들이 옮겨 심겨지고  있다"

In the vision, I saw cities and regions laid out like a map and I saw little clouds pass over the map and begin to rain on certain cities and regions. As I watched, I noticed the rain was golden and when it hit the cities, I heard shouting and laughing coming from within their areas. I wanted to see what was happening, and I asked, “Lord, what is happening there with the rain?”

" 그 환상 속에서, 나는 도시들과 지역들이,,하나의 지도처럼 펼쳐져 있는 것을 보았는데, 나는 작은 구름들이 그 지도 위쪽으로 옮겨 드리워지면서, 특정 도시들과 지역들 위에 비가 내리는 것을 볼 수 있었습니다. 내가 지켜보는 중에,, 나는 그 비가 황금으로 된 것을 알수 있었고, 그것이 그 도시들에 떨어졌을 때,, 나는 그러한 지역들 안쪽으로부터 외치는 아우성과 웃음소리가 나오는 것을 들었습니다. 나는 무슨일이 일어나고 있는지 보고싶었고,,그래서 물었습니다,," 주님, 저기 그 비 내린 곳에 무슨일이 일어나고 있는 것입니까 ? "

An angel came and said, “Sue, that is not rain. Those cities and regions that you see that are being highlighted to you, are the seedbeds for Gods Field of Dreams. The clouds are not releasing rain like you think. That is not rain. It is the anointing that is impregnated or full of Gods Dreams, Desires, and Thoughts towards them down there. God is planting entire Fields of His Dreams in the earth again.”
“The Father has desired for whole cities, regions, and even nations to inquire of Him, to look for Him, and to cry out to Him for more of Him, and for His wisdom on how to begin. He is now moving in response to those who do cry out, and His heart is moved towards them, and He is releasing fresh dreams, visions, thoughts, and desires to those whose hearts have been prepared by Him. Come, let’s see what is happening.”

한 천사(An angel)가 와서 말했습니다, " 수(수전의 애칭), 그건 비가 아니다. 너가 보는 그 밝아보이는 그러한 도시들과 지역들은,하나님의 꿈들을 이뤄줄 밭(들)에 옮겨심게 될 모종판들이다. 그 구름들은 너가 생각하는 것 처럼 비를 내려주고 있는 것이 아니다. 그것은 비가 아니다. 그것은 투입되(스며드,수정되)는 기름부음이다,, 그기 아래의 그들을 향해 쏟아지는 하나님의 꿈들, 하나님의 욕구들, 하나님의 생각들이다. 하나님이 다시금 전체 들판에 그분의 꿈들을 심고 있다."
"아버지가 심히도 바랐었다,, 전체 도시들과 지역들,, 심지어 나라들이 그분께 묻기를, 그분을 기대하며, 그분에게 외쳐 구하길,,더 그분을 구하며, 어떻게 시작할지를 두고 그분의 지혜 구하길. 그분이 이제 정령코 외쳐 구하는자들에게 응답하므로 움직이고 있다, 그리고 그분의 마음이 그들을 향해 움직여져서, 그분이 새로운 꿈들, 환상들, 생각들, 욕구들을 그들 마음이 그분을 향해 준비된 자들에게 내리고(풀어놓고) 있다. 자, 가서 보자,, 어떤 일이 일어나고 있는지.."

Suddenly, the map came to life. I could see living cities right before me. I realized that indeed the rain was not rain, cause I saw the clouds releasing golden sacs full of golden seeds and the seeds were being implanted within the hearts and minds of His people who dwelt there. It was amazing! As I watched, I saw fresh hope and inspiration, illumination, creative ideas, and understandings begin to fill them with brighter light within them. The angel nodded at my thoughts. He pointed and said, “Look over there.”
I looked over where He was pointing, and I realized that it was my city. It was Rochester! The angel smiled and said, “Sue, your city is one of the cities that is going to be a Seedbed for Gods Field of Dreams. Your city has lost its hope, its purpose, and its vision for the future, and when this happens you make wrong choices and decisions that will rob its destiny till there is only a shell of what God intended left. The Father has released His Golden Seeds into the atmosphere, and into the soil of the hearts and minds of those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, and who are crying out to know His Ways and to walk in them. That is why you are here.” 

돌연, 그 지도가 생명을 받은 것 같았습니다. 나는 바로 내 앞쪽으로 살아있는 도시들을 볼수 있었습니다. 나는 알아채게 되었습니다,,확실히 그 비가 (단순)비가 아니였단 것을, 왜냐함 나는 그 구름들이 황금 씨앗들이 가득든 황금 포대(포자,낭)들을 내리고 있는 것을 보았고, 그 씨(앗)들이 그기 거주한 그분의 백성들 그 마음들과 정신들 안쪽으로 옮겨 심겨지고 있는것을 보았기 때문입니다.. 그것은 놀라움 자체였습니다!  내가 지켜보는 동안, 나는 알게 되었습니다,, 신선한 소망(희망)과 영감, 깨달음, 창조적 생각, 이해함이 더 밝은 빛 비추임과 더불어 그들 안쪽을 채우기 시작하는 것을. 그 천사가 내 생각을 알아채곤 고개를 끄덕였습니다. 그가 손을 가르키곤 말했습니다, " 저길 봐라." 나는 그가 가르키고 있는 곳을 내다 봤습니다, 그리고 나는 깨달았습니다, 그게 내가 사는 도시란 것을. 그 곳은 로체스트(Rochester)였습니다! 그 천사가 빙그레 미소를 짓곤 말했습니다," 수, 너의 도시는 하나님의 꿈들로 된 들판에 옮겨 심을 모종(모판:Seedbed)을 키우는 도시들 중의 하나가 될 것이다. 너의 도시는 미래에 있을 그(것)의 소망, 그것의 목적, 그것의 비젼을 상실해 버렸었다, 그리고 이런 일이 일어날 때,,너(희)는 정해졌던 바 (예정된)나갈 길을 강탈해 가는 잘못된 선택들과 결정들을 한다,,, 오직 하나님이 의도했던 것의 껍데기만 남아버리기 까지. 아버지가 그분의 황금씨들을 그 대기(공중)속으로, 그리고 마음들과 정신들의 그 토양(흙)속으로 풀어놓았다(내렸다),, 의(로움)에 목마르고 배고픈(굶주린)자들을 위해, 그리고 그분의 길들을 알므로서,, 그 길들속으로 걷고자 부르짖는 자들을 위해. 그래서 너가 여기 있는 것이다."

(다음에서 계속,,, 번역하는 다니엘입니다,, 여러분,, 아시는 분은 아실 것입니다,, 이런 말씀들 아주  아주 중요합니다,, 주님의 오심과 관련하여,,, 그리고 대응의 지식의 중요성도,,, 저 다니엘이 오랫동안,, 대응이 무엇인지는 여러분 반복해 올렸더랬습니다.)

“It is time to understand more of Gods plan that is now at hand. You know that God wants to restore men’s trust in Him, but also in each other. When you begin to trust again, then hope comes and when you cultivate hope in your heart it will give birth to faith, which will then break forth into fresh life, inspiration, revelation, and vision for your future. The Father wants you to live. His purpose for your city has not yet been fulfilled. You are His vessels that dwell here. He is going to release fresh inspirations, dreams, visions, and creative innovations to give birth to new vitality and productivity within the Body of Christ here. It is time to dream with God again. Come, lets go see!”
Suddenly, the map again expanded before us and we were now standing in the city. I saw the little clouds dropping the golden sacs full of seeds. I saw multitudes of angels who were everywhere take those seeds and begin to drop them into the paths of people’s lives and they would step right into them. I saw other seeds go right into people as they were sleeping and they would begin to dream God dreams. I saw one woman wake up from her bed smiling and laughing, and shouting “Glory!” I saw some seeds fall into people’s hands and people would receive a creative idea and they suddenly knew how to make it. It was like an explosion of light went right in them. I saw one man that this happened to suddenly smile, and heard him say, “I get it! I get it! I can do this!” and he ran down the street.
I saw more seeds fall everywhere. They fell in churches, in businesses, in schools, in dorms, in shelters, in hospitals, everywhere people were. As I watched, I saw a very bright light that got my attention and I turned to see what happened. I walked down the streets to see the bright light. I saw a homeless man that was sleeping in a cardboard box, but I saw that the man came out of the box full of light. one of the seeds had fell on this man and he had received fresh hope and understanding, and when it burst within him he also got a vision of his future and he got up and left his box. He was so full of light!
The angel said, “This is what it is all about Sue. God knows everyone’s struggles, their fears, their hopes and dreams that they struggle with. When men take their eyes off of God and put theirs eyes on themselves, and they will see their own failures and weaknesses. They then set in motion events that do not have Gods leadership in it. So instead of seeing His wisdom and strength to accomplish daily life, they lose hope, faith, and vision, and many give up and quit. God wants to restore hope, faith and vision again. He wants them to turn to Him and look at Him. Lets go look at your field.”
Again, the city drew backwards and suddenly we were standing at the edge of a huge field. It had been cultivated, furrowed, and made ready. The clouds came and hovered over the field, and began to release the golden sacs full of golden seeds. The seeds fell right into those furrows and angels came and gently covered each one and watched over them with love and care. I watched as they began to spring up quickly and send out shoots and blossom, and I realized it was a whole field of trees! Young trees, that were quickly spreading out their foliage and strength. Soon the whole field was full of great majestic trees with golden leaves.
Then I saw a wind come and began to blow upon the field, and the trees swayed in the wind. The trees branches brushed each other, and some leaves dropped and the wind would blow the leaves out from the field to other places. Other trees dropped seeds as the wind blew them, and those seeds lifted up and were carried by the winds to other places. The angel smiled, and said, “It has begun. This is going to be so very good for all of you. As you each revive and come alive, others will too. It starts with you. one gives hope to another. one inspires another. one gives faith to another. one stirs up gifts within the other. Fresh pollination and cross-pollination has already begun, but you must allow God to lift you up and take you where He wants to, and let Him work the future out His way. Let the winds of change carry you to into the fullness of His plans for each of you. The Field of Gods dreams has begun for all of you who will yield in His field, and when you do, you will produce the fullness of His yield.”
“You must understand that the Harvest has begun, but there are not enough harvesters to run, so a great release has begun to inspire this generation by revelation to dream of God thoughts, plans, and purposes again. When men desire Gods thoughts above their own, the seeds will burst within them. When men chose Gods ways above their own, then you will be lifted up and blown by the Winds of Change into new fields of possibilities that will give birth to His eternal purposes for you. Seek His Face, and do not look at things through yours, see what truly lies ahead, and see the fresh that is waiting for you, and step into them with Him, for the Father is ready to sow His fields. He has already begun, but you are to write this vision, for many will receive Heavens plans, and believe their dreams and visions again, and not just quickly toss them aside as foolishness, but if they will seek the Father for understanding He will illuminate them, and they will find themselves birthing the new. It is time. The fields are ready. The quality of your field will be determined by how much you yield. Abandon your selves to Him, and let the Father flood you with His Wisdom and you will see how wise He truly is in the midst of thee!”
The angel then turned to me, and dropped a small golden sac full of seeds into my hand. He said, “These are for you Sue. There are many more plans that Heaven has for you and we have waited for this time expectantly, when you would also step into the greater fields of men that lie across the earth. Life is being sown into your generation, and those who choose that life and those who will fully walk in it, shall become full-grown and shall spread His life wherever they are sent. You are responsible for what you sow. Sow only what He gives to you. Give to others what He shows you and says to you. Do not add to it or take away, for the Father is precise in what He wants to do and to say. You don’t have to understand it all, just give His heart unto men. Be faithful with your measure. Inspire His people with these seeds. His future plans and purposes are waiting to break forth among you all anew. Tend them with Him, and watch what shall shortly begin!
The Rain, the Word, the Thoughts of God towards man:
Isaiah 45:8 Let fall in showers, you heavens, from above, and let the skies rain down righteousness [the pure, spiritual, heaven-born possibilities that have their foundation in the holy being of God]; let the earth open, and let them [skies and earth] sprout forth salvation, and let righteousness germinate and spring up [as plants do] together; I the Lord have created it.
Isaiah 55:8 For My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways My ways, says the Lord. 9 For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts. 10 For as the rain and snow come down from the heavens, and return not there again, but water the earth and make it bring forth and sprout, that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater,11 So shall My word be that goes forth out of My mouth: it shall not return to Me void [without producing any effect, useless], but it shall accomplish that which I please and purpose, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it.
Joel 2:27 And you shall know, understand, and realize that I am in the midst of Israel and that I the Lord am your God and there is none else. My people shall never be put to shame. 28 And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions. 29 Even upon the menservants and upon the maidservants in those days will I pour out My Spirit.
Acts 2:16 But [instead] this is [the beginning of] what was spoken through the prophet Joel: 17 And it shall come to pass in the last days, God declares, that I will pour out of My Spirit upon all mankind, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels] and your young men shall see visions (divinely granted appearances), and your old men shall dream [divinely suggested] dreams. 18 Yes, and on My menservants also and on My maidservants in those days I will pour out of My Spirit, and they shall prophesy [telling forth the divine counsels and [predicting future events pertaining especially to God’s kingdom].
1 Corinthians 2:16 For who has known or understood the mind (the counsels and purposes) of the Lord so as to guide and instruct Him and give Him knowledge? But we have the mind of Christ (the Messiah) and do hold the thoughts (feelings and purposes) of His heart.
Genesis 16:7 But the Angel of the Lord found her by a spring of water in the wilderness on the road to Shur. 8 And He said, Hagar, Sarai’s maid, where did you come from, and where are you intending to go? And she said, I am running away from my mistress Sarai. 9 The Angel of the Lord said to her, Go back to your mistress and [humbly] submit to her control. 10 Also the Angel of the Lord said to her, I will multiply your descendants exceedingly, so that they shall not be numbered for multitude. 11 And the Angel of the Lord continued, See now, you are with child and shall bear a son, and shall call his name Ishmael [God hears], because the Lord has heard and paid attention to your affliction. 12 And he [Ishmael] will be as a wild ass among men; his hand will be against every man and every man’s hand against him, and he will live to the east and on the borders of all his kinsmen. 13 So she called the name of the Lord Who spoke to her, You are a God of seeing, for she said, Have I [not] even here [in the wilderness] looked upon Him Who sees me [and lived]? Or have I here also seen [the future purposes or designs of] Him Who sees me? 14 Therefore the well was called Beer-lahai-roi [A well to the Living one Who sees me]; it is between Kadesh and Bered.
Jeremiah 29:10 For thus says the Lord, When seventy years are completed for Babylon, I will visit you and keep My good promise to you, causing you to return to this place. 11 For I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, says the Lord, thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil, to give you hope in your final outcome. 12 Then you will call upon Me, and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear and heed you. 13 Then you will seek Me, inquire for, and require Me [as a vital necessity] and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you, says the Lord, and I will release you from captivity and gather you from all the nations and all the places to which I have driven you, says the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to be carried away captive.
-        Susan O’Marra
-        - 02-10-19