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[ 532-2 ] Heavenly Encounters with the Storehouse of the Glory Outpouring – 02-25-19 (수정 및 교정 )

danieell 2019. 3. 2. 17:51

출          처        :          http://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/

*  번역하는 다니엘입니다,, 아이고,, 오늘 날이 바뀌어 와서 다시 읽어보니,,, 오타가 많았습니다,, 약간 다르게 이해될 수 있는 부분도 있어,, 수정을 했습니다,,, 여러분,, 이런 계시(revelation : 드러내 보임)를 정확히 이해하는 것이 중요합니다,,, 신학이란 그것이 그반 엉터리에 가깝다는 것을 이것을 이해해야,, 그기서 빠져 나올 수 있습니다... 제가 일일히 설명할 시간도 없고,, 설명할 수도 없습니다. 아무쪼록,, 주님의 빛 비추임이 여러분 각자에게 있길 소원합니다.

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Heavenly Encounters with the Storehouse of the Glory Outpouring – 02-25-19                           하늘(천상)에의 영광 저장 창고의 쏟아부어짐 조우 - 2019-02-25

Heavenly Encounters with the Storehouse of the Glory Outpouring – 02-25-19   
     하늘(천상)에의 영광 저장 창고의 쏟아부어짐 조우- 2019-02-25

Vision encounter #1 - 02-25-19: 환상 조우 날짜 1 번째 - 2019-2-25

I was greeted by two angels who were standing at the beginning of a garden like path. They were very excited to see me and they eagerly grabbed my hands and said, “Come, Sue, we have things to show you!” I was pulled along by them chattering and I could feel their excitement growing even more as we walked. We turned a corner and suddenly we came to an astounding sight. In front of us was the biggest waterfall I have ever seen. It was so massive and powerful that my senses were reeling. The sounds that came from the power that the waterfall created were deafening to me. We were a short distance away, but everything in heaven is so much more impacting than things on the earth. The angels were grinning at me, nodding at my reaction.

나는, 길이 나 있는 정원(동산)의 시작지점에 서 있는 두 천사로부터 인사를 받았습니다. 그들은 아주 흥분한채 나를 보고는 내 두손을 꼭 쥐어잡고 말했습니다," 와요 수, 우리가 당신께 보여줄것들이 있어요! " 나는 소곤거리듯 말하는 그들에 이끌이었는데,, 나는 느낄 수가 있었습니다,, 그들의 흥분됨이,, 우리가 걸어가며 따라 훨씬 더 크져가고 있는것을. 우리는 모퉁이를 돌았는데,, 갑자기 우리는 한 놀라운 광경에 부딛쳤습니다. 우리 앞쪽으로 내가 여지껏 봐왔던 가장  큰 폭포가 있었습니다. 그것은 너무도 거대했고,, 강력했습니다,,, 내 감각이 현기증을 느낄정도의. 그 폭포가 만들어 낸  강력함에서 나온 소리들이 내 귀를 먹게 할 정도였습니다. 그 천사둘은 내 반응앞에 고개를 끄덕이며, 벙긋이 웃고 있었습니다.

Come Sue, there’s more here than what you see. We are here to give you more understanding of the things that you on the earth will be growing up into!” The angel to my left then said, “What you see here is coming from the Storehouse that opened two years ago as you measure time on the earth. This waterfall is the Glory that has been flowing and it is growing. Not many understand the Seasons and the timings of things the Father is doing, so you are here to know so you all can accelerate what has been released and also move deeper into His Glory flow.”

" 가요  수( Sue:수전의 애칭), 여긴 너가 보는 것 보다 더 한 것이 있어. 우리는 네게 당신이 땅에서 더욱 그 속으로 자라가고 있는 일들을 이해 시키기 위해 여기왔어요! "  그때 내 왼편의 천사가 말했습니다, " 여기서 당신이 보는 것은 당신 땅의 시간으로 보면,, 2 년전에 열린 그 저장창고로부터 나오고 있는 것입니다. 이 폭포는 흘러나오고 있었던,,크져가고 있는 그 영광입니다. . 많은 자들이 아버지가 하고 있는 일들의 그 시기(계절)와 시간대를 이해하는 것은 아닙니다, 그래서 당신이 이해하여 알도록 여기 있는 것입니다,,그래서 당신들 모두가 풀어진 것에 가속도를 더하고 또한 그분 영광의 흐름속으로 더 깊이 들어가도록."
“This is what you are currently moving in right now on the earth, but this is not the fullness of what has been given birth. Many want to move in the Glory but they do not understand that this is the Lord of Glory moving into the earth to bring forth the Harvest birth. HE is the Glory! His love is so great, and it shall flood the earth. You are just at the beginning of the overflows and the coming floods of His Spirit. It is so great that it will shake the earth, and it already is, but you must understand that it has been released in stages so far to give you all time to acclimate and to cooperate. There must be a greater union for the full measure of His Glory to come.”

 " 이것은 당신이 현재 바로 지금 땅에서 움직이고(운행하고) 있는 것이에요, 하지만 이게 태어난 것의 전부는 아니에요. 많은 자들이 영광안에서 움직이길 원하나, 그들은 이것이 땅속으로의 주님 영광의 움직임(운행하심), 곧 그 추수시작을 일으키는 것이란 것을 이해치 못해요. 그분이 그 영광입니다! 그분 사랑은 너무 크요, 그것이 땅을 엄몰해 버릴 것입니다. 당신들은 바로 그 넘쳐 흐름, 그 오는 그분 영의 엄몰(덮침)의 시작점에 있습니다. 그것은 너무 거대해서,, 땅을 뒤 흔들 것입니다, 그것은 이미 와 있고, 하지만 당신들은 이해 해야 합니다,, 그것이 지금껏 단계별로 풀어지므로서,, 당신들 모두에게 적응하며,, 협력하도록 시간을 주어왔단 것을. 그분 영광의 충만한 것이 오도록 더 큰 하나됨이 있어야 합니다."

The angel on my right then said, “Come Sue, we can better show this to you over here. Lets go explore. Lets go see what is behind the waterfall.” I looked to where he was pointing, and saw that there was a tunnel that went underneath. I followed them as they led the way in front of me. Sure enough, as we drew closer, I saw that it was not a tunnel, but it was actually a hidden observatory. As we entered, there was a room with others standing in there watching the waterfall from behind the glass. Some were talking, others were just watching. You could hear the waterfall as it pounded right in front of us. The water was flowing it was like a continuous sheet of water.
The angels nodded, “You are correct! This is the immeasurable ceaseless supply of Christ Himself. He is your life, and all that you need, or all that you ever will be. He is to flow within you continually just like what you see. He is your strength and your liberty. When He sets you free, you are truly free. What you see here in this observatory, is a picture of where you the church are at in the knowledge of Him. Most only stand and observe Him, and never truly let Him fill them with Him. Most only partake portions of Him like a meal, but never allow Him to fully flow. You watch from a distance, and acknowledge Him, but withhold part of yourself to stay in control. This has to change! Come, lets enter into Him!”

그때 내 오른편의 천사가 말했습니다, " 가요 수, 우리가 더 좋은것을 저기서 보여줄수 있게요. 가서 알아봅시다. 가서 폭포 뒤쪽으로 있는 것을 봅시다." 나는 그가 가리키고 있는 곳을 바라봤고, 그리곤 봤습니다,, 한 터늘이,, 아래쪽으로 나 있는,,것이었습니다. 나는 그들을 따랐습니다,, 그들은 내 앞쪽에서 그 길을 이끌었습니다. 우리가 충분히,, 다가갔을 때에, 나는 그것이 터늘이 아니라, 대신 사실상,, 하나의 숨겨진 전망대(관측소)였단 것을 보게 되었습니다. 우리가 들어갔을 때,, 그기 안쪽으로 다른이들이  서 있는 방 같은 공간 하나가 있어,, 유리 저편으로부터 그 폭포를 지켜보고 있었습니다.. 어떤이는 얘기를 하고 있었고, 어떤이들은  그냥 지켜보고 있었습니다. 사람들은 그 폭포가 바로 우리 앞쪽에서 솟구쳐 오를때의 그 소리를 들을 수 있었습니다. 그 물이 흐르고 있었는데,, 계속적으로,, 흘러,, 넓게 펼쳐졌습니다. 그 천사는 고개를 끄덕였고,  " 맞아요 ! 이것은 그리스도 그분 자신의 끝없는 중단없는 공급입니다(the immeasurable ceaseless supply of Christ Himself). 그분이 당신의 생명입니다, 당신이 필요한 전부, 혹은 당신이 영원히 존재하게 될 전부. 그분이 당신 안쪽에서 계속적으로 흐를 것입니다,,바로 당신이 보는 것 처럼. 그분이 당신의 강함이고 당신의 해방입니다. 그분이 당신을 자유게 할때, 당신은 진정으로 자유합니다. 여기 이 전망대에서 당신이 보는 것은,, 당신 교회가 그분을 아는 지식으로 위치한 지점의,, 한 (생생한)사진입니다. 대부분은 단지 선채로 쳐다볼 뿐, 결코 진정으로 그분을 그들 자신으로 채워 넣으려 하지 않습니다. 대부분은 단지 식사처럼 때때로 그분에 참여할 뿐, 결코 그분으로 충만히 흐르게 하지는 않습니다. 당신(들)은 멀지감치에서 지켜보곤 인정할 뿐, 당신 자신의 일부는 여전히 억눌러,, 통제상태하로 둡니다. 이것이 바뀌어야 합니다! 자요, 그분 안쪽으로 들어갑시다 ! "

With that, the angel stepped forwards and walked right through the glass into the roaring waterfall. I realized that it was not glass at all, but an invisible barrier of sorts. You could not feel the spray from the waterfall while in the observatory, but there really was no glass. It was a picture of a different dimension of the knowledge of Christ right in front of us the whole time. I followed the angels into the waterfall. It was overpowering to say the least. The roar of the water and the pounding of the water was overwhelming, yet I did not get wet. The angels grabbed my hands and continued to grin, as I was taking all of this in. 

그 말과 더불어, 천사가 앞쪽으로 발을 내 디뎠고, 바로 그 유리를 통과,, 표호하듯,,쿵쿵거리는 폭포속으로 걸어들어갔습니다. 나는 깨달았습니다,,그것이 전혀 유리가 아니란 것을, 대신 다소간,, 어떤 보이지 않는 장벽(장애물)같은 것임을. 우리는 그 관측소(전망대) 안쪽에 있는동안 폭포에서 날아드는 분무 안개도 느낄 수가 없었고, 실재 유리도 전혀 없었습니다. 그것은  그 온 시간 바로 우리 앞쪽으로 있는 그리스도에 관한 지식의 또 다른 차원으로 된 한 생생한 모습(사진)이었습니다. 나는 그 천사들을 따라 그 폭포속으로 들어갔습니다. 그것은 최소한으로 말해도,, 압도적이었습니다. 그 물의 표효와 그 물의 튀어 오르는 소리는 굉장했는데, 하지만 나는 젖지가 않았습니다. 그 천사들이 내 두 손을 꼭 쥐었고, 계속해서 벙긋이 웃었습니다,, 내가 이 모든 것을 속으로 받아 들이고 있는 동안.

The angel said, “This is also a picture of where you the church is currently at down below. You are standing within the very release that you all are longing for, but the reality of who He truly is like this waterfall depicts, has not been fully awakened within you all so you can flow. That’s what you are here to know. It is time for the fuller measure to be unlocked from within, so you all can fully reveal the Glory of the knowledge of Him!” The angel then pointed to the water flowing all around us. “You have a picture of this in your land. Niagara Falls is a sign to your generation, and it shall be even unto the end. There is more to walking with Christ and in Christ than you are all currently walking in. When He is truly your deepest treasure, then you will burst forth with His full measure.”

그 천사가 말했습니다, " 이것은 또한 당신 교회가 그기 아래쪽에서 위치한 상태의 정확한 한 모습입니다. 당신은, 당신들 모두가 간절히 바라고 있는 바로 그 풀어짐 안쪽에 서 있습니다, 하지만 그분이 진정코 누구인지, 이 폭포가 정밀히 보이는 것, 그래서 당신들로 흐를수 있도록 해주는 것의 실상을 당신들 모두는 충분히 알아차리지 못한 상태였습니다. 그래서 당신으로 여기서 알게 하려는 것입니다.  안쪽으로부터 더 충만한 규모로 풀어질 시간이 되었습니다, 그래서 당신들 모두가 충만히 그분 영광의 지식을 드러내 보일 수 있도록 ! " 그때 그 천사가 우리 둘레로 흐르는 그 물을 가리켰습니다. " 당신은 당신의 지면에 이것과 같은 한 생생한 모습(사진)이 있습니다. 나이아가라 폭포는 당신 세대의 한 징조입니다, 그것은 정령코 끝까지 그러할 것입니다. 당신(들) 모두가 지금 현재 걷고 있는 것보다  그리스도와 함께,, 그리스도 안에서 더 깊이 걸을 것들이 있습니다. 그분이 진정코 당신의 가장 깊은곳의 보물이 될때, 그때 당신은 그분을 충만한 규모로 폭발해 낼 것입니다. "

The angel then said, “Your generation has entered into the Season of the full knowledge of Him. The Harvest is ready, but the harvesters are not yet enough, and those that are the harvesters must quickly bring the new ones to come into the true! There is much to do! You cannot do anything in your own strength, but you must flow within His! It is time to open fully up to Him, and let Him have His way. Let Him come how He truly is and in who He is! Here is an example. Sue, see this waterfall not flowing all around you, but let it come through you.”

그때 그 천사가 말했습니다, " 당신세대는 그분을 충만히 아는 지식의 계절(시기)속으로 들어갔습니다. 그 추수는 준비가 되었는데, 하지만 그 추수군들이 아직 충분치가 않습니다, 그 추수군된 자들이  신속히 새로운 자들을 그 진리된 것 속으로 들어오도록 데려오지 않음 안됩니다! 할일이 많습니다! 당신들은 당신 자신들 힘으론 그 어떤것도 할 수가 없습니다, 대신 당신들은 그분의 것 안쪽에서 흘러야 합니다! 그분에게로 충만히 완전히 열릴 시간입니다, 그분으로 그분의 길을 갖게 하십시오. 그분으로 진정 그분의 방식으로 오게 아십시오, 안쪽의 그분이 누구신지! 여기 한 예가 있습니다. 수, 이 폭포가 당신 온 주변으론 흐르지 않는걸 보십시오 , 그것이 당신을 통과해서 흐르게 하십시오. "

As he said that, I instantly expanded and the waterfall was in me, and flowing through me. I could see it all and feel it all within me. The force was incredible yet was not destructive. The angel nodded in satisfaction. I looked around, and the waterfall was still flowing around me, but also through me. I realized then, that we were one. The angels then laughed! “Yes! This is what you are to know! Its time for the church to know! Christ is the flow, both around you and within you! You are one! There is no difference! The same power that is resident within Christ is also resident within you. You all haven’t woke up to the fact yet in your day. Many are still outsiders observing a reality that is not yet revealed to them and in them.”

그가 그렇게 말했을때,, 나는 즉각적으로 확대되었고, 그 폭포물이 내 안쪽에 있어,, 나를 통과해 흘렀습니다. 나는 그것 전부를 볼수가 있었고, 내 안쪽의 그것 전부를 느낄수가 있었습니다. 그 세기(힘)은  믿을수가 없었는데, 하지만 부숴놓지는 않았습니다. 그 천사는 만족스러운듯 고갤 끄덕였습니다. 나는 둘러봤습니다, 그 폭포는 여적힌 내 둘레로 흐르고 있었습니다, 또한 내 속을 통과해서도. 난 그때 깨달았습니다,, 우리가 하나였단 것을. 그때 그 천사가 웃음을 터뜨렸습니다!  " 그래요! 이것이 당신이 알것이어요! 교회가 알 시간이 되었습니다! 그리스도가 그 흐름입니다, 당신 둘레에서 당신 안쪽에서 양쪽으로! 당신은 하나입니다!  차이(다른것)이 없어요! 그리스도 안쪽에 거하는 그 동일한 능력(힘)이 또한 당신 안쪽에 거해요. 당신들 모두는 아직 당신 날에 그 사실에까지 깨어나지 않았어요. 많은 자들이 여전히 바깥쪽에 선채로,, 아직 그들에게,, 그들 안쪽에서 드러나지 않은 한 실재를 쳐다보고 있을 뿐인."

“You are not waiting for the Glory to come and burst upon you like this here. He is already present among you and in you to flow like this. He is the past Glory, and He is the coming Glory. He is the Eternal Glory. He is preparing you for the acceleration of His revelation, to bring activation to your present station. This is why you are here to understand the timings of those releases to move you from where you currently are, and into the fullness of His purposes for you and through you. As we said, the storehouse opened two years ago. It has taken two years for the reality of the shift to awaken you and to challenge you all to believe and to mobilize, and to come together as His corporate Body on the earth. You all together will express this birth in order to harvest the earth. He is the Lord of the Harvest, and He is coming! It has begun!”

" 당신들은 오는 그 영광이 여기서 이처럼 당신들 위로 터지는 것을 기다리고 있는것이 아닙니다. 그분은 이미 당신들 가운데,, 당신들 안쪽에 현존하고 있어,, 이와같이 흐릅니다. 그분이 과거의 그 영광입니다, 그분이 오고 있는 그 영광입니다. 그분이 영원한 그 영광입니다. 그분은 당신들을 준비시키고 있어요,, 그분 드러냄의 가속을 위해, 당신들의 현 위치(자리)에 활성화를 유발시키기 위해. 이것이 당신이 여기 있는 이유여요,, 당신들을 현재 당신들이 위치한 자리로부터,, 움직이도록,, 하는 저라한 풀어짐들이 시간대들을 이해토록 하기 위해 ,, 당신들을 향한,, 당신들을 통한  그분의 목적하심들 속으로 충만히 들어가도록. 우리가 말했던 것 처럼, 그 저장창고는 2 년전에 열렸습니다. 그 변화시키는 실재가 당신들을 일깨우고 당신들 모두를 고무시켜 믿고서, 땅위에서 그분 공동체의 몸으로서 함께 되어 움직이도록. 당신들 모두는 함께되어,, 땅을 추수하기 위한 이 탄생을 보여줄 것입니다. 그분이 그 추수의 주인이십니다,  그분은 가고 있습니다! 그 일은 시작되었습니다! "

다음에서 계속.......
“When the Storehouses open, the Seasons fully shift. You are just becoming aware of the changes in the earth. He is going to be fully revealed within those who are in union with Him. Heaven and earth are converging and will be merging in union as the reality of the coming Christ is fully embraced and embodied within your generation. He is going to not just abide in you, but He will live HIS life through you! Learn to live your life through His! He is and also shall be the great waterfall pouring through you, in HIS immeasurable, unlimited reality. That is what the world is going to see! Do not try to be one. It is time to know that Him and you are one! He is your life! Let Him be one within and truly His power shall flow greatly again!”
The angel then stepped back into the observatory and I followed. Jesus was standing there waiting for us. He had been waiting for the lesson to be given to be finished. He nodded to the angels and they left. Jesus was standing there watching the waterfall for a minute. He turned and looked at me, “Sue, this is indeed a picture for all of you. This is available for all who hunger and thirst for Me. It is for all generations to come into their full knowledge of Me. It has been our plan for all of eternity. It is time for men to desire to know Me again. Many want to walk with Me for a time, but eventually they leave me to follow their own dreams and desires. The path to walking with Me and to knowing Me is truly narrow and few there are that find it, and fewer are they that stay on it to the end. This must change.”
“Many want My gifts and power to operate in their life, but they truly do not want Me more. My gifts are an extension of who I am, and I will bless that which is embraced from Me, but I desire that men would desire Me over what I can give them or impart to them. Its like this observatory here. Many want to see the power, move in power, feel the Glory, and be used by Me, but few see the true reality that it is all coming from Me! It is a surface relationship and not flowing from the depths of the knowledge of union with Me. This is a new season, and I am coming to those who hunger and thirst, and who are crying out for Me. I shall be seen for who I truly am again. I am jealous over My people and over My harvest. I shall no longer be misrepresented for men’s fame or gain. If they are not in union with Me, then they will dry up internally. I am the root of the true life force of men! The world will again wonder at the reality of I AM!”

“I am moving in the earth. I shall break through every barrier that is hindering My true flow. No darkness, no wickedness, no man shall cover over themselves again. I am the Truth. I am the Way. I am the Life. I shall save. I shall deliver. I shall heal. I shall deal! Get ready to be enlarged with and by My Presence. Get ready to expand to the left and to the right, for I am going to open My peoples sight, and they will step into their divine rights. Your life is hidden within Me, but is also revealed through Me. You are the living epistles that men will see and through you all will men also comprehend My coming reality. You will fish for men with Me, with My unfolding Presence. I am currently washing over nations from sea to sea, and when I am done cleansing and preparing them, I will shake the nations thoroughly and mightily with the knowledge of My Glory. Do not fear. The Fear of Me shall sweep across this generation of man. The Seas will roar, the rains will pour, the winds will declare, that I am accelerating My Glory this year!”
Vision encounter #2 - 02-26-19:
I saw the flowing waterfall again as it cascaded down to the earth while sitting in my living room. I saw myriads of angels all dressed in festal clothing, adorned with flowers and jewels and all kinds of things in their hands. They were riding down the waterfall like a slide and they were laughing, rejoicing, and shouting, “He is coming! He is coming! He is coming through His People new in this hour! Prepare for great Glory and for great Power! Join yourselves to Him in this Hour! He is coming to live through His People again! This is the great Harvest of men!”

Ephesians 1:17 [For I always pray to] the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, that He may grant you a spirit of wisdom and revelation [of insight into mysteries and secrets] in the [deep and intimate] knowledge of Him, 18 By having the eyes of your heart flooded with light, so that you can know and understand the hope to which He has called you, and how rich is His glorious inheritance in the saints (His set-apart ones), 19 And [so that you can know and understand] what is the immeasurable and unlimited and surpassing greatness of His power in and for us who believe, as demonstrated in the working of His mighty strength, 20 Which He exerted in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His [own] right hand in the heavenly [places], 21 Far above all rule and authority and power and dominion and every name that is named [above every title that can be conferred], not only in this age and in this world, but also in the age and the world which are to come. 22 And He has put all things under His feet and has appointed Him the universal and supreme Head of the church [a headship exercised throughout the church], 23 Which is His body, the fullness of Him Who fills all in all [for in that body lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete, and Who fills everything everywhere with Himself].
Ephesians 2:6 And He raised us up together with Him and made us sit down together [giving us joint seating with Him] in the heavenly sphere [by virtue of our being] in Christ Jesus (the Messiah, the Anointed one). 7 He did this that He might clearly demonstrate through the ages to come the immeasurable (limitless, surpassing) riches of His free grace (His unmerited favor) in [His] kindness and goodness of heart toward us in Christ Jesus. 8 For it is by free grace (God’s unmerited favor) that you are saved (delivered from judgment and made partakers of Christ’s salvation) through [your] faith. And this [salvation] is not of yourselves [of your own doing, it came not through your own striving], but it is the gift of God;
Ephesians 6:10 In conclusion, be strong in the Lord [be empowered through your union with Him]; draw your strength from Him [that strength which His boundless might provides].
Habakkuk 2:14 But [the time is coming when] the earth shall be filled with the (experiential) knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
-        Susan O’Marra
-        02-28-19