전체 글 6513

Transpositioning ( 변화시키기 ) Feb. 26th, 2006 via Priscilla Van Sutphin

출처 : www.upstreamca.org Transpositioning Feb. 26th, 2006 via Priscilla Van Sutphin Function: noun Etymology: Medieval Latin transposition-, transpositio, from Latin transponere to transpose 1 : an act, process, or instance of transposing or being transposed Transpose: 1 : to change in form or nature : TRANSFORM 2 : to render into another language, style, or manner of expression : TRANSLATE ..

카테고리 없음 2006.03.08

Big Foot (일명 "사소카치" Sasquatch의 별칭 : ( 미국 북서부 산속에 산다는 사람같은 큰 짐승)

출처 : http://www.ft111.com/maryclar.htm Big Foot 3/3/06 I want to tell you something, beloved ? something that is bound to shock you, but I will tell you, nevertheless, because it is imperative that you hear the truth, and it is this: I am a God of the NOW! I have plans for you NOW! I want you to follow My lead, looking to Me to provide all that you will need in the coming days. I want you t..

카테고리 없음 2006.03.07

I take Full Responsibilities ( 내가 전적으로 책임을 진다 )

I take Full Responsibility March 1, 2006 I want you to know, beloved, that I take FULL responsibility for what I am about to do ? absolutely FULL responsibility. The world will look on My work in awe and wonder. They will see that the living God has shown Himself mighty upon the face of the earth. My dear children will be thrilled at My work. They will talk about it far and wide. They will be j..

카테고리 없음 2006.03.05