2023/11 15

[ 951 ] "We have the Grace to Live an Abundant Life - Through Christ Who is our Life" By Susan O'Marra

" 우리는 우리의 생명되신 그리스도를 통하므로서 - 풍성한 생명체를 가집니다 " "We have the Grace to Live an Abundant Life - Through Christ Who is our Life " "We have the Grace to Live an Abundant Life - Through Christ Who is our Life" "We have the Grace to Live an Abundant Life - Through Christ Who is our Life" John 10:9 I am the Door; anyone who enters in through Me wil... intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com 풍성한 생명( AB..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.29

[ 950 ] I heard a UNLOCKING of a double door and a RELEASE of ,, By Todd Bentley

2 d · I heard a UNLOCKING of a double door and a RELEASE of what was delayed in the Spirit. There are God angelic assignments in 2024 that are going to present themselves to you SUDDENLY that you have waited, endured and prayed into for years. 2024 will be a time of Supernatural open doors and open gates for the next steps of your destiny ! 나는 영안에서 잠겼던 큰 대문(두짝으로 된) 하나가 열려서 지체되어졌던 것이 풀어지는 소리를 들었습..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.26

[ 949 ] God is Clearing the Chessboard of the Old 11-25-23

",,, 지금부터 6시간 전,, 수전의 페이스 북 타임라인에 오른 메시지입니다. ,,, 다니엘 주 " ============================================================================= G O'Marra is in Penfield, NY, United States. Favourites · ·6h God is Clearing the Chessboard of the Old 11-25-23 하나님이 체스판에서 옛것들을 치우고 있습니다 2023-11-25 For the past two weeks, I have been seeing the Arm of the Lord sweeping across the Chessboards of the Old, clearin..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.26


Bob Blase · 4d HIS UNANTICIPATED GRACE TO REVEAL THE SONS OF GOD 하나님의 아들들을 드러내는 그 분이 주시는 예기(기대)치 않은 은혜 The archangel Raphael was explaining to me, “Much of the active faith of His church yearns for the anticipated harvest. This is well. But many have not anticipated an answer coming from Him from an unseen direction, and one they would not recognize, because it has come early and unexpected (Is...

카테고리 없음 2023.11.25

[ 947 ] Swimming Across Lake Ontario to Canada Dreams - 11-04-23

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... Swimming Across Lake Ontario to Canada Dreams- 11-04-23 온타리오 호수를 가로질러 케나다로 헤엄쳐 가기 - 2023-11-4 Swimming Across Lake Ontario to Canada Dreams - 11-04-23 온타리오 호수를 가로질러 케나다로 헤엄쳐 가기 - 2023-11- 4 Here's an interesting story. When we went back to Pittsburgh at the beginning of the November to be with Brian Schmigel, Lisa Bacha, and Garrett B..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.24

[ 946 ] “The Golden Seeds of the Father’s Words Given to Men–11-17-23"

Susan G O'Marra is in Penfield, NY, United States. Favourites · · “The Golden Seeds of the Father’s Words Given to Men–11-17-23" " 인간들에게 주어진 아버지 말씀의 황금 씨앗 - 2023-11-17 " In the vision, I am escorted by many angels to go to see the Father. I arrive and the Father is sitting in His study and I see his Glory Being shining in the chair He was sitting in and just his two hands of light were reaching ..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.18

[ 945 ] I saw an open heaven come in over America By Daniel Emerson

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · 4 h · Jubal Johnson 9h · I saw an open heaven come in over America and dispatch angelic assistance in the darkest places of this land. The Lord specifically told me that 2024 will be a year where the church and his angels will learn how to execute his mandates within the world. When you see things break out, know you are in the season of the greatest takeback history..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.15

[ 944 ] The Angel Justice: Lead Your Heart By Micah Turnbo

Micah Turnbo · 2d The Angel Justice: Lead Your Heart 정의의 천사 : 너(희)의 마음을 이끌어라 The angel Justice said, "The church is trying to figure out who the next leader is for your country, but God is looking for Holiness inside his house." The angel looked disturbed as his golden wings folded around his arms. His wings on his head gave a gentle arua of light. "Don't you understand? He is looking into his c..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.13

[ 943 ] 이거 올려야 되나 ?

Powerful!! 강력한!! Last night as my family and I were at church..the pastors wife asked to speak over the church. A spirit of heavy repentance fell on the church. As I stepped up to grab the micro phone...I walked in to perhaps the greatest spirit of intercession I ever felt. I began to weep..people began to fall on the floor weeping and crying out. 지난 밤, 내 가족과 내가 교회에 있었때 였는데... 목사님 아내가 교회앞에서 말햐보라..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.11

[ 942 ] A New World Order is Emerging by Garris Elkins

번역하는 다니엘입니다,,, 읽어보니,,, 그냥 이분 Garris Elkins 의 시각을 말하는 것이 계시와는 좀 거리가 있어,,, 그냥,, 번역기를 돌려 봤는데,,, 이해하는데,,, 지장이 없어,, 그대로 번역기로 한것을 올립니다,,, 누구든,, 이제,, 다음(daum.net)에 가,,, 번역기를 돌리면,,, 아쉬운 것은 바로 해결할 수 있겠습니다.... 다니엘 주,, =========================================================================================== · Garris Elkins · 4 days A New World Order is Emerging The borders of nations are beginning to shi..

카테고리 없음 2023.11.11