전체 글 6522

Of The USA, Russia and China ( 미국, 러시아, 중국에 관하여.... Mike Tucker )

출 처 : http://www.xsorbit2.com/users/rapturenow/index.cgi?board=Others&action=display&num=1151952302 Of the USA, Russia and China ≪ on: July 3rd, 2006, 12:45pm ≫ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of The USA, Russia and China Mike Tucker (updated) 10-28-05 While arising from sleep a dream and word came to me. I saw several sizeable st..

카테고리 없음 2006.07.17

SHELBY CORBITT'S MESSAGE FOR 2007 ( 2007 년을 향한 " 셀비 코비츠 " 메시지 )

출 처 : http://www.xsorbit2.com/users/rapturenow/index.cgi?board=Others&action=display&num=1152715662 SHELBY CORBITT'S MESSAGE FOR 2007 HI! Having just received a meassage from Jeanne K. regards to this fall and winter tears....I believe that pretty much sums up what we are to expect, and that we will still be here yet for several months. I have finished reading Shelby Corbitts book '..

카테고리 없음 2006.07.17

Weeping to Come this Fall ( 다가오는 이번 가을에 눈물지우며,,,)

출 처 : http://www.xsorbit2.com/users/rapturenow/index.cgi?board= Jeanne_Kruchowski_&action=display&num=1107239646&start=60 Weeping to Come this Fall 다가오는 이번가을에 눈물지우며,,, Jeanne Kruchowski Jul 12 2006 04:44AM Dear All, I believe I heard My Beloved One say that "there will be many tears this Fall, and even more in the Winter". this didn't exactly make my ..

카테고리 없음 2006.07.16