전체 글 6512

이 글은 중요한것 같아서 제가 다시 좀더 정확히 번역하고자 했습니다...

베리칩의 질문에 대한 주남여사님의 답변 번호 : 200 글쓴이 : 엣셀 Peace and all spiritual blessings to you. About the verichip. I am not concerned about it at all because the Bible and the Lord Jesus only mentions about the mark of the beast, number 666. Revelation 13:16-18. I receive e-mail from all over the world and through many American pastors sermons, have never hear..

카테고리 없음 2005.11.28

You're so special.....( 너희는 아주 특별하다.....) By Mary Clark (완성)

You are Special November 23, 2005 You are special to Me, beloved. Let Me tell you just how special you are to Me: I created you to walk in the design of My will ? to fulfill a purpose. I created you to know Me ? to share in the knowledge of My great love and compassion. I created you for this hour, to walk in My truth in such a way that the whole world will see and know that I truly live inside..

카테고리 없음 2005.11.25