2025/01 31

[ 1218 ] A reposting of an older post regarding the time of acceleration

A reposting of an older post regarding the time of acceleration we are now in. We are indeed the Acceleration and the Intensification of the harvest. - Susan 예전 계시물,, 가속도의 시간에 관한,, 지금 우리가 위치하고 있는,, 것을 다시 올립니다. 우리는 정말로 추수의 그 가속물이자 강화물입니다. - 수전“Encounter with the Angel named Acceleration on 6-06-21”The Lord brought me into an encounter on 6-6-21 in Massachusetts, and an angel came that was made of..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.13

[ 1216 ] I felt led to look up some previous words

I felt led to look up some previous words I had posted regarding Canada from my blog today. The Lord has been nudging me to go back and take a look.  나는 오늘 내가 전에 캐나다에 관하여 올렸던 몇몇 이전 말씀을 찾아보고픈 느낌의 인도를 받았습니다. 주님이 살짝 내 옆구리를 찌르며,, 돌아가,, 한번 보라고 해오고 있었습니다.  Previous word #2(이전 말씀 두번째) :  ==========================================================================================="Canada and the Golden Gr..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.11

[ 1215 ] I felt led to look up some previous words I had posted

I felt led to look up some previous words I had posted regarding Canada from my blog today. The Lord has been nudging me to go back and take a look. Even though it was given in 2014, we can see these things unfolding more now..... 나는 오늘 내가 전에 캐나다에 관하여 올렸던 몇몇 이전 말씀을 찾아보고픈 느낌의 인도를 받았습니다. 주님이 살짝 내 옆구리를 찌르며,, 돌아가,, 한번 보라고 해오고 있었습니다. 그게 내가 2014 년에 받은 거 였을찌라도,, 우리는 이러한 것들이 이제 더 펼쳐지는 것을 볼수 있습니다.... - S..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.10

[ 1214 ] (다시올림) While waiting on the Lord in my bed tonight,

While waiting on the Lord in my bed tonight, I was aware of a lot of angelic activity in the Spirit and I proceeded to watch what the angels were doing. I saw angels with swords go and stab certain people in their feet pinning them to the ground, to stop them from going to certain places or to do certain things. This action angered those who were stabbed in their feet as it caused them pain, and..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.09

[ 1213 ] In last nights meeting at SOG, the Lord spoke “Jan 6th” to me while ministering.

속보 :  속보 : 저스틴 트뤼도 캐나다 총리는 자신의 지도력에 대한 불만이 커지면서 월요일 사임을 발표했으며, 재무 장관의 갑작스런 퇴장으로 정부 내에서 혼란이 커지고 있음을 알렸다. In last nights meeting at SOG, the Lord spoke “Jan 6th” to me while ministering. I wondered what the importance of that meant. So this morning this pops up in my news feed: 지난 밤 SOG 교회 모임에서, 주님이 " 1 월 6 일(Jan 6th) " 이라고 내가 말씀을 전하고 있는 중에 말했다. 나는 그 날이 중요하다는 것이 뭘 의미하는지 궁금했다. 그런데 오늘 아침,, 내 뉴스 알림창에..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.07

[ 1212 ] “Message for the Body Prophecy given at SOG on 01-03-25”

“Message for the Body Prophecy given at SOG on 01-03-25”" SOG 교회, 몸된 자들에게 주어진 메세지 예언 2025-1-3 "“Children, you are My Body, and you are also joined to My Head. Do not allow the distractions ahead to cause you to be stressed or in fear but continue in My Rest this year. Continue in My Joy, My Peace, My Grace, for I have caused you to walk in My Pace for your race. You are not to look around and wo..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.06

[ 1211 ] "The Winds of Change are Going to get very Turbulent Now"

"The Winds of Change are Going to get very Turbulent Now" " 변화시키는 바람들이 이제 아주 무섭게 휘몰아 칠 것입니다 "Having more encounters with the Heavenly realm and the prophetic theme of Gods wheels this week. We will share more tonight at SOG in our service. We are all locked into a new sequence of unfolding events in this new era. It's time to focus down and to get seriously ready to be obedient to the Lord's dir..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.05

[ 1209 ] I received a bread machine for Christmas from a dear friend,

I received a bread machine for Christmas from a dear friend, and tonight I made my first loaf! A milestone for me! Thank you Jesus! I smell delicious adventures ahead! 나는 한 귀한 친구로부터 크리스마스에 빵굽는 기계 하나를 받았습니다, 그래서 오늘 밤,, 나는 나의 첫번째 빵을 만들었습니다! 나를 위한 이정표(중요한 시점)!  예수님 감사! 내가 앞쪽에 있는 맛있는 냄내를 맛습니다!

카테고리 없음 2025.01.05