2025/01 31

[ 1237 ] Acceleration time

WHOA! Upper level winds are howling this afternoon from Rochester into New England. The upper jet is racing at 200+ mph around 30,000 feet as the upper level jet lifts northward. If you were to release a balloon that made it up to that height, it'd be over the Atlantic ocean in less than 90 minutes. 우와! 오늘 오후 로체스터에서 뉴잉글랜드로 상층 바람이 울부짖고 있다.,상층부 제트기류가 북쪽으로 밀고 올라올 때 상층부 제트기류는 약 30,000 피트에서 200+ mph로..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.31

[ 1235 ] I'm excited about the future, because I know who wrote it.

I'm excited about the future, because I know who wrote it. God has planned for the maturity of the times. We are written in His plans, and we can fully trust Him in it all. Keep your eyes upon Him! 나는 미래를 두고 흥분됩니다, 왜냐함 내가 알기 때문입니다,,누가 그것을 기록했는지를.  하나님은 때들의 성숙기를 계획해 두셨습니다. 우리는 그 분의 계획속에 기록되어 있습니다, 우리는 그 분을 그 모든 일에서 신뢰할수 있습니다. 당신의 시선을 그분께로 유지하십시오 !- Susan G O'Marra

카테고리 없음 2025.01.31

[ 1234 ] “The Night Watchmen are Being Awakened by Heaven Vision – 01-23-25”

“The Night Watchmen are Being Awakened by Heaven Vision – 01-23-25”" 밤에 서는 보초들이 하늘에 의해 깨어나고 있는 환상 ㅡ 2025-1-23 " In the vision, I saw myself lying on my bed. I saw a man coming from a distance towards my view. He had a burning torch in his hand and was dressed in old period clothing. He got closer to me view and was about to pass by my bed as he was walking, and I asked him, “Where are you going?..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.25

[ 1232 ] Markers of dramatic changes ahead for all 50 states. A deep cleansing process from heaven has begun.

Markers of dramatic changes ahead for all 50 states. A deep cleansing process from heaven has begun.50개 주 모두에 대한 극적인 변화의 표시들. 하늘로부터의 깊은 정화 과정이 시작되었다. ALL 50 STATES: As of January 21st, all 50 states have now seen measurable snowfall this season. Yes, that includes Hawaii where volcanic peaks often experience snow. Having all 50 states involved happens only on occasion, typically reliant on rare ..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.24

[ 1231 ] My personal joyful musings today:

My personal joyful musings today:나의 개인적 즐겁게 하는 명상 오늘: Any nation can change its laws or pass new laws for the better, but if the hearts of the people in that nation don't change for the better, then not a lot will happen. It takes people to make a nation. When we change, our nation will change. 어느 나라나, 그것의 법을 바꾸거나, 혹은 새로운 법으로 더 낳게 통과시킬 순 있습니다, 하지만 만약 그 나라의 사람들 마음들이 더 낳은 것으로 바뀌지 않는다면, 그럼 많은일은 일어나..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.24

[ 1230 ] Remember, Everything has been recalibrated. A new alignment process is underway. Be on the watch!

그것이 시작되었습니다 이제 6개의 별이 하늘에 새로이 정열되었습니다, 2 개월간 지속되는 행성들의 장엄한 정렬이 시작되는.   곧, 그것이 7개 행성 퍼레이드로 바뀔참입니다,, 수성이 그 대열에 합류하므로.  Remember, Everything has been recalibrated. A new alignment process is underway. Be on the watch! 기억하십시오, 모든것이 재 수정되었습니다. 새로운 정렬(맞춤,조정) 과정이 진행중입니다. 깨어 있으십시오!

카테고리 없음 2025.01.23

[ 1229 ] “Praying at the Table of Nations in the Heavenly Prayer Room Encounter – 01-21-25”

“Praying at the Table of Nations in the Heavenly Prayer Room Encounter – 01-21-25” " 하늘(천국) 기도실의 나라(민족)들 테이블에서 기도하기 ㅡ 2025-1-21 " In the early morning, I was caught up into the prayer room in heaven again. As I entered the room, I went over to the right side of the room to sit as I always do. I sat down to pray and as I did, I saw a round table appear in the room. It was dark blue in color. I th..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.22

[ 1228 ] God's Heart and Mind is to be Flowing within Our Hearts and Minds

“God's Heart and Mind is to be Flowing within Our Hearts and Minds” " 하나님의 마음과 정신이 우리의 마음들과 정신들 안쪽에서 흐르고 있는 것 " (Prophecy given at SOG on 01-17-25)(SOG 교회에 주어진 예언  2025-1-17)“Children, I am the one who gives you strength everyday- To walk with Me. To follow Me. To live for Me. To move as I move. I am the fuel that you depend on. My life is your source. Do not struggle each day to find your way. ..

카테고리 없음 2025.01.21