2024/03/11 3

[ 1024 ] “The Field of Sunflowers Growing Up in the Sun Vision” – 03-08-24

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... “The Field of Sunflowers Growing Up in the Sun Vision” – 03-08-24 " 태양속에서 성장하는 해바라기 들판 환상 " ㅡ 2024-3-8 As I laid down to rest last night, I found myself sitting in a field full of huge yellow sunflowers. The sun was rising, and the great multitude of sunflowers faces were all turning towards the sun. I sat and watched the sunflowers f..

카테고리 없음 2024.03.11

[ 1023 ] IN CHAOS, I AM ENOUGH! - By Maria Davis Adkins ·

역시 수전의 페이스 북 타임라인에,, 아래에서 보 듯,, 이틀전에 오른 것입니다.... 수전은 이런것을 잘 올리지 않는데,, 갖다 놓았네요. 다니엘 주. =========================================================================================== Maria Davis Adkins 2d · IN CHAOS, I AM ENOUGH! - 혼돈 가운데도, 나는 모자라지 않는다 - Ecstatic Prophetic Word 황홀게 하는 예언의 말씀 The Holy Spirit came upon me during a time of private worship and prayer on January 6th and spoke the followin..

카테고리 없음 2024.03.11

[ 1022 ] “Righteousness Will Stand in the Gates of the Lands – 03-06-24”

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · “Righteousness Will Stand in the Gates of the Lands – 03-06-24” " 의(로움, 옳음, 바름)가 지면들의 문들안에 설 것이다 ㅡ 2024-3-6 " I’m standing in the kitchen, and I heard the Lord say, 내가 부엌에 서 있는데,, 나는 주님이 말하는 것을 들었습니다, “When righteousness vacates the gate, then darkness takes over the land. When righteousness stands, and ..

카테고리 없음 2024.03.11