2024/02 21

[ 1014 ] " His Healing Grace has been released from Gods face for you to complete your race!" 2-24-24

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · 5 h · " His Healing Grace has been released from Gods face for you to complete your race!" 2-24-24 A fresh healing wind is blowing in the land, across his people that he holds in his hand, to bring to a finish the things that God has planned. A new anointing within you is now going to expand. Watch! A Healing Grace has come from the Lord's face, for you to complete y..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.25

[ 1013 ] Bob Jones and #341.......time for some acceleration! It's time to get in the car.....

동영상 보기 클릭 : Facebook Susan G O'Marra Favourites · 20 h · Bob Jones and #341.......time for some acceleration! It's time to get in the car..... 밥 존스와 #341.......가속할(속도를 낼) 시간이야! 차에 타야 할(탈) 시간이야.... ============================================================================================ Bob Tasca just made history with the first run over 340mph! That’s 341.68mph in a Nitro Funny Car - incredib..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.24


Bob Blase7 h  ·  AN ANGEL’S “TREATISE OF THINGS TO COME” 한 천사의 " 오는 것(일)들의 논설 " (Some of you have asked if I would share the angel’s entire message. Here it is. My apologies, as it is quite lengthy.) (당신들 중의 몇몇이 물었습니다,, 내가 그 천사의 전체 메시지를 보여줄 수 있는지를. 여기있습니다. 내가 용서를 구할 것은,, 그게 꽤나 길다는 것입니다.) This is the record of the message from an angel of the Lord, whom God sent. The angel’s stated purpose was to..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.18

[ 1010 ] “The Saints, the Crown of Light, and the Flags of the Nations – 02-15-24”

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... Susan G O'Marra 1d Favourites · · “The Saints, the Crown of Light, and the Flags of the Nations – 02-15-24” " 성도들, 빛의 면류관(왕관), 그리고 나라들의 깃발 ㅡ 2024-2-15 " I saw the hand of the Lord suddenly drew many believers up into the heavens. When we were all gathered there together, we were all assembled standing in a line, or a long row. I then ..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.18

[ 1009 ] The truth is shining to all who will receive it. Its time to get up out of the ditches By Susan G O'Marra

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · The truth is shining to all who will receive it. Its time to get up out of the ditches of the enemy's making to keep you in your circumstances, and to fully walk in the light. Ladders are being extended to those who will reach up by faith and take the Lords offer of His way out. Its time to get into His Ships to move with Him into the new. 진리(참)가 그것을 받을려는 모든자들에게 비취..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.17

[ 1008 ] "It's Time to Close Up the Breeches" By Susan G O'Marra

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... "It's Time to Close Up the Breaches" " 갈라진 틈들을 메꿀(막을) 시간이다 " Yesterday, Feb 13th, the Lord spoke very clear the following statement: 어제, 2월 13 일, 주님이 아주 분명하게 다음의 말을 선언했습니다 : "It's time to close up the breaches." " 갈라진 곳들을 메꿀(막을) 시간이다. " There are open breaches in the spirit in every level of mankind. There are open borders in the Spir..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.16

[ 1007 ] I had a vision late at night of a serpent with three heads called,,, By Todd Bentley

Todd Bentley 3 days ago · I had a vision late at night of a serpent with three heads called sorcery, witchcraft and divination. 나는 밤 늦게 환상 하나를 보았는데,, 뱀 한마리가 3 개의 머리를 가졌는데,, 이름이 신내림, 마법, 점이었습니다. I walked into my prayer room today called Upper Room and saw this Eagle gift statue the late seer prophet Bob Jones gave me of a snake eating eagle. 나는 오늘 다락방이라고 불리는 내 기도실로 들어갔고,, 이 독수리 상,, 죽은 선견자 밥 존스가 내..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.16

[ 1006 ] “Encounter in the Many Fields of Jesus and the Field of Eggs – 02-11-24”

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · “Encounter in the Many Fields of Jesus and the Field of Eggs – 02-11-24” " 예수님 소유의 많은 들판들과,, 계란들이 있는 들판과의 만남 ㅡ 2024-2-11 " Jesus and I were walking together in a country setting, and we came to a vast area that had many different fields planted in it. I looked and I saw fields of barley, fields of wheat, fields of corn, and many other fields of other plants that I ..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.14

[ 1005 ] The Field of Barley and the Overcomers Encounter - 02-09-24

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · The Field of Barley and the Overcomers Encounter - 02-09-24 보리 들판과 이긴자(극복한자)의 만남 - 2024-2-9 I had a very vivid encounter last night in which I was standing in a vast green field of ripe barley and I was smiling and waving my hands over the tops of the ripe grains. (I will leave the longer understanding for a post later.) The Ruth's shall come to their fields and in..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.14