2024/02 21

[ 1004 ] St Irenaeus (b.140AD) knew nothing of DNA in the late 100AD's but By Ian נן Johnson

Ian נן Johnson ·4days ago St Irenaeus (b.140AD) knew nothing of DNA in the late 100AD's but He knew of the power of the the blood of Christ to transform our mortality into immortality. He openly declared that the blood of Christ makes us incorruptible and compared the actions of Christ a reversal of the actions of Adam - draw this out to its logical conclusion Adam in his creation initially was ..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.13

[ 1003 ] “The White Ship, the Waves, and the Ladders to Save- Vision 02-09-24”

출         처        :        https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...   “The White Ship, the Waves, and the Ladders to Save- Vision 02-09-24” " 하얀 배. 파도들과 구원하는 사다리들 - 환상 2024-2-9 "During the worship at SOG tonight, I was caught up into a vision. 오늘 밤 SOG 교회에서 예배 도중에, 나는 환상속으로 끌어 올려졌습니다.I saw the great white sailing ship which represents Gods Spirit of Truth and Power that is moving..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.13

[ 1002 ] I heard, “The Winds of Glory are moving,"

23h  ·  2/8 I heard, “The Winds of Glory are moving," and I heard the words, “CORRIDOR and CHANNEL." I saw corridors in the Heavenlies, passageways where Faith is the very Substance of the Air, where the Mighty Wind of the Holy Spirit is drawing you through these Holy Hallways and Channels through Open Doors into Rooms full of Light and Zoe Life. 2/8 일 나는 들었습니다, " 영광의 바람들이 이동하고 있다,"  그리고 다음의 말을 ..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.10

[ 1000 ] “The Black Dragon and the Two Stolen Rings of Purity and Intimacy - 02-05-24”

“The Black Dragon and the Two Stolen Rings of Purity and Intimacy - 02-05-24” " 검은 용과 두개의 도둑맞은 반지, 정결함과 친밀함의 (반지) - 2024-2-5 " Jesus appeared by my bed and said, “Come with Me.” Immediately, I was standing next to Him and He took me by the hand, and we walked right into another realm together. Jesus had a lantern in His hand, and it was dark where we were. Jesus said, “Keep your hand in My hand ..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.07

[ 999 ] Prophetic word about the EAGLE mantle! By Todd Bentley

Todd Bentley Yesterday at 09:07 Prophetic word about the EAGLE mantle! 독수리 겉 옷에 관한 예언적 말씀 ! You are about to see (EAGLES) in places you usually do not see them.” 당신들은 곧 당신들이 흔히들 그것(독수리)들을 보지 못하는 곳들에서 곧 볼 것입니다." Back in October, 2023 of this last year I had several prophetic encounters in which I was taken into the heavens, and I saw in a open vision a large Eagles nest that was so large I knew i..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.07

[ 998 ] I had a great experience with Lord this afternoon at 3:44 pm. By Todd Bentley

Todd Bentley 2d · I had a great experience with Lord this afternoon at 3:44 pm. 나는 오늘 오후 3:44 분에 주님과의 대단한 경험을 했습니다. After my trance like experience in my man cave study with the Lord, I spent some time praying for some understanding about what I experienced. 나의 주님을 연구하는 굴속에서의 비몽사몽 경험 후, 나는 내가 경험한 것에 대해 이해를 위해 얼마간 기도를 했습니다. I suddenly found myself worshiping, and I could see in revelation 5:1) Th..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.06


Jubal Johnson 20h SOME INSIGHTS REGARDING 2024 ~ IAN JOHNSON 2024 년과 관련 몇가지 통찰 ~ 이안 존선 The enemy is attacking the Sons of the Kingdom, expecting them to be asleep and in disunity. The attack will provoke the Sons to rally against a common enemy. 2024 & 2025 will be turbulent, and we will be at war with the enemy of the souls of men. Churches, ministries and organisations that have allowed enemy ..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.02

[ 996 ] Holy Spirit recently invited me to take a peek,,, By Virginia Sullivent Killingsworth

Virginia Sullivent Killingsworth 14 h · Holy Spirit recently invited me to take a peek at some of the plans of evil earth-kings and to laugh at them with Him. Of course, I said yes. We read about these plans in Psalm 2: 성령이 최근 나를 초대하여 악한 땅의 왕들의 계획들 몇몇을 몰래 엿보게 하곤 그 분과 더불어 그들을 두고 비웃게 했습니다. 당연히, 나는 응했습니다. 우리는 이러한 계획들에 대해 시편 2 편에서 읽습니다 : Why do the nations rage, And the people plot a vain thing? The..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.02

[ 995 ] “The Golden Feet of the Saints in United Prayer for the Nations – 01-31-24” By Susan O'Marra

“The Golden Feet of the Saints in United Prayer for the Nations – 01-31-24” " 나라들을 위한 합심{하나된)된 기도속 성도들의 황금발들 - 2024-1-31 " Patrick and I were at our church tonight just seeking the Lord’s face for our nation tonight. As we were walking around praying, I felt led to sit on the stage. I sat on the stage, and I looked down and was praying and suddenly in the vision, I saw bare feet walking in praye..

카테고리 없음 2024.02.02