2024/05/12 3

[ 1053 ] “Transcript of Prophecy and Visitation from the Archangel Michael given at SOG on 05-10-24”

출          처        :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...“Transcript of Prophecy and Visitation from the Archangel Michael given at SOG on 05-10-24”" 대 천사 미가엘이 SOG 교회에 주신 예언과 방문 원고 2024-5-10 "(Livestream Time(생방송 중의: 1:22:30 to 1:28:33)(Note: There are gaps in the livestream due to the geomagnetic storms going on tonight in the atmosphere)(참고 :  샹방송 중 끊김이 오늘 밤 대기중 ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.12

[ 1052 ] Rochester's Auroras

https://www.facebook.com/susanthebrave?__cft__[0]=AZWJS-1PjyA1_N51fCLVu7jj0ID4vomAvlqobLs4VYvNFiYf_kkxAf5ASHVrutvet0r3WNYTBCILXwB9tQy2wtclgPwew7sFT-KGeSH5PN5Q6KSgmtLzfe9GQKv2rZzlgkx9dj4-lGbesD1zFiQLJXbC9dSxzldXWLlYlamn_mH-yhUM4ZmgUsbUELMY8NH69K7v6pYgfBMXQGp6gCu7fjKk8HSnMYvjmPLpPvPjLmSynkLPjwoc0g4sIRK7LWc2YQw&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R 로그인 또는 가입하여 보기Facebook에서 게시물, 사진 등을 확인하세요.www.facebook.com Rochester's ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.12

[ 1051 ] I just had an interesting vivid dream

Susan G O'MarraFavourites  · 13h  ·  I just had an interesting vivid dream where Mindanao was in the news about becoming an official State in the Philippines. All the newscasters were discussing its Statehood. Very vivid and I watched the event and listened to their commentary. I don’t know why the Lord gave me this dream. Don’t know what it means. Interesting……… Susan 05-11-24 내가 방금 아주 흥미로운 생생한..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.12