2024/06 19

[ 1079 ] We are in a new season and we must depend on each other in unity for vision, clarity and direction. God is reading his wisdom By Todd Bentley ·

Todd Bentley A day ago · We are in a new season and we must depend on each other in unity for vision, clarity and direction. God is reading his wisdom and anointing the Eagles eye to see with heavenly perspective. The gathering of the eagles is regathering and taking flight. 우리는 새로운 시즌(계절)에 있고, 우리는 봄(이해), 명료함, 방향를 위해 하나가 되어 서로를 의지하지 않음 안됩니다. 하나님이 그 분의 지혜를 읽어주며 그 독수리들에게 기름을 부어,, 하늘의 조망(시각)으로 보는 눈..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

[ 1078 ] In my dream just now, the Lord spoke :

아래에서 보는 바,,, 수전의 타임라인에서 화면 캡쳐 하는 것인데,,,  방금 막 내 꿈속에서, 주님이 말했습니다 : 송백(잣나무)의  솔방울(잣)을 잘 봐라.송백의 솔방울(잣)을 잘 봐라. 그것들이 나를 대신해 말할 것이다." 그때 나는 깨어났습니다. 2024-6-24  ( 아래는 같은 송백,소나무과인데,,, 솔방울과 다른 잣입니다,, 다니엘이 인터넷에서 캪쳐 한것을 가져 옮)

카테고리 없음 2024.06.26

[ 1077 ] “Entering Into the Deeper Places in Christ within the Garden of Your Hearts” 06-23-24

출          처            :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... I typed up the transcript of the opening vision of the garden from Fridays service:금요일 예배 시작부분에서 나온 동산(정원) 환상 원고를 타자쳐 올림 :“Entering Into the Deeper Places in Christ within the Garden of Your Hearts” 06-23-24 " 그리스도의 사람된 당신 마음의 동산(정원) 안쪽으로 더 깊숙히 들어가기 " 2024-6-23(The opening vision transcribed from the liv..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.25

[ 1076 ] “I am going the flip the Scripts of man that are not part of My plans”

출             처             :              https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... God is gonna flip some stuff, don't get rattled, get saddled! LOL하나님은 어떤것을 뒤집을 것입니다, 당황하지 마십시오, 올라 앉으십시오! 하하하.Susan G O'Marra is at The Salvation Of God Church.Favourites  ·   · East Rochester, NY, United States  ·   “I am going the flip the Scripts of man that are not part of My plans” " 내가 인간의 대본..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.22

[ 1075 ] “Living within Christ’s Sufficiency Everyday.”

출         처           :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...   “Living within Christ’s Sufficiency Everyday.” " 그리스도의 충분함(Sufficiency:능력) 안에서 매일을 살기. "We are all learning to live within His perfect Rest, which actually abides deep within us. Let Him show you His internal and external peace. He is the wisdom and the balance in our lives, no matter what season or circ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.21

[ 1074 ] I got a gift today on Father’s Day! A big heavy gold key ring with three big keys! New Doors and Higher Floors!

Susan G O'Marra is at The Salvation Of God Church.Favourites  · 17 June at 12:38  · East Rochester, NY, United States  ·   I got a gift today on Father’s Day! A big heavy gold key ring with three big keys! New Doors and Higher Floors! 나는 오늘 아버지 날에 선물하나를 받았습니다! 하나로 된 크다란 묵직한 금색열쇠고리로서,, 3개의 열쇠가 끼워져 있습니다! 새로운 문들, 새로운 바닥을 들어서게 하는.

카테고리 없음 2024.06.19

[ 1073 ] "The Glorious Forge and His Radiant Golden People - 06-16-24"

출            처          :         https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...   "The Glorious Forge and His Radiant Golden People - 06-16-24" " 영광스런 철강소(대장간) 노와 그 분빛을 방사하는 황금 백성 - 2024-6-16 "Today while I was standing in my kitchen, I saw in the Spirit a great forge burning. It was round in shape, and it was burning hot in the center of the forge, and then I saw a long arm and hand r..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.18

[ 1072 ] “The Isaiah 35 and His Emerging Tiers of Leadership Prophecy given at SOG on 06-15-24”

출            처           :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... “The Isaiah 35 and His Emerging Tiers of Leadership Prophecy given at SOG on 06-15-24” " SOG 교회에서 받은 이사야 35 장과 그 분의 떠오르는 지도부 계층들 예언 2024-6-15 " The Lord led us to read from Isaiah 35:3-10.주님이 우리에게 이사야 35장 3-10절을 읽도록 하셨습니다. 3 Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and tottering knees. 4 Say t..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.17

[ 1071 ] You have to put your head down,,,, By Darren Canning Ministries

Darren Canning Ministries1day ago You have to put your head down and focus on the lane that God has put you in. There will always be lots of great things happening in the body of Christ but that does not mean you have to be a part of it all. You need to pray and ask the Lord what he wants you to do, and then when you discover what that is, do it with all your heart. 당신은 당신의 머리를 아래로 하고,, 하나님이 당신을..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.17