2024/06 19

[ 1069 ] Last nights show By Montanus Photography

Last nights show지난 밤의 번개 쇼 Montanus Photography  · Incredible lightning last night over Lake Ontario. Flashes were going off along the entire horizon. I captured very few bolts, but it was still awesome to just sit back and watch the light show. 지난 밤의 온타리오 호수위의 놀라운 번개.   번개광선이 온 지평선위로 치고 있었습니다. 내가 내 번개광선 아주 극 소수를 캡쳐 했는데, 하지만 그건  ,, 그냥 기댄체 그 번개 쇼를 지켜봤는데,, 정말 놀라웠습니다.

카테고리 없음 2024.06.17

[ 1066 ] “Prophecy of the Many Flowing Fountains given at SOG on 06-07-24”

출            처           :             https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... Painting painted by Joe Garcia. “Prophecy of the Many Flowing Fountains given at SOG on 06-07-24” " SOG 교회에 주어진 많은 흘러가는 샘들(분수) 예언 2024-6-7 "“Children, I have called you from the North, the South, the East, and the West. I have called you to drink directly from My breast. I’m calling you to come and to ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.10

[ 1065 ] “The Voice of the Lord Flowing as Flags over the Nations Vision – June 6th, 2024”

출          처           :          https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...  “The Voice of the Lord Flowing as Flags over the Nations Vision – June 6th, 2024” " 국기들(깃발)처럼 민족들 위쪽으로 흩날리고 있는 주님의 목소리 환상 - 2024,6,6 "As I was standing in my kitchen, I saw many angels waving flags of nations like a stream in the Spirit realm. They were going by me so swiftly by that I couldn’t lock onto o..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.09

[ 1064 ] “The Burning Bush Harvest Invitation is Being Given – 06-03-24”

출            처       :          https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...“The Burning Bush Harvest Invitation is Being Given – 06-03-24” " 불타는 덤불의 추수 초대가 주어지고 있다 - 2024-06-03 "Before the Sunday night service at SOG, I was lying on the platform just waiting on the Lord in His Presence. I then saw a great massive burning bush appear in the Spirit realm. Inside the flames I saw the Lo..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.09

[ 1063 ] “The High-Ranking Angels and the War Horses and the Trances Prophecy - May 31st, 2024”

출            처            :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...“The High-Ranking Angels and the War Horses and the Trances Prophecy - May 31st, 2024” " 높은 계급의 천사들과 전쟁말(군마)들 그 신들린(비몽사몽) 상태의 예언 - 2024-5-31 "(Transcript taken from the end of the meeting at SOG.)(SOG 교회 모임 끝에 나온 발췌원고)“There are so many high-ranking angels in the earth right now. I just see them in the ..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.08

[ 1062 ] “The Get Ready Prophecy and the 3 angels with the Lord visiting His People right now- May 26th, 2024”

출        처        :          https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...Susan G O'Marra is at The Salvation Of God Church.Favourites  · 1 June at 02:51  · East Rochester, NY, United States  ·  “The Get Ready Prophecy and the 3 angels with the Lord visiting His People right now- May 26th, 2024”(Transcribed from the Livestream at SOG)  " 준비하는 환상과 지금 그 분의 백성을 방문하고 있는 주님과 함께한 3 명의 천사- 20..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.07