2024/06/17 4

[ 1072 ] “The Isaiah 35 and His Emerging Tiers of Leadership Prophecy given at SOG on 06-15-24”

출            처           :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... “The Isaiah 35 and His Emerging Tiers of Leadership Prophecy given at SOG on 06-15-24” " SOG 교회에서 받은 이사야 35 장과 그 분의 떠오르는 지도부 계층들 예언 2024-6-15 " The Lord led us to read from Isaiah 35:3-10.주님이 우리에게 이사야 35장 3-10절을 읽도록 하셨습니다. 3 Strengthen the weak hands and make firm the feeble and tottering knees. 4 Say t..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.17

[ 1071 ] You have to put your head down,,,, By Darren Canning Ministries

Darren Canning Ministries1day ago You have to put your head down and focus on the lane that God has put you in. There will always be lots of great things happening in the body of Christ but that does not mean you have to be a part of it all. You need to pray and ask the Lord what he wants you to do, and then when you discover what that is, do it with all your heart. 당신은 당신의 머리를 아래로 하고,, 하나님이 당신을..

카테고리 없음 2024.06.17

[ 1069 ] Last nights show By Montanus Photography

Last nights show지난 밤의 번개 쇼 Montanus Photography  · Incredible lightning last night over Lake Ontario. Flashes were going off along the entire horizon. I captured very few bolts, but it was still awesome to just sit back and watch the light show. 지난 밤의 온타리오 호수위의 놀라운 번개.   번개광선이 온 지평선위로 치고 있었습니다. 내가 내 번개광선 아주 극 소수를 캡쳐 했는데, 하지만 그건  ,, 그냥 기댄체 그 번개 쇼를 지켜봤는데,, 정말 놀라웠습니다.

카테고리 없음 2024.06.17