2024/05 14

[ 1061 ] Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins By Veronika West

Veronika West24 May at 22:03  · …Gold Keys; Healing Leaves and Gold Coins; Seeds that Decree A thing and It Shall be Eastablished; A Great Harvest,..Healing….and Restoration of the Nations"..; https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/seeds-that-decree-a.../ ... 황금 열쇠 : 치료하는 잎사귀와 금화 ; 한 일을 포고하는 씨들과 그 일이 정령 설 것임; 한 대 추수,.. 치유... 나라(민족)들의 복원(복구,회복)" .. ;  https://www.hiskingdomprophecy.com/seeds-that-dec..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.27

[ 1060 ] “The Rise of The Jehu’s: Warriors of God and Eunuchs of Righteousness"..

Veronika West25 May at 21:12    “The Rise of The Jehu’s: Warriors of God and Eunuchs of Righteousness".. 예후의 떠오름(일으남)  : 하나님의 전사들과 의(로움)의 내시(환관)들 ". …I hear the Spirit Say…”Listen!..For the Sound of the Galloping of Horses Hooves will be heard…and the Sound of Barking Blood Hounds will go forth to herald the Rise of The Jehu’s…for the Madmen are Coming,…carried on Chariots of Fire and Pure Gold…..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.27

[ 1059 ] “Christ our Inheritance Prophecy given at SOG on May 24, 2024”

출             처            :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...  “Christ our Inheritance Prophecy given at SOG on May 24, 2024” " 그리스도 우리의 상속분(이어받은것) 예언,  SOG 교회에서, 2024, 5,24일에 주신 것"(Transcript taken from the audio before the meeting with scriptures inserted)(모임전 오디오 녹취이후,, 성경구절 삽입)Opening(개회기도):“We are hungry Lord. We are thirsty, and we draw near, and we breath..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.27

[ 1058 ] “The Grand Symphony of Praise Staircase 05-18-24”

출         처         :          https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...  “The Grand Symphony of Praise Staircase 05-18-24”" 찬양의 대 화음(심포니) 계단 통로 2024-5-18 "As I laid on my bed, I saw a new scene I never saw before, it was a Grand Staircase that ascended higher and higher that looked like massive piano keys or some kind of musical flooring in the steps. 내가 내 침대에 누웠을때,, 나는 한 새로운 장면을 ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.19

[ 1056 ] "The Invitation to Come Up Here" 05-17-24

출        처           :          https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...   Susan G O'MarraFavourites  ·   ·  "The Invitation to Come Up Here" 05-17-24 " 이리로 올라오라는 초청(부르심) " 2024-5-17 During the worship tonight at SOG, I saw many white ladders dropping down all over the land, and many angels were coming down and they went to many places, and I saw some were ringing doorbells of hom..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.19

[ 1055 ] “The Bus and the Wrecking Yard of Discarded Hopes and Dreams Encounter – 05-14-24”

출             처          :        https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...  Susan G O'MarraFavourites  ·   ·  “The Bus and the Wrecking Yard of Discarded Hopes and Dreams Encounter – 05-14-24” " 버스와 폐기된(버려진) 소망과 꿈들의 야적장(폐차장) 환상 ㅡ 2024-5-14 "  As I was laying on my bed early this morning, I saw this rickety old bus pull up to my bed in the Spirit. It was made of light, but it was a..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.16

[ 1054 ] The rising tide of Revival prophecy! By Todd Bentley

Todd Bentley  7h ago·  The rising tide of Revival prophecy!솟아오르는 부흥(되살아남) 물결 예언!Position yourselves for a DOWNPOUR of the HOLY SPIRIT. As I was traveling to preach in New York last week, I heard the Holy Spirit whisper to me that when it rains it POURS. 당신자신을 한 성령의 솟아부어짐의 자리에 위치 시키십시오.  내가 지난 주,,  복음 전도차 뉴욕을 여행하고 있었을때,,나는 성령이 내게 다음과 같이 속삭이는 것을 들었습니다,, 비가 내릴때면 완전히 쏟아진다. This got my attention and ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.16

[ 1053 ] “Transcript of Prophecy and Visitation from the Archangel Michael given at SOG on 05-10-24”

출          처        :            https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/...“Transcript of Prophecy and Visitation from the Archangel Michael given at SOG on 05-10-24”" 대 천사 미가엘이 SOG 교회에 주신 예언과 방문 원고 2024-5-10 "(Livestream Time(생방송 중의: 1:22:30 to 1:28:33)(Note: There are gaps in the livestream due to the geomagnetic storms going on tonight in the atmosphere)(참고 :  샹방송 중 끊김이 오늘 밤 대기중 ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.12

[ 1052 ] Rochester's Auroras

https://www.facebook.com/susanthebrave?__cft__[0]=AZWJS-1PjyA1_N51fCLVu7jj0ID4vomAvlqobLs4VYvNFiYf_kkxAf5ASHVrutvet0r3WNYTBCILXwB9tQy2wtclgPwew7sFT-KGeSH5PN5Q6KSgmtLzfe9GQKv2rZzlgkx9dj4-lGbesD1zFiQLJXbC9dSxzldXWLlYlamn_mH-yhUM4ZmgUsbUELMY8NH69K7v6pYgfBMXQGp6gCu7fjKk8HSnMYvjmPLpPvPjLmSynkLPjwoc0g4sIRK7LWc2YQw&__tn__=-UC%2CP-R 로그인 또는 가입하여 보기Facebook에서 게시물, 사진 등을 확인하세요.www.facebook.com Rochester's ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.12