2024/05 14

[ 1051 ] I just had an interesting vivid dream

Susan G O'MarraFavourites  · 13h  ·  I just had an interesting vivid dream where Mindanao was in the news about becoming an official State in the Philippines. All the newscasters were discussing its Statehood. Very vivid and I watched the event and listened to their commentary. I don’t know why the Lord gave me this dream. Don’t know what it means. Interesting……… Susan 05-11-24 내가 방금 아주 흥미로운 생생한..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.12

[ 1050 ] The Firey Cloud of the Father's Presence Vision - 04-27-24

출          처        :        https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... The Firey Cloud of the Father's Presence Vision - 04-27-24 아버지 임재(함)의 불꽃 구름 환상 - 2024-04 - 27I had a vision of the fiery cloud of the Fathers Presence which was suspended above all of the people in a large meeting room, and it was spreading rapidly everywhere. The fire flashed and crackled as it grew. 나는 환상 하나를 ..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.10

[ 1059 ] The Eagles Nests Visions and Prophecy given at the School of Eagles at SOG on 05-02-24

Susan G O'Marra is with Patrick Omarra and Favourites  · 9m  ·  The Eagles Nests Visions and Prophecy given at the School of Eagles at SOG on 05-02-24 SOG 교회의 독수리 학교에 주어진 독수리 둥지 환상들과 예언 2024-5-2In February, I saw Gabriel come and he was dressed in red. He has what looked like a mist following behind him, and within that mist were multitudes of young eagles. He was bringing an announcement of the..

카테고리 없음 2024.05.08