2023/12 24

[ 964 ] Urgency: Stop Wasting Time.. By Micah Turnbo

Micah Turnbo 11 h · Urgency: Stop Wasting Time.. 긴급 : 시간 낭비하길 중지하십시오 .. Yesterday morning, I was transported to a wild river flowing before me. As I watched this river rise, I felt a sense of urgency. The rough waters flowing would not stop for anyone. As I prayed while overlooking this river, an angel stood measuring the river on the other side. 어제 아침, 내가 내 앞쪽으로 한 아주 거친 강이 흐르고 있는 곳으로 운반되어져 갔습니다..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.19

[ 963 ] “The River of Life and the Golden Bags of Marbles”12-17-23

Susan G O'Marra is at The Salvation Of God Church. Favourites · · East Rochester, NY, United States · “The River of Life and the Golden Bags of Marbles”12-17-23 " 생명강과 구슬들이 담긴 황금 자루들 " 2023-12-17 During the worship tonight at SOG, I was caught up by the River of Life. I saw many angels sitting by the river with golden bags and they were taking things out of the bags and were tossing them into th..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.19

[ 962 ] Well something got activated when I posted the older pics of some of our creations,

https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2061183787582269&set=pcb.2061183874248927&__cft__[0]=AZURPRxZa0tRON3j_iU0UHuncQPZiTCjKqKqSnZkSYkhoxDDTR9rC2eCSiwbs0uw5r3T0QecxhBxFOl6obG1T4qqSIJP9HlRgjBxHRCAyQAca4KiV70qC4CiW3HQOxjPwrjgHBa_mUq1yuPqkUwYWiytHgDEil0r0cA0jjL2UPj3rjg8_Ydh7E6Km55N2RUgF3k&__tn__=*bH-R Facebook www.facebook.com Susan G O'Marra is in Penfield, NY, United States. Favourites · · Well so..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.18

[ 961 ] So while I’m messing around with some old pictures

역시 수전의 페이스 북 타임라인에,, 어제 날짜로 오른 계시물입니다,,,, 다니엘 주. ======================================================================================= 출 처 : Facebook Susan G O'Marra is at The Salvation Of God Church. Favourites · · East Rochester, NY, United States · So while I’m messing around with some old pictures, here are some more unusual creations and things we took photos of over the years. We have li..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.18

[ 960 ] “The Vast Valley of the Pearls of the Lord’s Provision– 12-13-23”

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 “The Vast Valley of the Pearls of the Lord’s Provision– 12-13-23” " 주님이 공급하는 방대한 규모의 진주들 골짜기 ㅡ 2023-12-13 " I was lying upon my bed late tonight and I was caught up into heaven again, into a vast green grassy hillside. The air was fresh, and it was so green and bright, and I felt so much joy being here. Jacob and I were standing on the hillside taking in the view aro..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.14

[ 959 ] WHEN THE HEAVENS OPEN! By Jubal Johnson

역시 수전의 타임라인에 하루전에 오른 메시지 입니다... 다니엘 주,, ============================================================================================ Jubal Johnson 1d· WHEN THE HEAVENS OPEN! 하늘(들)이 열릴때 ! The Radiance of His Glory. - When the Heavens opened to me, the atmosphere of Heaven was thick with intense purity in the air. Many spiritual beings surrounded me. 그 분 영광의 광체. - 하늘들이 내게 열렸을때,, 그 하늘(영) 대기는 그 공기(공..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.10

[ 958 ] Supernatural Prophetic increase in this Season.

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · Supernatural Prophetic increase in this Season. Increase of Wisdom, Revelation, Council and Understanding in this Hannukah Season which starts tonight. Father bring the increase of Light until everything is bright, give your people new sight! 이 계절의 초자연적인 예언의 증가. 지혜, 계시, 조언, 회의(의회,위원회), 이해(총명)의 증가가 이 하누카(빛의 축제) 계절,, 오늘 밤 시작되는,, 시기에 있습니다. 아버지가 모든것이 밝아져서 당신의 백성들에게 새로운..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.09

[ 956 ] Ezekiel - A Watchman Anointing - Chris Bennett

이거,, 수전의 타임라인에서 가져온 것인데,,, 가만히 보니,,,, 유발 존선(Jubal Johnson) 타임라인에 올랐던 것을 수전이 가져왔군요,,, 그런데,,, 이 유발존선도 자신이 받은 것이 아니군요,,, ' Chris Bennett ' 이란 분이 반은것인 듯,,,, 다니엘주. ============================================================================================ Ezekiel - A Watchman Anointing - Chris Bennett Jubal Johnson 2 d · Ezekiel - A Watchman Anointing - Chris Bennett 에스겔 - 파수꾼(경비원,보초) 기름부음 - 크리스 베넷 ..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.08