2023/12 24

[ 955 ] By The power of the Atom -Ian Johnson(Ian יוחנן Johnson)

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · Yesterday at 10:48 · Ian יוחנן Johnson Yesterday at 10:39 · The power of the Atom -Ian Johnson 원자의 힘 - 이안 존선 Power at an atomic level is not the power of the Atom as a unit, but the constant interplay between Proton, Electron, and Neutron in unity within itself. 원자 수준의 힘이란, 실재하는 한개의 원자힘이 아니라, 대신 광자, 전자, 중성자사이의 그 자체 안에서 하나되어 서로간에 끊임없는 상호작용입니다. The Atom is one with thr..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.06

[ 953 ] “The Release of the Wave of Mantles from Heaven- Encounter – 12-01-23”

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... “The Release of the Wave of Mantles from Heaven- Encounter – 12-01-23” 하늘로부터의 겉옷(망토)들의 풀어짐 - 환상 ㅡ 2023-12-1 " I am sitting on the beach again with Jesus in the vision. Jesus said, “Watch Sue, I want to show you something important for My People.” Jesus then pointed to the water, and I looked to see what He was pointing at. The waves c..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.04

[ 952 ] “Message Notes: Encounter within the Chambers of Gods Living Breath” – 11-24-23

Saturday, December 2, 2023 (2023,12,2,토) “Message Notes(메시지 노트): Encounter within the Chambers of Gods Living Breath” – 11-24-23 In case anyone is interested in my outline notes that I preached from for last nights meeting: Link to the video message: https://www.youtube.com/live/Q0QU-yvUOi4?si=dPHDgmAcpe9fZEAU 누구든,, 지난 밤 모임에서 내가 전한 것의 전체 요약노트에 관심이 있으면,,, 위 링크 유튜브 동영상 참조 “Encounter within the Cha..

카테고리 없음 2023.12.03