2024/09 20

[ 1139 ] "The Lord is Applying Higher Fire to Transform His People's Hearts and

"The Lord is Applying Higher Fire to Transform His People's Hearts and Minds" 09-11-24 " 주님이 더 세게 타는 불을 그 분의 백성 마음들과 정신들을 변화시켜놓기 위해 붙이(적용시키)고 있습니다 " 2024-9-11I shared a post on 09-06-24 regarding the Fire going to be Fanning Higher, and the theme from the Lord has been expanding even more. Through a series of dreams and encounters I've had the past 5 days, the Lord has been showing me His desire..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.13

[ 1138 ] As I closed my eyes to pray, By Tammy Lang Jensen

As I closed my eyes to pray, I saw : Nine Angels for September - Tammy Lang Jensen 내가 기도하려 눈을 감았을때,,나는 보았습니다 : 9 월달을 위한 9명의 천사를 ㅡ 타미 랑 젠선I heard the Lord say this.. They are bringing the oil, they are bringing scrolls for my prophets to eat!” (consume, manna). They have been strategically released to territories and are blazing a path wherever they go. Are they not called my messengers of fire. ..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.11

[ 1137 ] VISION WORD By Theresa Phillips

환상의 말씀I was awakened at 5:30 this Am. 나는 오늘 아침 5:30 분에 깨어났습니다. I had a vision and it was powerful!I saw the 2nd heaven and it was ON FIRE Horrific flames everywhere. In the flames were clashing of weapons.You could hear them beating against each other. The cry of war was abundant.I kept looking into the flames. In could feel the heat.It was quite intense. Then coming from above the flames from t..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.11

[ 1136 ] “The Watchman’s Call is Being Ignited by the Hand of the Lord” - 09-06-24

“The Watchman’s Call is Being Ignited by the Hand of the Lord” - 09-06-24 " 파수꾼의 호출(부름)이 주님의 손에 의해 개시 되었다 " - 2024-9-6During worship at church, I saw a vision of a heavenly watchman with an old-time outfit on and he was holding an old watchman's lantern, and he entered the sanctuary of the church. I knew instantly that the Lord wants to ignite the watchman’s call to the church at large, and also..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.09

[ 1134 ] “The Room of the Fire of God’s Love and the Mending of the Torn Heart” – 09-06-24

“The Room of the Fire of God’s Love and the Mending of the Torn Heart” – 09-06-24" 하나님 사랑의 방과 그 찢어진 마음의 꿰맴 " ㅡ 2024-9-6 As I was just resting in the Lords Presence at church on Friday night before the service, I saw a vision of a vast room full of dancing flames burning everywhere. I saw a torn heart suspended in the middle of the flames. I saw the dancing flames begin to move towards the heart,..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.09

[ 1133 ] The Eagle and Lion nature of God is emerging again. By Todd Bentley

The Eagle and Lion nature of God is emerging again. 독수리이자 사자와 같은 하나님 성품(본성)이 다시금 떠 오르고 있습니다.In the prophetic ministry we talk about the EAGLE, we need seers, discerners and intercessors. We must continue to receive the strategic blueprints and plans of heaven. 예언 사역 가운데서 우리는 독수리를 말합니다, 우리는 선견자들과 분별자들, 중보자들이 필요합니다. 우리는 계속해서 하늘의 전략적 청사진들과 계획들을 받아들이지 않음 안됩니다.I have had several dreams about the Eagl..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.02

[ 1132 ] We had a powerful 4 hours of prayer today.

In The Image Of His Glory Ministries4h  ·  We had a powerful 4 hours of prayer today. Be encouraged, God will have His way and His say! He knows that He is doing, and all we have to do, is to continue to walk with Him! 우리는 오늘 강력한 4시간의 기도시간을 가졌습니다. 용기를 가지십시오, 하나님이 그 분의 길과 그 분의 하고픈 말을 할 것입니다! 그 분은 그 분이 하고있는 일을 아십니다, 우리가 해야할 전부는 계속해서 그 분과 같이하여 걷는 것입니다 !

카테고리 없음 2024.09.01

[ 1131-1 ] 하나님의 아들들의 나타남과 관련하여,,,,

오늘(2024,9,1일) 다시한번 더 올립니다,, 무슨 말인고 하니,,, 어제 수전의 페이스 북 타임라인에,, 오른 이 글이 제가 꽤 오래전(2017,9,22일짜) 날자 타자에 오류가 있었으인지,, 약간 혼돈이 오기 때문입니다,,그기 아래쪽에 1973 년도가 나오기 때문입니다. 아마 그때도 이게 뭔가 확실치 않았던지,, " 1973 년도 같습니다..." 라고 지적을 했는데,, 이제,, 지금 현재 2024,9,1 일 현재,,, 우리는 이제 나타나는  " 하나님의 아들들 "의 실체가 명확해지고 있기 때문입니다,, 하나님의 아들들의 나타남과 관련 많은 메시지들이 있었습니다,, 대표적으로,,, 2000 년 전 사도바울이 로마서에서 지적했던,,, " 만물(all things)이 나타나길 고대하는 것을 바로 하나님..

카테고리 없음 2024.09.01