2024/11 22

[ 1188 ] “Jesus and the Valley of the Sheepfold Encounter” – 11-25-24

“Jesus and the Valley of the Sheepfold Encounter” – 11-25-24" 예수님과 양의 우리 계곡 만남 " ㅡ 2024-11-25 I laid down to rest, and suddenly I found myself again sitting upon the green hills of the Lord’s pastures in heaven. I was sitting in the sunshine looking down at the valley which I have come to love below me, and it was full of His beloved sheep grazing peacefully. I sighed and smiled for I love comin..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.28

[ 1187 ] “The Kaleidoscope of Butterflies in the Harvest Fields of the Lord Vision” – 11-24-24

“The Kaleidoscope of Butterflies in the Harvest Fields of the Lord Vision” – 11-24-24" 주님 추수 들판들의 변화무쌍한 나비들 환상 " ㅡ 2024-11-24 I was waiting upon the Lord before church tonight, and I was caught up into the harvest field vision in heaven. The sun was shining, the golden wheat standing ready, and there was a holy hush as if everything was suspended in my consciousness. I watched and suddenly I fel..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.26

[ 1186 ] “Anchoring our Faith Solely in Him”

“Anchoring our Faith Solely in Him”" 오로지 우리의 믿음을 그분에게만 닻을 내리고서"Our faith is placed solely in the One who made us, and in Him who lives within us! We belong to Him! He is just getting started! Our generation is going to know that He is! He shall have His complete way! Anchor yourselves fully in Him today! We are witnesses of His Glory and we will tell His story! 우리의 믿음은 오로지 우리를 만드신 자에게, 우리 안쪽에 사시..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.26

[ 1185 ] “Another Dimension of Prayer will Expand Everywhere” – 11-22-24

“Another Dimension of Prayer will Expand Everywhere” – 11-22-24" 어디서나,, 또 다른 차원의 기도가 확대될 것이다 " ㅡ 2024-11-22 I saw fire everywhere in the spirit realm in the church tonight as I waited before the Lord. Fiery angels were standing all around me within Holy fire. They were joining us here in our times of prayer. I heard them say: 나는 오늘 밤,,, 영의 영역 모든 곳에,,, 불을 보았습니다,, 내가 주님 앞에서 기다릴 때에, 불의 천사들이 내 온 둘레로..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.23

[ 1184 ] The Golden Chain Links of the Remnant Body of Christ and the Higher Purposes of God – 11-17-24

The Golden Chain Links of the Remnant Body of Christ and the Higher Purposes of God – 11-17-24그리스도의 남은 몸과 하나님의 더 높은 목적의 황금 사슬 링크(연결) ㅡ 2024-11-17(A Transcript of the Prophecies given from Fridays livestream included[2024-11-15 일 금요일 생방송에서 나온 예언 원고포함])During the worship on Friday night, I saw many separate large golden chain links floating around in the Glory atmosphere. They were all separated a..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.20


긴급 !      …AN URGENT PROPHETIC SUBMISSION; A WAR RAGING OVER THE OVAL AND OATH OF OFFICE…!! …So yesterday (12/11/24….11/12/24)…; I was praying in my wee Prayer Hut…when suddenly I was taken into an open vision,…where I saw President Trump standing on the Presidential Podium…and he was about to put his Right hand upon the Bible to take the Oath of Office,… .... 그렇게 어제(2024/11/12....2024/11/12).....

카테고리 없음 2024.11.17

[ 1181 ] “The Line of the Prophets Meeting and the Prophecy given at SOG – 11-03-24”

“The Line of the Prophets Meeting and the Prophecy given at SOG – 11-03-24”" SOG 교회에서의 선지자 노선의 모임과 그 예언 ㅡ 2024-11-3 " (Transcript of the audio recording from the Livestream of Sunday night’s Meeting : 일요일 밤 모임의  생방송 오디오 녹음 원본에서)“You are not as the generations of old, but you are a generation of what is yet to be told. For I have purged you in the fires, and I have fanned them even higher, and th..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.16

[ 1180 ] “COME, WALK WITH ME” By Bob Blase"

“COME, WALK WITH ME”" 와서, 나와함께 걸어 " “That which we have seen and heard we declare to you, that you also may have fellowship with us; and truly our fellowship is with the Father and with His Son Jesus Christ. And these things we write to you that your joy may be full.” 1 Jn. 1:3-4. " 우리가 보았고, 들었던 것을, 우리가 너희에게 선포한다, 그래서 너희 또한 우리와 사귐이 있도록 ; 진정으로 우리의 사귐은 아버지와 그의 아들 예수 그리스도와 관계한 것이다. 그리고 이러한 것들,, 우리가..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.16

[ 1179 ] “The Come up Very High Prophecy - 11-08-24”

“The Come up Very High Prophecy - 11-08-24” " 그 아주 높이 올라오라는 예언 - 2024-11-8 "(Transcript from the audio of the Friday night livestream, and the prophecy from the late-night prayer time)(금요일밤 생방송 음향 녹음 원고, 그리고 그 늦은 밤 기도시간에 나온 예언)Susan shares her vision from the worship time:수전이 예배시간에 나온 그녀의 환상을 공유합니다 :From the very beginning of worship, I really began to cry out to the Lord. Lord, we are not here ..

카테고리 없음 2024.11.12