2024/04 26


Susan G O'MarraFavourites  ·   ·  Eagles, its time to gather again! 독수리들, 다시 모일 시간입니다! Gerri Saiz  4d·  A WORD FOR MY EAGLES - WE ARE IN THE TURNING OF THE TIDE by NATE JOHNSTON 내 독수리들을 향한 말씀 - 우리는 조류가 바뀌는 시점에 있읍니다 By 네잍 존스턴(NATE JOHNSTON) (The Lord gave me this word a week before we had our first gathering in Colorado Springs on March 31st 2024)( 주님이 내게 이 말씀을 한 주 전에 주셨는데,, 우리가 우리 첫 번째 모임을 2024,..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.21

[ 1047 ] The Angel Name Adar and the Burnt World Map 04-15-24

Susan G O'Marra is in Penfield, NY, United States. Favourites · · The Angel Name Adar and the Burnt World Map 04-15-24 아다르란 이름의 천사와 불탄 세상 지도 2024-4-15 I was resting this morning in my room, and an angel named Adar came instead of Jacob my angel who usually was with me. Jacob was on another assignment so Adar was watching over me in my room. He spoke some personal messages to me and then He point..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.20

[ 1046 ] “The Angel and the Message of God’s Intervention to His People 04-15-24”

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... Susan G O'Marra is in Penfield, NY, United States. Favourites · · “The Angel and the Message of God’s Intervention to His People 04-15-24” " 그 천사와 하나님의 그 분 백성된이에게의 개입의 메시지 2024-4-15 " I was sitting in my chair, and I felt the presence of this angel, and I could see him through my spirit, and he seemed to be very narrow to me in shape ..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.20

[ 1045 ] While I was in service today, we were in a time of prophesying and intercession over Israel and the nations By Madeline James

Jubal Johnson · While I was in service today, we were in a time of prophesying and intercession over Israel and the nations. I went into a vision and I saw the King of Glory seated on His white horse. He was waiting in the clouds for the timing of His coming. I heard the Spirit of God say, don’t be distracted by the wars, famines, the shakings, and the things to come. For these are the days and ..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.20

[ 1044 ] Interesting, last night Pat and I were just talking about our School of Eagles event

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · Interesting, last night Pat and I were just talking about our School of Eagles event that we just finished in our living room and out of my mouth came, "The Harness of the Lord." I said, "That was published by Bill Britton." The Lord then said, "look it up." So I went online, and there it was! I remembered this word from a long time ago. So I am going to share it w..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.20

[ 1042 ] "A Clear Graphic Sign today at the School of the Eagles on 04-13-24"

Susan G O'Marra is at The Salvation Of God Church. Favourites · · East Rochester, NY, United States · "A Clear Graphic Sign today at the School of the Eagles on 04-13-24" " 한 분명한 생생한 징조, 오늘 2024 - 4 -13 일의 독수리 학교에서의 " As I got to the church around noon today, April 13th, to prepare for the first session of the school, I went to the malls bathroom in the corridor by the elevator and I was shocked..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.19

[ 1041 ] Its Time For You To Rise To A New Life! - 04-10-24

출 처 : https://intheimageofhisgloryministries.blogspot.com/... Its Time For You To Rise To A New Life! - 04-10-24 당신이 새로운 생명으로 일어날 시간입니다! 2024-4-10 The Lord spoke these very words to me last week, and I spoke them on the livestream on Sunday for you to hear. 주님이 지난 주 바로 이런말을 하였습니다, 그리고 난 그것을 당신들이 일요일 듣도록 라이브(생방송)에서 말했습니다. He said it was His will for all of His People to rise up across the lands a..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.11

[ 1040 ] This picture has NO filters whatsoever By Kerah Riel ·

Susan G O'Marra Favourites · · I love signs that touch our lives....... Kerah Riel 1d· This picture has NO filters whatsoever, no light effects at all, and I am a graphics designer, but this picture is ALL natural. Let me explain, the light shines through our front door’s window every morning because it has a particular shading paper on it so that people can’t see in. HOWEVER, it’s never done it..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.09

[ 1039 ] “The Future is already written, and we shall reveal it as we go!”

Susan G O'Marra is in Penfield, NY, United States. Favourites · · “The Future is already written, and we shall reveal it as we go!” " 미래는 이미 기록되어 있습니다, 우리는 그것을 우리가 나가면서 드러낼 것입니다 ! " No matter what comes in the coming days, months and years, remember that the Lord has already been there ahead of us, and that He wrote the end from the beginning. God is just getting started in the harvest fields of..

카테고리 없음 2024.04.09